rsl. i .... , jthe Tar T7 T7 " - ! i. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Volume XXVIII. CHAPEL HILL, N. C, FEBRUARY 14, 1920 Number 16 H KjK t CAROLINA PLAYMAKERS ANNOUNCE NEW PLAY TO BE GIVEN FEB. 20 THREE-ACT COMEDY GIVING PICTURE! OF ENGLISH SOCIETY WILL RUN FOR TWO NIGHTS First Performance Will be Given in High School Building. Another Series to Follow Soon The next play to be given by the Carolina playmakers' February 20th and 21st will be "The Importance of Being Earnest," by Oscar Wild. This differs somewhat from their former productions, being a three act comedy giving a picture of English society life. While the plot is in tricate and highly interesting per haps the real feature of the play lies in the lines themselves which are very brilliant and witty. Under the genuine direction of Mr. Koch, Mrs. Weaver is coaching the production which will be given the first time in the high school building, with a possibility of its being taken to the out-door stage in Battle Park later in the year, if there should be a demand for its reputation. There will be several new players taking leading parts. Another series of plays by members of the class in dramatic composition is to follow soon, possibly within a month. Characters of the Play John. Worthing, J. P., of the Manor House, Woolton, Hertford shire, George Wimberly. Algerton Moncrieff , his friend, Dou gald MacMillan. Rev. Canon Chasuble, D. D., rector of Woolton, George Denney. Merriman, butler to Mr. Worthing, Jonathan Daniels. Lane, Mr. Moncrieff 's man-servant, Thomas Moore. Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax," Elizabeth Taylor. (Continued on page three) Di Society Discusses Proportional Representation After an interesting discussion last Saturday night,. a resolution that the Di Society should go on record as favoring the adoption of a system of proportional representation in the Unitel States was defeated. After two speeches on the affirmative side of the question by C. T. Boyd and W. II. Bobbitt and two on the negative by 'G. D. Crawford and H. C. Heff f ner, delivered in the order of a regu lar debate. The hall was thrown open for discussion and a large num ber of men took part. Especially gratifying was the fact that a num ber of freshmen joined in the discus sion. " - yThe arguments of the affirmative centered around the point that pro portional representation gives the minority a voice. Under the system of majority rule, no matter how close the vote between the political parties in the field. The party in the minori ty receives no representation in Con gress. The State of North Carolina was used as an example. There is a 'arge number of Republicans in the State but the congressional districts have been so divided up by a Demo cratic general assembly that there is a Democratic majority in every dis trict and hence all the Congressmen elected are Democrats. The Republi cans receive no representation. Pro portional representation would divide the seats in Congress according to the number of vote3 cast by each party. The proposed system is now in opera tion in Belgium and there has been constant agitation for it in England and France. , The negative argued that since ma jority rule is one of the fundamental principals of our governmental sys tem, proportional representation is Un-American. Furthermore there is no need for it; there are no evils in 0lr present system which would make a change necessary. Any party mi nority which is unrepresented in one state would be balanced by a majority fiF vihat party in another State- And ""ally such a system could not be con veniently put in operation in the nited States. It is a very unwieldy mehod of choosing representatives and would lead to endless confusion. PROGRAM OF Y. M. C. A. OUTLINED FOR THIS YEAR INCLUDES MANY AND VARIED PHASES OF ACTIVITY Since Christmas, Secretary Wunsch has been working on the spring pro gram of the Y. M. C. A., which prom ises to be a very attractive one to the students. Several meetings have been inaugurated by the secretary and are now in regular progress. Devotional exercises are held every Tuesday night in Gerrard Hall. Va rious speakers will be provided for these meetings. All students are in vited to attend, r On every Sunday night, at 7:30, in Gerrard Hall, the Student Forum meets with different leaders in re ligeous activities as speakers. This forum is open to all students and the program, lasting only an hour, is di vided into three parts. The first part is taken up with singing, followed by a thirty-minute speech, after which the rest of the hour will be given over to the speaker's subject and other important topics. The Y. M. C. A. has projected its work and influence out in the rural communities, and is trying to estab lish rural leaders in their own Sun day Schools. Mr. C. H. Smith is in charge of the Rural Sunday School Work. The Janitor's Club, organized about two years ago, meets every Sunday morning at 8:00. Secretary Wunsch has charge of the club. The Boy Scout organization 'has1 been put on a firm basis and is doing good work, with Dr. . J. M. Bell as Head Scout Master. INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC HERE NOT VERY BAD Declaring that the influenza situa tion at the University to be less alarming than in any other part of th SiPte, Dr. JS. H. Abernethy, in a talk before the students assembled at Chapel Monday, stated that no new cases had been reported up to that time and that the 15 cases at the In firmary since the start of the epi demic in the State, two weeks ago, were all convalescent with the ex ception of one pneumonia case, and the progress of that case was re ported as satisfactory. Dr. Aber riethy stated that most of the cases liad developed from men who had been off the Hill just prior to their illness. Reports from cities in the State show an average decline in the se riousness of the situation. Dr. C. C. Hudson, health officer for Charlotte, ?eported last Monday 74 cases for the week end stated that the situ ation was expected to clear up in two or three weeks. A few cases among the students at Queens Col lege are reported