.HE VOTE WEDNESDAY VOTE FOR THE BEST MAN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Volume XXVIII. CHAPEL HILL, N. C, MAY 22, 1920 Number 28 SUMMER SCHOOL WILL OPEN JUNE 22; TO BE LARGEST ONE YET OVER 1,500 WOULD REGISTER IF ACCOMMODATIONS COULD BE PROVIDED MANY FEATURES ON PROGRAM Will Conduct Institutes For Study Of Public Welfare; Housing Situation Main Trouble The attendance at the Summer School this year will exceed that of and previous summer session, accord ing to information given out by Prof. N. W. Walker, director of the Summer School. The office is receiv ing letters from fifty to seventy-five people daily who are asking for information in regard to the Sum mer School, and Mr. Walker pre dicts that fifteen hundred to eighteen hundred persons would register for the session if they could be accom modated. All the rooms in the new dormitories were taken by April 1 and at the present (practically all the rooms on the campus are engaged. A thorough canvas has been made out in town ana an available rooms have been listed and these are being engaged rapidly. The authorities are making arrange ( Continued on page three) Junior Order Gorgon's Head Gives Dance The Junior Order of the Gorman's Head gave a delightful dance last oaturaay night complimentary to the Junior Order of Ginghaul. The ivieyer-uavis Orchestra, of Washing ton, furnished the required amount oi music and pep for the occasion. The visitors on the Hill for the dance were: Misses Lucy Meyers, jvatnieen .Trice, Mary Wilson, of ureensboro, Margaret Sealy, of AshevilIe:May Coan and Dolores Holt, of Winston-Salem; Molly KUinn, of Miayodan; Josephine Erwin, Mary Cobb, and Mav WalW. of Durham: Elizabeth Baker. Norm a Freeman, Julia Russ. Narcissa Rid- dick, Josephine White and Luta Bell Spann, of Raleigh; Mary Patterson, of Chapel Hill, and Miss Vosbere-. of Boston, Mass., Messrs. William Grimes, Allen Leach and Cal Harris, of Raleigh, were also in attendance. MAGAZINE WILL BE PUT ON NEW BASIS Phi General Assembly Opposes Co-education By an overwhelming majority, the General Assembly of the Philanthro pic Society, last Saturday night, passed a resolution, "That the Phi lanthropic Assembly go on record as disfavoring co-education in any form except for graduates from other institutions, professional students, and resident girls." The vote on this resolution was 54 to 12 against, and immediately after this vote was taken a resolution was passed order ing the reading clerk to report the resolution and the vote to the presi dent and dean of the University. The resolution as first introduced for discussion dealt with the advis ahilitv of buildinff a eirl's 'dormitory at the University. Those sponsoring the resolution argued that the boys here did not have sufficient rooming accommodations, and that it would be unwise to build a girl's dormitory before several were constructed for the boys. It soon developed, how ever, that the dormitory discussion was just a minor consideration because the big issue was the attitude of the assembly toward co-education. Then the original resolution was changed to the form of the one given above. The majority of the speakers onnosed pn-pdneat.ion. Thev main tained that the State Normal was the proper place for a girl to get her education just as the University was the nrnner nlace for a man to get his. They further maintained that the University was not equipped to train women properly, and others recited the fact that the presence of women ' made the minds of many young men wander from their studies. The opposition defended the co eds on the ground that as this was a state institution they should come to the University. They pointed out the fact that the leading educational institutions in the country were co educational. They further contended that the presence of women on the college campus was not detrimental to men. They cited woman suffrage as one of the examples in which women's rights ar'e becoming recog nized. A motion was unanimously passed hj the society favoring the transfer J the society to the Graham Memorial Building when it is erected. A committee consisting of John Kerr, D- L. Grant, and R. C. Dorsette were apoointed to represent the society in staining quarters in the new build Tonight the election of officers serve for the next year takes Place. T. C. Taylor, the Editor-in-Chief of the next year's Magazine, an nounces that there will be a radical change in the make up of the Magazine beginning with the Septem ber issue. It is planned to publish it every month, and oftener if the finances permit. The make-up of the Magazine will be devoted to matters of general interest, patterned after the manner of the Literary Digest. It will contain a page correspond ing to Who's Who and Why in N. C, a scientific department. The Maga zine will be the same szie as the Blue Ridge, with the exception that it will contain a few more pages. The relation of the Magazine to the societies will be the same as in former years. The first number of the Magazine will . be the North Carolina Number. The editor-in-chief recently secured permission from the two societies to appoint additional associate editors to the Maeazine Board, who will not necessarily have to be members of the societies. It is known that there are many men of excellent writing ability on the campus that have not been on the board formerly because they were new members of the societies, but this barrier has been done away with and the board for next year will be composed of the best men that can be secured on the campus. MIKADO TO BE GIVEN FRIDAY