Heel GO OUT Ab WIELD A WILLOW CHAMPIONS .OF THE STATE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Volutin CHAPEL HlLL, N. C, MARCH lij 1&19 Number 20 1L li JUHi CAROLINA PLAYS N.C. STATE FOR TAR HEEL BASKETBALL HONORS FIRST GA1E TO BE PLAYED BETWEEN THE TWO IN FIVE YEARS FOOTBALL GAME NEXT YEAR After more than five years of sep aration athletic relations between Car olina and the State A. & E. College, sus pended since 1913, will be resumed again, beginning with . the basketball game in the Baleigh auditorium Satur day night to decide the State quint cham pionship. The faculty committees in charge of athletics at the two State in stitutions feel that the hatchet should be buried between the colleges and that the two student bodies should be able to en gage in athletic sports in the spirit of friendly rivalry. Henceforth it will be the purpose of the two institutions to pull together and co-operate with the view of improving the quality of athletic sports and rais ing their standard. In short Carolina and A'. & E., in re-establishing athletic relations, propose to make North Car olina athletics better both from the standpoint of winning teams produced and the caliber of players participating in the contests. A football game between the two col ' leges has already been scheduled for Oc tober 23, during fair week. It is hardly probable that the two institutions will meet in baseball this season," as it is so late in the season that the schedules have been made out and it would be dif ficult to find a suitable time and place for a game. '- .: For, the next year, 1919-'20, both col leges will play under their present rules of eligibility. However, beginning -with September, 1920, A. & E. will adopt the one year rule, which has been the bone of contention between the two institu tions, and under wliich the University has been developing teams for the past several years. Thus, after this date, the two teams will be on equal footing from the standpoint of players participating in the contests. - In the latest issue of "Studies in Philology, ' ' , published quarterly by the University, Dr. Levitt has an article dis cussing "Paul Scarron and the English Travesty," this article being the only one in . the, issue written by a member of the .Carolina faculty. 1, . Business as Profession "H'?rts Dr. Carrol's Theme ( The.; man that goes into the eompli dated, 'world of business of today,; needs the same careful preparation required in other professions and in 'addition : must have: a 'broadness of . mind that seizes upon opportunities they :; pass.;H, This fact was enunciated by Dr., D. D. Car roll in a talk Wednesday night on busi ness as 'a profession. Dr. Carroll .. stated tt the business world iS' more ".complicated as the yearsi gQ 'by.,5 As an example he cited the case of .railroads' -rates Which have oeou a source of irirtation f br thirty years and whichr.. are still unsettled.; An investi gation .of the .underlying causes of the panic of 1907 reveals an astounding lack of i the qualities that are . required to make a successful business. ".Changes -in' business .methods have come about so .rapidly that the profes sion has become baffling. The organ-; ization and operation of industries one; fifty years ago were quite simple. It, is tho idea of the' older and moreconserv-i ativo elements that experience is . the! best : teacher ; that schools are not thej places in which to learn the business principles. It is .the quack in businessj such as those that caused the panic of 1907, who have not grasped the fund-, amental principles. :; ,- ; .; ; r -r A comprehensive knowledge and cer-i tain mental qualities: go to make up a successful I career; was Dr. Carroll 's opinion. As a primary requirement id a depth of-vision to sce'a future possi-j bility and tb visualize the success of an undertaking. Mr. aVriderlip, of thej National City Bank, of New York,i places this ' quality as the first of the' roquirbments to bo met by an employe The enterpriser neods a large amount of courage to face the possibilities of suc cess of failure at the outset of his ven ture. To forge ahead ho must show sound judgment he must have the ca pacity to analyze and choose. Another indispensible quality is that of faith in himself and work faith to act upon his own judgment. Perseverance and punc tuality will help him to push on to suc cess". "A comprehensive study of business is no easy thing, " declared Dr. Carroll. " Unbusiness-like methods were used when we first entered the war, but it was soon discovered that experienced business men must be put in charge to produce the most efficient results. "The waste in business life is enorm ( Continued on Page 2) SeUdr Smoker For , Coeds Was a Delightful tina Enjoyable Novelty What proved to be one of the most; enjoyable experiments yet tried on the Hill was the Senior "At Home" to the entire body of co-eds in the University. The Senior class feeling the rieed for more social contact and a more intimate association between the student body and the cb-eds decided to try a Seriior-C6-ed smoker. Professor Jackson while her6 said : ' ' It is but natural that boys and girls your agb should associate with each other, and let me tel you that ybu boys are just as much cb-eds here as the girls are." So the Senior Hit upon the happy idea of having all the cb-eds instead of just those classed aa regular Seniors, and they proved to their own and the the' Universities ' ; satisf action that such a thing could be made a very enjoyable affair. The meeting quite naturally was held in the co-ed room, Peabody 5; one 6f the very few places' 6ri the campus that shows the every telilng effect of a "woman's touch." President Luther Hodges presided. In a few well