t 1 Oratorical Contest Tryouts TONIGHT Phi Hall , 7 O'clock Debate N. Carolia vs S. Carolina FRIDAY Gerrard Hall 8:30 P.M. VOLUME XXXIV CHAPEL HILL, N. Cl, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1926 ; ... , NUMBER 80 ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE TAPS ONLY 4 MEN TAR HEELS DROP GAME TO STATE BY 8 TO 6 SCORE Techmen Prove Too Much For Duncanites on Emerson Field Tuesday. , HATLEY AND YOUNG HIT Westmoreland and Poyner Twirl for Carolina Against Beal and Green Hitting Abounds. During nine innings of the most er ratic baseball that has been seen on the home lot. this year, the State College Techmen pounded out eleven safe swats to count for eight runs and defeated Coach Duke Duncan's Tar Heel squad ou Emerson field Tuesday afternoon by the score of 8 to 6. The garue was Interesting in parts. For the first four innings the game rocked along nicely, the Tar Heels count ing twice in the second stanza, and the Techmen scoring a marker in the third and fourth stanzas. 'Then the fun be gun. In the fifth frame the .Wolf pack hopped on "Lefty" Westmoreland with all four feet and touched him for three swats to score four runs. Westmore land was sent to the showers, Bill Poy ner taking bis place on the mound, but the Techmen ferreted out Bill's offerings in the eighth' inning and made two safe hits count for two more runs. During this time the Tar Heels were rollicking along at the small end of the score under the masterful hurling of Heal. However, the Tar Heel "murder er's row'- got started in the fifth frame and collected three safeties, one of them a four-bagger by Hatley, to send Beal to the showers, Green taking his place on the mound. He held the Tar Heels siting outof ,'4hy, hand until the final stanza ' heiijwoVhits, a free pass to firsthand 1 Jamil's -error netted the Tar Heels" ttiukher market 'and aspirations towards one of those famous ainth inning rallies. However, the Duncanites lacked the final punch, and the final count was 8 to 0. Tom Young, Tar Heel left gardener, was the high hitter of the game. He stood at the rubber five times during (Continued on page four) Organ Recital Given Sunday The last of the winter series of organ recitals will be given by Miss Henrietta R. Smedes in The Chap el of the Cross, Sunday, May 9, at 3:00 P. M. Miss Smedes, who is the regular church organist, has a good sense of touch and time and the faculty of putting herself into her play ing. She will render the following program Sunday afternoon. Minuetto Calkin. Prelude and Fugue, G major Mendelssohn. ' . ': The Minster Bells Wheeldon. Lyric Theme from Symphouis Pathetique Tchaikovsky. (Transcribed by Lemare). Scherzo Symphonique Concert ant Faulkes. Sunrise Karg-Ele-rt. CONVENTION HEARS PROF. ZIMMERMAN Addresses National Foreign Trade Convention at Charles ton Last Week. ADDRESS IS APPRECIATED Spoke on "The Economic Resources of the South Atlantic Area." CAROLINA RACQUETEERS DEFEAT WAKE FOREST Deacons, On Home Lot, Fall Before Tar Heels Tuesday' Afternoon by Score of 5 Matches to 2. The Carolina Racqueteers continued their winning streak by defeating the Wake Forest Racqueteers at Wake For est Tuesday afternoon by the score of 5 matches to 2. Captain Whitaker, of Carolina, was defeated in the singles, and he and Elgin lost to Powers and Sawyer In the doubles. The Deacons had suffered defeat only twice this season to Duke and Carolina. But nevertheless the Baptists were determined to win and went into the game with the advantage of being on their own courts. For the first time this season Captain Hap Whitaker was defeated in a dual meet. He had played such men as Whitener," Rogers, Agelesto and other star players. However, Powers proved too much, for him and sent him back, but not before Hap had forced him to ex tend himself to the utmost. The other Tar Heels played their usual steady game with occasional bursts of brilliance'. Summaries of matches: Singles: Powers (Wake Forest) de feated Whitaker (Carolina) two out of three sets, 6-3; 3-6; 6-2. Elgin (Carolina) defeated , Sawyer, (Wake Forest) two straight sets, 6-3; 6-3. - , ' , . f. Geddie (Carolina) defeated Agelesto (Wake Forest) two straight sets, 6-3; 6- 1. ; v Harvell (Carolina) defeated Burroughs ( Wake Forest) two straight sets, 6-1 ; 7- 5. . - 'i,y . -X. r Dalrymple (Carolinu) defeated Slate (Wake Forest) two straight sets, 6-2; (Continued on ,nfl.')ur) ahety AT 7:30 WILLIAM r M bait thd' The William CnlnV'i.... jjgineering Society meets this evening at 7:30, in Phllllpg Hall. Officers for the coming year will be elected. B. S. Colburn, Jr., will give slides of the Quebec. Bridge, following which re freshments will be served. ' Dr. Erich W. Zimmerman, Professor of Commerce and Resources in the Uni versity, delivered one of the principal addresses at the thirteenth National Foreign Trade Convention, held at Charleston, S. C, April 28, 29, and 30. He spoke on the subject, "The Eco nomic Resources of the South Atlantic Area," and his discussion met with fa vor among the delegates. One distinction which Dr. Zimmer man received was that of being the other college professor on the program. Dr. Jeremiah Jenks, Professor in Re search Government in N. Y. University, was the other college speaker. About fifteen hundred delegates from all of Xorth and Central America and Europe were present at the convention which is one of the most important meetings held in the South this year. Dr. Zimmerman delivered his address Thursday afternoon and the apprechr tion which it received was shown by the fact that all the printed copies were distributed upon request within a few minutes after the speech. An unlimited second edition is being printed for free distribution throughout the South At lantic area. In discussing the economic resources of that section, Dr. Zimmerman pointed out that the South Atlantic area is playing the leading role in the phenom enal rise of the New South. The most important factors leading to this de velopment were the opening of the Pan ama Canal, the conquest of the cotton belt by the boll weevil which forced .. i ii 1. 1 upon tne reiuciani rarmer mp uicsw of crop diversification, and the tremen dous increase in the use of tobacco due to the popularity of ihe cigarette and the widespread devotion to the weed on (Continued on page four) ACCOUNTANTS MEETING GETS UNDERWAY TODAY The, North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants begins its seventh semi-annual meeting this morn ing at the Carolina Inn, and the sessions will continue through Saturday after noon. This meeting Is being held in Chapel Hill under the auspices of the University School of Commerce and more than 100 accountants and guests are expected to attend the meetings. Dean D. D. Carroll, of the School of Commerce, will open the meeting this morning with the address of welcome, to which Mr. Frederick Moore, president of the Association, will respond. This afternoon will be taken up with a dis cussion of papery which will be read by various members of the Association. Tonight a banquet will be held in the banquet hall of the Inn, at which Hon. W. N. Everett, Secretary of State, and C O. Kuester, Secretary of the Char- lotte Chamber of Commerce, Will be the principal speakers. The University Glee Club and Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. - Friday morning the business session will be held. In the afternoon the ac countants will Join with the members of (Continued on fag four) TWO BLACK-ROBED FIGURES TAP TWO SENIORS AND TWO JUNIORS -AT ANNUAL TAPPING CEREMONY Precedent is Broken When Only Four Men Are TappedAnnual Fleece Address Delivered by Dr. Rondthaler of Salem Col lege Intense Excitement Prevails. During Ceremon ies That are Most Thrilling Of All Events of Year Hackney Gets First Tap. BUNN WASHINGTON HACKNEY, Jr., Durham, N, C. President-elect of Athletic Association; Captain-elect Basket ball Team; Varsity Football; Varsity Basketball; President Sophomore Class; Student Councilman-at-large 1925-26; All Southern Guard; Track Squad. ' RICHARD BEVERLY RANEY, Raleigh, N. C. President Phi Beta Kappa; Tar Heel Staff 1923-26; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. WALTER EDGAR CRISSMAN, High Point, N. C. Vice-President Y. M. C. A. 1925-26; Ass't-Secretary Y. M. C. A. 1926-27; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; President-elect of Grail; Busi ness Manager Carolina Magazine; Speaker Di Society; "Best Business Man" Senior Class. ADDISON EXUM