DEBATING COUNCIL Gardner Adherants iANNftlTWPFC Cf HPhlTI C Organize Club nilllUUllVbJ UllllLilSULiLi I In order to the more effectually The schedule of contests in oratory further the campaign of Hon. O. Max and debate that; will be held rhirim Gardner, for Governor of North Caro tho fcalnw'f .Jlina, the Carolina - supporters of Mr, tt c Gardner met in Gerrard Hall Tuesday uaxtcia s Just announced oy night and formed an organization tne secretary oi tne Uebating Council known as "The Gardner Club." Offi is' ah "unusual one Twenty-six places cers of the club . were "elected and are open xor orators and debates: Plans were cuscussea in regara w six of which are intercollegiate. the approaching jcampaign for the - The complete schedule, with nre- Demoncratic nomination in the state ummary aates iollows: primary, x. k,. xayior, oi oparta r March 5th--The Southern Oratori- was chosen president, and E. K. Proc cal contest at Lexington, Kentucky, tor. of Lumberton, was named seer The Southern Oratorical Leas-ue is tary of the roganization. composed of the universities of Ken- The club intends to do some good tucky, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, work in the campaign, especially Worth Carolina, Johns Hopkins Uni- among the students of the Univer versity and Vanderbilt University. sity, and from the enthusiasm shown March - 13th The Inter-Society at the organization meeting Tuesday t reshman-Sophomore Debate: Soph- night it is quite evident' that its omores in Phi hall and Fresmen in weight will be felt. Besides being a the Di hall. powerful factor in the shaping of the April 13th Junior Oratorical Con- student opinion here, the club teg. A team of two Juniors each through its representation of the en- from both societies will contest for tire state, .will no doubt be important the Carr Medal. Preliminary April m work out m the state ist. (May 1st The Inter-Colleeiate Car- Iina-Hopkins-Washington and Lee tri angular debate. Preliminaries will be held on March 25th and 26th. Infirmary, and meeting his classes May 7th Peace Oratorical Con- Professor Noble has been confined on test at either Greensboro. Durham account of blood-poison in the leg or Raleigh. Preliminary April 22d. which resulted from a scratch. He June 14th Seniors contest for the says that while he was shut up he Wiley P. Mangum Medal. fThis con- read the lar Heel with much en test controlled by the Facultv.) joyment, thereby keeping in close June 15th Junior Commencement touch with Carolina aitairs. Debate. Preliminary May 19th Mr Leatherwood, one of the Car . olina men who recently passed the NEW BOOKS IN PHYSICAL EDU- Bar received law license, is going CATION to practice m Greenville, S. C. He I 1 ,1: J J 4. 4-l 1. -4. tion of schools. x !..u u1 uUv w KleeWtrer War mnrt practicing. leeDv-rger war, sports. Mr. William Nicholson, a Wake Y. M. C. A. army and navv athlet- n j ic handbook Lwr., , V"? ntfr8, " t:n xt t , .. . tne xiiu last ween.. iur. nucnoison xbtujr mew rational atnietic lor j j. u. ui : a "" I .. Dr. F. P. Venable has been confined "1UU1U-jiwneiitary gymnastics mui, ;fl0, ou-xcg 01 gymnas- t5morP. where he was hastilv 'sum moned because of the death of a PERSONALS Prof. M. C. S. Noble is out of the tics. Koehler West Point manual of uiaitiiuiaiy pnysKM training. Bowen Teaching of elementary school gymnastics. ; . Sperling The playground book Lincoln The festival book. Captain Brown is working on a plan -which will inaugurate a system of inter-class and inter-dormitorv ieiana Playground technique and track athletics. A definite schedule playcraft. land list of events will be announced Gulick The efficient life. as soon as arranerements can be made Hutchinson Exercise and health, as to securing places for the several Rosenau Preventive medicine. meets. A 220-vard relav race be- A.vres, wmiams & Wood Health- fween class teams will be held the lul schools, how to build, equip and first or middle of March maintain them. Gulick Dynamic of manhood. Gulick Physical education by mus cular exercise. Allen Swimming pools. McKenzie Exercise in education and medicine. Fisher-Berry Physical effects of smoking. SLATER'S HERE'S THE POINT- YOU GET THE AMONG THE CO-EDS Miss Kate Meares, of Columbia, S. C, has been added to the roll of our co-eds. The co-eds have been very f ortun-1 ate in their fight against the flu. At present only one, Miss Annie Bold- win, has the misfortune to be con fined on account of the epidemic. The co-eds number among their ranks nine Seniors, two candidates for M.A. degree and one engineering student. ' Foremost among the co-eds' de sires and thoughts is the new co-ed dormitory. They are now thinking of and planning for a building of their own. so that thev will no longer have to1 live, or better say exist, in I IN DURHAM attics and basements. CO-OPERATIVE INTEREST OF EXPERIENCED FITTERS When you buy a suit . of clothes from SLATER Make Yourself Known to Men Who Appreciate