Tuesday, January 22, 1924 THE TAR HEEL Page Three Student's Column Editor of the Tar Heel, Dear Sir: I've just seen in the Tar Keel a most inaccurate story, of my encoun ter with one of the more humble members of the Carolina faculty. Real izing that his refusal to grart an in terview did not arise from any in nate modesty but rather was moti vated a word I learned in English 31 by a chivalric desire to protect the lady in the case, I feel that it is my duty to set your reporter right and to render a true account ' of a most unfortunate incident. Know then that shortly after Christmas I broke away from my sis ters as we were led thru Chapel Hill and after several exasperating en counters with unspeakable dogs I at last found peace on the Campus not far from a whitish building whoso smell reminded me of my own little stall back in Alamance. No human was in sight and as I cropped the grass I remembered that the Univer sity was having its Christinas holi day. Suddenly I espied a man swinging along the path that leads to the Li brary. By his faded hat and trou bled mien I knew him for a faculty member. But what business had a professor to be walking thru the Campus in vacation time, and he-id-ed for a building at that? I had not then heard the adage. Teachers work till nearly one But Library work is never done. The poor wight was actual' y going to work during holidays! That in itself was disgusting, bm what really angered me was his very apparent effort to ignore my pres ence. Now Mr. Editor we brunettes like to be ignored no more than do our auburn sisters. Disdain is more humiliating than a beating. Against this insult I had but one "mimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuit:;:iimttt:- Like An 0. Henry Story "FULL OF PLEASANT SURPRISES" 'TP RULY the 0. Henry expresses the Carolina spirit. It's atmosphere is de lightfully metropolitan. Its courteous, at tractive service suggests a club. Its excel lent table whets the appetite. Men of Caro lina, visit us often. THE 0. HENRY Greensboro. Other Carolina Hotels Under tke Sane Management.. Tke Sheraton, The Cleveland Hotel Charlette, High Point Spartanburg Charlotte t-rr- rr Jspbinsai Good Hotels in Good Towns recourse: I lowered my head and rushed. The man must have some magic powers or some library angel may have aided him, for almost in stantly an osage hedge seemed to grow up between us. A moment later he was back on the path; another rush; and again "the magic trees. I paused to shake away the angry tears. When next I looked he was three cow-lengths up the path. But what a change! No longer he ig nroed me; his steps had not slacken ed but every ten seconds he glance-1 over his shoulder at me. I had achieved my purpose: he was notic ing me. Happy in that I had gained my point I allowed him to wend his fool ish way to an icy Library, there to court pneumonia. I trust he has .earned about women from me. Just another paragraph: I'm in better humor now and if any othex .'acuity member ever wants to give -on;e of his vacation time to the Uni "ersity I promise not to molest him. ZOE MOO iiiiiiin;im;iHiiiiiiiinm;Kninm;mu?t A Few Suggestions FOR FEEDS, EAKQIIT SEOIH& aid so forth IG ASSORTMENT OF Apples Oranges Bananas Cakes Cigars Cigarettes Ginger Ale Grape Juice Coca-Cola and ether Drinks Boys! Let Us fix up your order for your next "feed" A. A. KLUTTZ CO. "V tikes yeur dollars have more sense" SERVICE is our watchword Since 1912 We have served the Student Body. We feel that we know their wants and can supply their needs. We are not offering the cheap shoddy materials but ony the standard brands such as we have al ways used. Best leather and Goodyear rubber heels. So, if it's shoe repairs you want, call 212. Dear Ivlis LIoo, or is it Mrs. ? : We are sorry for our reporter's in ccurrcy and apologize for any humi iation you may have suffered. Since he was not an eye witness to the trag edy, he necessarily had to handle the truth recklessly. We don't blame you 'or giving chase to the professor with the literary background; it was -owardly of him not to stand his ground and explain his ungentle manly rebuff to your friendly