Page Four THE TAR HEEL March 20, 1923 Pinehurst Number Boll Weevil Now On Sale Day ind day out FATIMA. ATHLETES a a a a a a a a a a a a a a : a a a :: :: :: : :: :: : a a : : a : 8 is euaranteea to relieve neaa- :: ache, almost instantly. LE it fails ' to relieve, your money will be ! " refunded. A a a MAKE GOOD AS SALESMEN Because They have the natural training They know how to think and act quickly They understand what it is to "fight through." 3ome of this Company's most successful representatives learned their first lessons on the Gridiron and Diamond Our Agents' Training School did the rest. , .. , LIBERAL CONTRACTS CHOICE TERRITORY SOUTHERN LIFE & TRUST CO. The Multiple Line Company aj3tOfcorrrO. " " " CAPITAL $1,000,000 A. W. McALISTEB, Pres. H. B. QUNTEE, Agency Mgr. r 1 1 t v -v I. L. SEARS TOBACCO CO. ! ...... i Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS, CIGARETTES AND TOBACCO CHEWING GUM, MINTS, ETC. j 120 Corcoran Street Phone 1323 j DUEHAM, N. C. I FOR GOOD SERVICE See That Your Clothes Have the Red Tag on Them When DRY CLEANED OR PRESSED J. E. CHEEK CO. DXTEHAM, N. C. aaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a A a a a a A A A a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaa:co:aaaaaaaaaaaaaa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa CAROLINA SCHOOL S of Stenography and Typewriting 1 (BEAKCH DURHAM BUSINESS SCHOOL) A MRS. WALTER LEE LEDNUM, Principal $ PEAEODY 3 ;; W. D. Clarke Dies After Long Illness The death of W. D. Clarke at his home Saturday night at 10:45 brings sadness to his many friends. Mr. Clarke has been a resident of Chapel Hill for several years and was a very lovable character. He had been suffering with diabetes and pneumonia for some time recently and was brought to his home on the outskirts of Chapel Hill toward Durham Sunday night from Asheville. His case was pronounced very critical and he gradually became worse. Mr. Clarke was born in Raleigh ,New Jersey. He was in his forty-sixth year. Graduated from Tale University at an early age, he then devoted all his effort to the study of forestry, later receiving a master's degree from Yale. He later taugh forestry in Amherst College, Am herst, Massachusetts. For some time he was an instructor at Tenn State, then he served in the Government Fores try Service. At the time of his death he was connected with the Forestry De partment of the State Geological Survey. The deceased is survived by a wife and one little daughter, Eleanor, in ad dition to two brothers and a sister wno live in the north. He was a Mason hav ing belonged for a number of years to the Amherst Lodge before he came to Chapel Hill. Funeral services were held Monday at three thirty and his body was laid to- rest in the Chapel Hill Ceme tery. Parson Moss was in charge of the services. Laundry Cleans Up Its Surroundings Among the first of the new buildings to have its grounds cleared of building materials and to take a step toward beautifying the surroundings is the Uni versity Laundry. The manager of the laundry is doing this work on his own initiative and the laundry officials are bearing the burden of expense. Manager Paulsen thinks that planting flowers and shrubbery, after clearing away all debris, will place the surroundings of the laun- dry in a very pretty condition for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. It. B. Lawson will en tertain the "gym" team with a supper Friday night Letters will be given this week. Catch Your 8:30 THEN : BREAKFAST at the UNIVERSITY CAFETERIA Scotch Grain THE only extreme fea- ; ture in all the length and bredth of John Ward Shoes is their extreme ly fair price. Their styles ar conservativ, as collej men woud hav them, and distin guish! by a quality of splen did workmanship. Inspect them for yourself. The John Ward representa tiv displays in Y. M. C. A. MARCH 20 - 21 sCers -Shoes Stores ii MewYoric jBrooklvn .Newark Plula.w Address for Mai! Order iSiJOoane street-NcwYorkCity BUNCOMBE CLUB MEETS AND HEARS INTERESTING SPEECH N. W. WALKER F. W. MORBISON ADVISOSY EOAEJD D. D. CAHB0LL MRS. M. H. STACY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE - - VICTOR YOUNG ENLIST NOW FOR THE SPRING TERM SHORTHAND OFFICE PRACTICE MONDAYS SUBJECTS TYPEWRITING SECRETARIAL STUDIES SESSIONS From 4 to 6 WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS PROPOSED EVENING SESSIONS From 7 to 9 WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS SEE MRS. LEDNUM WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON PEABODY BUILDING, ROOM 3 asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !i . A p E. V. HOWELL, President LUECO LLOYD, Vice-Pres. $ I THE PEOPLES BANK 1 J C. B. GRIFFIN, Cashier R. P. ANDREWS, Ass't Cashier ; ': AAAAAAA-::SSA-SSySAA International oiuuenis i ours under the auspices of The Institute of International Education offer an opportunity for American col lotre students to travel in European countries with congenial groups, un der scholarly leadership, and at lower cost than iB otherwise possible. The members of the Students Tours in 1922 included representatives of 66 American colleges. There will be three Students' Tours in 1923: An Art Students' Tour, with an itinerary which includes many of the freat galleries and cathedrals of Italy, 'ranee, Belgium, Holland, and Eng land; A Students' Tour to France under the joint auspices of the Federation de I'Alliance Francaise and the In stitute of International Education; and A Students' Tour to Italy under the joint auspices of the Institute