chosen remarks! he welcomed the visiting ladies. "The very expensive invitations" Uncle Sam's two cent postal "and this idea of having the entire co-ed body are two entirely new ideas added to the already long list of '19 's attainments." Miss Louisa Eeid, graduate student, responded for the co-eds. ,"I, as the spokesman for . the girls, wish to thank the entire student body, and especially you, the boys of '19, who have taken us in and made us feel perfectly at home. The co-ed has to face much op position before she leaves "to come to the University for the first time, and it is no easy prejudice to overcome." The dignified Seniors next engaged in a guessing contest,, the nature of which (Continued on Page 4) Negative , Wins in Di Intrasociety Debate The regular. Freshman Intra-Society Debate was held in the Di Hall last Sat urday night. . The debate throughout was closely contested, as a 2 to 1 de cision would suggest. The query de bated was: Resolved, that the Federal Government should control and manage the railroads of the country as a perm anent policy. The affirmative was pre sented by Messrs. Staley and Kiser, while Messrs. Hartsell and Gresette up held the negative. The decision was rendered in favor of the negative. ' In advocating the continuation of the government's control and management, Mr. Staley, of the affirmative; pointed out the glaring defects of - the private system; and contended that these faults could not be remedied, but laid inherent in the system, Mr. Hartsell, of the negative, maintained that such a policy would be aii unjustifiable enroatihment upon private rights. He further pointed out the evils that the policy .would en tail, such as political corruption. Mr. Kiser next contrasted the two systems, and pointed out the benefits of the gov ernment control and management plan over the private system. Mr. Gresette concluded the argument by taking the experience of the government managed roads during the past year as a decisive argument against ; the continuation of the plan. Each speaker was allowed 20 minutes, , not '-more than five , of which could be used on rejoinder. The members of the winning side will receive Di Society pins as a reward for their efforts. NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY During the pasi montn, many valuable! and interesting books and volumes of literary work have been added to the collection at the University .. Library; Tho most important addition to the store! of literary works, is the collection from the Mangum Weeks Library. Several books written . by Hamlin Garland, whq recently appeared here in his songs and stories of the. Middle Border, can now be found on the; list of new books; Those interested in Dramatic Literature! and Play Writing will find a number ofj books dealing with this new art which is coming into its own on the campus; In addition to the above; there are sev eral new books dealing with the import-, ant questions of ; the day, such as the League of Nations, Armaments and Labor question. All the leading newspapers and period-, icals will bo found in the reading room. The many basket ball fans of Chapel Hill who take delight in witnessing a lively scramble after the sphere and whose delight is further increased when a contest is free, had both of these de sires gratified Saturday, when a select team of Durham Boy Scouts journeyed to Chapel Hill and defeated a team from the local graded school on the open air court near the gym. Interest in the game was increased by the small size of the players, although this did not de tract from their ability to handle the ball, and the many enthusiastic rooters agreed that they had seen a good contest. Who WAfits f 6 eArN ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS THE OPPORTUNITY IS OPEN TO EVERY STUDENT TO WIN PRIZE IN ECONOMICS . The National ' Industrial , Conference Board offers a prize of one thousand dol lars) for the best monograph of any one of the following subjects : , ,,,, 1. A practicable plan for represent ation of, workers in determining con ditions of work for prevention of indus trial disputes. , , j , : 2. The major causes, of unemployment and how to minimize them.. 3. How can efficiency of workers be so increased as to , make high rates economically practicable ? , , 4. Should the state interfere in the determination of wage rates? i 5. Should rates of wages be definitely based on the cost of living? 6., How. can present systems of wage payments be so perfected , and supple mented as to be most conductive to in dividual efficiency and to the content ment of workers? ( 7, The closed . union shop versus the open shop; their social and economic value compared. . . 8. Should trade unions and employ ers ' associations be made legally re sponsible? , The contest Is open without restric tion to all persons except those who are members of , or identified with the Na tional , Industrial Conference ; Board. Contestants are not limited to papers of any length, but . they should not be unduly expanded. Especial weight will be given to English and to skill in ex position. . . The copyright of the prize manuscript, with all publication rights, will be vested in the National Industrial Conference Board. '. . Each competitor should sign, his man uscript with an assumed name, sending his true name and address in a sealed envelope superscribed with his assumed name. No manuscript will be accepted the real authorship of which is disclos ed when the manuscript is received by the Board, nor any which has been pre viously published in any way. Manuscripts, to be considered in the contest, must be mailed on or before July 1, 1919, to the National Industrial Conference Board, 15 Beacon St., Bos ton, Mass., marked "for Prize