IT TTtttt-' OUR TEAM HAD THE OLD SPIRIT LET'S ALL GET THE OLD SPIRIT OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Volume XXVII. CHAPEL HILL, N. C, FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 1918 Number 9 CAROLINA DEFEATS THE "TANKERS" THURSDAY 'GYPSY FESTIVAL" FAVORABLY RECEIVED BY A LARGE CROWD CAPT. J. STUART ALLEN TO RETURN TO CANADA TEAM FOUGHT GAMELY AGAINST TECH'S LINEUP oJ . 11 iML S.A.T.C. DEMOBILIZED; TAKES PLACt THIS WEEK DEMOBILIZATION TO START DE CEMBER 4TH AND CONTINUE THRU DECEMBER 21ST ON WET, MUDDY FIELD, TAR HEEL ELEVEN OUTPLAYS THEIR OPPONENTS END OF A SUCCESSFUL SEASON Star Work by Pharr, Fearington and Lowe in Backfield, Gan Brown in Line The University of North Carolina defeated the All Star officers team from Camp Polk, Raleigh, on Emer son Field Thursday twelve to nothing. Despite a heavy field, resulting from rains during the night and forenoon the game was brilliantly played from start to finish. Both teams displayed a fighting spirit of the best quality, only two penalties being inflicted on each. It was the last game of the season for both elevens. The outstanding features for Caro lina were Pharr's clever generalship at quarter and his interception of a long forward pass which he carried through a broken field for fifty yards, the general back field performances of Fearington and Lowe, together with the defensive playing of Captain Grant and Holt. For the Tankers the outstanding features were the brilliant end work of Dunworth, a former Kansas Uni versity star, of "Shannon, at quarter back, formerly of Oberlin, and the playing at halves of Lewis and Claeys of Cornell and Dartsmouth, respec tively. The first half resulted in no score for either team and was evenly played In the third the first touchdown on a cleverly executed forward pass from Lowe to Fearrington. The sec ond touchdown came in the fourth quarter, when Pharr sprinted fifty yards. Fearrington gained nineteer yards off tackle and Lowe carried it ovcr This was the fifth and last game of the season for the Carolina eleven. Out of the five games Carolina has won three and lost the other two by very close scores. It is thought by all to have been a very successful season and the re markable fighting quality of the Ta Heel eleven has had much to do with its success. Following is the line up in Thurs day's game: Carolina Position Camp Poll) . ' -: Center Brown .; .. . Pollard Nichols Kaiser Left, guard McQueen Barr ' Right tackle Carter .1.'...... . Kinp Left tackle Kernodle Marshal! Right end Holt ........r SmaP Left end Grant (Capt.) : Dunworth Quarterback Pharr Shannon Left half French ; Claeyr Right half Fearrington Lewis Fullback McNeely Huffman Referee: Ney, University of Iowa. ; Umpire: Martin, of Georgia. Y. M C. A. Kept Busy by the Holiday Festivities The past week was spent by the Y in preparing new entertainments for the students, and more was done along this line than during any preceding week. Such progress has been made possible by the lifting of the 'flu" quarantine, and the co-eds and other Y workers have shown the students what a great factor the Y is. For the last few days Secretary Wunsch with an able corps of co-eds as assis tants, were busy preparing the Y for the Gypsy Festival, which came off Thanksgiving night. The motion picture machines, which came a week or more ago, were in stalled during the past week. The Y Secretary announces that he has been able to secure some of the latest and best films which will be shown ev ery other Saturday night and proba bly more often FRED M. PATTERSON, '16 Wounded in action in France early in October, according to press dis- Satches, the result being that one leg as been amputated. He was cap tain of the baseball team in 1916, also participating in football and basket ball. Was a member of the Pharmacy Class. He was a member of the headquarters company of the 113th Field Artillery and was wounded at the same time as Sergeant Earl John sun, in tne jt. Miniei section. PROCEEDS OF VICTORY CELE BRATION TO GO TO WAR WORK CAMPAIGN The biggest and most thoroughly enjoyed entertainment of the - year was given by the Co-eds in conjunc tion with the Y on Thanksgiving day and evening. The mothers ad young ladles of the town spent the entirj first part of the week making candies, cakes, sandwitches and other eats, and preparing for the other entertain ments. The Y was highly decorated with various colors, closely resembling a gypsy hotel the lobby and reading room acting as a lobby and the audi torium as a dining room. In the din ing room was everything one could wish to eat, even on Thanksgiving day, and the few tables there were "rushed" at all times. Those who were unable to find places at the tables had no dofficulty in finding seats in the lobby or reading room, where they could sit by "gypsy" girls who revived their spirits with the tender notes of the Ukelalie. The beautiful gypsy girls were nu merous, but were in great demand at all times, for it was a most pleasant and rare occasion for the soldier