THE TAR HEEL Official Organ of the AlSUtic Association of th University of North Carolina Published Weekly BOARD OF EDITORS THOMAS WOLFE ,. Rditor-in Chief - ASSISTANTS W. H. ANDREWS. JE. H. Q. WEST J. H. KERR.. Managing Bdittr W. R. BERRYHILL. ?JL$ignmmt Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS EniAbETH Lay ' H. S. Eviektt T. 0. Tatub . W. ,L. Bltthi O. T. LlONAHO A. L. PUKBINGTOW P. Hkttlkmiw - 0. R. S0HKU M. H. Patterson 3. P. Washbi'iut t R. B. OWTKX H. D. 8TvNg W. E. Matthews BOARD OF MANAGERS M. O. G00MNQ- Bint Ututtr ASSISTANTS J. E. BANZET, JR. L. V. HILTON To be entered second-das matter at the pestoffiee at Chapel Hill, N. O. . Printed by Th Shxav P&nmttT, Ivo. Darham, M. O. Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, Payable la Advance or During the First Term Single'Copiee. 6 Cents . N.B. Material intended for publication mufit be in not later than' Tuesday mid night of the current week. Address news matter- to Manaemg . Editor; - business cor respondence Jo Manager. . . ; . . , . PARAGRAPHIAS Watch next ,week.'s "Tax Heel" for Carolina's complete Bchedule of de bate and oratorical .contests for the winter and sprang quarters. v It would serve Germany right to make her Jceep the 890 criminals re cently demanded r 1 . . Pickard's' army has iust completed and occupied a new set of trenches along the west front. It as thought they will advance jin a few days and intrench for the .spring on a line fur ther east. -,-: , . . .'. .. ; We wonder does Cuba Libre mean This one on me." - And while they're building the new dormitories they might as well put in unbreakable window panes and un- dumpable beds. Germany ' issues 45,000,000,000 ; marks in paper money we suppose they are "scraps pf paper." , .'.'Mr. Wilson's treaty and League of Nations seems to have Lodged in its attempted passage through .the Sen ate. Gen. Leonard Wood would be Pres . ident if he had hia way. The recent Grey note is about to prove blue for certain individuals in Washington. ' Jenkins Faces Fresh Mexican Crime Charges. Headline! . We say .that they are worse than fresh. "To appreciate our new postoffice it is only necessary to think of the old one." "Tar Heel." Perhaps, , but there are always, soma who long for the good old days. North Carolina must be broke . there's , not a "red" to be found in her pockets. ' .; .. - "A good man now-a-days is hard to find," as ,sung for "The Presiden tial Candidate Company,", by , , any party. ;, v, ( , Mrs. Catt is head of the national suffrage movement. ' Lodge is all riot; hence, a . revolu tionist. . It is a fact, appalling as it may seem, that one can .purchase an ex cellent five-cent , imilk shake for fif teen cents. One of the journalistic celebrities on the Hill has found a girl who will read his stories. lie maintains that she she has feminine qualities, even though she is of different color. Speaking about the Junior Class clean-up week, ; wonder if anyone caught .cold? ' The Bolshevist she remember that the fall of Nature begins when she turns Red. Strength is a funny thing. The candidate who can carry Texas can not always do the same with Rhode Island. Nowadays the only thing that mak eth a full man is reading. ; In the Senate where there's a wil there s a wont. "Maynard Forced Down First Day oi .night," says a headline. After all, a preacher has to "come down to earth" sometimes. And to think that after we have spent a decade learning to really ap preciate the pretty ditch across the campus they have tp go and fill it in Send her some flowers. Her other wooer can't eat them. If Jack Dempsey could see the "young hopefuls:' boxing here, under Laptaine Browne, he'd eive ud his belt at once. . THE TAR HEEL'S PROGRAM FOR UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT The "Tar Heel" takes this oppor tunity to set before the students its program for the development of our rapdily-expandmg University. i. Dormitory accommodations ad equate for the .comfortable housing of university students now and for the increase of several years to come. 2. Increased research and class room facilities to be obtained only by a liberal building program of de partmental buildings. V 3. Remodeling and modernizing of our antique structures. 4. Co-operation with the Univer sity by the student body in keepine the campus and dormitories clean. 5. Co-operation with the Univer sity in keeping the campus unlined by unnecessary paths. - f 6. Co-operation with the Univer sity in bringing to the attention of responsible, .and earnest. citizens . of this state the : present ' needs of " the University; to do this by letter or by personal contact. 7. A better acquaintance with the great body of tradition on which our University life is founded. 8. A whole-hearted and sincere support of our honor system and all that it stands for. 9. An increased observance of the fundamental rules of hygiene and the general caretaking of our bodies. 