convalescent. All institutions in Raleigh are reported to be practically free from flu and the high school building there has been converted into an emergency hos pital to care for cases in the city. Ashevlle appears less affected by the flu than the more eastern cites, while Greensboro industries, according to re port, have offered to pay for the ser vice of nurses imported from other places, and the local fraternal organi zations of that city have offered their halls for emergency hospitals. In Winston-Salem, the increase in cases has demanded emergency hospitals. New York health statements show that flu in that city has reached its peak and is on the decline. CO-ED'S ENTERTAIN The Carolina co-eds entertained about fifty of their friends from the campus at a very pleasant little par ty last Saturday night in the co-educational room of the Peabody Build ing, Mrs. M. H. Stacy acting as cha perone. Refreshments and dancing were added to the good cheer of the reception. The guests escorted their hostesses home wd departed with new and definite ideas about the beauties of the co-educational system. WHAT'S TO HAPPEN Monday Dr. Chase in Chapel. Tuesday and Wednesday Dr. Ham ilton in Chapel, on "Citizenship." Friday Musical program in Chapel. COACH LOURCEY WILL! ARRIVE TOMORROW ; I NINE LETTER MEN REPORT FOR VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM ! With the arrival of Co&ch Lourcey tomorrow and the hoped-f?or approach of good weather, baseball practice will begin in earnest early next week, and will continue with i out-of-door practice on all possible days and in door practice on others.' All prospects point to a very bril liant season. At a meeting called on Monday afternoon by Captain Feiiri ster between forty and fifty candi dates reported. Among these were letter men as follows: Younce, Ro berts, Joyner, Wilson, Llewellyn, Milton, Kirkman, Feimster and Lewis. Besides these are others who showed promise last year: Hamer, Swift, Fields, Lowe, Alley, McClair, and Robbins. Several men who were here several years ago but not last year have returned. Among these are Baker and Cooper. Douglas who for merly played for Trinity, and has been a member of varsity basketball this year, will also be a candidate for first oase. With such material Coach Lourcey who showed excellent ability last year in developing a team from -material inferior to that available this year, should be able to develop an excellent team. " The pitching staff, consisting of three experienced let ter men, and three who are not far inferior to them, is unusually strong. The schedule, though not yet ready to be announced, will be a very heavy but attractive one. There will be about twenty games. The order of the Virginia games will be reversed, playing the first in Charlottesville, second in Greensboro, and third in Chapel Hill. There will be a northern trip on which the team will spend several days in Washington and sev eral in Philadelphia. It is also prob able that a Southern Wp will be ar ranged. GRAHAM KENON TRUSTEE OF UNIVP' S1TY DIES IN NEW YORK CITY It was learned in Chapel Hill last Saturday that Graham Kenan, '94, of Wilmington and New York, a trus tee of the University and a member of the visiting committee, was dead. The news was received with sorrow, espe cially by professors and towns-people who knew him while he was attending college here. Graham Kenan was a graduate of the class of 1894, although he later studied law here. He was prominent in student activities and was very po pular. He was president of his class in its sophomore year, was a member of the iSgma Alpha Epsilon frater nity, and was a member of many oth er organizations among them being the Order of Gimghouls. He was a member of the Kenan family which has been so prominent in affairs connected with the Univer sity. The first, James Kenan, was one of its earliest trustees. William R. Kenan, James G. Kenan, and Thom as S. Kenan in memory of whom Mrs. Robert W. Bingham (Mary Lily Kenan) gave the Kenan bequest to the University to be used in the found ing of professorships, were-members of his family. He himself was a trus tee for several years, and yast year was a member of the visiting commit tee. JOHN LOMAX TO RENDER PROGRAM Dr. Archibald Henderson, chairman of the faculty committee on enter tainments, is making arrangements for having John Lomax, the author of "Cowboy Songs" give a program here in the near future. Mr. Lomax comes to us as an authority on modern bal lads and folk songs as they are sung o nthe western ranches. The selec tions are quite typical of the wild and wooly west and as sung and recited by Mr. Lomax should prove a most interesting program. D. R. Hodgin was initiated into the Order of Satyrs, Friday night, the sixth of February. GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATES TO ADDRESS STUDENTS PLAN IS TO HAVE ALL THE CANDIDATES TO SPEAK TO STUDENT BODY :.....At a meeting of the Campus Cabi net Thursday night, February 5th, it was decided that a .committee be rec ommended to write to the campaign managers of the State Democratic and Republican parties extending invita tions to their cadidates to speak be fore the student body at the most con venient date possible. Recognizing the desire and need of a vast majori ty of the students in being enlighten ed on the political problems and issues of the day, the Campus Cabinet will endeavor to bring to the University several prominent political leaders of the State. Since the opinions of col lege men are seriously taken by the people of the country, as shown by the desire to know the opinions of col lege men on the League of Nations issue, it behooves the Campus Cabi net, to have the student body en lightened concerning the platforms of the different candidates and the poli tical needs of the day in order that they might be better able to form an intelligent opinion on them. In Or der that the minds of the student body might not be too saturated with the creed of one party the gubernatorial candidates of the different national parties, the Republican and Democra tic, will be invited through their cam paign managers to address