boys to talk to a beautiful girl once more. It is thought that these girls and the most excellent supper which they served are largely a cause of Swain Hall being almost empty at supper time. After the entire Gypsy supplies were disposed of, and everyone had learned of their fate or fortune through the famous gypsy palmist the center of attraction was movec" to Gerrard Hall. Here the surging crowd rolled to see the remainder of the famous festival. The large stage was beautifuly dec crated in yellow, and on it were rep resented the different phases of life: domestic life by the mother combing the small girl's hair and the little children playing with their toys; ar tistic side of life by the artist paint ing a beautiful landscape, and work by the workman sawing wood. Dr. Mess in his black robe, with all this i beautiful scenery as a foreground, talked for twentty minutes on the Spirit of the World. To this there was a general admission of fiftsen cents combined with the receipts for the refreshments went to the United War Work, or now better called Peace Work, Fund. One of the most popular places or booths of the festival was the one at which pictures of future wives could be secured. Strange to say Secretary Wunsch was the first to get to the (Continued on Page 4) Prof. Koch Makes Chapel Talk on "Carolina Spirit On Tuesday night at Chapel ex ercises Dean Stacy said, "We are for tunate in capturing for tonight Pro fessor Koch, a late and very valuable addition to the faculty. Professor Koch showed the true Carolina spirit when he did not wish to be introduced. Professor Koch said in his talk, "Carolina spirit is something you can't tret hold of in words, but it gets you." He explained how Carolina is an em bodiment of all that America stands for leadership thru comradeship. This is the greatest thing that cam out of the present world war. To further illustrate his point he read a few selections from Allen Seegar, the typical American college student, who died for France, not knowing that his college mates were so soon to fol low in his footstqps., His young spirit and -perpetual youth live in the words "leadership thru comradeship" so evident on the Carolina campus. Here as in few colleges in America is found "the kingship of common man." Shakespeare in his great his toric plays, especially in Henry V, said, "The king is but a man, even as I am." Sir Walter Raleigh, Profes sor Koch further brought out, was the first typical Carolina man with all that Carolina spirit means. Professor Koch ended with the read ing of Miller's "Columbus." Colum bus, in spite of the dangers of an unknown sea, refused to turn back, just as Carolina, in the crisis of a great world war has refused to lose her old spirit handed down thru the many noble generations of her col lege men. Sail on, sail on, and on, Carolina, to the glorious future that awaits you." Thus ended Professor Koch, amid thunderous applause, which indicated the deep impression the speaker had made. Hunter Reaves, '20, is stationed Georgia Tech with the Marine Unit RECEIVES OVATION AT FARE WELL MEETING; PRESENTED WITH LOVING CUP WAS OFFICER IN "PRINCESS PAT" That the traditional " Carolina spir it" has not been relegated to the scrap heap was demonstrated on Wednesday night, when the student body assem bled in Gerrard Hall to bid farewell to Captain Allen, who leaves Saturday for his home in Montreal, Canada. As a token of the esteem and sincere af fection felt for Captain Allen by the student body and faculty, a silver loving cup was presented to him in their name. Captain Allen needs no introduction to any Carolina man. Coming to the University at the beginning of. the school year 1917-18 to form a stu dent's battalion, his charming person ality, boundless enthusiasm and good spirits soon endeared him to each and every one that came in contact with him. To form an efficient army unit out of several hundred inexperienced men with few experienced men to aid in this task is not easy to do; but a man of Captain Allen's energy sur mounts all obstacles to accomplish the desired ends. Thus the effectiveness of the student organization under his command increased by leaps and bounds. Capta'n Allen has been admirably suited by experience to fill the posi tion that he has been called upon to fill. In the very first days of the war his young blood felt the call of bat tle and he enlisted as a volunteer in the Princess Patricia Regiment of Canada which has given such a glo (Continued on Page 4) Community Club Plans Lectures The L;terairy Department of the Chapel Hill Community Club has been forced by a variety of conditions to modify and curtail its program, as it was originally planned. The long season of quarantine (has made it necessary to abridge the course by omitting the programs which consisted of papers by the members, and the rapid movement of world events has rendered some amendment of the lec ture subjects advisable. The course will consist of lectures, as follows: On December 2nd by Prof. Wag staff. On December 