10. - Recognizing " the continual sense of responsibility that should rest with every University man; the knowledge that the University is rep resented solely through us and like wise judged through our actions. 11. An observance of the more fastidious rules of conduct in our daily relations with , each; other; a complete resignation of former slight breaches of etiquette in the mess hall or at public gatherings. For by these things is a University man judged by the lay observed. 12. To remember always to be loy al citizens of the finest community in the world: to cherish our relations with the University because of her fineness and truth, for what she has done and will do for us; to be Uni: and not "boys" or "vil- age fellows." A Carolina man's liberty and free dom are in hi3 own hands until the exercis.e of them is : injurious either to himself or to his fellowman. We have on , or campus no laid-out rules by which a man has to go by, or is forever breakiner. On our campus a man is regarded as. having a sense of what is right or wrong. We have been very ' fortunte here ..... ita if 1T in haying pracucauy no nu. we are not boastine. for we realize that the epidemic is still raging all around us. We do desire, however, to keep it off our campus as much as pos sible. The best way, we are told, to keep the "flu" away is to keep m as eood healtn as possmie ana to Icpat awav from those who have it. The last point is the one that should be esneeiallv stresse dat present. The men realize the value of keeping in good health but some are careless about exposing themselves. The University authorities are do ing all they possibly can to keep from placing a quarantine on the campus. Here, as alwavs. they are trying to avoid using compulsion. They have stressed the necessity of remaining on the Hill over the week-ends in stead of riding home on a "packed train on which 'are possibly several jases of influenza. ' The man who wilfully exposes him self and then comes back to the Hill and endangers his friends is doing an injustice both to himself and to his friends. No man, if he knows it, will do such a thing, and few go home on week-ends, now that they have been asked to stay on the Hill. The men who have not regarded bhe situation seriously should look at it and see what it means when they go out into the state where there are thousands of cases of influenza. VTUDENT FORUM "DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP" Christopher Columbus wa3 hard pressed by his men when the prom ised land did not appear. He contin ued on his course and discovered the New World, George Washington had disaster staring him in the face dur ing that awful winter at Valley Forge. He bravely ftfced the issue which resulted in his becoming the Father of Our Country. The Allies were disheartened by the many great reverses which came to them during the early years of the war. They persevered until America took the Standard of Freedom and bore it on to final victory. Failure does not mean abject defeat unless such be our choice. Of times failure has been the forerunner of success. He who has never been de feated knows not whetKer he will stand the test. Judas chosen by Christ to be an Apostle, betrayed his Master and enver returned for further trial. ' ". The souls of the great have been sorely tried. Christ suffered an ig nominious death before He redeemed the world. St. Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, denied his Master. Un like to Judas, he repented and re joiced to give his life for his Master, St. Paul, a persecutor of Christians joined the ranks of the persecuted and became their apostle among the Gentiles. A good intention steadfastly pur sued must lead to victory. It is a mariner's compass guiding us to our final goal. The past is history- and cannot be altered, but we hold the future in our own hands. A good intention wil bs our trusty guide whether we pro- ceed from a successful or an unhappy past. Add to that a dogged perse verance and our lives must prove a blessing to the world. MORE ABOUT THE CAROLINA SPIRIT Much has been said of late about the Carolina spirit, or, sometimes the lack of that spirit. Recent thefts in students' rooms and other simv lar incidents have led some to be; lieve that there is not as much Car olina spirit on the campus as there should be. It is not in regard to such dishonesty alone that we are to judge the extent to which the Carolina spir it pervades this campus. There are many little acts and incidents in which we can see the Carolina spirit reflected. There are many little, un guarded acts in the every-day life of students that show whether they pos sess that noble spirit. The fellow who wil lay his heavy overcoat on another's new hat and crush it at the library or dining-hall entrance does not have that spirit. The man who will sit down in