1 The Tar Hee OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA . if ' f Volume XXVIII. CHAPEL HILL, N. C, FEBRUARY 21, 1920 Number 17 COACH FULLER IS NOW ON THE HILL; AD DRESSES ASPIRANTS COACH FULLER We're as Good as Any, He Tells Them Myron E. Fuller, newly-elected footbaal coach at the University, and formerly head line coach of the pow erful University of West Virginia team, addressed 125 football aspirants who turned out to hear him Wednes day afternoon in Gerrard Hall. Full er is a tall, powerfully-built man with a magnetic and aggressive personal ity. He is a former, star of the Yale line, graduating at Eli in '11. He comes to the University with glory ing recommendations from Walter Camp and other noted gridiron ex perts. Mr. Fuller expressed pleasure at being associated with Carolina. The Carolina spirit, he declared, and the loyalty of Carolina students was known everywhere. Then he launch ed upon the possibilities of the ma I aterial to be found here. V West Vir ginia, said the coach, had a student enrolment 200 smaller than our own, yet they overwhelmed Princeton by a 25-0 score this last season, scoring three touchdowns in the first quarl c.r. Princeton herself has only 200 more students than Carolina, Dartmoth 100 more, and Colgate and Washington and Jefferson but half as many, vet their teams were among the tronge?t in the country. - "We can do the same thing herfe," Fuller declared. "You have the spir it; there are men here just as fat and aggressive and heavy as any where. We're going to quit being overawed by the name and reputation of northern football teams. We're as good as they are. And we're go ing into the game with that idea. - When you enter a ; game with any other idea, you're beat before you start. ' . "Varsity football men will be giv en a chance next year but no more," he declared. "If they don't measure up and if a better man can be found, they go off the team. Every man starts with an equal chance." "You need have no fear of a change in the 'system' that you have used," said Mr. Fuller. "There are no systems in football and the funda mentals you have learned under Mr. Campbell. will serve you in good stead with me. There are different styles of coaching, but there is no difficulty in adopting oneself to them." The speaker emphasized the fact that modern football is a much a mat ter of brains as of brawn. "There is no reason," he said, "why the best student should not be the best play er." The coach closed by thanking the men for coming out "I'll be with you next September," he said, "and you're in for some rought work rougher, perhaps than you have ever known. It takes that to make a team. But I'm always ready to help you and I'll expect you to come around and see me any time you need that nelp." Football men here expressed them selves immediately after the meeting as being distinctly impressed with Mr. Fuller, and a general optimism prevails concerning next year's team. Pickwick Will Open 23rd of This Month According to a statement which as given out by Daniel Grant, man ager of the Pickwick Theatre, this theatre will probably resume business by the twenty-third of this month. The Pickwick has been closed be cause of the impending danger of the influenza epidemic and now this dan ger being practically over, the need for remaining closed has been Amoved. Mr. Grant Btates that quite a few of good pictures will following upon opening and among these is Douglas Fairbanks in his company's stupen dous production, "His Majesty, the American," which was released for lhe first time last July. Seton Lectures Postponed on Account Epidemic Owing to the widespread preva lence and the menacing nature of the influenza epidemic in North Carolina, the University lecture committee has been forced to call off, among other meetings, the lecture by Ernest Thompson Seton, National Boy Scout Leader in America and author of nu merous well-known books on nature and outdoor life. Arrangements are being made by Dr. Archibald Henderson to have Mr. Seton deliver his lecture, the "Char acter of Wild Animals," at some later date. ALUMNI BANQUET TO BE HELD HERE FEB. 26TH Plans for the big alumni banquet which will be held in the University Inn. at sevctn-thirty o'clock on the evening of February 26th, are rapidly being formulated. Those in charge expect a large number of old men on the Hill for this banquet, which is the first of its kind to be held by the University. , The banqet will be followed by a meeting which is of the nature of a conference of the officers of the local alumni association within North Car olina and other states, i There are fifty-eight of these associations in this state and nine in other states of the Union. To the presidents and secretaries of these several clubs, Mr. R. D. Connor, of Raleigh, who is president of the general alumni asso ciation, has sent out invitations to the meeting to be held here next week. This occasion, which is the first of the annual meetings which is now be ing inaugurated for university alum ni, will be given over to the discus sion of plans for furthering alumni interest in their local organization. "Effective organization of local alum ni associations," can be termed the theme of the meeting. INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATE PLANS COMPLETED All plans have been completed for the Carolina -Illopkins-Washinton-Lee triangular debate, which is to be held at the sites of the three universities on May 1st. The query that the three univer sities have' decided to discuss is: "That a system of universal military training . for young men should