16th by Prof. Toy. On January 6th by Prof. WagstafF. On January 20th by Prof. L. A. Williams. On February 3rd by Prof. Hanford. On February 17th by Prof. Pierson. On March 3rd by Prof. Booker. On March 17th by Prof. Chase. On April 7th by Prof. L. A. Wil liams. On April 21st by Prof. Hamilton. These lectures will be delivered in the auditorium of the school build ing, on the first and third Monday?, of each month. They are designed not only for the members of the department but for any one in the community who is sufficiently inter ested to attend. POST DANCES Post dances will be given on De cember 6 and 7, according to an nouncement made by committee. These dances will be similar in many respects to the fall dances' which have been given on the Hill every year heretofore. There will be three dances given on the above dates. On Friday night, the first of the dances will be given in the Bynum Gymna sium. Saturday afternoon, December 7, will be the occasion for the second dance which will be followed that night by the last of the three dances. A good, peppy orchestra will render music for the dances, and it is ex pected that a large crowd of girls from adjoining cities will attend to the pleasure of the occasion. To arrange for this and all future fiost dances, a committee has been se eded from every S. A. T. C. Com pany and from the non-S. A. T. C. This committee is composed of the following men: Pemberton, Jones, Harvey, Ficklen, Kimball, Gantt, Ruf fin, White, Lowe, Wilson, and Edmund son. Ficklen is leader of the dance, and his assistants are Gantt and Kim ball. Although the dance will be a post dance, civilians and non-S. A. T. C. men are invited. The dance com mittee desires that every fellow wire his best cirl and as many more girls as he can to come and attend the dances which promise to be full of pep. New men attending these dances will have a chance to learn something about dances of former years on the Hill. FEATURE OF GAME WAS FIGHT ING SPIRIT OF TAR HEELS AGAINST VIRGINIANS In a fast and snappy game in which both teams gave evidence of marked ability Carolina was defeated on Em erson Field last Saturday by V. P. I., the final score standing 18 to 7. The team work of both sides was excel lent. Both teams made free use of the forward pass and Carolina suc cessfully executed twelve out of eigh teen, j The first appearance of the opposing team caused grave apprehension among Carolina supporters. The Tar Heels were outweighed by the Vir ginians fifteen pounds or more per man. During the first few minutes of the game it appeared as tho the Tech team would make a romp of the game, but Carolina's men soon stiffened up and gave proof of their ability to give a good account of themselves. The ball was carried to Carolina'3 ten yard line eight or ten times, but the fighting Tar Heels would hold the visitors for downs. The salient fea tures of the game were the fighting spirit displayed by the Carolina men against men of superior weight and experience, long runs by Crocker for V. P, I. and Bristol for Carolina, which resulted in touchdowns, the samshing line attacks of the Virginia team, and the successful flying tackles by Carolina. Crisp, captain, and Rangely played a star game for the visitors, while Gant, captain, Pharr and Fearrington showed up exceeding ly well for the home team. , In the first quarter V. P. I. re ceived the kickoff and entered the game with a rush but was finally forced to yield the ball on Carolina's eight yard line. The first scoring came in the second quarter when Crisp the one-armed quarterback, with; four yards to go, carried the ball over1 on a fake end run. Shortly after wards Bristol made his spectacular, run, carrying the ball to the enemy's twenty yard line. A successtul tor ward pass from Pharr to Fearring ton put Carolina across the goal line. Fearrington kicked goal. Carolina again came near scoring in the third quarter when, as a result of the suc cessful execution of five forward passes, the ball came to rest on the fifteen yard line of the Techs. An other pass was attempted which was intercepted by Crocker, of V. P. I., who ran ninety yards and gave his team their second touchdown. Crisp failed to kick goal. V. P. I. scored the final touchdown in the last five minutes of play when Rangely, fol lowing a series of line plunges, car ( Continued on Page 4) Prof. Wm. Starr Myers Lectures Here Next Week Among the many noted lecturers who will lecture this year at the Uni versity is one of international re pute and an authority on sociological problems. Dr. William Starr Myers, a graduate of this University, but lately Professor of Politics, Prince ton University, is scheduled to speak here December 2nd on after the war problems. , Professor Myers bears the reputa tion of being a charming and versatile speaker. Last year Nhe spoke in lec tures to more than twenty-five thous and people. The fact that Professor Myers is a product of the University and the fact that his ability has been recog nized throughout the country