4 The tar OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Volume XXVI. No. 16 CHAPEL HILL, N. C, SATURDAY, JAN. 12, 1917 Price, Five Cents N.C. CLUB HEARS RURAL SCHOOL PROBLEM TALK STATE OFFICIAL ABLY SHOWS WHY COUNTY SUPERVISION IS BELOW STANDARD CITY CONDITIONS MUCH BETTER County Supervisors Need Assistants 81.4 of School Population is Rural County Spends 2 'ic, City 14c Out of Every Dollar for Schools That the country child in North Carolina is far from enjoying equality of opportunity with the city child in having his work ade quately directed and supervised was clearly shown by L. C. Brog den, of Raleigh, State Supervisor of rural schools, in a discussion before the regular fortnightly meeting of the North Carolina Club Monday night. : Mr. Brogden emphasized the fact that the administrative duties of the county superintendent have so increased within recent years, thus giving him less time to visit his schools, that he is barely even able to approach real supervision of the rural schools. Considering the fact that of the total school population of the State the rural school population con stitutes 81.4 per cent, the speaker declared that it is the quantity and quality of work they receive - that is going to determine in a large measure the degree of effi ciency attained by this State in its material, intellectual, and moral life. Taking seven representative counties in North Carolina as a basis of comparison of rural and city school supervision, Mr. Brog den showed : (1) That each of the seven "county superintendents has ' on the average about twice the number of white teachers to direct and supervise :as his city school associate; (2) that each county superintendent has on the average 59 per cent less of his teachers college graduates and 75 per cent more of them teaching their first term , than has the city school superintendent; (3) that each county school superintendent has a rural school term 33 pei cent less than that of the jcity school superintendent ; and (4) that the average area of the coun ty superintendent's districts is 571 square miles, while that of the city school superintendent's dis trict is only seven square miles. "Yet, notwithstanding the above facts," the State Supervisor as serted, "not one of the seven county superintendents has a su pervisor to supplement his work." : Mr. Brogden further called at tention to the fact that while the county is spending less than two and one-half cents out of each dol lar of its total school fund for the direction and supervision of its country children, each of the seven cities is, on the average spending 14 cents out of each dollar for its city children. Mr. Brogden outlined the work of the rural school supervisors, who are devoting practically their entire time to supervising and di recting the work through the seven grades of the elementary schools. Their chief work is to increase the efficiency of the teachers already (Continued on Page 2) Attractive Base Ball Schedule Under Way University of Virginia, Easter Monday ; Washington and Lee, Tuesday; University of Pennsyl vania, .Wednesday; Princeton, Thursday ; University of City of New York, Friday, and Columbia University on Saturday is part of the baseball schedule for this spring which Manager G. Hold ing has in the making. Manager Holding says that he is having great difficulty in securing games on account of the unusual condi tions this year, but hopes to com plete a representative schedule this spring. Asked as to the possibility of arranging the northern trip as it was planned, Manager Holding said that it was doubtful although he was going to exert every effort to arrange games with the big northern universities. If the de sired games can be secured a Uni versity of NortA Carol jna team will be seen in action for two con secutive days in New York City. Manager Holding says that he is now negotiating with some of the state colleges and near-by southern universities, with . which he hopes to fill in some good games. At a meeting of the Junior Class Thursday afternoon the Commencement Marshalls for 1918 were elected. N. G. Good ing was elected , chief; Rainey Cuthbertson, Jim Ficklen, T. P. Brinn, P. O. Jarvis, Walter Feim ster, Jeff Bynum . and Luther Hodges were elected assistants. The coming basketball game with Guilford College will be played at Greensboro. J. E. Massey, a Freshman at Carolina last year, has arrived in France. He has been in the ser vice but a short time. LIEUT. S. WHITING, '14 DIES ON NEW YEARS DAY It was with a feeling of keen regret that Carolina alumni and students who knew him, learned of the death of Lieut. Seymore W. Whiting, '14, on New Years Day at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Lieut. Whiting had left New York where he was successfully engaged in a law-book writing firm and entered the second Oglethorpe camp, re ceiving his commission in Decem ber. He was later sent to Doug las, Arizona, to train men of the National Army, and here it was that he contracted pneumonia which brought on his death. Whole ( in college Whiting had a part in practically every move ment and activity on the campus. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the varsity track team, Golden Fleece, Sigma Chi, and editor-in-chief of the 1914 Yack- ety-Yack, which is commonly ad mitted to be one of the best ever issued. "Original, versatile, capable, he was characterized by the abil ity to think straight on a subject." And this probably is why his sen ior biographer accounted him the broadest man in the class. EPIDEMIC WARNING BY INFIRMARY PHYSICIAN DUTY OF STUDENT WHO HAS COLD TO REPORT AND PRE VENT SPREAD OF MEASLES CAUSES OF COLDS ARE OUTLINED It's the same old story "just a bit too careless" there are al ready two serious cases of measles in the Infirmary and three cases of Pink-eye. The keynote of warning was sounded in Chapel Hill last Tuesday morning when "Doc" Charlie Mamgum an nounced that there is at this par ticular time , considerable danger of infectious diseases which have been brought back from holiday trips. - J "The two diseases which are to be particularly guarded against at this time are, measles and cere brospinal meningitis, which are prevalent in the military camps. To prevent the spread of measles, it is absolutely necessary to isolate the patient two or three days be-1 lore he breaks out with the dis ease. Measles begins like an or dinary bad cold, and on the fourth day the rash appears." Therefore, Dr. Mangum de clared that it is the duty of every man, who has not already had measles, to report promptly to the college physician if he contracts what he thinks is a. bad cold. Any one failing to do so is certainly willfully sacrificing the well-be ing of his fellow students to his own selfishness, and may become the cause of inflicting upon an other and better man an illness which might easily result in his death. At this time of the vear, large numbers of men have what are called "acute colds." If these receive proper treatment within the first few hours, they seldom cause the loss of more than one or two days. If, however, the man hangs back and fails to report un til his illness foices him to, he is due to be absent from duty from four to seven days; and he may not recover his strength and effi ciency for several weeks. "The common hygienic errors which cause colds," Dr. Mangum continued, "are : overeating, con stipation, wet or cold feet, living in over-heated or badly ventilated rooms, and failing to keep moving when out of doors on a cold or damp day." He declared that any man who is unable to procure over-shoes should see to it that (Continued on Page 4) What's to Happen and When Sunday, January 13. -Sunday School in all the churches. Dr. Raper at Methodist at 9 :45 A. M. ; Dr. L. A. Williams at Presbyte rian at 10 :00 A. M. on "Jesus, the Lawyer." Monday, January 14. Presi dent Graham in Chapel. Tuesday, January 15. Exami nation in Military Science at 10 A. M. Y. M. C. A. meeting in the Beading Boom of the Y. M. C. A. 'round the fire, at 6:45 P. M. Bradshaw, Rondthaler and Wunsch lead the discussion on "Examinations." Wednesday, January 16. Reign of Terror begins at 10 A. M. Chapel Hill Shivers Its Way Through Holidays The only unusual event in Chapel Hill during the holidays was the way in which the mercury deported itself. About Saturday before Christmas the mercury dropped at about 32 ft. per sec ondfrom above thirty degrees to below 10 degrees. The ' lowest temperature recorded . was exactly zero, or in other words there wasn't any weather. This is cold er than Chapel Hill has been in 39 years. Most everything froze, including ahe Chemistry building and the faculty, but this latter body will be hot after 'the exams ; papers have been turned in and the cas ualties recorded. The Chemistry building was the worst injured of any. Due to the bad conditions in one series of pipes, the circulation of heat was retarded, causing the pipe to burst and flood the place. But things have been patched up and Labs are still with us. Practically all of - the, other buildings on the campus came