be adopted by the United States." Car olina's affirmative will journey to Baltimore and present its case to the Washington and Lee negative, while the Hopkin s negative will be inter viewing the Washington and Lee affrmative at Chapel Hill, and the Carolina negative and the Hopkin's affirmative will be trying at Lexing ton to settle any differences of opin ion that they may have. Thus all three debates will be held on neutral ground. This is done in order to in sure favorable conditions to a fair contest, and yet the interest that the contest will occasion will be little, if any, less than if one team should remain at home in eajch instance. The Debating Council has just an nounced that the preliminaries to elect Carolina's team will be held on March 25th and 26th. On the night of the 25th the men out for a place on the affirmative team will contest, using only first speeches, in the Phi Hall, and the number will be reduced to four. At the same time in the Di Hall the men out for the negative will be reduced by four in another contest. On the 26th these eight men will meet in a debate and the final team chosen. In this last prelimin ary contest the contract time require ments will be enforced: 25 minutes in all, not over 10 of which may be sed in second speech. Of the 15 patients in the infirmary at the present time nine have in fluenza, five are just sick and one was carried there just after he made a "one" on Zoology II. He will re cover, says the nurse. PLAY POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF THE PREVAIL ING INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC No Definite Date Can Be Announced As Yet ! "The Importance of Being Earn est," by Oscar Wilde, , which was to have been produced last night and tonight, February 20th and 21st, has been postponed until the health au thorities think the danger from a "flu" epidemic is passed. As yet no definite time can bet set for this pro duction, but it is understood that it will be at the earliest possible date. This play, while differing markedly from former ones, will be given by the Carolina Playmakers. The plot is written around English society life, and is intricate and very interesting, it is declared, thus demanding some of the best local talent to be had: those taking part being "Buck" Wim berly, Wougald MacMillian, George Denny, Jonathan Daniel, Tom Moore, Misses Elizabeth Taylor, Cornelia Love, Rachel Freeman, and Mrs. Beard. Mrs. Weaver and Mr. Baker are assisting Prof. Frederick H. Kotch in directing and coaching the production. The first performance will be in the Community Playhouse, with the pos sibility of it being reproduced in the outdoor theatre in Battle Park later in the spring should there be such a demand. The University orchestra, under Prof. Paul J. Weaver, will fur nish the music. . ' Work on a new series of one-act plays, which have already been writ ten in English 31, will start immedi ately after this play is staged. It will this perhaps be the early part of the spring quarter before these one-act plays, dealin with the life of the folk of North Carolina, will be produced. - ; Church League Creating Great Deal of Interest In connection with Captain Brown's basketball program the boy s classes of the various churches in town have formed teams, and worked out an inter-chrch basketball program. The teams were formed two weeks ago and since that time have been very busy training and playing off some of the first games. So fay, the Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians are the only churches that have sent teams out. The others have expressed their in tentions of getting into the game and will appear later in the contest. No definite announcement has been made yet as to what reward will be given to the winning team. The classes, however, which the teams represent have promised each team a big "feed" after the schedule is completed. In their first game the Baptists were outscored by the Methodists and in their second they won over the Presbyterians. All the other games scheduled were forfeited to one of these three teams. . The schedule will run a couple of weeks yet and promises to afford quite a bit of ex citement. A new corporation, chartered in October, is the Royal Theater, Raleigh. ' The incorporaters are: W. P. Whitaker, Jr., '15, of Wilson; C. K. Burgess, '12, of Raleigh; and W. T. Joyner, '11, of Raleigh. ANNOUNCEMENT The following men have been se lected from the list of contestants for the Tar neel Board: W. W. Stout, J. A. Bender, D. L. Grant, C. T. Boyd, W. C. Horner, H. C. Heffner. ANNOUNCEMENT All Juniors who wish to stay in Senior dormitories IVance and Petti- grew) next year, and have not hand ed in their names will get them in at six Pettigrew by Tuesday night at ANNOUNCEMENT Golden Fleece meets Sunday night at seven-thirty at Pi Kappa Phi hall, ten o'clock. Lomax Lectures Postponed on Account of Epidemic In last week's issue of "The Tar Heel" there appeared an article an nouncing a program to be rendered by John Lomax here in the near fu ture. Dr. Archibald Henderson, chairman of the University Lecture Committee, wishes to announce that this program has been cancelled, be cause the date set (it being March 10th), was too near the winter quar ter examinations. SMITH BUILDING WINS DORMITORY CHAMPIONSHIP Smith Building became the dormi tory champions in basketball last Tuesday when South Building for feited their last game to them. The trophy offered to the dormitory win ning the championship thus becomes the property of Smith Building, and will be presented to it sometime soon. The Smith team has