Page 2 THE TAR HEEL Saturday, September 26t 19$5 col It f, . ffc&at eel The Leading Southern College Tri-Weekly Newspaper , Member of North Carolina Collegiate Press Association come thirsting, the way should be made clear for the accomplishment of this end. Any and every thing that hinders should be wiped out or remedied and the right of way given to the securing of an education. Last spring it was decided by the fraternities on the campus to reduce ttlA oil! n rt OPIGMI11 frt ri.ra wdala .Published three times every week of the ri, i j . , . . , , , 1 1 he reasons advanced were mainly paper of the Publications Union of the that th! PIaD WOuld mean the Savin . I - J a- ml University of North Carolina, Chapel UI UUJC auu money." ims was gen Hill. N. C ' SubscrlDtion price. S2.00 1 erallv agreed UDon as beintr correct. - i w a A O local and $3.00 out of town, for the and the measure was passed. ' college year. YM, hfifnr last inA I- a i -that lasted until the first week in uecemDer was used, lne period n.a 1, 1. xA 1 i naa juab onvri. cuuuuu w uia&.e in Entered as second-class mail matter at L , . , . . the Post Office. Chapel Hill. N. C tense rUsh,nS nece7 and just : 11 , . . 1.. I long enougn to consume almost tne H. N. Parker KJUnr I entire onarter and to hrinir nfimif. Harold Sebum -J? .JBusiiieaa Manager great many failures that otherwise 1 " "' " '" ' iniii I 11.1 i mi Editorial Department WOm nOT nave lbt lra" Managing Editors lermiy men realized tnat tney were Tuesday Issue J. T. Madrv sacrificing an entire quarter unnec- Thursday Issue P. N. Olive essarily! Consequently, the shorteV oaiuraay issue js. s. arr season was adopted. i x At the meeting of the Pan-Hellen- Offices on Building. Asiittant Editor ' C. W. Bazemore and F. P. Eller J. O. Allison J. F. Ashby K. Berwick J. R. Bobbitt, Jr. L. N. Byrd H. P. Brandis D. D. Carroll W. G. Cherry R. K. Fowler . J. B. Lewis Staff , R. R. Little E. R. MacKethanJr. H. McPherson W. W. Neal, Jr. P. N. Olive W. P. Ragan J. N. Bobbins C. F. Rouse S. B. Shepherd, Jr. R. C. Maultsby ic Council Thursday night we under I stand that the matter of the five- week system came up for a re-vote and was passed by a"n almost unani mous vote. It is therefore cUar that the fraternities want a shorter sea- However, before a new system LUXENBERG CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGB MAN I THE MELTING POT By C. W. B. The SACK SUIT (Tim and thnt hutji V(JT with that conierv tism carefully d rested men demand, and tailored in ap propriate, rich-pattern that stamp them as dia- , tinctiv. 3250 toH250 natLUXENBERG a bros. 841 Broadway, New York r Next Showinir at Cabolina Smoke Shop Mon.-Tues., Oct. 19 and 20 I ' W 1 Our style memo, book tent fra on nquMt STUDENT FOUND DEAD TUESDAY Tlie crind has started asrain. "The I mills of the gods grind slowy, but they irrind exceed nelv small." It takes four I years to grind out the finished product. IAnd the finished product what is It, other than lust another mortal armed I with two square feet of sheepskin with! I which to conquer the world? Louis 'Graves, writing in his inimitable I Chapel: Hill Weekly, eulogiies "break- fast" as one of the most beautiful words in the Entrlish antruaire. And breakfast I itself, how he plays it up as one of the incidents of daily life that give accent I to our evervdav emotions ! . And to think, the appalling number of collegians I who miss this ' in life by sleeping I through breakfast. ' Watch your ancestry-- , ! Man sprantr from the monkey. 7 .... Monkey sprang from the cocoanut tree. Cocoanut tree sprang from the earth. God made the earth. 