WARREN, Edward, N. C. Student Council Representative-elect from Senior Class; Captain Boxing Tjam '24, '25, '26; Captain-elect Wrestling Team; Speaker Pro-tem Phi Asembly; Order of the Grail. By Job K. Bobbitt, Jr. For the first time in the history of the organization the Senior Order of 'the Golden Fleece has deigned to tap only four men a senior, two juniors, and a fourth whose exact status is hard to define. The tapping of such a small number is entirely without precedent in the twenty-four years which the Fleece has been in existence and comes not only to blight the hopes and aspirations of ambitious undergraduates but as a startling innovation to the student body. Five is the lowest previous number of men initiated into the order and this, coming back, in 1910, was considered extremely extraordinary. : Jeff Fordham, ruling Jason of the Fleece, presided over the cere mony and introduced Dean J. F. Royster who in turn humorously presented as principal speaker of the evening Dr. James Howard E. Dondthaler, president of Salem College. s In a " short address, lasting scarcely half an hour, Dr. Rondthaler proved his reputation as a speaker and entertainer, and brought a splendid address on the "Paradox of the By-Product" in which he stressed the value' of the by-products of an education and its resultant effects on student leadership. Immediately following Dr. Rondthaler's address Jeff Fordham explained the purpose of the organization, stressed the qualifications which the Fleece considers for membership, and briefly reviewed the history of the order. He told how in 190.1 two studnts mt with Dr. Horace Williams and after much deliberation and deep study of the needs, formulated the Senior Order of the Golden Fleece and how the order has thrived since that time. '' , (Cnntinutd on pag four) Contest Tryouts Be, Held -Tonight Tryouts will be held tonight at 7:00 in the Phi Hall for a repre sentative of the University of North Carolina in the Southern Oratorical Contest which is to be held here at a date to be announc ed later. This contest, which is sponsored, by the Southern Association of Colleges and Universities is held here on the invitation of the De bate Council of the University of North Carolina. , The Southern' Association of Colleges and Universities is com posed of the leading colleges of the south, ull of which will be rep resented here In the contest. The arrangements for the flnul contest have been placed In the' hands of Mr. Edwards, of the History Department. ENTRIES FOR SOUTHERN CONFERENCE TRACK AND FIELD MEET MULTIPLYING Indications Are That All Members of Conference Will Enter Meet Held Here May 14 and 15 Mississippi A. and M. Title Holder For Three Consecutive Meets Ex pect Many Records Be Made At Meet. YELLOW JOURNAL APPEARS TUESDAY Reviewer Thinks It A Great Success in Many Ways. COMMENDS GILDED FUZZ Says "Sigma Up" Gave Campus Rare Morsels of Sweet Scandal. SENIOR EVENTS BEING PLANNED Senior Class Ball Takes Place May 14, In Gym. PROGRAMNoW COMPLETE May 17 and 18 Scheduled for Senior Week Exercises. ' Entries for the annual Southern Track and Field Meet which will be held here May 14 and 15, are coming-in steadily, and indications are that practically every member institution of the conference will be represented by at least one or two men, while many of them are sending large squads. ' With every" indication pointing to a record number of entries and a record attendance, the University authorities are preparing for the biggest meet ever held on a North Carolina field. Already this season many Conference records have been broken, and with such an array of track and field talent enter ing the lists, and with one of the best tracks in tlie South for running events, spectators will probably see an orgy of record smashing such as never been seen in one Conference meet. Mississippi A. and M. has won the title for three consecutive years, and Is send ing a strong squad ' of men with the avowed intention of repeating their past performances. Opposing them will be Louisiana State University, runner-up to the Aggies for three seasons and win ner of the Meet four years ago, North Carolina, third place team last year, Vir ginia, Maryland, Kentucky and Tennes see." Other