I! 8? -if! 1 . Si Iff' D3? U i THE TAR HEEL Official Organ of the Athletic Association of the University of North i. arolina Published Weekly BOARD OF EDITORS CHAS. G. Tmmr...... Editor-in-Chief ASSISTANT EDITORS i H. V. P. Wilson,. Jr. John Terry E. J. BURDICK. ...Managing Editor W. II. STEPHENSON. Assignment Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS J. M. Gwyn.n William .Down C. R. Toy B. S. Whiting R. I,. Young 1 Robert Wunsch Anna Iokbes Liddell R. W. Mad..y J. C. Eaton Torest Miles WATT W. HAGUE.... i... Business Manager ASSISTANTS Nathan Gooding Ralph Williams To be entered ns spcond-class matter at tbe post office at Clinpel Hill, N. C. Printed bv The Durham. N. C. Seeman Prlntery, Inc., Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance or During the First Term Single Copies, 5 Cents DOES THE COLLEGE MEAN ANYTHING? If: is of more than, passing in teres,t, to note the number of our men who have joined some branch of the service, who stop ly the lin iversity on their way nw sta i:onc(i just for another look at the place. But all of these men did not realize while they were in college, that ,they were eating thair white bread then, as the old darkey says. Sooner or later we appreciate the TJniversity why not now? FROM XMAS TO XMAS ,f$ow that the student body has jumped from the Christmas t op into the fire of those professorial inquisitions, alias examination, the Tar Jleel wishes to express its commiseration and enconrue mentj not its advice. "Qo much advice is given on iluj subject and so little taken. Many tell ' us that the proper way to pass, an examination is to cram up for it the night before, thereby economically eliminating all waste' time and effort, beside train ing the. mind to assimilate many facts and ideas in a short nr.ua. On the other hand there are a few whq whisper to us that the cor rect method is to get the course up during the year. But this meth od seems to bo very old fashioned and unpopular, and we beg par don, for having mentioned it. However, even this method, like: the other, has its advantages. Still another method is the .one 'based on fear, which is the main spring of. many other things be sides war. Any normal man ought to pass any normal course, given a sufficient amount of fear that he will s not pass, multiplied, by a long enough time for his fear to work properly. Confidence causes us to skip over pages, par agraphs and volumes ; fear makes us leaven no sentence unturned. We say nothing of the men who work , hard on their courses, not from fear but for love of the work. They need no advice on how to Wed. 16. Thurs. '; . W- tr u i i ; $ Q 1 Bot. I 2 C. E ' 41 C. E 1 Eng. V 1 Eng. IX 22 Eng. 3 Fre. II A Ger. V 3 Lat. I, III 19 Philos. 1 Physics II A Span.' 1 Bot. II 1 C. E. 23 C. E. 1 Econ. 61 Educ. 1 Eng. I 1 Eng. 59 Eng. A Fre. IV 1 Fre. Ill 1 Ger. I 67 Ger. 1 Hist. Ill 3 Hist. 5 Lat. Jl T ". 1 Math. 3 kacn. 1 Span. pass, and their love is its own reward. "But w do wish , everybody, have had a merry (since you Christmas) a Happy '2' Year!" From the Tar Heel 1910-17 SNOBBISHNESS Did you ever think how little snobbishness there is at Carolina? Mere a man is treated according to his deportment, and the snob is the sufferer. We despise a snob ! They can't stand the atmosphere of this place. ' - - - There was an article in the Greensboro' Daily News of last month which told of the rampant snobbery among the officers now at Camp Greene. The Western men who first occupied the Char lotte camp and are now perhaps in France were different from the men who have taken their places. The Charlotte people admired the good comradeship of these men of the great free west. But now the regulars are there, and, Oh Heavens- An officer is asked to ride in an automobile, or to dine with a private and merciful me ! The simple populace expect an officer to r ecognize a private at social functions ! How perfectly horrible. We can't express our attitude toward such