Essay Contest in Industrial Economics." The right to reject any and all man uscripts is reserved. The Board may, however, award honorable mention to several manuscripts and arrange for their publication in full or in part, at compensation to be agreed upon between the; Board and the authors. The Committee of Award is composed of Frederick P. Fish, of Fish, Eichard son & Neave, Boston, Mass, chairman of the National Industrial Conference, Cor nell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Henry R. Towne, chairman Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co., New York city- ... They're Fixing up Peace o f the World ' , The Peace Conference in English 21 has .been making good progress in the solution of several knotty problems of the , peace settlement. The Russian muddle, the Balkan problem, interna tional waterways, and conflicting terri torial claims have been carefully consid ered during the past two weeks. The Russian , representatives presented a com prehensive outline of conditions in Rus sia and proposed, recognition of the Soviet government, under certain con ditions. This move was also recom mended by a joint comimttee on Russian affairs made up of representatives from several nations; but it was vigorously opopsed by several countries who fear that recognition of the Soviets will en courage Bolshevism. After long discus sion the matter was laid on the table till Mr. York should present his plan for aiding Russia by means of a com mission possessing great financial and economic powers. The delegations from the Balkans ex plained the complicated situation in the Balkans and recommended - certain set-! tlements for territorial, political, arid economic claims in that region. The recommendations Were discussed but final settlement was delayed in order that the Conference might study the question further. The committees on International Waterways and Territorial Claimd rend ered reports with recommendations for dealing with these topics. The reports are now under consideration by the Con ference. After a somewhat lengthy struggle be tween the four classes of the Universtiy, the iriter-class basketball, contest was finally narrowed down to a recent hard-fdught battle between the Soph omores and the Freshmen, in which the Sophs took the champioiismp. The team winch secured this glory for 1921 was composed of Coffey; center ; Cummings and Rouck, forwards; and Person and Fulton, guards. ' Winston Wins Western ;i Chantpidaship iri Fdst Game With Belmont In by far the closest basketball game played on the Bynum gymnasium floor this" season, and iri one of the scrappiest find rnbst exciting games ever seen here, the Winstdh-Salem quint triumphed over the Belmont team Tuesday night knd thereby won the High School cham pionship' of the west and; the right to contest with, Wilmington for State hon ors Thursday night. The game was hotly contested throughout. The final score, was 27-25. The first half elided 13-11 in favor.bf Wiristbri, but the game .little Belmon team1 came back iri the second, tied the score and then forged ahead, only to lose out in the last ten minutes of play. Both teams' appeared to be about evenly itiatched and showed , excellent form. The playing was on a pkr with that of any college seen, here . this . season1. The passing, gbal-shobtirig and all around team-work, was far above that 6f the average high school quints. Leeper and McKie for Belmont, and Simpson for Winston were the outstanding players for their respective teams. Crute, the reputed Winston star; . was held to one field goal by the spectacular guarding of Patrick. Following is the lineup: Belmont (25) Winston-Salem (27) Wililamson Eminant Patrick Simpson R. F. . . , . Leeper Davis , C. McKie Crute ,, . .: , R. G. : .... West Sheppard L. G. Referee, Woodall, of Carolina. . Time keeper, Sriiith, of , Charlotte. Scorer, Mobley, of Charlotte. Phi Fresh Hold Intra-, Society Final Debate One of the best and hardest fought freshmen debates ever held in the hall of the Philanthropic Society was staged last Saturday night. After hearing both sides argue their respective good points and refute those of their, oppon ents the judges ordered in favor of the negative, upheld by ,Messrs. J. B. Mc- Leod and P. Hettleman, who contended that the government of the United States should not adopt the policy of perm anently controlling and operating the railroads of the United States. ' Messrs. More and Byrd in presenting the argument of the affirmative pointed out the value that the public would de rive from , government control and in stances where government control has proven a success. ... The negative offered as argument why the government should not adopt such a policy, the danger such an adoption would lead to in regard to destroying private initiative and bringing about serious political evils. They offered the plan of no government control but in stead government supervision under the direction of the Interstate Commerce Commission. They further argued that in time of war private control had borne up under the strain as well aa govern ment supervision. The affirmative to refute this caleld to the attention of the judges the fact that, in order to se cure proper functioning in time of war; the government was compelled to take. operation of tho railroads out of their . owners hands. ( 1 The judges were Doctor Hanvr, Messrs. Lasley, arid Thornton. MECKLENBURG GIVES SMOKER In order to promote good fellowship and to have a good time in particular; some thirty odd students from Mecklen burg county met in the lobby of the Y. M. C. A. last Saturday night; Food was there in no mean quantity, and with an avalanche of humor gushing from all sides of the hall, the history