tforth Carolina Club Discusses Co. Government Last Monday night the North Carolina club enjoyed two very inter esting papers on county and commu nity government. (Mr. Charlie Nich ols, in the first paper, dealt with '.'Unified County Government, Uni form County Accounting and Report ing, and State-wide Auditing of County Accounts." He gave many jrood suggestions as to the reorgam zation of the county government so as to make it more effective. It was pointed out that in 1913 county government was an eigni minion dollar affair, approximately twice the cost of state government. At this, he showed how the county government is a headless affair and how badly renoviation is needed First, he advocated unified county government under a responsible headship: chairman ol the board or. county commissioners. . Second, there is to be a board of county commissioners of three or more -members, including the chair man. Third, all county officers are to be placed ancillary to the board in a definite way to a definite extent. There shall be a bureau of county auditing in the office of the state auditor. The controller of county accounts is to institute a uniform system of county accounting and reporting, and to maintain a state wide system of auditing county accounts. The duties and regulations of each of these departments was definitely laid down. The second pages by Mr. J. T. Wilson was on Community Organi zation, Community Incorporation, and Extended Local Self-rule." Mr Wilson pointed out the fact that all reforms should begin at home, and should aim first and foremost at the physical and moral uplifting of the individual citizen. The definite need in every community of a place for social activities was strongly brought out, as it wquld remedy, to a great degree, the hanging around drug stores, smoking cigarettes and drink ing "dopes," and other such habits. The incorporated rural community was given as a great forward step in the progress o fevery community. Constitutional amendments were sug gested that the local self-rule might be extended in North Carolina. Finally, changes were proposed whereby the county government may be more closely unified under respon sible headship. Overall Moveuent Rivals Mushroom On with the overalls! seems to have supplanted the old cries which used to be heard around the campus of "On to Richmond" and "On to Greensboro." The campus, con verted as by. magic through the desire of economy to the , ranks- of the H. C. L. combatants, has sud denly blossomed out in blue denim and khaki shirts. The overalls movement, which started in Bir mingham, Ala., the first part of last week, in its rapid spread over the country struck the campus about Wednesday of last week, at which time the law school held a meeting and agreed to wear overalls for one month while on-the Hill. On Thurs day the campus cabinet brought the matter up for discussion in chapel, and after two hot speeches on the subject, one by Bailey Liipf ert, of the law school, and the other by Bob Gwynn, both of whom wore overalls much to the amusement of the audience, and a short talk of opposing the 'movement by John Kerr, it was announced that the matter would be brought up in specials class meetings to be held that afternoon. Then a hot chase began over town "in search of overalls. The suPply in the different stores fast Scorning exhausted, some of the stu dents were without overalls until later on in the week, but by Monday a large percentage of the student body had donned the blue denims. Friday just after dinner a picture as taken of the men with overalls "J front of the postoffice, and a group UI several hundred made a very 8od picture. On Tuesday a moving Picture was to have been made in front of the Alumni building, but wing to the bad weather it had to 09 postponed. But the movement sems to be spreading rapidly over the campus and town, and every day "ew pairs of overalls appear on the canPus. And all over the state and nation we read each day of new overall clubs which are being formed Jf attack of the H. C. L. Sim 'mi seizing the opportunity with "e keen business nose of a true nancier, at once secured several hundred pair and did a flourishing business in overalls. And some of the boys, not to be outdone, realiz ing the storing away of new spring suits which the movement is bound to mean, a once put out an adver- tSsement of "moth balls at Vance 8." "Overalls I over all" in the words of Bailey Liipfert, became the slogan of the campus, and the campus, instead of beginning to look green as is usually