from the fracas with small damage done. The South was the only dormitory inhabited, all the stay- at-homes hibernating to that place during the holidays. The faculty and citizens and other inhabitants of Chapel Hill amused themselves by skating on the water supply reservoir. For several days this was securely froz en over, but finally gave way un der constant " application of the principle of gravity. The Tar Heel has not been able to ascertain who first discovered the fact , that ice hasn't the patience of Job and can even get hot under the collar. But as a general rule Chapel Hill was too cold to have much action, and all evidence points to a very sedate time spent by those on the Hill this Christmas. BULLETIN FOR HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE IS OFF THE PRESS The High School Debating Bul letin, issued by the High School Debating Union, has just come from the press, and is now being forwarded to the 250 high schools which have entered the Union thus far. The book is the twenty-sixth of the extension series and con tains a comprehensive array of material on compulsory arbitra tion of industrial disputes, which is the subject for discussion in the various hi gh schools of the state this year. E. R. Rankin, secretary of the Union, has an article in the Bulle tin, giving the history of the Union since it was founded in 1912. Then comes an explana tion of the question in a general way. There are briefs on both sides of the question with selected material covering the briefs. In the back is a bibliography of books, pamphlets, documents, and mag azine articles discussing the ques tion from every possible point of view. In many respects Mr. Rankin says the recent issue is one of the most comprehensive bulletins yet compiled by the committee on the Debating Union. EPSILON PHI DELTA MEN RECEIVE SIGNAL HONORS CHARTER MEMBERS AWARDED SILVER MEDALS BY BIG JAP ANESE NEWSPAPER ONLY GIVEN TO MEN OF SERVICE Five Men Receive Unique Symbols of What the Order is Doing to Bring Japan and . America Closer Se cured Thru Nagano -. The organizers of Epsilon Phi Delta, John S. Terry, Kameichi Kato, II. Earl, Marsh, William M. York and W. Hermas Stephenson, have been presented by the Hos hushinpo J ournal, of Oita, J apan, the Hyosho medal. Mr. K. Nagano, a student here, and a member of the Hoshushinpo firm, to whom the medals were ad dressed, on Janaury 10th, at the regular meeting of Epsilon Phi Delta, presented the medals, and read the following letter, which was written in Japanese and trans lated by him : . . ' ' ., Dear Sirs : We are in receipt, of information from Mr. K. Nagano, our representative, that you have organized a Japanese American study club, the purpose of which is to study the problems concern ing Japanese American relations in order to promote permanent friendship between the two coun tries. Inasmuch as your organi zation is the first, as far as we are aware, of its kind, and your. in tention is to extend your organiza tion over the United States '" and Japan, we sincerely hope for your success.! "With a recommendation by Mr. Nagano, and as a result of a spec ial conference according to the regulations, we wish to present our Hyosho medal to each of the char ter members in order to express that our wish and desire is in per fect accord with that of yours. With the best wishes, ' HOSHUSHINPO siio,; Oita, Japan." The medal is a beautiful silver medal, on one side of which is., the name of the giver, the Hoshu shinpo, and the word "Ilyo Sho," and on the other side is a laurel crown and inscription. These medals are awarded in Japan to citizens who have .ac complished something for the pub the medal is awarded the newspa regarded as examples of good eiti-. zens in public and private life. They are not frequently awarded, and convey great honor to the. wear er, They are usually presented to inventors, to philanthropists, to those of exceptionally good family- conduct, to those who spend their fortune for the public welfare, and sometimes to members of the firm who have done exceptional service, but only when ho has been in the service at least ten years. A pres entation of these medals is gen- erally accompanied by much cere mony, which manifests the sinnii cance of the occasion. There are written regulations governing the presentation of the awards, and there is a committee which has a conference and decides whether a medal should be presented. After the modal is awarded the newspa per devotes much space to the ca reer, conduct, and pictures of the (Continued on Page 3)