conduct by officers, for we end up by spluttering that which can't be printed. But now comes our part in this. To doubt most of us will be in the army sometime in the future; and possibly most men . here can, after a time, become officers. Men, when you get your place, realize that your duty is to serve ; remem ber that the private under you may be a much better man than you are, or at any rate, he may be your equal. We are fighting to show that no nation, no group of people, nor any individual can "hog" everything. We fight to give everyone a chance. Let's do it ! When we get in the army, try to be as democratic as possible. Any man who takes the oath to fight for the United States, and s an officer lords it over his men, is a liar, and a traitor to his coun try and the principles for which the country is fighting! N, C. CLUB HEAR TALK ON RURAL SCHOOL PROBLEM (Continued from Page 1) employed and to make the country school an effective community center in the life of the people; this being done through the co operation of the teachers. "While this State has made a fairly good beginning in this pro gressive movement," the speaker concluded, "yet it is true that sev eral other states are ' far in ad vance of North Carolina along this line. Since only 13 of the 100 counties in this State are employ ing rural school supervisors, it is seen that North Carolina has' five fewer supervisors per hundred counties than the average state in this progressive undertaking." Schedule of Examinations January 17. Fri. 18. Sat. 19. Mon. 21. Tues. 22. Wed. 23. 21 C. E. 83 Chem. 2 Chem. 19 C. E. 1 Chem. 15 Econ. 25 C. E. 3 C. E. 53 Educ. 3 Econ. ' 1 Eng. VIII 3 Educ. 41 Educ. 1 Eng. Ill 51 Educ. 3 Eng. II I Eng. IX ! 1 Eng. I.V 29 Eng. 3 Eng. V 45 Frig. 13 Eng. 21 Eng. 55 Eng. 17 Eng. 13 Geol. 27 Eng. 1 Fre. II 73 Eng. 3 Fre. I 21 Germ. I 1 Fre. II A Ger. IV A Fre. IV 25 Ger. 21 Germ. II 1 Geol. 3 Grk. A Fre. VI 43 Ger. 5 H st. A Ger. I 1 Hist. I 5 Fre. A Grk. 9 Hist. 1 Ger. II 23 Hist. 21 Geol. 15 Hist. 1 Lat. I 2 Ger. 3 Lat. IV 1 Grk. 3 Lat. II I Lat. extra 1 Lat. II 3 Lx V 13 Hist. , 35 Lat. 13 Philos. 1 Math. I - 1 Math. VIII 17 Hist. 1 Math. VTI II Phys!cs 1 Math. Ill 1 Math. X 31 Hist.- 1 Math. IX 7 Psychol. 1 Math. IV 9 Math. 1 Lat. IV 2 Math. 5 Rur. Eco. 15 Philos. 31 Lat. 1 Physics I 1 Rur Econ. 1 Zool. VII XI 1 Patterson ros prescription Tpruggists FRANCE Give us a name to fill the mind With the shining thoughts that lead mankind The glory of learning, the joy of art A name that tells of a splendid part In the long, long toil and the stren uous fight Of the human race to win its way From the ancient darkness into the day Of freedom, brotherhood, equal right A name like a star, a name of . light:: I give you France! Give us a name to stir the blood With a warmer glow and a swifter flood ' At the touch of a courage that conquers fear A name like the call of a trumpet, clear And silver-sweet and iron-strong, That brings three million men to their feet, Ready to march and steady to meet The foe who threatens that name with wrong A name that rings lie a battle song: I give you France ! Give us a name to move the heart With the strength that noble griefs impart , A name that speaks of the blood outpoured To save mankind from the sway of the sword A name that calls the world to share The burden of sacrificial strife Where the cause at stake is the world's free life And the rule of the people every where A name like a vow, a name like a prayer: I give you France! Henry Van Dyke, in the Art World. A note to Albert Coates during the holiday season bore the mes sage : "Somewhere in France H. H. Perry is wishing you a Merry Christmas and a1 Happy New Year." ; T? j. i B. Delvin -"Be a backer, not a slacker." Wood row Wilson "Let us never sp.eak of profits and patriot ism in the same sentence." Don Marquis "The Kaiser is an advocate of earth control." 