had a very suc cessful season. They have not lost a single game, and have even gone so far that they defeated the Sophomore class team in a match game played about two weeks ago. The members of the team are Captain Swann and Misenheimer, forwards; Kent, center; Waugh and Mathewson, guards; and Black, substitute. Other teams which made a credit able showing are Old West and New West; the former losing one game, the latter two. This brings to an end a most suc cessful dormitory season. The pri mary purpose of the league was to provide exercise for the men, and it has served its purpose well. It is believed that at least seventy-five men have practiced steadily for the games, while many more have prac ticed irregularly. With only three more games each to play, the inter-class basketball championship now lies between the Juniors and Sophomores. Handi capped by the loss of Little, their star player, the Sophomore team has not been playing as good a game lately as formerly, and it is feared that unless he returns in time to be in the deciding game, the champion ship will go to the Juniors. Both the Sophomores and Juniors have put out -exceptionally strong teams this year. Both teams have lost one game, losing , them to each otner. lhe bophomores won from the Juniors by a margin of two points in the first game played, while in the second, the Sophomores lost by something like twenty points. This large score in the second game was partly caused by the absence of Lit tle, bophomore guard, who was called home on account of illness in his family. The date for the deciding game has not been set yet. but in all nrobabil- ity, it will be delayed until Little re turns, provided this is not too long a time. Class numerals will be given the members of the winning team. Freshman Debate to Be Held March 13th On March 13th the dual inter-soci ety Freshman-Sophomore debate will be held m the two society halls on the query: "That Article X of the original Leacue of Nations Covenant should be adopted without reserva tions or amendments by the United States." The Phi Sophomores vi.i defend the proposition on their homo floor against the Di Sophomores; and the Di Freshmen upholding the af firmative, will be met bv the Phi Freshmen in the Di Hall: both de bates taking place at the same hour. Ji,ach society will thus have to debate both sides of the same auerv. and must win both in order to win the Cantlet. ' This is the only inter-societv con test during the winter quarter, and keen interest is being taken in it, as is evidenced by the number of men who are out for the teams, about thirty men having already definitely entered, and many more are exDected to enter before the time of the preliminary. GARDNER TO SPEAK HERE WEDNESDAY NIGHT. CAN DIDATE FOR GOVERNOR IN JUNE PRIMARY Captain of 1905 Team That Beat Virginia In response to the invitation to speak to the University community, sent on February 10th, by the Stu dent Cabinet, to all gubernatorical O. MAX GARDNER . .' lieutenant-Governor of North Carolina candidates, Lieut.-Gov. O. Max Gard ner, of Shelby, will speak here on Wednesday evening, February 25th; Honoral Cameron Morrison, of Char lotte, on Friday 'evening, March 5th; and Ex-Congressman Robert N. Page, of Biscoe, on Thursday even ing, March 11th. : No Republican can didates have yet announced" them selves, but the Cabinet plans to ex tend an urgent invitation to any that may announce themselves if before the end of the collegiate year. Mr. Linney, of Boone, chairman of the Re publican Executive Committee, has been appraised of the plan. Lieutenant-Governor Gardner was the unanimous choice of his party for that position in 1916 and was elected by a majority of over 45,000, and the history of his life is a story of ex ceptional achievement in college,1 in business, in farming, and in politics. He carries on an extensive farming business in Cleveland, and is regarded as one of the best farmers in the country. He is a Carolina varsity football man, and was captain of the team that beat Virginia in 1905, and his ardor for football hasn't lagged since. In 1916 Gardner, while on his way to Richmond to see the annual Thanksgiving game, was in a rail road wreck near Greensboro and came near losing his life. Political talk was already brewing on the University campus, but when it became rumored that plans were under way to give the student body a chance to hear its would-be govern ors, and added to this the sudden leaving of Lansing from President Wilson's cabinet, politics took the forefront of the stage. Interest here is keen and the students are delight ed at the prospect of having their gubernatorial candidates "pass in re view." . - , . R O. T. C. Inspection Held by Col. Palmer "Taking into consideration the fact that it is badly handicapped by the lack of uniforms, the work of the local R. O. T. C. is quite saisfactory." This is the statement made last Wed nesday by Lt.-Col. R. P. Palmer, in specting officer, who is attached to the Southeastern department, which has headquarters at Charleston, S. C This was the first of a series of three inspections to be made thhr spring. Colonel Palmer said he real ized how much the lack of uniforms detracted from the appearance of the companies, and Dromised to do all he could to get the uniforms here im mediately. He said that he would be satisfied with the work done provided it showed improvement at each in spection. (Continued on Page 5) 5 1 1 . r i ! . : i .i, 1 H! U i O. MAX GARDNER WILL BE HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY

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