the sau dent body. JUNIOR CLASS HOLDS INTERESTING MEETING Meeting in Gerrard Hall Tuesday night of the junior class went on record as heartily endorsing the measures of prevention undertaken by the University authorities against the further spreading of the influenza epidemic, and pledged its support in the carrying out of the requirements. The class also inaugurated plans to promote a Better realization of the clean-up movement started recently under the auspices of the class in conjunction with the Y. M. C. A. In this meeting it was definitely decided to petition the University authorities for the use of Vance and Pettigrew for Senior dormitories next year. The number required has already been assured. John Kerr, president of the class stated that this decision was influenced by the expressed desire of the class to carry a successful completion its "class spirit and good fellowship" policy. The fine class spirit for which the juniors are famous was present to the 20th degree, and gave plenty of life to the meeting. There are now a hundred and fifty men in the junior class. Various Fellowships the University Offers There are in the University a number of Fellowships and Scholar ships which are awarded each year to meritorious students and to stu dents of limited means. The Fel lowships are three in number, as follows: The Ledoux Fellowship in Chemistry, which is endowed and yields $300.00 annually. The holder is expected to devote himself to research in chemistry. Two Library Fellowships, each yblding $150.00 annually. The holders are expected to assist in the library. Lastly, the Julian S. Carr Fel lowship, which is valued at about $,'300.00 is to be awarded at com mencement each year to a member of the rising Junior class or the Senior class who has shown by the high scholastic quality of his work that he is worthy of help, and who, during his first year in college, has earned his way in whole or in part. Applications for this Fellowship should be made before May 15. The scholarships are more numer ous than the fellowships, and only a few will be mentioned here. A com plete list may be obtained from the University catalogue. The Cameron Scholarships, which were founded by the heirs of Paul Carrington Cameron, are ten in number valued at $00.00 each. A. R. Keith has left college and re turned to his home in Henderson. 40 TO 26 FOR THE OLD DOMINION CREW IN BASKET STRUGGLE TEAM FIGHTING HARD, IS OUT PLAYED BY THE VIR GINIA TEAM VIRGINIANS PLAY BEST GAME Liipfert and Douglas Even the Score in the First Quarter, But to No Purpose ; ' Virginia defeated Carolina in a hard-fought game which was cleanly and well played. The defeat was thorough and the victory was fairly won. The game started with some fast passing with both teams handU ing the ball. Virginia scored first on a long dribble by Captain Pett way followed by an easy Shot. They made several other scores before Carolina tallied. Two' beautiful long shots by Liipfert and Douglas evened the score and from that time the half was closely contested with Virginia leading all the way. Carolina started her passing well in the back court but were slow in Working the ball forward. The Virginia defense was quick to seize opportunities and time after time intercepted our passes and started away with a fast dribble. Both teams fought hard and were going hard al lthe time changing from the offense to the defense. Vir ginia changed faster, employing to a great extent a fast dribble which Carolina found unable to stop. The first half ended in Virginia's favor 16-14. Both teams started strong in the second half and Virginia drew rapidly in the lead on several beauti ful shot sby Hatcher and Pettway. Encouraged, the Virginia team took greater chances on their defense, and played a vigorous offense, which gave Carolina a chance to break thru for several successful passes and shots. They failed, however,' to take full ad vantage of the opportunity because of the niaccuracy and hesitancy of their passing. , Virginia, however, found its open game to its liking and increased the score by pretty shots. It was admitted after the game (Continued on page five) General Assembly Wrangles Over Anthony Amendment Disturbing tfi(e bones of Susan B. Anthony and her contemporaries, and using every argument for and against Woman Suffrage that has ever been used, and then some more, the Phi Assembly last Saturday night wrangl ed over the question of North Caro lina's accepting this amendment for many hours and was unable to come to a vote. Beginning early in the game with somewhat of a landslide the advocates had easy sailing for awhile, and it seemed as though North Carolina would ratify with little diffi culty, but soon the advocates got the floor. And they, in their turn, were almost able to start a landslide of opposition. The opponents would not compromise with the argument of the exponents that it was inevitable, and hence we might as well accept it in good cheer, but insisted that it was to be settled on the basis of what North Carolina thinks about the pro position irrespective of outside influ ence. The bill goes over until the next meeting of the Assembly when a. more intense discussion is expected, the focus of last Saturday night hav ing brought enthusiasm from some where there was scarce any interest before. In his inaugural address, President Jarman showed a keen consciousness of the difficulties that literary society work has met with during the last few years, and insisted that it was the method that had been used, and was not the end sough, that has been the cause of trouble. He rose above de tails and placed literary Bociety work on its basis and declared that if there were any questionings, they were questionings of system to meet the present needs, if it was not already satisfactory. And finally, that there was but one way of making our year's work count, and stand for something to thme individual members, and that was to realize it in the coming con tests in debate and oratory which are to be held during the balance of the winter and the spring quarter.

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