Fashionable Spring Clothing Recent arrivals of big g shipments of Hart Schaffner & Marx and Society Brand Suits, enable us to of fer an early showing of the new things for the coming season. Leave it to us to take care of your clothes needs. We will not disappoint you. PRITCHARD-BRIGHT COMPANY DURHAM, HORTH CAROLINA 11 il if 1 1 iflf JF L W ill.... . : oo 0nrtrty $rani (Clnlljra ; ; EAT AT THE ROYAL CAFES Chapel Hill as .Well as in Durham Where Sanitation Prevails and Your Patronage is Appreciated mm PPL FS GOODING Y.M.C A. , . . . i Odell Hardware Company Zhnbv&ws (East) Store (Tompait? THE QUALITY STORE Solicits the patronage of faculty, students, and citizens on fur nishings, Ralston and Walkover Shoes, Holeproof, Buster . Brown, and Phoenix Hosiery, Arrow Collars. Lowest prices and polite attention. Owen Armstrong. (TolUge Agents ATTENTION PLEASE tame Moore pen that went through vv college with them. Better buy a Moore or mJW of all colleg book ttow, jtwlwrt, draggUti and ttationtrt THE MOORE PEN COMPANY Ml OOTnmhir. St., Bo4ton, MaM. 1 Your YACKETY YACK is going to 6e GO OD That fs Settled Whether there will be a Yackety Yack next year depend upon the Success or Failure of this year'. M AKE I T A S UCC ES S I Pay your Class and County Club Dues and see that all of the Or ganizations to which you belong remember the Yackety Yack in pre paring their budgets. Interesting Meeting of the Latin-American Club Held The Tar Heel is counting on your paying for The Tar Heej ; Elliot Cooper read an interest ing and timely paper on the "Com mercial Relations between Latin America and the United States,'' before the regular fortnightly meeting of the Latin-Americaii Club Monday night. A warm dis cussion, led by William Bailey, followed Mr. Cooper's talk. Quoting the Biblical phrase, "where thy treasure is, there also will bo thy heart", Mr. Cooper said that commercialism is a tie which binds nations closer together than anything else. "A true and sym pathetic understanding between nations cannot be gained by legis lation alone", he said. "There must be some closer ties than laws and doctrines. Intimate commun ication through trade channels is the best way to promote friendly feelings with Latin America. In every way we are more close ly connected with the continent than any other nation, and it is only logical that we should secure this valuable trade," he said. The speaker strongly advocated the possession of the Carribean Islands by the United States. They would mean morre to us, he said, than to the nation by whom they are now owned, and the prog ress made by Porto Rico under our care shows how profitable it would be for these Islands to be long to the United States. COMMENCEMENT DEBATING QUERY IS ANNOUNCED "Resolved, That the U. S. gov ernment should conscript every male citizen between the ages 18 and 45 into some form of service during the period of the war," is the query selected for this spring's commencement debate. This de bate will be a junior affair be tween the two societies held on Monday night of Commencement week. The Phi Society has the negative and the Di the affirma tive. The preliminaries will be held in the two society halls about he first of May. The best speaker on the winning side in the final contest will be awarded the Bingham Medal for debate. At a meeting of the Interna tional Polity Club on Wednesday night, John S. Terry led the dis- cussion on "Japanese-American. Diplomacy." GOOD BASKETBALL IS SEEN ON CLASS COURT (Continued from Page 1) class game, 34-5. The Freshmen easily outpassed the Sophs, and it soon became a guess as to how many points the first year men would pile up. Roberson, Erwin, and Van Nop- pen starred for the Freshmen, as ar as field goals went. Fulton and Morris played good covering mi r l i 1 1 ine csopn team snowed ack of team work. The line-up and summary : Freshmen Erwin, 1. f. (3) ; Van Noppen r. g. (4); Roberson (4) ; Morris, 1. g. (1) ; Fulton, g. (2). Soph Martin, 1. f . ; Lindsay, r. ; Phelps, c. ; Martin, P., 1. g. ; ay, r. g. Substitutions: Stone for H. Martin ; Kittrell for Phelps. Senior-Fresh The Seniors took another step towards the class championship Thursday by defeating the hither to undefeated Freshmen, 31-22. The Freshmen got the jump in the first half and at the end of 20 minutes play had the big end of a 11-5 score. , But the fourth year C. S. PENDERGRAFT Pioneer "Pendy" with his Cadillac, Will carry you there and bring you back; And when it's food or fruit you need, He's got all the stuff for a high-class feed. His prices are reasonable, his politeness rare. When you want "Pendy," "Pendy" is there. At Oar Stand FRUITS OF ALL KINDS For All Occasions NEWS Agency for all State Papers and Leading Periodicals C.S. PENDERGRAFT SWAIN HALL A co-operative boarding place for University men. You can get the benefit of its success. $13.0 per month. The away-above the-ordinary kind for all-the-time use. You ENGRAVED CARDS will need them pretty soon. We have hundreds of styles to select from, and will send style folder and prices on request. Select a style that ap peals to you and place your order now. Enpraved Stationery. Mono gram Stationery, etc. THE SEEMAN PRINTERY, Inc., Durham, N. C. men came back strong in the last half and ended up with another victory. Peacock, Hawkins, and Ravenel starred for the Seniors. Hawkins was especially deadly on foul shots, making 5 good out of 7. Rober s3n played the best game for the Freshmen, getting 14 of their 22 total. The line-up and summary : Seniors Peacock, 1. f . ( 5 ) ; Hawkins, r. f. (3) ; Ravenel, c. (3) ; Ambler, 1. g. ; Devereaux and Rrmstrong, r. g. (2). Freshmen Rourk, 1. f. ' (2)j Erwin, r. f. ; Roberson, c. (6); Morris, 1. g. (2) ; Fulton, r. g. Soph-Junior The Sophs showed a complete reversal of form Thursday and held the Juniors to a hard-earned 38-34 victory. Both teams played a good pass ing game, though the Sophs were better able to make their shots count. Corpening was the individ ual star for the Juniors, obtaining nine field goals and five foul goals. Durham also played a good game. Kittrell and Stone did most of the scoring for the Sophs. The line up and summary follow: Juniors Parker and Durham, (5), 1. f. ; Price and Hodges (1), r. f. ; Corpening, c. (9) ; Wright, 1. g. ; Andrews, r. g. (2) Sophs Snyder and Lindsay (2), 1. f. ; Stone, r. f. (5) ; Kittrell c. (7); Harvey, 1. g. (1); Mar tin, B., r. g. The University of North Carolina Maximum of Service to the People of the State A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. The College of Liberal Arts. School of Applied Science. 1. Chemical Engineering. 2. Electrical Engineering. 3. Civil & Road Engineering. 4. Soil Investigation. The Graduate School. The School of Law. The School of Medicine. The School of Pharmacy. The School of Education. The Summer School. The Bureau of Extension. , 1. General Information. 2. Instruction by Lecutres. 3. Correspondence Courses. 4. Debate and Declamation. 5. County Economics and So cial Surveys, t 6. Municipal and Legislative , Rfeerence. 7. Teacher's Bureau, Preparatory Schools, and College Entrance Require ments. Write to the University when you need help. DR. Wm. LYNCH DENTIST New Office Over Chapel Hill Hwd. Co. CHAPEL HILL, N. C.