Saturday, September 22, 102S T HE T A R HE E L Page Seven Tar Heel Paragrapliics ' Woodberry Forest School, located at Orange, Va., almost always con tributes several men to the Univer sity football squad each year. This season there are. lour former Wood berry stars in Tar Heel togs, and all seem virtually' assured of .varsity berths. The quartet from the Old Dominion prep school are -Albert Whisnant, quarterback;; -v J ulian Fen ner, end; Nelson Howard,'taekle; and Strudwick. Nash, "halfback. . i ; i slated to start in that opening game. Sam ; Presson, - regular end . a year ago, Is put with an injury; and Tom- my'Gresham and Jimmie Ward both play left halfback, .One of the pair will 'start, but . both will probably see action that day. . ' .. - LOOKING 'EM OVER "With Wallace Shelton INTRAMURAX,LY Sloan Is Ne Chief of Lo cal Police Force When the whistle blows next Sat urday in Kenan Stadium to open the There is another of the Beaufort home football schedule of the Uni- . v I i County Warrens on the University versity of ! North Carolina, Chief f ootball squad' this - year. Addison Cheer Leader Bill Chandler will .be Exum Warren, former star tackle on J able, to send the greatest band of the Tar Heel eleven , and now an out- I organized cheerers into action ever standing heavyweight; boxer, was the I known on the campus, or probably in first of the line of eastern"' Carolina! the South,' or anywhere. - huskies. -'John Warren, a younger The plan that will be in force this brother, up from "last year's, fresh- year will mark another step .forward Chief Featherstone, famed as Boot legger's Foe, Resigns to Be come Durham Cop. - man team, is out forBrdther Add's right ' tackle berth this fall. , j-With .two' veteran left halfbacks back in camp this fall, the right side of the .University backf ield will be left to the care . of rookies. Leon Spaulding, .reserve on the Carolina eleven last season is. eompetine with Nash v and Maus, who came up from "Mac Gray, candiaate lor. quart erback on the University football squad, seems likely to achieve an am bition in his senior year, - He ,is re membered for saving ;the Duke igame in lQ2fi. TiinTiiTTfi'-' lnwti a Duke' fun- W f hr,A nt :WvCTt a!tie he freshman'teams of last year and. score and? possible ; victory in' the the year before. Jimmie Maus, nlnP- -mutes. Since 'that time he threat ;of the 1926. Tar Babies, -did has kept trying,, an'd this year -he i , jr-.uc . . v mv thp vareitv trrade. ; : ' summer baseball injury, but he is . - - -ww ... i' . . . j . i r i r- i -i . f "i ,; a strong Dm. ior a DacKiieia Tar Heel: grid squad, is keeping the in the field of organized cheering that has come to ' be 1 an University tradition. This season every Fresh man registered in school will be as signed; a permanent seat in Kenan Stadium,- "in 1 the section directly in front of the press box, on the south side of the field, the - same section occupied by -the Cheerios last year. AH' of. last year's Cheerio band will serve as group - leaders" under the chief cheer leader.- ' .V; V Bill Chandler and his staff of as sistant cheer leaders will begin train ing' the freshmen next week, : with practises to be held' regularly until the- Wake Forest V game', one week h ence. The maneuvers and stunts of, the new organization will follow "Bud"' Eskew, promising: euard on Lipscomb name fresh in the minds J the University football 'souad. comes of North Carolina football-fans. He J of a football family. Eskew hails the same lines as last year, only on is a brother .'