1 Therefore, man sprang from God. Tolstoi said that the majority was al ways in the wrong. Tolstoi was rieht The majority of the State's dear people, for example, wrongly believe that we at the University are taking evolution se-1 riously. Arising out of pathetic Ignorance and founded on gross misconception, comes frequent criticism of the University and S I v w wr nor am MADE ITS WAY BY THE WAY ITS MADS It's Purer Because It's Heathized Eunice Ervin can be inaugurated, it ;U t be ap- Frank Gamble Found Dead ' in I .i!??? titde , toward certain ' , ... v, ; , i . .1 . iscienunc Denezs. in me loin century, proved Dy tne Umverr - iaculty. Bed by Roommate. men were nerseeuted for believin that XTT 1 t t a. .1 i I I e unuersiand mat me lacuity Has .,, . . the earth was round. In the 20th cen- not been in session since the five- mwvdijMU tAUaa tury, men are persecuted by public week plan was And we understand further that the Time. in wwnta-of nature. And in the I century, men wui oe persecuieu jor something else. And so the show goes BRUNSWICK Records, Phonographs and Rdiolas No fraternity home is complete with out them. Christian & Harward 1 06 W. Main St. Durham, N. C. isiuu oiuuc luc live" I - i iufi uicu are jjcrccuic- vy puuiu i I rr J t cii. .J-i tt M. . I nnininn far thinlrinv frpltf anrl Rtiirlv. . I " au was paaacu i3t sunxite I uau jdccu OLUUeilt Xiere Unly tL SllOrt I Business Department ..... , . , . , m- . inir the records of nature- And in thi i n nil wh iinnrirjinn invrnpn f-ha r. I imt . i - nyone desiring to try out for the Busi ness Staff apply to Business Manager. facult7 does not eet again for sev i t j i, I rru,1K uamoie, Jr son of Dr. and I wmcuiing eise. Ana so me snow goes u luc w ayaiau can Mrs. Frank Gamble, of Lincolnton, N, C, on. Have we advanced so far, after all? X on can Purchase any article adyer- not be regarded as official until it was found dead in bed Tuesday morn- And what difference does it all make, tised in The Tar Heel with perfect . . - , . , t .Qn v L.. . safety because everything it adver- f . . r. r ,iM n.inm.( J .. . i nas passed aaiety necause everytn-ng ,t adver- . . - ... r. C. 3oode. also of Lincolnton. in the iie ir. 1?"- : 7Z c r:::: of Bruce 0 came ei nm -v.... . , a a. aaver. ' " ue. Heart trouble was given as the like New York every day, opines an Old tismg from reputable concerns only, passed nor defeated. cause of death. Youn 0amh- waB lnhabitant. f And I have a hih regard -wvuuv-uvij n.iuuiuM sic iuvu iu cms vi age una naa oeen ma- ujjuuuu oi uia innaouamsj. quanaary. VVnat should they I '"cmaiea in uie university only a few I vameron Avenue,' nas n not Deen cover- do? Is the system that they want ays- He had had trouble witl his ed with real paving? And the co-ed j ' . . , , .1 neart since childhood and when examined dormitory, is it not finished and habi and approve going to be used, or is L fll ,,. . !t ,I.m 'j . i ,,., tnft ffliiiirp of trip tunnlfw t miuf 1. . . . I . j "- io dc two times normal siie. several I siuon it is, en wnatf Ana new dus sys- ffOinir tO flllf nmnf ipjlllv f nr'A a -ro- I flfta(.lrs linfl Wn : I feme and Kiill ;.,..f anA T?.l.l:. . I I - r I - " ' r our thousand dollars is the goal. I version to the system used in 1924? lto the one tl,at proved to be fatal Tues That means at least two dollars from Already over a week of the five day mornin- every man. ' has passed and the fraternities are .Members of the Freshmen class donat- ,ii w . j . I money for the floral offering in chapel The rushing season should be T 7 "-Tuesday morning during chapel period. n,tr,A v...