of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independ-i ence was once more retold and vouched for by every man present. The idea of a pleasant time, Mecklenburg countily speaking, was happily realized. Mr. Cuthertson, of Charlotte, pres-; ident of the county club, presided over tho exercises. He presented in turn Professors' Cobb and Noble, and Mr; Capps. The club' was entertained and informed by Professor Cobb 's acocunt of the history of the county; and also of familiar characters around Chapel Hill. Profesor Noble, speaking with character istic wit, complimented the club upon its pride in the history of its home county. By way of introduction to Mt. Capps, he spoke of campus conditions during war times. Mr. Capps, a returned Y. M. C. A. secretary, who spent six months on the Western Front during the decisive drive, told of his observations and ex periences across the sea: ( He exhibited a satchel full of souvenirs of various sorts taken from the battlefields of France. After spending an enjoyable and in teresting evening, the club disbanded by giving a lusty yell for " Mecklenburg. " COMING UNIV. SMOKER AROUSES INTEREST OF THIS ENDOF CONTRY RUMORED THAT ZIEGFIELD DIS BANDS FOLLIES IN DESPAIR QUEEN OF SHEBA WILL BE THERE , Jass bands, orchestras, worn out opera stars, jugglers, and all other requisites to a great ' ' blow out ' ' will be , found at the University 's ( famous dining hall, commonly known as Swain Hall, on the night of March 28. Everyone will be out to see the great stunts. The green ness of the freshman will become bold ness, the boldness of. the. soph, will change to friendliness for the freshirian, the col lege spirit of the junior will shine forth brighter tharf ever, the dignity of . the senior will for forgotten, and the books of the. studious professional Student will be laid aside for one jiight all of which means thai Swain Hall will be packed as it never, was packed before .with Car olina men, imbued with the old Carolina spirit, and all showing the old time pep. Every Carolina man is invited, and not only invited, but expected to. be there. x Peter Wunsch says that the Y. M. C. A. is sparing no expense or care to make this great University smoker the biggest event bf the year. This is saying a lot, too, when we. reflect upon some of the events which have taken place .under our process of readjustment. Pete says that he would like to see any man who wants to bet that Carolina will not have a one hundred per cent, representation. A telegram was received yesterday saying that the Queen of Sheba had rriade all arrangements, and - would bo able to arrive on her appointed time. She will bo down in her old time form, and expects to find everything fixed up in great style. The Queen aiso stated that her entire troupe will be present on that night. Mr. Woolen states that one of the twelve wild barbarians which was imported from the lower part of the Ganges, and was to be fed to the wild beasts just before their performance, has escaped, and should anyone see him run ning loose over the campus he will re port the matter to him or to Mr. Pickard. Ben Cone will be on hand with his" entire orchestra. , They have recently added quite a number of new pieces to their already rich collection, and ' they will render a large number of them dur ing the banquet. ., " (Continued on Page 4) The Russian Symphony is Green with Envy . The orchestra is rehearsing daily and is.begining to attain considerable finish, precision of attack, and balance of tone. Mr. Lucas is coaching the orchestra in enseiriblc work, and he finds intelligent arid willing response to his instructions. The orchestra Was scheduled to supply important incidental music . for' the opening performance of the ! Carolina Playmakcrs. But, owing to the fact that Mr. Rondthaler could not be on the Hill at taht time the members of the orchestra deemed ' it better not to play at all, rather than play with an import ant instrument missin.. There has been much talk about ( re organization of a Glee Club, buti nothing has ben done because the. musical lead ers were not interested. , Aftoryexams, however, all the .old musicians and.:sihg rs will be organized again and new men will be tried out. Mr. Woolen, Profes sor Harrer, Lucas, and Lindsey will take the lead in the musical side, of .the work, with Peter Poag as business manager. So effifficient is the work of the de partment that . all : discharged officers, soldiers, field clerks and nurses of tho army who make application for ; the $60 bonus authorized by the new reve nue act sohuld receive their checks in two weeks after the formal application for the bonus has been made. In event of extreme need, it is possible to obtain the bonus in even shoter time. , Those, who i were discharged before the payriient of the bonuses was started must, make formal application, in strict military form, to the "Zone Finance Officer, Lemon Building, Washington, D. C." This application must show date of enlistment and discharge, and the ad dress to which the bonus should be sent. It should also state thai application, is made for the bonus , provided by the revenue act approved Feb. 24, 1919. . Accompanying this application must be the honorable discharge of the en listed man or the discharge papers of an officer. , On the back of each should be given the man's name and the address to which the bonus and discharge certifi cate, which will be returned, should be sent. The application and discharge pa pers must be filed in the same envelope. A voucher will be drawn and the money ' forwarded in a short time. In event of an urgent case advice9 from Washington state that they will receive immediate attention.

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