4 i v:l, . , . ... mm mm. Party Bound for Cuba Stranded in New York Mr, Cobb and the, students who started to Cuba just before the holidays to study the nickel-bearing iron ores of Oriente got no farther than New York City. The ship in which they were to sail got into New York harbor from Antilla in such condition that she had to go on the dry dock for re pairs, which were not completed until the end of the holiday sea son. The boys report a good time, however, well spent in studying the minerals, rocks, and great collec tion of fossils in the American Museum of Natural History. The trip has not been abandoned but merely postponed. A. Lawrence Lowell "I am not sorry, but proud that forty per cent of Harvard TJniversity has gone into the war." FIRST LYCEUM SHOW COMING The Lyceum Bureau of the Y. M, C, A. announces the coming of the "Three Artists Company" to Gerrard Hall on Saturday ev ening, January 19th. This company is composed of two ladies and a man, who render readings, instrumental and vocal solos, and ensemble numbers. It is a company of personality plus training, talent and ; experience, and has been uniquely successful wherever it has performed. It comes to Chapel Hill highly rec ommended. Their program abounds in mel ody and humor, especially the numbers by Mr. Lowell Aistrup, head of the Department of Violin of the University of North Da kota. Mr. Aistrup has toured ex tensively with university glee clubs adn is familiar with the type of concert that college men desire. Tickets for this performance will go on sale at Eubanks Drug Co.,' on Thursday, January 17th. 15 to 26, 1918 Thur. 21. 1 Educ. 3 Eng. IV 51 Ens. 67 Eng. A Fre. II 23 Fre. A Ger. II 23 Ger. Hist. IV Hist. Lat. V Lat. VI Math. II Math. IV Math VI Math. II Philos. Phys. Mi JACK SPARROW Agent for Durham Model Steam Laundry FRUITS NEWSSTAND EATS OF ALL KINDS (Next Door to Royal Cafe) Station for Henry Harris Auto Line Leave Chapel Hill Leave Durham 8:30 A. M. 9:50 A. M. 10:20 A. 31. 12:40 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 5:08 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 8:00 P. M. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY, VA. I EDWIN A. " AUJERMAN. U..D.'. Pres. DEPARTMENTS REPNESFNTCO The College. Department of I.nw, Department of Medic ne .Department of EiiK'neering. Depart ment ol craiunte Students, Special War Courses Militery Science,. Practical French, Automo biles (construction and care) , Wireless Telegra phy, etc., etc. Loan Funds Available. 411 Expenses Be duced to a Minimum. Send lor Catalogue HOWARD WINSTON, Registrar EUBANKS DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Chapel Hill North Carolina All Carolina Men Eat at BUSY BEE CAFE' when in Raleigh N. C. W. B. SORRELL JEWELER & OPTOMETRIST CHAPEL HILL, N. C. DR. FRANK K. II A YIN ES DENTrST Office Over the Bank of Chapel Hill 9 A- M. to 1:30 P. M. 2:30 to 5 P. M. The University of North Carolina Maximum of Service to the People of the State A. The College of Liberal Arts. B. School of Applied Science. 1. Chemical Engineering. 2. Electrical Engineering. 3. Civil & Road Engineering. 4. Soil Investigation. C. The Graduate School. D. The School of Law. E. The School of Medicine. F. The School of Pharmacy. G. The School of Education. II. The Summer School. I. The Bureau of Extension. 1. General Information. 2. Instruction by Lecutres. 3. Correspondence Courses. 4. Debate and Declamation. 5. County Economics and So 1 cial Surveys, t 6. Municipal and1 Legislative Rfeerence. 7. Teacher's Bureau, Preparatory Schools, and College Entrance Require ments. ' Write to the University when yon need help. Fri. 25. Sat. 26. 5 Bot. 13 Chem. 81 Chem. 11 E. E. 3 Eng. Ill 15 Eng. . A Fre. I A Fre. V 23 Geol. 1 Ger. IV 41 Ger. 61 Ger. 37 Grk. 1 Lat. Ill 1 Math. XIL 3 Phys. 5 Zool. 61 Chem. 15 C. E. 9 Econ. 5 Educ. 1 Eng. II 1 Eng. VI 1 Eng. X 3 Eng. I 7 Eng. 37 Eng. I Fre. IV 15 Fre II Geol. A Ger. 411 1 Ger. Ill 1 Hist. V 19 Hist. 23 Lit. 1 pRvchol.

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