li ini VI OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Volume XXVI. No. 15 CHAPEL HILL, N. C, SATURDAY, DEC. 22, 1917 Price, Five Cents DR. MIMS SHOWS VALUE TAR HEELS DEFEAT DUR HAM IN THEIR OWNCAMP OF NATIONAL LITERATURE GROWTH AND USES OF LITER. ATURE OF MANY PEOPLES .TRACED BY LECTURER TEACHERS ARE TRUE PATRIOTS "What do all the efforts on the part of teachers of literature mean in the life of a nation and in the life of an individual?" asked Dr. , Edwin Mims, of Vanderbilt Uni versity, in a public lecture in Ger rard Hall Monday night. Dr. Mims, at one time a mem ber of the English department here, has been conducting a series of seminar lectures on American literature before students major ing in English and candidates for honors in that department, during the past week. His lecture Mon day night was the only one open to the public. 1 Taking as his subject "Litera ture in the Service of the Nation," Dr. Mims, in a forceful and mas terful presentation traced the growth and development of liter aturefrom the Grecian Homer on down to the modern men of let ters, clearly showing how the his tory, ideals, thoughts and expres sions of a people are allprcserved in the literature of a nation. In introducing the speaker, Dr, Greenlaw spoke of the English Seminar Courses which were in troduced for the first time last year for the benefit of students majoring in English, courses not only instructive and interesting; but "courses which develop the spirit of American idealism." "Be sides being one of the most notori ous men in this great State, Dr. Mims is now a member of the faculty of the University,' because of the fact that he is conducting these courses," Dr. Greenlaw said. At the very outset Dr. Mims em phasized the importance of liter ature in the healthy and normal life of. a nation. "Many people have wrongly felt that books have little place in the world of serious and thoughtful men such as we have today," he said. "In the be ginning of any great people there comes sooner or later, a, great writer who fixes their language." The speaker pointed out Homer and Dante as typical examples of such writers. Referring to the work of the French- Academy in conserving and preserving the French lan guage, Dr. Mims said that ho na tion has taken more serious thought about its medium of ex pression. They have regarded language from the standpoint of national honor. The speaker next eulogized the works of Shakespeare "Many other writers may have contribute I ed to the English language, but somehow it became fixed as a media of expression in Shakes peare and the Bible," he declared. Dr. Minis told how the holy spot of Jerusalem has been made fixed in the imaginations of all people by great writers, poets, and prophets, how the glory of great Greece was pictured by the drama tists and lyric poets of Athens, and how the. beauty and glory of Paris was interpreted in the literature (Continued on Page 4) ! """"T "T" . - - -r- - - . .- . - - , ,. , . , , , . - . , . 4 J ' ' ! : v-t - Jmwviuwjiw Sir;:: ; .- -.... vfr"..'' . tT:.- , j k LIEUT. THOMPSON LECTURES ON "PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT" The lecture of Lieut, (or Lef te nant) George P. Thomson in Ger rard Hall Friday evening on "The Principles of Flight" will long be remembered here, not only because it was highly, interesting, but also because it was unusually instruc tive. No doubt some of the fu ture avaitors in our student body will thank Lieut. Thomson in their hearts for something he may have told them last Friday. After an intoduction by Dr. Patterson, who had visited in Lieut. Thomson's home, the speaker began by de scribing the structure of a typical aeroplane, illustrating his points with slides. A biplane with an eleven cylinder rotary engine was taken as a type. The body of the machine is made of canvas stretch ed on wood, and the planes are of the same material. The weight of the machine is in the body, Lieut. Thomson said, where the engine, pilot, gunner, and machine guns ai'e situated. Steel wires help the planes to support the weight of the body. The machine which Lieut. Thomson described was equipped (Continued on Page 4) Range Finder Makes First Show on Campus ; , ? rhe Ranjre Finder deserves the hearty support of the University. It is a publication edited and financed by the members of an English class which is, taken as a unit, only a representative Caro lina class. Hut it is rather signi ficant that a class should under take' such an enterprize. There is evident in the Range Finder, a genuine expression of the college man's viewpoint of war and militarv training. It rvurna fho oft PO'P mfln 3 lntfl 'nffi- . to it, for literature after all is but -a transcript of life; is but a criticism of it. In the Range Finder are both. i Fifteen debaters are entering the debate preliminaries in the Troy High School for places on the team in the state-wide debate. J. M. Gwyun, John Terry, Cal vert Toy, and W. R. Wunsch have been initiated into Omega Delta. tation of the1 life around him. j that the proposed law would de TU ia r.alK, a lltcarv whistrJ the individual freedom of a . y -.towd, IU, N. C. BATTALLION, MILITARY INSTRUCTORS, BAND, DRUM CORPS, AND SIGNAL CORPS STANDING AT ATTENTION FIRST INTRA-COLLEGE DEBATE A BIG SUCCESS NEGATIVE SIDE GAINS VICTORY AND 50 DOLLARS ON COM PULSORY ARBITRATION EATON AND BAGGETT WINNERS The Intra-College Debate held in Gerrard Hall at eight o'clock last Saturday evening marked the inauguration of an entirely new system in thed ebating life of the University. The query for the de bate was: ."Resolved, That Con gress should pass a1, law requiring Compulsory Arbitration of all disputes arising between employ ers and employees where the great er part of the "business in which they are engaged is inter-state commerce:" W. M. York presid