Saturday, December 11, 1926 - THE TAR HEEL Page Three The Driftwood Fire Dave Carroll Here i gather up and store Sticks that drift upon my shore; And you may find what you de '.; t, . sire ; ' ; , On salty rainbows of my fire. Personal Motives In spite of the fact that we believe it "Well known that our motive of attack is not personal, we have been asked by friends to declare this. Therefore, we take this opportunity to state that at . the beginning of this movement we were friendly to ard all Fleecemen as individuals. For several we have highest res pect; our continued congenially with all Fleece members should disprove any charge against the perspnal sentiments we hold. Golden Fleece has never disap pointed the writer of this col umn; he strikes it for neither the gratification of a grudge nor the pleasure of. his friends. We sincerely, conceive the organiza tion as a menace to more valu able things in University life. Against the institution of Gold en Fleece we have directed and shall send, shafts of discredit. As one of its students, we con scientiously believe that ours is the right to help improve the University. With this convic tion, we have set for our task the casting down of a false idol, our Golden Fleece. Any threat against our pursuance of this enterprise will prove unsuccess ful and a boomerang to its pre sumptuous author. Call It What You Wish A few days ago, a state news paper's ' account of , the latest Fleece election contained an im plication that new men were chosen in order to keep them from entering a rival honorary organization which was : being proposed for the campus. Omi cron Delta Kappa, a student leaders' national fraternity, was being considered by some to riv al the work of the Fleece, the article alleged. In order to dodge the blow that inclusion of capable men in rival society would deal the Golden Fleece, it seems to have selected quick ly men whose competition they feared. A pointed reference-to this well-talked insinuation was made by the editor of the Tar Heel and this writer in Thurs day's edition of this paper. ; We remind you who can ap preciate the significance of this affair that even the most con scientious of Golden Fleece's members HAVE NOT DENIED the use of such skin-saving, competition-killing tactics by their organization. Further more, the attention of the stu dent body is attracted to the fact that Wednesday's alterca tion, in which we were concern ed and which three Fleecemen have considered unrepresentar tive of the ideals of the organi zation, HAS NOT BEEN EX PLAINED to the student body before whom it occurred. Golden Fleece is willing to give the ap pearance of refusing to ac knowledge officially a wrong for which it must, justly or un justly, receive some discredit. Lack of Space We had written a summary of the points on which we have thus far attacked the Fleece. But space is not available in this issue for that paragraph. We request all students who are in terested in the subject to be de bated next quarter to review the matter to be found in the last two Tar Heels. Our. conten tions have been 7 presented in skeleton form. January will bring fuller arguments and new attackers of the organization which we believe that the stu dent body' has and will come to consider unworthy of, this insti tution. In the '' meantime A big turkey and stocking to all good boys. . Latchstrirg Out Stockings Are up Santa Is Coming Continued from, page one) Julian Starr and Bobbins Fow ler extend .the season's greetings to the Student Council. Entering the realm of publi cations, we humbly propose: a new set of reporters for the Tar Heel, student contributions for the Magazine, and a censor (or a full-size can of. Dutch Cleans er) for the Buccaneer. Lest the individuals be forgot ten in the presentation of gifts, we recommend the following as ideal presents : the support of the student body to Sid Chap pell ; a curb on hiswild hilarity to Jeff Fordham; a perpetual "smile" to Lawrence Watt which may enable him to avoid any em barrassing happenings; a one way ticket to- Greensboro for Walter Crissman ; a place among the rising young intelligentzia for John Anderson; more ad vertising for Fred Simon;. Wal ter Camp's position as Inter national Athletic Authority to be fought over by Brown Shep herd, Luther Byrd, Mutt Evans, and "freshman Glenn Holder; ATTENTION for all co-eds in general ; for Katherine Johnson, some quiet ; and shady glenn wherein to pursue her poetic and romantic bent. . If we may not seem too pre sumptuous, we even offer a few suggestions as to gifts for cer tain popular faculty men: to Dean Hibbard, a quart of oil for his Literary Lantern; to Dean Bradshaw, opportunity for mak ing unlimited surveys, including one on "What per cent of fresh men brush their teeth and wash their ears once a week?"; to J. A. Warren, four added inches to the cuffs of his trousers; to Frank Graham, more and longer books for his history students to read. " We might also suggest a rail road and mail service for Chap el Hill. ' ; However, ingenious and imag inative though we may be, we cannot think of appropriate gifts for' everyone, c. The logical re course, then, is to delve into the many letters written to Santa Claus from our campus. For at this time of the year the mail boxes , are crammed and. the chimneys are stuffed with ap peals to old Saint Nick, with assertions of "What a good boy I have been," and with prom ises galore of better conduct in the future. ; Having searched all available chimneys and rifled every mail box, we (reportorial we) have discovered the follow ing pleas to Santa Claus : Walter Kelly asks for the gov ernorship of North Carolina; John Orr Allison wants a chance to bump Phi Beta Kappa; Joe Bobbitt, although realizing that he has been an extremely good boy, only wants to be president of Phi Beta Kappa, president of the University (and captain of the football team) . Byron White