ap peal. Our only regret is that he was too fleet of foot. Would that you might lave tossed him aloft and have shak en his academic bearing on th? very steps of the grim library. After hree years of paying heavy fines we have a natural dislike for the li brary and library workers. Your actions were not uncalled for, Zoe We trust you will retire to .our stall and hay in a forgiving spirit. And next time, please show more speed. Again we are sorry. Be a contented cow. Yours for better milk, The Editor. LAW CLUBS END If uii Each Law Club "Held Court" Four Times During the Past Semester Electric Shoe Shop W. 0. LACOCK, Prop. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. An interesting editorial was no ticed some few days ago in one of th? 'aily newspapers headed somewhat -s follows: "Your Coal Pile as a Thermometer." The article went on to some length explaining how one night say it had been a cold or z hot winter but that a true estimate of general climatic conditions of the season could readily be obtained from an examination fo the coal pile. The lize of the pile being an inverse mea? ire of the average temperature. Borrowing the same idea one miarht well say that basent litsts are quits as good as indication of baromet.k -(!;ire. Now a low barometer means rain and if the rain happenr . ::i"t e.irly in the morning, espe cially before time to arise, it is al - o;t. certain that eight thirty classes will be low in attendance. Durin" p oil ar;. Alienee wtih class rolls there has been found hardly a singe orniii with conditions as mention ! aboie when the number was not abnormally high. Looking back ov?r he absent lists for eight thr:ty !asses one can tell with fair certain v the mornings that were rainy. Howevci. be it es it is, the above tite rf afaii, :s not as bad as it might i pi'ear. It's just perfectly nat--:ul f o ' e; t ii an i e cry one, when it its cold to put more coal on the r.. it L-, vh?n re awake in he morning and find ourselves lis! ..v of lain to heave l thankful yawn for the Lords bls?3 t n o er to sleep again, uch a reu; on io of course not justi Yr.ble but there are certainly few hj, vith t: c' conscience, ctmid jrelicn. another for such an act "ir how mar.y are there who wjuld i&s --o .';. ssme thing? It i'. me that there h another lason why laiiiy mornings find i i i ass d t!,:.t is this. The phy ' out of largj i-art of .he cs i n sii: h a nature that ev- ' v. hat if it has ben "iniiiT rt a no r a' r.te far : 2 : n f;ft i minutes the only way to t to c!as: in rr"a-nt?b,' '1 1 r i-i '.. ; ;V ' v?L .inin ' hos or emrloy ; canoi. Neither being avpitabi.t t!'" o.y : . b- reached is to - ait a vrlJ'.u. ' Fo the ,'b r. .t to y: tho r ' : f " .;oj 'n il" T:' 'r.icr.t rb r:--: - ?tu.-e r.r- : ".U .- :..ki - . .." f. v. : n rii ' : "," " 1 whi ,: In accordance with the plans which were worked out at the time of their organizations, the various law clubs of the University Law School held four meetings during this month on which occasions briefs were submit ted and cases argued by the mem bers. Each club met in a separate room in Manning Hall and "held court." At the first meeting, which was he!d Tuesday, January 8, the case of Belle Curfew vs. Telegraph Co., was argu ed. The plaintiffs and defendants of the various Law Clubs were as follows: Manning Law Club: R. F. Jones, Plaintiff; Z. A. Morris, defendant. Iredell Club: N. E. Aydlett, plaintiff; C. G. Bellamy, defendant. Ruff in Clubr H. D. Duls, plaintiff; Dink Tames, defendant. Gaston Club: T. A. Burns, Plaintiff; G. G. Dixon, de fendant. McCray Club: J. A. Myatt, plaintiff; J. R. Owens, defendant. Pearson Club; T. L. Strange, plain tiff; Thos. Turner, Jr., defendant. McGehee Club: W. L. Whedbee, plain tiff; J. R. P. Carawan, defendant. At the meetings of Friday, Janu ary 11, the 'plaintiffs and defend ants in the case of The University of North Carolina vs. Lemnie Keepem were: Manning and Gaston Clubs: C. V. Jones, plaint, P. C. Cocke, def.; Iredell Club: L. T. Bass, plaint., A. B. Brady, def. Ruff in Club: L. T. Gal loway, piain., A. L. Herring, def. Mc Cray &ub: A. N. Moseley. plaint., D. H. Penton, def. Pearson