Heel OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Volume XXVI. No. 1 CHAPEL HILL, N. C, SATURDAY, SEPT. 15, 1917 Price, Five Cent THE UNIVERSITY FORMALLY INTRODUCES NEW MILITARY TRAINING The i MM, REPRESENTATIVE MEN PICTURECOLLEGE LIFE TALKS BY LEADERS INTRODUCE UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES TO NEWCOMERS FACULTY RECEPTION IN GYM Social Opening Planned by the Y. M C. A. Voted a Brilliant Success Gymnasium Decorated ; for the Occasion The University projectoscope cranked lrv the Y. M. C. A. ; reel ed off before the new men the ac tivities of the University Thurs day night at .College Night. The business of the campus was vividly pictured and the scenes of the coming nine months were, shown in David Griffith style. The chapel was filled when Bob de Rossette began his demonstra tion of intensive training in col lege yelling. The new men quick ly caught, the swing vand were soon splitting Carolina with a rel ish. , Jimmie Howell effectively led the singing "and "Hark the Sound" rang clear and true. W. M. York was the first speak er. He declared that studies were the things for which the Univer sity was founded and that they were the main objects of all men here.. "The motto 'Don't let studies interfere with your college life' should be replaced by 'Don't let the minor details of college life interfere with your highest ambi tion.'" : ; Hennas Stephenson presented the literary enterprises and told of the work and purpose of the Yacket Yack, the Magazine, and the Tar Heel. He also tlaked of the Glee 'Club, 'the Dramatic Club, and the Minstrel, promising some surprises for this year. "Buzz" Tennent spoke on the athletic phase of college life and urged every man to go out and see what he coud do. He warned the men not to be discouraged if they failed to make the team at first, for he said the secret of Carolina's success lay in the fact that scrubs were pounded into real varsity ma terial. Wm. Steele spoke for the Y. M. C. A. and declared that its influ ences for good were many and va ried. Its work from group Bible study to Rural Sunday School work was attractively presented. Albert Coates speaking on Citi zenship explained the honor sys tem and said that the real success of the system depended on the rank and file on the campus. He said the Student Council was not a body of prying spies but the. means of expressing student sen timent. President Graham in a witty and pleasant talk spoke on the "And", of "The Student and the University." He said that the University4,was the organism of all good things which a mna might want. A reception in honor of the new nieh was given by the Y. M. C. A. at the gym after the meeting. The gym was attractively decorated in (Continued on Page 2) Successful Carolina Men at Training Camps t r When the first gun from the Land of Freedom sends its first valentine, to the Boche, the Stars and Stripes will wave over many Carolina men acting as officers in the new national army. Carolina traditions have been nobly upheld by all her students and alumni Whether they went as officers or men of the line. Tributes to the patriotism of college men have come from all quarters, and all join in praise of the Old North State and its schools and colleges for the part they have played in giving of their' youth and man hood. In the Northern camps Bob House and C. S. Harris have been successful. Coach Campbell is now a captain. Bill Folger, whose historic and sacred football shoes were purchased by a freshman, will also lead a company. Fully two hundred Carolina men re ceived commissions. Carolina is represented in all branches of the army by hundreds of -former students. One-tenth of the men at the first Oglethorpe camp were from Carolina and most of these received commissions. A partial list follows : R. P, Mc Clanirock, Harry Grimsley,- Hal Ingram, Charlie Coggin, Graham Ramsay, Avon Bine, McDaniel Lewis, Vaughan Hawkins, R. E. Parker, II. B. Cowell, Prof. (Continued on Page 2) All Athletics Except Varsity Football The Committee on Athletics met on September 4 with Dr. Lawson and Dr. Mangum, Mr. Woollen and by invitation, Albert Coates, president of the Athletic Association, present. The mili tary situation has made it neces sary to cancel our football sched ule for this fall, but it was de cided that the following branches of athletics be continued to such an extent as possible : Freshman football,; basketball, track, tennis, freshman and 'Varsity baseball, gym team, and class contests. Mr. Peacock will be in charge of bas ketball, and Mr. Hearn,. of base ball, Dr. Kent Brown will be coach of the track team as hereto fore. All letter men also will probably act as assistant coaches. It was also decided that the regu lar athletic fee be collected in or der to carry out the work of the Athletic Association. A vast change has come over our athletics since last year. The time necessary for military train ing has made it impossible for inter-collegiate football to be car ried on, and so our team wil not have a' chance to repeat last year's most successful season.' Practi cally the whole student body, however, has registered for the course in military science. This will mean that everybody gets the benefit of thorough, systematic training, which all feel to be the best thing possible for the average student. . BINGHAM BEQUEST IS ACKNOWLEDGED PRESIDENT GRAHAM IN AD DRESS PRAISES GENEROSITY OF DONOR THE UNIVERSITY AND THE WAR Faculty and Student Body Respond ,, to Country's Call Plans for This Year Completed by Faculty and. Council "A noble, benefaction, splendid ly conceived and executed in a manner worthy of the generous hearted, patriotic : woman who gave if, of the great State for whose use it was devised, of the institution through which its wide benefits are to be forever derived, and of the splendid family in whose name it is given." . President Graham in these words reported to the executive committee of the University Trus tees at their regular August meet ing, the recent bequest of Mrs. Robert W. Bingham, (Mary Lily Kenan, of Wilmington, N. C.) . "The money is left," continued the President's report, "for the purpose of strengthening the fa culty, through establishing a num ber of Kenan Professorships. Its main and ultimate object, in the language of the win, is 'in the in terest of the education of the youth' of North Carolina.'" . "Mrs. Bingham's thought was essentially patriotic. She was a loyal and devoted daughter of the State, and since childhood has been deeply interested'' in- the Univer sity. ",. If " "Her method of , ear.ryilg'Vmt her great thought "of publie-service is the wisest possible ir.a'' democratic state; To strengthen public institutions, so that the ex. tent and quality of their service may give to the youth of the State that equality of opportunity that equality of preparation and inspir ation assures. 