and the Italy America Society. Full Information about itineraries, leaders, and cost, may be secured from- INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS' TOURS 30 East 42nd Street New York City The Buncombe County club, at its meeting held last Saturday night, was very well entertained by a short speech given by Mr. George Stephens, of Ashe ville, an alumnus of the University. Mr. Stephens commended the club for the action it is taking in trying to make the University as attractive as possi ble to the students of the Asheville High school who might be influenced to come here next year. Mr. Stephens also spoke of the many things in which the western part of the state excels, unci told of what was expected of the Carolina men who intend to make that section their home. During that part of the meeting dedi cated to business the only thing of note taken up was the smoker which the club has decided to give hi Asheville some time during the Easter holidays. The leaders of the various activities of the Asheville High school are to be invited, which is only another step on the part of the club in its attempt to have a rec ord breakng number of students from Buncombe county in the freshman class here next year. GEOLOGY STUDENTS TAKE AN EXTENDED FIELD TRIP A number of advanced geological stu dents have planned an extended field trip for the Easter recess. The party, in cluding fifteen members, plans to motor first to the Virgilina copper district, thence to the Natural Bridge, Va., area, via Lynchburg, thence to the Catawba Mountain district - At this point camp will be established and a careful study made of the very fossiliferous Palezoic sediments. The Teturn trip will include Roanoke and the Dan River Coal Field. The party is under the supervision of Dr. Prouty. Faculty and students from other institutions are planning to join in the trip. PINEHURST NUMBER OF BOLL WEEVIL APPEARS (Continued from page one) deserve that consideration but the Car olina campus asks to be introduced to the gentleman first. Then we turn to the editorials and are told some things about Pinehurst which we already knew and more besides. The Boll Weevil puts up an eloquent plea for campus politicians to select an editor-in-chief for next year. Yes, politics is all that is lacking to make the insect a real Carolina student pub lication. The Boll Weevil takes no stand against the Publications Union and the "Merit System" of selecting publication officers as suggested in the Carolina Magazine, but speaks only of the editor-in-chief's selecting, and fails to mention the manner of selecting a business manager which we consider the more important office at present. More men have been added to the Boll Weevil staff. Yes, it is truly a student publication. The more the mor rier. The Pinehurst number contains some right neat sketches, jokes, etc., also the revised editions of some which we heard as we rolled out of the cradle. For instance, "An Auto Biography" is right clever; in fact, about as clever as the new "Carolina Jolk-Play; A Tragedy, 'Considerable Inconsiderate ncss'. " The two pages Pinehurst ad is one of the most attractive features of the magazine. Other articles, such as "Bal lad of a Dub" and "How I Lost Du alpha" show a technical knowledge of Pinehurst 's chief sport. Most of the short jokes and fillers are made-overs, but there are some new and perhaps original ones. The art staff continues to do very good work but shows little improve ment over previous work. The draw ings of several new contributors are worthy of note. On the whole, the Pinehurst numbor is perhaps "up to the standard," but certainly not the best that has and can be put out, and it may not bo for tunate enough to get "fifteen or more pieces and one cartoon reproduced in 'College Humor.' " We'll soo. A ! The MAN Store EVERYTHING THAT'S GOOD IN GOOD CLOTHES ASHEVILLE, N. C. A" A' A A" :- I :: A" A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A PERRY-HORTON SHOE CO. DURHAM, N. O. A A A A A A A AAAAAAAA Good as the Best, and Better Than the Rest a COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR SPRING STOCK a A A A A SaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaISI Don't SHINE It on the campus Get "Em" Shined at Jack Sparrow's 7& Just Received 4 Special Dance Records j These Special Victor Records Are Now on Sale at THE BOOK EXCHANGE Y. M. C. A. Drop in and hear these new numbers. NOTE.: We have arranged to have the new Victor Rec ords on sale at the Book Exchange to give you the best oossible Victor Record bervice. " B The TMiiBii TAfnfiM! Durham i "Everything Musical" No. Car. HJS"K FOR CASH RATES, TICKET RATES OR QUARTER RATES ON YOUR PRESSING ' See " ' '" CAROLINA DRY CLEANERS Basement of Stroud Building After Every Meal fir L f IHiaia M 1 1 Chew your food well, then use WRIGLEY'S to aid digestion. It also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen. The Great American Sweetmeat Kinoty-Bovon per cont of the popula tion of India livo In tho rural districts AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J Ride with A "DEWEY" and "EELNEST" A ' H A 1 NEW AUTO LINE & Station at H "Jack" Sparrow's Place $ m ;; Regular Schedule A A A A Special Trips to Order A! !' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Battery Park Hotel Asheville, N. C. Offers every attraction in the way of wholesome cui sine, efficient service and en tertainment. Golf, tennis, fine saddle horses. Motoring. Concerts. Dancing. WILBUR DEVENDORF Manager READ THE ADS IT PAYS!