NIGHT AT 830 GILBERT AND SULLIVAN'S FA MOUS COMIC OPERA; PRETEN TIONS PRODUCTION WILL BE IN MEMORIAL HALL One of De Wolf Hopper's Most Suc cessful Productions; Eleven Piece Orchestra to Play Di Society Elects Magazine Board At its regular meeting on last Saturday night, the Di Society elected T. C. Taylor as editor-in-chief of the University Magazine for next year with C. W. Phillips, C. T. Boyd, and W. L. Blythe as asso ciate editors. C. R. Summer, C. D. Beers, and C. T. Leonard were chosen associate editors of the Yackety Yack for 1920-21. A resolution that the Di Society should assemble itself as a legislative body in .regular formal meetings was defeated. Those fa voring the resolution urged that a change in system is needed in order to create more interest in literary society work. The open forum does not afford sufficient flexibility. Those opposed to the measure argued that nothing can be accomplished by werelv cbanp-intr the form of orcani- o zation. Messrs. Gwynn, Bobbitt, Phillips and Williams spoke on the question. What's to Happen and When Monday, May 24th Dr. Chase in chapel. Tuesday, May 25th. Dr. Raper in chapel. Wednesday, May 26th. Dr. Raper in chapel. Thursday, May 27th. Student Forum. Friday, May 28th. Musical Pro gram. Fridav nierht in Memorial Hall, at 8:30. the Mikado Event, under the auspices of the University of North Carolina Musical Club. Friday night at 8:30 in Memorial Hall the department of music will produce Gilbert and Sullivan's famous comic opera, "The Mikado." This will be the most pretentious produc tion, it is said, ever attenmted at the University. The cast consists of nine principals, a chorus of twenty men and twenty women and an orchestra of eleven pieces. The Mikado was first nroduced in 1885. and immediatelv attained a great popularity which has never diminished: manv of the ereat stars in musical comedy have used it as a vehicle, and in the last few years it has been revised bv American and English companies and played to crowded houses all over the world: even in Japan. The production by DeWolf Hopper was one of his most successful ventures: anH two of the biggest theatres in New York and Washington ran the Mikado lor several months' last season. Gilbert and Sullivan's operas are unique in their field; they have that mysterious something which catches the popular fancy, and at the same time are never cheap or unworthy. The music is of the most tuneful. catchy sort the kind of thing that one whistles on the camous: and the lines are teeming with the most clever wit and comeuy. Most of us are familiar with such soncs as "The Flowers That Bloom In the Spring," "Tit-Willow" and "Three JUttle Maids trom School." The production is to be elaborately staged and costumed; both acts take place out of doors, and a veritable forest is being put on the big Memorial Hall stage. With its splashes of oriental color, its lanterns and Japanese umbrellas, the scene will make us all forget the barren (Continued onipae two Students Contribute $7,000 More to Fundi A very successful canvas of the new women on the campus, reports $7,000 in actual pledges, there are still about ten country clubs to be heard from. The plan to raise this money has been to conduct it by counties, each county handled by upper classmen representing their , counties. . , The whole Graham Memorial Fund, according to reports before the Alumni Committee, is over! $106,000 raised. This report -does not include the $7,000 recently raised on the campus. The total to be raised is $iou,uuu. Albert M. Coates, secretary of the fund, is now making a final canvas of the state. The actine- secretnrv 0 ior tne iund on the campus is G, D. c-rawiora. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ELECTIONS TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 26 MEN NOMINATED FOR VARIOUS OFFICES AT STUDENT MASS MEETING RECENTLY A LIST OF THE NOMINATIONS Ticket Contains Nominations For Important Athletic Offices And Tar Heel Offices FACULTY HOUSES WILL COST AROUND $50,000 COMMENCEMENT DANCES JUNE 15, 16 AND 16 The final commencement danc es are to be held in Bynum Gymnasium on tne iotn, loth and 17th of June. The Waldorf-Astoria dance orcheotrn has been secured to furnish music for the occasion. The order of dances are as follows: On the nio-ht ox me xotn tne seniors will give a dinner dance, at which seniors alnnn will be represented. The regular oraer oi dances on the following uays win De louowed. An afternoon and night dance on the 16th, a morning, afternoon and night dance on tne xYtn is the schedn e an nounced. The decorations for the will consist of a wistn for the erym. The sides nH will be decorated by a lattice work arapea m wisteria. The musicians' platform will also be approximately decorated following- out the of the above. Japanese lanterns will iurmsn the required amount of ngnt. Visitors will not. he .... - M4..ivid.i un less they have invitfltionc t secure these invitations, the names oi tne visitors must, he Iij ' .tuiiuU 1X1 to w. u. .romdexter before June 1st. regular invitations will be mailed these men from the Rail tv,o me chief matinwi- eaoo .i.i that only a limited number of invi tations will be issued. The leaders for the ,?Qt, w. u. roindexter, chief ball mana ger, Allen Grant. William xti n 771 Tin ........... 