a-sks for ample opportunity to exhibit his com prehensive knowledge of the dic tionary and his unlimited vocab ulary; and having lost his recent match at Durham he wants a course in Earle E. Leiderman's hew wrestling tactics; he also would like a last year's Yackety- HOUSE Wanted to rent from January to June. Prefer ably 6 rooms. Convenient to campus. JNomy urow, iui Carr. ' '' m:iiiiiiiiiiiinim;mnin GET YOUR SUITCASES AND HANDBAGS AT . S. BERMAN'S Yack and one of Hearst's. Sun day Americans; Burnham Col burn pleads for more co-eds in his rifle club ; Dale Ranson de mands Charley Paddock, Paavo Nurmi, and Charles Hoff for the track team; Killian Barwick desires more freshman hand books to massacre; J. T. Madry writes for a supply of , ready made, cut-to-order, sure-fit, Stet son D, five-column editorials for use in the Tar Heel; Bobbins Fowler could use a new ship ment of dead cats in order to revive some of his literary glory. The Di and Phi send Santa Claus their -annual plea for the revival of their ancient glory; the Playmakers want a more lenient reviewer, and the Glee Club more week-end trips ; the Faun fancies fuller finances, Fleece failure, fewer fees, and finer faculty. The fraternities ask for inside dope on the latest election frame-up, and aspiring politicians demand major offices to be auctioned off. .. ' Candor compels the confession that certain well-known campus characters have denied outright the very existence of Santa Claus.' It is still uncertain whether this is a result of their absolute atheism or merely a de sire to hide their wants - even from old Santa. At any rate, no letters have as yet been dis covered written by Kyke Kyser, Red Whisnant, Kenneth Jones, Al Moore, Judd Ashby, Charley Jonas, Hal Breard, Mutt Evans, Nelson Howard, Phil Dawson, Walter Spearman, Bill Marshall, or Ellen Melick, Susan Rose, Virginia Lay, Miriam Sauls, or Leona Lewis. (May Saint Nich- WHAT'S HAPPENING . : SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 11:00 a. m. Raleigh Orphan age Singing Class, -. Methodist Church. , " 3:30 p. m. Christmas Can tata,' Christian Church. ,8:30 p. m. The Christmas j Carol. Playmaker Theatre.." MONDAY, DECEMBER 13 . 6:30 p. m. Annual Christ mas dinner for Y. M. C. A. Cabinets. 9:00 p. m. Meeting of the Surry County Club, Clubrooms of Y. M. C. A. olas justly recompense all such unbelievers!) Returning to actual or imag inary, if you so choose letters to Santa, President Chase asks for more and greater appropri ations; the University of North Carolina wants more faculty, more students, more money, a new library, a college of liberal arts, and greater recognition; "Carolina" wants more athletics, a bigger stadium, better football teams, faster track teams, finer basketball teams, and a greater subordination of studies to ath letics. The freshmen want all the recognition and praise that they think they deserve; the student body wants strength, endurance, and knowledge enough to pass the coming exams. And last of all, dear readers, this reporter asks for police protection, with Chief Featherstone as a person al bodyguard, if anyone should take offense at this bit of holi day nonsense. - - i -" - iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiii?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!imm FANCY ICES ' - - SHERBETS Durham Ice Cream Co., Inc. " "Blue Ribbon Brand" ICE CREAM Special Color Schemes for Sororities and Fraternity Affairs j Dial L-963, Durham, N. C. BLOCKS - - -' PUNCH j tmniimintniii't""'""""""1"""""" mummmiiiiittitiiimmitttuuimu iitiiiitttiitiiiii!iimitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiini Carolina Students We Wish You A Glorious Christmas and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR CAROLINA CONFECTIONERY CO. umnwmim;iiiii;iiiiiiiini;iiiiii!;miniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn;iiiiiii;;i wnn:iiiiiiinimHKnmtnt: Nothing Gives Us Greater Pleasure Than Wishing All CAROLINA STUDENTS A Very Merry Christmas : AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR . Known". "Nationally Stetson "D "Justly Famous" PICKWICK THEATRE ii Almost a Part of Carolina SHOWS DAILY 3:00, 4:45 6:45, 8:30 REGULAR ADMISSION 10 and 25c Candy, Popcorn, Cold Drinks, a.d Gum on Sale in Lobby. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 . "MICHAEL STROGOFF" Presented by a Special Cast Comedy and Kinogram News MONDAY, DECEMBER 13 Madge Bellamy, Allan Forest and Matt Moore in Warner Fabian's "SUMMER BACHELORS" Cameo and Mermaid Comedies 4 MATT MOORE FOUND HE WAS ONLY REAL BACHELOR IN CAST While on location, Matt Moore dis covered he was the only real bachelor among the "Summer Bachelors" in the picture of that name directed by Allan Dwan for Fox Films and com? ing to the Pickwick Theatre for Mon day. The picture is based on the sensationally successful novel by War ner Fabian, author of "Flaming Youth." ' - In real life Mr. Moore leads a se date bachelor existence. While in New York he lived with Mr. Dwan, also a bachelor, at the latter's home in Rye. ' , In "Summer Bachelors," Mr. Moore portrays an absent-minded professor of .psychology. He's a bit sheepish when it comes to courting the beau teous maidens in the cast. With his wife in the country, however, he is finally led into the gay life of the summer bachelors. The part gives Mr. Moore ample opportunity to dis play his histrionic talent. In addi tion to the comedy scenes, he has a number of very effective dramatic scenes. The men of the . Methodisl church will meet in the' dininj room of the church next Mon day at 6:00 p. m. , ; ttxxt OUR WISH A Merry Christmas and a real Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone Laundry Dept. U. C. S. P. tHHntKnnnMitnintnm::H:ttl m:t:Htn:tiniiiiitiniiinmnum Foister's Extends his sincere wishes to all CAROLINA STUDENTS ' for a - Merry Christmas . - and1 a ' Happy New Year KSeriry Elajristaas a a JEplbaEalss Dra? Coiisipainiy