teams, which will be handi capped by a. small number of men, will enter individual stars who are rated a J strong possibilities for a place in one or more events. Some of these other teams are: V. P. I., V. M. I., Washington and Lee, North Carolina State, Auburn, Georgia Tech, Florida, Sewanee, and Vanderbilt. ','.. The sprint events promise to offer a real thrill. With such men as'Gus Mc pherson fit North Carolina; Henry Cum- mings, of Virginia; Tracy, of Kentucky; Green, of Auburn; Milbank, of Washing ton and Lee; and Sides of N. C. State, entered, it will be .tffi upset of dope if the dash records do not go overboard. Practically all of these men have done the hundred in 10 second or less, while several have gone under 22 flut in the longer sprint. Henry Cummings, Virgina star, holds the world's record for the 130 yard dash, and has broken 9.8 seconds in the cen tury several times. His time for the Tar Heels, has also done the hundred in 9.8 and the two-twenty in 21.5, while Sides, of N. C. State, has also clipped off the, long dash in less than 22 flat Captain Joe Endslow, of the University of .Maryland, Is slated to place well up In the quarter mile if he does not win first pace. Endslow has done the quarter in less than fifty seconds and has also done the half in a fraction over 1 min ute, 59 seconds, which Is less than the Conference record for that event. Caro lina pins her hope for the four-forty on Tom Edwards, In all . probability, Ir vine will run for Virginia. More records are likely to Jail in the three longer races, for several stars have done some fast time in these events. Endslow, of Maryland, and Jonas, North Carolina captain, have both been under the Conference record for the 880, and theywill be in the race for first place. Other star men who will start in that event are Chinn, of Virginia; Williams, of Sewanee; lthinehart, of North Caro lina ; Akin, of Kentucky ; Dickey, of Florida, and Crura of N. C. Stat. Leading the Candidates for the mile honors arc: Elliot and Pritchett, of Caro (Continued on fag tkr) liy Wai.tkr Spharma.n The sensational and spectacular "Yel low Journal" has at last made its ap pearance on the campus, and has brought grief to many of the Carolina celebri ties. This journal not only uncovers all the "hidden sins" of college lenders, but brings to light undiscovered geniuses who deserve to be brought to tlie atten tion of tlieir fellow .students. Judging from the second edition, the publication of the first edition would very probably have blusted the reputa tions of the few students whose char acters have thus far remained unscathed. So no doubt fervent thanks are being rendered to the "all-consuming blaze" at the Orange Print Shop and to the mighty powers-that-bc who suppressed the first and uncensored "Yellow Jour nal." Enough muddy facts remain to Cause certain well-known campus char acters to absent themselves from the Hill" or to slink to classes in round about ways. Sigma Upsilon should be commended for furnishing the campus with such choice hits f scandal. The editors have proved without a doubt that they can wield an eloquent pen and are no less adept in the gentle art of ferreting out all questionable nets or even thoughts. No longer can the most skeptical one dare insinuate that the members of "Sig ma Up" are not the supreme literary "cream of the campus." The Gilded Fuzz showed Its superi ority to the Golden Fleece by knocking twice as .many men as the Fleece tapped. Those honored by being selected for the Fuzz were Frank Bell, Hill Cocke,' Ruth Hatch, Kenneth Jones, M. L. Radoff, Sid C'happell, Taylor Bledsoe, Al Moore, (Continued on page four) IBSEN PLAY TO "be READ BY ENITA NICKS MAY 30th The little table and chair stationed hi front of the Post Office last week for the purpose of taking orders for Commence ment invitations went almost unnoticed by the majority of students, but for that most important of campus groups, the Seniors, it held a poignant significance. Ihe sale of the Invitations brought for cibly to the minds of the members of the graduating class the fact that there re mains only five weeks of their college career, and they are beginning to Inau-. giirutc the events that every year char acterize the upproaching