11MJ, wnite, Stanford Travis, Jesse xiarper Jirwin and F. R. Lowe. Pursuant to an announcement in the last issue of the TAR HEEL regarding nominations for offices in the Athletic Association and on the Tar Heel Staff, a student mass meeting was held in Gerrard Hall last Wednesday at two o'clock and the following men were nominated for the various offices: President of the Athletic A ciation: F. R. Lowe. C. P. SnrniU W, G. Pritchard, Oliver Rand. Vice-president of the Athletic As sociation: A. C. Lineberger, J. D. anaw. Secretary of Athletic A ssocintinn Fred Pharr, E. M. Sweetman. Cheer Leader: E. E. Rives. Assistant Cheer Leaders; Ram Schenck, A. S. Kinnev. E. flarlvle and P. J. Ransom. Representative on Athletic flnmi. cil: B. C. Harrell, B. B. Wimberly, and Fred Patterson. Editor-in-Chief of the TAR TTtttfT.. John Kerr, D. L. Grant, W. L. tfiytne. Assistant Editors, (two : H. f!. Heffner, W. L. Blythe, W. E. Mat- tnews. Manafiriner Editor: W. E. TTnmor J. A. Bender, J. W. Daniels. (Continued on page five) 'On to Blue Ridge" Is Far Reaching Cry Ten houses costine approximately $50,000 are at Dresent in nrocess of A construction on the newly developed property, as yet unnamed, but lying about halt a block trom Franklm Street just back of the homes of Dr Lawson and Colonel Pratt. There were twentv-two annlicants A C for homes so the Universitv is thus trying to meet the housing situation, which has been a serious one this year not only in Chapel Hill but throughout the state, it is understood. These ten houses were given to the present members of the faculty needing them most, and to the new faculty men who will come here next semester lor the hrst time. The funds for the new develon- ment are not part of the $500,000 bunding fund voted by the state legislature, but an endowment in vestment, and the sites and buildings when finished will cost in the neigh borhood of $50,000. Thev will be completed in plenty of time for occupancy betore the lykiu-zl semes ter. Two new streets will be ODened ud as anDroaches to this new development; one running between the homes oi Dr. Lawson and the old Herty place, the other beginning on Battle btreet between the Gra ham and Howell nronertv. When completed this new development will be two points, an arrangement wrncn has become very popular develop ments in many American cities. The new residents will probably name this property, , which promises to not only relieve the housing situation but to add materially to the expan sion and beauty of Chapel Hill. Crawford Wins the Bank Scholarship Out of the three by the University for the National City Bank Scholarshi n thi 7aav G. D. Crawford was chosen. Eigh teen men put in an application for the scholarship this year. E. E. White has transferrer? the National City Bank to the Inter national Banking Corporation, and this year he will so to London to acquire about six months special training for foreign service. After this training period he will be sent to the far east to serve for nm-u of four years. R. B. Gwynn and J. P. Wnshhum will both return to the National City Bank in New York for the early part oi tne summer. Mr. Gwynn will also assume relations with tia w VAX International Bankiner Comomti on and after his training in London win go to the far east. The Uni versity now has three graduates engaged in the service of the Mo tional City Bank at Montevideo, uraguay. They are Jack Powell, Red Cooper, and Bob DeRossette. Dr. L. R. Wilson returned Tuesdav May 18th, from Ann Arbor Michi gan, where he has been attending the annual meeting of the Associa tion of Alumni secretaries. Dr. Wilson read a naDer before the association entitled "An Enlarged Program of Alumni Activity. Dr. Wilson has been editor of the Alumni Review of this Universitv since the publication was started eight years ago. The cry at nresent is not. "on to Richmond" not "on to Greensboro," or Raleigh, but "on to Blue Ridge." At present about fifteen men from Carolina are nlannins- to co to Rlno Ridge this summer, and any that to go are more than welcome. The Southern Student Conference held at Blue Ridere in the heart of the Rlno Ridge mountains is the summer mecca for southern college students and professors. In 1919 there were 568 in attendance there, and it la known that 600 are planning to attend this year. The conference i from June 15th to 24th. Blue Ridge is a wonderful place to spend a few days in the summer. Situated 15 miles east of Asheville it is veritably in "the land of the sky." There will be plenty of facilities at hand for recreation. There will be a series of baseball erames between roll likewise a preparatory contest. There will be contests in tennis, volley, ball, basketball and track. There are won derful places to hike to, including Mount Michell, the highest point east of the Rockies, not far distant; there is Greybeard, the Craggies and scores of peaks affording unexcelled views. The entire afternoons are given to recreation, fellowship and college spirit. The following schedule is offered: morning hours, Bible study; Forum of Student Problems; Life Work In spirational Addresses. Afternoon and evening hours: Addresses on Oppor tunities for Life Investment; Study of World Problems; Meeting by col lege or state delegations to summar ize the work of the day. There will be courses offered in the Bible and World Problems. Many prominent speakers will be in attendance, including Dr. Tod Sloan, of China; Mr. G. C. Hounshell, of Nashville, Tenn.; Edwin Mims, of Vanderbilt; Dr. Poteat, of Wake Forest; Dr. H. H. Home nf ya University of New York, nnrt others. The expenses of entertainment Blue Ridge are a $5.00 program fee, and room and board for ten days which is $20.00. The Timer to m ft a of $5.00 should be sent in advance with a request for reservation. DON'T MISS THE MIKADO FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 28