the library and lean his chair up against the wall and scratch off the paint sadly lacks the Carolina spirit.1 These are but a few of the little actions by which the lack of Carolina spirit is evidenced. If we give more attention to these little things, as well as the big, there will be more of the real Carolina spirit on the campus. J. G.. Gullick. Di Society Favors Government Provision for all 5ur plus Labor Last Saturday night, by an over whelming vote, a resolution that the Di Society should go " on record as favoring a definite policy on the part of the government of providing em ployment for surplus labor was de feated. ' The usual open forum dis cussion , was held and a large num ber of men participated. Those favoring such a policy ar gued that it is the duty of the gov ernment to provide employment for surplus labor. There is a great deal of work which should be done but which is not being done. Working conditions would be improved. A great many men, like the coal miners, are employed only for a portion of their time. The proposed policy would insure regular and year-around work. A uniform distribution of la bor would be insured. The arguments of the opposition 5S1 Iff t!: ftatetj Brsn6 Ohitl;w lw You rest the assurance of good service on our policy of GUARANTEED SATISFACTION PRITCHARD-BRIGHT GO. A LIMITED NUMBER of bound copies of The Tar Heel for 1919-20 are still UNENGAGED Applications for these will be re ceived and filed in order. Address THE MANAGER centered around the point that it is not a function of the government to create work for labor. The govern ment rshould not infringe upon the field of private enterprise. There would be a loss of initiative on the part , of the, individual workman. He would wait for the government to give him a job arid would probably be faithless in his duties for he would know that under such a system the government would have to keep Jiim at work all the time. The middle ground of opinion was that the government, instead of ac tually employing all surplus labor, should throgh its various employ ment bureaus and other" agencies, find work for men who are unemployed and place them in these positions. A motion was passed that a com mittee should be . appointed to thor oughly investigate housing conditions on the campus and out in town and to draw up and present to the so ciety a set of resolutions concerning the same. Then the resolutions are to be printed in all the state papers, with a view of showing the people of the state the urgent need for more dormitories on the campus. It was believed that this is the best way to acquaint the people with the condi tions as they actually exist. WHAT'S TO HAPPEN AND WHEN Week of February 22-29 Sunday 12:30 o.m.. Dr. Moss will speak on "The Sermon on the Mount" at K. A. house. 7:30 p.m., Open For um in Gerard Hall, lead by Dr. Moss. Monday President Chase in Chapel. 7:30 p.m:. N. C. Club meets in Gerard Hall; subject, "Public Wel fare." Tuesday Prof. C. A. Hibbard in Chapel, "The Newspaper World." Wednesday Prof. C. A. HibbarH in Chapel, "The Newspaper World." ihursday Frof. Frank Graham in Chapel, "The World's Work." The Alpine Yodlers in Gerrard Hall at 8:30 p.m., under the" auspices -of Y. M. C. A. Aluni conference in Swain Hall. ' ' Fridayi Musical nrocram in Chapel. PERSONALS George B. Lay, Class of '18, who is engaged in the automobile business in Kinston, was a visitor on "the Hill" last week-end. Charlie Dairs, Class of '18, at one time manager of track and himself an active track man, was a recent visitor. Judgment In the selection of your Clothes need not neces sarily be based on tech nical knowledge of clothes making. When you come to a store like this you've taken the first in good judgment. You place your reliance for good quality and good style upon the reputation . of the store or the makers of the clothes we handle. Cy Thompson Says- To Ex-Service Men: President Wilson has signed the Sweet law recently passed by Congress, making many de sirable changes in the six per manent forms of Government Life Insurance. The choice of lump sum settlement to your estate is one of them. Come in to see me in my of fice opposite the campus and learn in detail how you may re instate your lapsed policy or convert all or any portion of yours. Unless you heed additional coverage, particularly for pro iectioni' to , credit,!. we t will ..not - even discuss the advantages of the superior service that the first-chartered purely mutual " Amercian company offers over most commercial companies. Cyrus Thompson, Jr. District Manager JOHN W. FOSTER "BULLY" MASSENBURG College Agents 'Perfection in Protection" ARROW Oro? Tailored ': Soft Collars CLUETT, PEABOOV & CO. , INC. . TROY, N. V. EUBANKS DRUG COMPANY 'Prescription 'Druggists CHAPEL HILL, N. C. mm THEY HAVE A WAY OF Cutting it Correctly AT THE A. W. HORTON BARBER SHOP ON MAIN STREET DURHAM u