departure of the Seniors. Class officers and executive committees are working hard, arranging a series of events to be held during the few weeks that remain The first of the Senior events will be the Senior class ball, which is scheduled for Friday evening, May 14, at the By num Gymnasium? The music hv Hal Kemp's band Is enough In itself to insure the dance as a complete success, but that is not all. .Tlie' Southern Conference Track Meet and the crowd of visiting girls that it Is expected to draw, to gether with three other dances that week end should furnish a large and choice collection of feminine talent for the ball. Tlie Gym will be decorated fittingly for the occasion and delicious refreshments will be served. The ball will be formal in atmosphere and significance though not strictly formal In regard to dress. A feautre of the evening will be special dances for the various honorary gropus in the class, such as the monogram wear ers, Phi Beta Kappu men, etc Those eligible to attend the Senior hall include all who are to receive degree this June as well as those who are not a-oimr to return next year. There will be a com mittee to check up on ail attending, which should do much to insure the right proportion of girls and stags and pre vent crowded conditions on the floor. (Continued on page three) SIGMA NU'S WILL GIVE WEEK-END HOUSE PARTY Plan Third House Party of Year for Next Week Entertainments Program Big Feature. "The Vikings at Helgeland," by Hen rick Ibsen, will be the Playninker read ing for the month of May. It will be read May 30 in the Plnymaker Theatre by Miss Enita Nicks. Miss Nicks has studied -expression for three years at Leland Bowers, prior to coming here, and has already proved her ability by the reading of Edniond liostand's "The Romancers" in which she will play the role of Sylvette when it is produced in the Forest Theatre the latter part of May. The action of "The Vikings at Helgeland" takes place about 933 AD. on the island of Helgeland in the north of Norway. Ibsen secured the theme for his play from the Icelandic family sagas. Tlie play tells of the love of a Norwegian, Hiordis, who Is married to Gunnar, with Sigurd, who has married Hiordis' foster sister, Dagny. The father of the two girls comes to seek vengeance on the men who have carried away his daughters and all meet in Helgeland. How Hiordis tries to straighten out the situation so that she can marry Sigurd, and how finally she kills both him and herself is told In the sweeping, forceful manner which Isben alone is able to pro duce. ! The Sigma Nu Fraternity is planning a big week-end for the fourteenth, fif teenth and sixteenth of May. T he chap ter here is now making arrangements for the third house party to be held In its new house since the opening last full and all indications are that the one scheduled for next week will be even more successful than the others given this year. Invitations have already been mailed and arrangements are being made to entertain approximately fifty-five girls at the house during the week-end. Nothing will be lacking in the way of entertainment for tlie girls, for the week end will be one of the most active social seasons of the year. Friday evening, May 14th, at the Carolina Inn, there will be a Sigma Nu ball given by the State and Carolina chapters of the Fra ternity. The Southern Track Meet, on Saturday afternoon, will be a feature attraction and Saturday evening, the two Sigma Nu chapters will honor the visit ing girls at a banquet at the Inn. After the banquet, the Zeta Psi ball, planned also for Saturday evening, should end up the week-end entertainments in grand style. Tlie Sigma Nu event will be probably the biggest house party given here this year. The week-end certainly promises , plenty of, entertainment, for with the Senior dance and Grail dance to be given In addition to the functions mentioned above, it should be the biggest in some time. DEUTSCHER VEKEIN MEETS THIS EVENING AT 7: There will be an informal meeting of the Deutscher Verein Thursday evening' at 7:00 P.M., at the Episcopal Parish House.. '. , . The Date and Time for tlie annual pic nic will be decided upon at this meeting. All the members of tlie verein are asked to be present.