the case in the spring, took on a rather blue hue. Hartley Delivers Lecture Before Commerce School On Tuesday night, E. H. Hartley, of the class of 1899, now chief statistican of manufacturers in the census bureau, lectured before the school of commerce in Peabody audi torium on the subject of "Business Statistics." In his lecture, he traced the growth of the census from 1790, with Washington as director and Jefferson as tabulator when the census was compiled in a book of 56 octavo pages, to the present day, when the census tabluations cover over 41,000 pages. He said that the first modern census was taken in 1880 when the method of gathering data by super visors and enumerators, which is in use today, was started. This census was of such vohjme that the use of electrical tabulators was essential to the getting out of the information on time. He showed the value of the census to industry and business, quoting many cases where the census bureau had aided materially those industries, which had applied for information. Finally, he stated that he planned to introduce tabulating devices into the census department that will allow the giving out of information about each county along industrial and other lines, whereas information formerly obtainable gave out data only by sections. Phi Zeta Nu Society Initiates New Members Immediately following the bi monthly meeting of the A. I. E. E. society last Monday evening, the initiation of five new members into the electrical engineering fraternity was held. At the end of a six reel film, - which was featured the elec trical engineer's contribution to the various needs of the great and growing industrial world, a ' very striking and unique choosing was staged. There appeared on the screen a mysterious sign in which the Greek letters "Phi Zeta Nu" were embodied. Five forms clothed in long blacks hooded robes were led into the room by one in white which carried a sword and a light. From among the audience, the can didates for membership were indi vidually brought out and immediately seized by a form in black. At a queer signal, all left the room together. The newly initiated members are: W. C. Walke, of Chapel Hill: A. B. Wright, of Winston-Salem; P. C. Smith, of Capron, Va., L. V. Milton, of Greensboro, and C. J. Bryan, of Goldsboro. SLATER'S HERE'SJTHE POINT-. YOU GET THE CO-OPERATIVE INTEREST OF EXPERIENCED FITTERS When you buy a suit of clothes from SLATER V Make Yourself Known to Men Who Appreciate Your Acquaintance IN DURHAM ON MAIN Business is Increasing Business expansion is going on rapidly all over the country. New additions are being made to the forces of office help in countless institutions. There is an exceptional demand for trained young men and women who are qualified ns stenographers, bookkeepers and account ants. Our courses fit you in a short time for one of these splendid positions. You have halted long enough. Make your decision right now to enroll with us immediately. Durham Business School MRS. WALTER LEE LEDNUM. President For college men, busi ness men, professional men, men of sports baseball, football, golf, tennis, shooting, riding. For everybody, every where, the year 'round, Bevo is hale refresh ment for wholesome thirst an invigorating soft drink. Ideal for the athlete or the man in physical or mental train inggood to train on and gain on. Healthful and appetizing. It must be ice cold. Anheuser-Busch St. Louis Serve it cold IE Immsammm-mmr-- W,niM$ic?.r tgm Sincerity Clothes ; ARE Young Men's Fall and Winter Clothes The Styles are away from the common-place; the new colorings are very novel. High point lapels, sleeves with bell cuff and rope shoulders, high shoulders, high waist line, modern pockets, etc. UNCOMMON GOOD VALUES AT $35.00 OTHERS AT " I . $30; $32.50; $40; $42.50 and $45 Markham-Rogers Co. Durham, N. C. CARR-BRYANT HIGH GRADE SHOES FOR CAROLINA MEN CARR-BRYANT BOOT AND SHOE CO. 106-108 WEST MAIN STREET DURHAM. N. C. "SHINES THAT LAST". AND SOMEHOW THEY JUST MAKE A NEW, HAT J ROM THAT OLD ONE DURHAM SHOE SHINE PARLOR! mT?.- Auto-Strop Razors Sold on 30 Days Trial PATTERSON BROTHERS Druggists m IB IP;',, J I II ' I f D C Pips are certainly a man's smoke. They bring S iu . n:-.jKfi')V wrrtch everv man seeks. It's in the in.' ivn. h briar, which is guaranteed against cracking or burning;!), in quality of bit and band, and in workman ship and design. Select several shapes today at any good dealer's. Smoke a cool one every time. WM. DEMUTH 8t CO.. NEW YORK W OSLO'S L. A SO I 3T MAKCRS OF FINE PIPES 11 "I