-- Lj.... ..j "u-iicuouc council is Pn-1 it is not known how long life had been Saturday, September 26, 1952 PARAGRAPHICS Give to the "Y." shortened. Yawning students and Zl'TZ " "J. " " .betn unprepared lessons should have al- in edal consi(Jer lv found by his room.mate but it reaay convinced the faculty of that ftpw Tf t. . . . . . pears that he died peacefully. Members fact. Imagine two more months of Lff j v x of the family were notified immediately it! enecv auring tne present year, it and Mr . Gamble came to take the corpse iujusl dc auorovea immeaiateiv and I hack km. tnr inAm..n t. .,jt. I . m. v I .u,wiui.uu xnu siuucuia the fraternities given a definite date)'!1" re close friends of the family and Koch has discarded his tweeds of blessed memory. Things are likely to happen on Emer- I son Field this afternoon. The game at Wake Forest last year we may forget But tonight, the score will show, one way or the other. Ten. Ways to' Tell a Freshman 1. His dumb, driven ook. 2. His zeal in buying up supplies of ' coiieee coods." Ever heard of the "Wonder Team "arermues Siven a ?elinite date "e ose mends of the family and 3 His jnnocenseiack of sophistication - -"ii. . r i . . K . " rwn nnnn nrai a o iti mini of 1922"? We hone that the pame wllu wulcn lo KauSe lneir campaign. 'iT , , that unmistakably stamps the underwad. ... . . w. ; 1.- i. j . oi tne rresnman class escorted the body . tt. . . ...... , tnis atternoon will mark the betrin- v UMIU prcssiou vi i T -',. llla uumu "ven iook, opinion tnat tne lacuity will not Carolina Inn i Chapel Hill, N. C. NEW, MODERN, FIRE-PROOF HOTEL 52 Rooms each room with private bath. Rates: $3.00, $3.50 Single, $6.00, $7.00 Double EUROPEAN PLAN Dining Room and Cafeteria Service in Connection Cafeteria Prices Same as Prevailing Down Town On Route 75, State Highway, 12 Miles Southwest of Durham, N. C. . , . , , Irving M. Gattman, Manager expressions of niniT Of a Season flint vrill oelira u ' .-- JJ - - that of three years ago. meet to UP the proposed change rjp UTfUT IIAC I ETT i Dut wiu sit by and force it to wait "luw"1 mjlo. m. A study in market values: The until their regular meetinir. This I FOR TRIP TO ETTRnDtf o , I Mr j , years ago was worth a dollar This We trust that this fear is cround- year the iron man will have to bring less. It is clear that it is to the his little half brother along with him best interest of the student body that if he wishes to get by the gate. the five week system he inaugurated I in tlace of the 1925 Bhprnp Tf tho . x - -i - isnt it curious that the State of fraternities hadn't proposed the Has Gone to Study School Conditions In Northern Europe Countries To Stay a Year. 5. His horror of evolution. 6. His brand new belt buckle. 7. His dumb, driven look. 8. His desperate efforts to appear to be a "reeular collegian." 9. His English I or Math I textbooks. 10. His dumb, driven look. Dr. Edgar Wallace Knight, Profes sor of Rural Education of the Univer sity of North Carolina, has leave of ab sence for one year on, the Kenan Foun- H. , L. Mencken sits high above the mass of mindless morons and nours scorching scorn on a dumb world. Frank Crane beams on humanity and preaches that ail's well. Arthur Brisbane spies on the passing show and gives us daily sidelights as to what it's all about. Pres- North Carolina should have put its Lh.,, tl, fif .f. sence for one year on. the Kenan Foun- liberal arts colleee in the backwoods ti, t i V .. dation. In connection with his fellow- sldeliKh" to what it's all about. Pres i college m the backwoods the failures of last year and the ship from the National g ident Chase stands firm. Immune to the of Orange county and its aericul- dp- tt. aA . .j i . .. . ... oot acience . . , . . iL . r ... " , rJ ui.idK.u k- i nesearcn iouncu, ne will make a studyl ' ,s , ulc crgwus wno mis- tural colege within a stone's throw sons of this year, should not only be of schools in Denmark, Norway, Swe- understand, who 'would tear him down ..1.1 .1 !. ' -! I T-l. . u .... ..... ui uic vapuoi r , . Little Gertrude, minus her tail, is becoming widely known on the cam pus. Yesterday morning she caught an 8:30 in Murphy Hall and at 9:0 she was seen entering room 215 in ready to approve a reduced rushing period but should have been ready, long ago, to force a shorter season upon the Greek letter organizations here den and perhaps Finland last Saturday and a most successful trip is expected on his tour of Northern Eu rope. For