ed over the debate and A. M. Coates served as Secretary. The committee of Judges consisted of Dr. M. H. Stacy, Prof. II. II. Williams, and Dr. C. L. Raper. The College band , was out in good "spirits" and contributed largely toward making (he contest the biggest debating, event of several years. Forrest Miles, in opening the ! debate, clearly defined the terms of the query and laid the founda- tl0n for tIie Affirmative argu- ment.. He contended that in view j? i. i . i. t 1 1 p i Ul J'c nuiuons ana me ian- ure of present remedies to cope adequately with these conditions, Government, to perform its first function, owes to Capital, Labor, and Society, a more effective remedy. . J. V. Baggett speaking first for the Negative, contended that Compulsory Arbitration is not the correct solution of the problem be cause it is not perfectly sound in theory. His leading' argument, i i." n t: i, contract. . R. B. Gwynn, second speaker for the Affirmative, continued the affirmative argument in showing that Compulsroy Arbitration is the remedy that should bo adopted be cause it would bring about the de sired results. He contended that the- proposed law is sound in theory because it is right in prin ciple and just in. its application; that it would work when applied. J. C. Eaton, speaking last for (Continued on Page 4) AMERICAN LITERATURE IS STUDIED IN SEMINAR The significance of American Literature , in the thought and ideals of our country was inter preted by Dr. Edwin -Mims of Vanderbilt University in five lectures- ending Wednesday after noon before the Seminar in Ameri can Literature.', About thirty juniors; and seniors, majoring in the division .of languages and lit eratures, were registered frir the course,' . Dr. Mims at the start of his lec tures warned his pupils not to be contented with mere words.. The idea, said he, that lies deeper than the rhetorical phrase is the thing that we must seize upon and hold to. We must have imagination: we must be able to visualiz? a mountain or a brook or a great thought and to make it live before us in vivid colors. -'In the opening lecture Dr. Minis invited his hearers to accompany him on a voyage of exploration. We must have, said he, such a dis tinct mental picture of the literary map of our country that we may know what every section stands (Continued on Page 4) Seniors Assemble in Last Full Class Smoker With an undertow of seriousness sweeping strong in a deluge of scintillating wit, the Senior class met in extra, war session Monday night for the last smoker of the year. The gathering was primari ly in honor of those of the class who leave the first of the year to enter the various branches of the service and an atmosphere of war pervaded the meeting. Co-eds knitting industriously and nibbl ing ice-cream cones between strokes added a realistic war touch. Dr. Edwin Mims of Vanderbilt who is conducting an English Seminar here was introduced by President Y.ork as a man who still had the Tar Heel .'spirit. Dr. Minis said that he was glad to say he did still have the Carolina spirit and that the pleasant years here always expressed themselves to him in a line of Browning, "Gone are they but I have them in my heart." He urged the men to stay in college until their government sent for them and said that it may (Continued on Page 2) 'Y" BOYS DIDN'T WIN: N. C. HIT HER STRIDE IN SECOND HALF, SCORE 44 TO 24 FIRST HALF ENDS IN A TIE The Carolina basketball team journeyed over to the metropolis of Durham last Saturday night . and came back with one more scalp fl in their war bonnet, said scalp be ing wrenched from the Durham "Y's" by the tune of 44 to 24 af- ter their resistance had been broken down by superior' maiioeiiV'ering;' The same team 'that'tok T)vdL ham's measure ' iii so' "decisif e' ' a manner the recpedirig 'Ttiesduy: night again started the 'game 'tot Carolina. But things ' !1-yere';'iiot' going exactly rightai;'' least''' nb'tl in the first Half. ' At the 'ferfd''f' the first half of the game the 'sc'r' stood 15 to 15." 'At titfS ftrribt'urU Dr. Peacock "tdolf cha rg?; :'of ( tne ship and ejected into the 'rrien 'a compound comminly ' 'kriowrij 'as Pepo-plcnti. ' Its' effect ' was." iii-, stantaneous.' ';-r : v1, ' . Starting back with' k 'tusIi ihe second half ) Carolina ' -shewed' !lier old form and "piled up ,")oin aftpr point, with the result that she'puJ ed down her second! victory from the Durhamites. Carmichaelj sub stituting for Perry, .played 'a! kVa r game at forward, caging -the ball five times during the half hoUvarf in. Lynch played his usiial'steady game. For Durham,sMafigiim'!pur up the best game. The' garo -was characterized' bv" niimerousbfoiilsi on the part of lxth teams, and 'by continued arguing from the Yl 'M. C. A. i-y ... This was the team's' lasfr'gaine before the holidays. ; ! ;f -.i;''' Tho line up and scoring follow: Carolina "'. lfyufhdm' Lynch ...... . . . '. "Manum i: f.. r';,r . :'t'.l '(!'V rerry ........ Carmichiiel r. f. , ,1 ;t r Liipfert ...... . . '. . (. . . lkji0i . .. i . .... t . Stevens ' 1. T. Tennent, Capt. ...... . Starlin Goals from the field, ,Lync!i ','; Perry 1, Carmichacl 5,iipfert 2,' Tennent 3, Cuthbertson 1,. Man1 gum 3, Clay 2, Stevens 1, ' ' , Goals from foul, Lyhclr"-' l,'' Mangum 12: "" ', v Refer :to. l'ona. Chapel Hill Globe- Trotters Professor Collier Cobb and Messrs. .Teff Bynuni and J. 'E. Montgomery leave on a geological hike next Thursday which takes' thern down as far as Santiago, Cuba just a mere jaunt.' The party is to visit the iron mines of the Spanish-American Mining Co. as the guest of De Bermere Whit akcr, an alumnus of the Univer sity ;-' J ' The trip will cover a period of two weeks, including the time of travel. Their route takes them via Xew York on the way out, tut bj way. of Jacksonville, Florida, on the return juorney. ' " i'i ft