Your Acquaintance ON MAIN Franklin County Club Gets Busy The Franklin County Club met the past week and went on' record for advocating ' a boom for the . county back" home. ( Considerable . business , was, transacted which tended toward improvement and co-operation. ' It was decided to have a feed during the next few weeks, and a .committee was appointed to draw up resolutions expressing our wish to co-operate with the high schools in the county in the State High School Debate Con test which is held in the spring of this year. A program was drawn up for the next regular meeting and pa pers on schools and industries of the county were assigned. Plans were discussed in regard to publishing a county handbook next fall. The meet ing as a whole was an enthusiastic one and the club adjourned with a determination to let the folks back home know that we're behind them in anything that they attempt to do. The club began the year with thirteen members but since that time has had the misfortune to lose two of them. NATIONAL CITY BANK SCHOL ARSHIP Those men desiring consideration of their names for the National Bank bcholarships and who have not al ready filed, their applications for the same should do so at once. All ap plications : must be in to President Chase's office by Monday, March 1st. Professor Carroll will interview men desiring , information concerning the scholarship. ' Men seeking informa tion see him at once, due to. the lim ited time m which applications may be filed. GARDNER MAKES PLEA FOR EDUCATION (Continued from page one) cording to the Golden Rule. He said that an aristocracy of labor or capital is as bad as an aristocracy of gov ernment. Labor and capital should be allowed to organize according to fixed laws, and the non-union men should be protected. Furthermore, he stated that he believed in equality of opportunity for every man and not equality of man. For centuries there has been a great struggle for the rights and blessings of opportunity and there is no opportunity enjoyed for which some man did not di Equality of opportunity is the true conception of industrial democracy declared the speaker. y" "I am glad that North Carolina i a conservative state, but she is toa individualistic and lacking in team work," declared Mr. Gardner. With a plea for Carolina students to catch the spirit of team work f0r a bigger and batter state and not to be influenced by the desires and am bitions for money and power, Lieuten" ant-Governor Gardner concluded the first of the campaign speeches to be given on the Hill by candidate for state Governor. FACULTY COMMITTEE URGES STUDENTS TO USE BETTER ENGLISH (Continued from page one) man of the committee, Professor Foerster. (Alumni 14, Mondays and Wednesday at 9:25; other hours bv appointment.) Professors Foerster, Bell, Carroll Hanford, Pierson, and Towles. Debate on the new constitution of the General Assembly of the Philan thropic society was cut short last Sat urday night because of early adjourn ment on account of the influenza sit uation. Before the adjournment the discussion was very spirited concern ing a change in the Assembly con stitution. The suggested change was that every member of the society be allowed two nights from attendance at the society. The constitution that he assembly has been using is nearly 125 years old, so many interesting changes are contemplated. There A e T'mes When you need a piece of hardware in your student business Ten to One We have just the thing you need Probably It's KNIFE a RAZOR or a bit 1 h. c. wau ; c. l. wai. Chapl HU1 Hardw are Co. Columbia Graf onolos mm av i and Records TONE is a test for he ear, not lor the eye. The. glori ous voice of the Grafonola can sing its own praises far better than any words we can put in type. H Before you d- cicle upon a phono graph you should certainly hear the Grafcnola. Test its tone by ear. Play any n cord on any Grafonola when ever you like and as often as you like. We have all the latest Records. De cember Records now on sale. Come in and hear them. Our doors open with a welcome. The Royall & Borden Company Corner Main and Market Street, Durham, N.C. nil FtftogTrr-ir, ush i mm i "SHINES T H AT LAST " AND SOMEHOW THEY JUST MAKE A NEW HAT I ROM THAT OLD ONE DURHAM SHOE SHINE PARLOR f.. E. P.CATL JEWELER OPPOSITE THE "PICK"i THE PEOPLES BANK E. V. HOWELL. . ...Prksidbnt R. H. WARD Vjcb-Prksidkkt LDECO LLOYD ...VicbPrksident C. B. ORIFFEN Cashikb R. P. ANDREWS Asst. Oashies JUST TRY A MEDITATION YOUR SORT OF CIGAR !;:;TJ;!;iQt::;::::;::! lllliiraOLlil; n V : : : ;m Auto-Strop Razors. Sold on 30 Days Trial PATTERSON BROTHERS Druggists FOR THE MAN WHO CARES M. MOSES CLOTHING THE FIRST HAVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN TO-DAY FOR THAT FALL SUIT ANDREWS CASH STORE W. B. SORRELL Jeweler and Optometrist CHAPEL HILL, N. C. DR. Wm. LYNCH New Office Over Peoples Bank CHAPEL HILL, N. C. 5cl)iffmaix 3ewelr (to rcansboro. ytovll) Carolina i