Club: C. H. Perry, plaintiff; R. Y. Thorpe, de fendant. McGehee Club: T. J. War ren, plaintiff; B. S. Smith, defendant. On Monday, January 14, the case of the Humdinger Automobile Co., vs. Anxious Customer was tried. The plaintiffs and defendants were: Gas ton and McCray Clubs: W. E. Comer, plaintiff; E. L. Owens, uei'-'iiuaiil. Manning Club: G. II. Jones, plain tiff; J. Foyner, defendant. Iredell Club: C. -G. Lee, plaintiff; S. Coyner, iefendant. Ruff in Club: K. D llard- esty, Jr., plaintiff; B. P. Hodges, de fendant. Pearson Club: C. W. Prid gen, plaintiff; A. N. Stainback, de fendant. McGehee Clnh; F. II. Whit acker, plaintiff; A. T. Ilorton, defendant. The case of Rambler vs. Mildewed Hope was argued at the fourth meet ing which was held FiiJay, J..ir.iarv 18. The plaintiffs and defendants in these arguments were: Gaston Club: Daisy Cooper, plaintiff; C. H. Da. id son, defendant. McCray Club: C. K Neal, plaintiff; L. J. Pigram defend ant McGehee and Pearson Ciubi: D. M. Field, plaintiff; P. J. Smith, de fendant. Those serving as Cliiof Justices were: Professors A. C. Mcintosh, P. I. Winston, R. II. Wettach. F. B. McCall and Albert Coates of the Law Faculty, and H. A. Whitfield, D. G. Downing, A. L. Purriugton, S. M. Cathey, and C. E. Cowan. The Presidents of the Law Club? expressed themselves as immensely pleased with the work of their re spective organizations. Forty-four arguments were made, i' nine men submitted cases on the brief. Fifty-three briefs were fiieu ranging from five to twenty type written Laces. There was an ave.a e attendance of sixty-one men at all the meetings This concludes the work of tin Law Clubs for the Fall Terms. The ' : 11 the S;.m;r Term will wist of arguments b. 'tween the clubj by members of the reeond and '' o'v sap. Further plans will be announced early in February. Get; Extra Credits at Home More than 450 courses in History, English, Mat hematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc., are given by correspondence. Learn how the credit they yield may be applied on your college program. Catalog describing courses fully, furnished on request. Write today. 95 ELLIS HALL Cfje Untoerfiitp of Cfjteago CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Timuit.;tnnniHnuiii::i:nii;i;t::t;ii.-u;iiitumrmrrrmft E. V. HOWELL, President LUECO LLOYD, Vice-Pres. C. B. GRIFFIN, Cashier R. P. ANDREWS, Asst. Cashier THE PEOPLES BANK Chapel. Hill. N. C. ttttmatmnt tttittitttittttuiitutnumtt a. e p can 3 t.r EUBANKS DTRUG CO. Reliable Druggists for 31 Years i XT 11.. 1 1 Agents 1UI i-NUiian a yanuy We Will Be Here JAN. 23111), 24TH, 25 Til, AND 26TH At Jack Sparrows Place With our exclusive line of tailoring showing all the nwpst weaves and fashions for Spring and Summer. Ycu are cordially invited to call and look our line over on these dates. Orders placed on these dales delivered at any time you say. Miiiican & McMillin FINE TAILORING FOR COLLEGE MEN GREENSBORO, N. C. . t?mttmttttmttmtmtttmmtmtiwtm7tttttt WWtHtrlttl! I ory Bags! On Sale At 54c each Your Name and Laundry Number put on each one Free Laundry Dept. U.N.C. --mnqsttttmuuwwmattttttsttt nttummwmmmmnjmmt ft CCLr NIAL DAI.ii'S The Department of Ii;st"i y und Government announce: l!f. !!;.;! me:.; cf th.i l olonial &. v. P i:: :., No 'h Ca. n'ina History an ' 0 .-n .1 ent bv (h o.th CaroM :n .' of the Colonial Dames of f ' the bast essry in the fall of N i: ua.-o.iiia hi it ;.y and go fvt-m":,f 1.--ciny .;t..u-.r,i, in the Uni e i!y. '-''. i.4ia.- v.i 1 be the publ.'cuvit n of -' ' -1 ' ' jy rTcl i I b.- . v -t 'd f.r;ni::.!!y. ; .o'iied, h - ' I ?M have the I'v.' l.'. t- ; if r.onn i:j rcb : v.it to ;:.:lv.y -.h- av. ard. .- . ' -e of aw::.-1 1. v.-o ju-.; ts ' - : : Ui'tnicnt bv f. . ' :u t. , -:t :ii . ,tory and C:, en m hi selcetrd by ;:, ! .s from a.i.on; 1 Society. ; vm is open to n" ' .ni ersity. infromatio:i s GUILFORDS of Philadelphia Will show complete line of Haberdashery and Clothing Sutton and Alderman Drug Store JANUARY 23 and 24 Spring line of Suits and Top Conb; $33.50 and $35.00 Fine Worsted Suitings $45.0" JACK CUNNINGHAM, Re-. 1 i! i! .!. J. de Roulhac Kv :nun:m::::::t