several years the Scandinavian countries have attracted students from this country. The schools of these coun tries have been studied by some visl tors during recent years and the co- He ' sailed The avera8e college man thinks a little, I 1 . .1 TT rl . ... . cuiu nuuucrs. w nat is trum, anyway t What is but oh hell, I must catch class. That is all. Saunders Hall. Evidently she's the a:i a. tt.w ' 1 I JUll I V T UULiai L IIUL most conscientious co-ed on the cam- n Th.c i. u- ooerative. enterr.riSM at n,!, ... I .nuinuaj ..tllllf a laiC UUUiUCr I 1 " u. . w Pus I of Universitv students nH tnwnnivnli I als0 been studied intensively bv such . v , , . . . ' 1 v I enjoyed a "Get together meeting" at themen E. C. Branson, who went a year A bench mysteriously appeared on j Methodist "Hut". Talks were given byor two ago. Mr. Knight is especially - I I " . 1 . . . 1 . . I . . . I J T 1 1 .. .. . . ... several oi tne oia students to the new-1 ",lcrcl,LCU so-cauea fjolk high spirit of genuine I schools of Denmark, which some credit I 1 -. . . . FOR RENT One-half of Room 403 "C" See C. F. Rouse, . Zeta Psi House We Lend KODAKS NO CHARGES FOR USE OF KODAK PAY ONLY FOR FILMS AND FINISHING. FOISTER'S friendship and good will were made to I w'th having a great deal to do with the Franklin street and sprang into in stant popularity. So toonular was comers, who in such a m. m. w X JT " 4l..( J- 1 r a 1 . ' n . . . , . - . , . feel perfectly at ease. 1 prosperity and wholesomenesg of that ing to stand in wartmg line for the TC HfVwfl wiiV aa Co,,ntrv' iif. mnA m i- privilege of sitting on it. Someone I red streamers, games were played with a a first-hand study of this institution l. .. l l . ., I ..t " xi . . i. . .. ... .1, it!' . ' win jjruuauiy soon propose mat iaeivlBr mai spoae weu xor the students' I Ior me purpose or seeing if it can be benches be moved out of Memorial future lnterest In all the church activi-1 adapted to. the needs of rural condi- HaU, where they give only thirty Everyne soon knew a11 the others, tions In the United States and espec- - iunu bu enjovaoie time was nin tv all iciaiiv in the Smith c!n ii- i i - y J ..... ..j i. . .i j l uaa UCCU I nnnnfpfl hU enmt. rtf tl o Jr x v uic uLiicr ocanuina- minutes of service a day, and be stretched along main street where they would be in demand from 8 A.M. until midnight. Dr. L. H. Webb, formerly of Chapel V T f' it:,i . vt , .1 couninea iim, now ui jnfw uneans, was nere on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Webb, on a brief visit, a few days ago. After a sojourn in' Ens-land he will make his headquarters In Copenhagen. SHOULD BE SHORT The principal , reason for one's coming to Chapel Hill is presumably to obtain an education, whatever that may be. The reason for the found ing and maintenance of the Univer sity, is to afford the means with which to secure this education. Since the student is primarily in terested in the pursuit after learn ing, and since the University exists to furnish knowledge to those who CAROLINA MAGAZINE WILL BE OUT TODAY According to Editor Couch. the October issue of The Caro lina Magazine will annear todav. The staff promises a Magazine that is different in content and better in quality than ever be fore. an Apology Due to the lack of space in the flrst I two issues of The Tar fleet several of the local advertisers 'did not eet their copy in. These were Mr. Jack Ltoman. of University Shop, Mr. Paulsen, of Car olina Smoke Shope, and Sutton-Alder- man. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Howell and A. C. Howell, Jr., are now settled in the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Towlcs. Mrs. Howell's mother and fath er and her sister are visiting them. Carolina Jtnoke Shop MONDAY and TUES DAT BiLiHoLLENBECK, Representative ! Fifth Avenue at 46m Street NEW YORK !l) I

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