wiP lend an added interest to the occa sion when he lectures here. The lec ture is scheduled i n Gerrard Hall, eight o'clock, night of December 2nd. It is expected a large crowd will be present. ENROLLMENT REACHES 1128 The University enrollment for this year (including students in the Sum mer School studying for degrees) has totaled 1128 on November 5th, which by way of comparison shows more students in attendance than were reg istered during the whole of last year. Recent war orders considerably modi fying the educational entrance re quirements for membership in the S A. T. C. are expected to bring in many new students. The above fig ures show an increase of 82 over las' year's enrollment and a decrease of 122 as compared to the attendance during the 1916-17 session. The Medical School enrollment of 53 is only four below last year's, 24 of these being first year and 29 second year men. The Pharmacy School has an en rollment of 24, an increase of two over 1917-18. D'ye reckon the Kaiser has got any wiser ? DISCHARGES BY CO.-PROBABLE But as One Day is Sufficient for Each Company, Demobilization Should be Over by December 15th Telegraphic orders have been re ceived at Military Headquarters from the War Department authorizing the demobilization of the Students' Army Training Corps. Loud cheers from the enlisted men followed the an nouncement of this news and a deep and genuine feeling of relief prevails among the soldier boys of this com-, munity. The order directs that the B or Vocational Sections be demobilized, beginning with the second day of De cember, but as there is no Vocational Section here, this portion of the or ders does not affect the University of North Carolina. Demobilization of the A or Academic Sections will be started on the .fourth day of December and continue through the twenty-first, the plan being to discharge first those men who do not desire to remain in college until the end of the first quar ter. However, there has been no defi nite decision reached as to the manner of discharge. It is probable !that discharges will be by companies, Cap tain Helmer figuring that perhaps not more than one day will be required for the disbanding of one, company. Since the Department directs that de mobilization be effected with the least practicable delay after the fourth it is very likely that the University of North Carolina S. A. T. C. will be a thing of the past by the tenth of the month. An Army Surgeon is scheduled to arrive on the Hill not later than the 2nd of December and each man will be required to undergo a final phy sical examination before being dis charged. All issued equipment, cloth ing, bedding and arms will be turned over to the Quartermaster, with the exception of one issued suit, which may be worn for ninety days after the soldier leaves the service. Government insurance may be con tinued after the soldiers leave the service. This insurance will carry the same premium as heretofore and may, at the individual's discretion, be con verted into the usual forms of civil insurance twenty pay life, endow ment and others. This announcement willl no doubt be of great interest to the men of this command and it in hoped that all will decide to take advantage of this opportunity. S. J. Erwin, Jr., of Morganton, was cited for conspicuous gallantry in action during the operations con nected with the Capture of Cantigny May 27-31, 1918, by his division com mander. "With exceptional courage and perseverance he led a carrying party through heavy fire, making sev eral trips to the front until wounded." He has been in France since October 4, 1917, and has been twice wounded in battle. He is with Co. I, 28th In fantry. Well, Bill, yore Boches obeyed the bayonets, didn't they though ? 5. A. T. C. Men at Work On New Bayonet Course Regardless of the fact tha(t the war is over and the army is being disbanded, the S. A. T. C. men remain hard at work, some of them now being engaged in the construction on a bayonet course. A portion of the Athletic Field south of the track has been chosen as a suitable point for bayonet work, ana1 it is here that the usefulness of Emerson Field as a base ball diamond is being enhanced by the building of a few ditches, which will give added interest to teh work of the outfielders. Two short parallel trenches, about thirty yards apart are being dug, while between the trenches is an embankment of earth. Dummies will be placed on each side of the mound of dirt. The men can thus charge the first trench, spear the un resisting dummies without difficulty, carry the hillock, render the rest of the enemy hors de combat, and finish the work in a victorious charge against the last trench. The expe rience gained will be of use in the next war, probably against the athe istic Eskimos, who may refuse to let the ice at the North Pole melt and give our ships passage to Russia. The Tar Heel regrets, as it goes to press, inability to secure a list of courses to be given after Christmas. This list, however, will be published in the next issue. ,