1 . "With equal insight, Mrs. Bingham saw that the strength of an educational institution in ren dering service of distinction de pends absolutely on the strength of its faculty. That is the heart of the whole matter. "To carry out effectively her greet idea of giving to the youth of the State the instruction of as gifted a body of teachers as possi ble, and to the State itself a per manent group of scholars and stu dents of State life, Mrs. Bingham realized that a sum of money must be set aside commensurate with the size and importance of the pro ject. No plan of public service could be larger in concept and pur pose. "The Kenans have taken an ac tive part in the University history since the first. James Kenan was one of its earliest Trustees. The men whose names it commemor ates are men who have long been loved and honored in North Caro lina : William R. Kenan, James G. Kenan, and Thomas S. Kenan, all are graduates of the Univer sity. ' Thomas S. and William R. (Continued on Page 5) Ten Full Days Enjoyed at Blue Ridge Conference Carolina's delegation to Blue Ridge last, June -reports a most delightful ;, ten days.- . Weimar Jones, Peter Wunsch, Raymond Maxwell, Henry Stevens, and Francis Bradshaw were our rep resentatives. They were joined at Blue Ridge by Hbke Ramseur, '09. Before the end of the con ference, Jimmie Howell dropped in for a day and added his yodel to the melodies of the dining room medley. The whole ten days' were cram med full of activity. During the morning, each man in the delega tion did intensive work in some of the courses given, choosing those which would fit him for his work in the-Y. M. C A. this year. The afternoons were taken up with competitive athletics, swimming, and mountain climbing ; the nights with other classes, delega tion meetings, and general social intercourse. The Carolina bunch was rather short on athletic material. In baseball, notwithstanding the he roic efforts of "twirler" Maxwell, we were put out of the running on the first lap by the Webb School team, which eventually won the, championship. ..Basketball was not entered. In tennis we defeat ed the University of Tennessee in doubles and singles, and were de feated in both by the Mississippi A. & M. Stevens and Bradshaw played the doubles, ' Stevens the singles. Especial enthusiasm over the so cial life is evidenced by the entire delegation. A marshmallow roast ground the fireplace of the Caro 1 in a cottage with .. the University of Virginia men as guests, another roast around a big bonfire on the hillside before Lee Hall with the Martha Washington girls as hos tesses, and a Martha Washington "At Home" one afternoon, stand out in the story of , the great ten days.' : The backbone of this period of recreation and training was con tributed by speakers like Robert (Continued on Page 6) Dr. Bullett Commends Military Training That those students who have enrolled for Military Training are in for an excellent experience and development is the opinion of Dr. Bullitt, who has been active in the work of installing the new mil itary system. Everyone ...must bo a private at the start he says, but there is a good chance of promo tion for the diligent, since later many of the students must fill the positions of officers. Mr. Allen, the Canadian officer who is to have charge of the mili tary course, is to take up his post officially the first of October but is expected to arrive even earlier. The presence of a man who has seen two and a half years of ac tive service on the western front will be a stimulus and inspiration to the Carolina men. LIEUTENANT LEONARD STARTS ORGANIZATION FORMS SQUADS FOR DRILL AND APPOINTS PROVISIONAL OFFICERS , CAPTAIN ALLEN NOW ON HILL Faculty and Student ; Officers Start Work of Whipping Large Body of Men Into Shape During the school year 1917-18 the University will have military training. Ever since war was de clared Carolina has been living up to her old traditions in furnishing men in all branches of service, and the course in military science gives the men who are not yet called a chance to become well prepared for any emergency. The training is arranged as a course of five hours credit toward graduation in the academic de partment. The real work is to consist of twelve hours, six in the mornings and six in the after noons. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings there will be lectures on various phases of the work from 8.00 to 8.50 o'clock. At the same hour on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morn ings the regular drill will be con ducted. In the afternoon on Mon days, Wednesdays, and Fridays there will bet he regular drill-of one hour, while on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons the drill will last for an hour and a half. There will be no regular drill on Satur day afternoons. All . drill in the afternoons will begin at 4:00. These are merelv tentative ar rangement's, and are subject to change. Laboratory periods now begin at 2 :00 and last until 4 :00 o'clock, dinner hour is changed from 1:30 to 1:20 o'clock, and the whole schedule of classes has been 'altered to meet these condi tions. Captain Allen, a Canadian offi cer who has seen active service in France and has been wounded twice, is to be in command of the men here. Over first with the MacGill "University contingent at the outbreak of the war and, after service with the Royal Fusiliers, he was transferred to the famous Princess Pat's regiment of infan try. Lieutenant Leonard has also been secured here. He is a gradu ate of Harvard, has attended two training camps at Plattsburg, for several years he has been an in structor in the Harvard military branch at Harvard, and he knows his business thoroughly. Mr. Whitfield, an old Carolina man, '15,, is also here to assist in the in struction. He also has attended Plattsburg training camp. The proper suits required for the drill may be purchased at the Y. M. C. A. book exchange. The cost of a suit is between 9 and 10 dollars. (This does not include the shoes). The course does not secure one a commission upon its successful termination, but it will be an immense aid to anyone who may have to go into service soon. (Continued on Page 6) . )