.:to Charlie Lipscomb, I from Greenville S C and is a broth- a much grander seale than has ever tackle on the University , squad lor j er of the "Bud" Eskew who was can- been known here the last three years, and Ned is even Uain 0f the Clemson colleee Tieers I The Intramural Athletic depart more; husky than his big brother!. He Uak Pa?nn' tKa Tar TTppI -miarA is ment, this year under the direction . is understudy, to.j Captain - Harry a husky speciman of red-headed tern- of Luther"-Byrd and Wallace :Shel--; Schwartz at center, this year, and will pefament and played some nice foot- ton, will; be run' on practically the ; likely see some , service ' betore '-the ball a number " of eames last fall sa,me plan ras..cwas m vogue viast sea - Heel! eleven completes-its 1928 sche- He is a second vear varsitv man. and son,!:waith-a few changes, f yet to. be dule. ' . . The University football squad has never lost a game in . its new Kenan i, Memorial Stadium,' but ... it will be ;hard 'pressed to'r keep. that record , cleaiy during the ,1928 season. After a mediocre start last year the -Tar Heels braced to whip both Davidson and. Virginia on. the new field that was ' dedicated, .last " Thanksgiying. This year's schedule brings .vWake : Forest, P. "1 Georgia Tech, South Carolina and Duke to Kenan. Sta , dium.,-; ' , '. : '. ; i will push v someone berth this season.' for - a . regular AT THE CHURCHES worked out. As yet no definite open ing dates or plans re -ready; for an nouncement, lack of sufficient - ma terial temporarily ' - holding '; up fthe opening of the football Vseason However it is sure that ' the pig skin- season, ' with the same ;; two lea gues-dormitory and fraternity still in ..;. Methodist ; I C. E. ROZZELLE, Pastor ' 9:45 :a.. m.- Sunday' School, address u ,.,;n i- ir ; ; by Frank Graham. : , dav " week- Balls : will be : issued to u:yu a. m-r-Morning ; service. 7 : 00; p. m.-Epworth League. 8 :00 p. m. Evenine: ." service. Captain Harry Schwartz, star cen ter on the University football team, is beginning his third and final year 1 of varsity football, at. the Tar Heel institution. It also jnarks his eighth' year as one. of-the" South s outstand ing pivot men, for' he was All South- .ern Hieh'; School:- center for -four r1: years at 'Charlottgs High before en 'terms the University. ; -""r : - ;; '- ' ' v Presbyterian . ' . ' ' W. : D.- MOSS,:! PASTOR 9 : 45 a.; ' m. Sunday . School.. 11:00 a. m. Morniner service. : -7:00 p. m Christian Endeavor. 7:45 p;'- m. Evening service.!' the separate, units' in the; leagues as soon as they can be secured" from the varsity and freshman teams. ; :': UPPER; CLASSES TO SMOM SOON : University ioox-Daii ;ians; are piay- Z ing just now that the entire Tar. Heel eleven may be on par witn-tne cenxer : trio in the Carolina line.; .; Captain Schuler and Kay Farris, guards, ail won All-State berths last - year and were mentioned for All-Southern POStS. f ; ' ' ' : . ' .' ,.f ' ' ' ' , - - t ' " . The Tar Heel football squad m- ' vades the far North , this season for I the first time since 1923 -when' the University and ' Yale - . discontinued arrid relatiohsr The Tar -Heels are . carded to oppose Harvard, at Cam- . bridge on October 13 this year. ': .''-, - Episcopal - '- 'AS; -LAWRENCE, Pastor 8:00 a..m.r Hbly pommtinion, . 10 :00 .a. m.Student Bible Class. 11 :00 a. miMornine Prayer and v : 'Sermon. ..Subject: "The Full- , , - ness. of God." 7:15 p. m Young? People's Service n : Leagie. , . ., ' . . Seniors Hold First Smoker Tuesday Night ; Others To Follow. Local Rotary Club ; Hosts To Coaches Chief Featherstone of -the Chanel Hill Police Force, famed captor of many: a still and guardian of the public peace for many years.- .has eft town to accept a position on the Durham force. Filling his boots n-nrt brass, buttoned uniform this year is W. T. Sloan. Chief Sloan has three men under him, L. I. Rigsbee, C. H. TXT . - . : - w ngnt and N. Mayes. The office and headquarters of the local police 1 - - nas Deen moved to the corner of Co- umbia and Rosemary streets. According to Chief Sloan' the Uni versity is becoming more and more quiet each succeeding year. "I'vp been on the force five years," he" said,' ana every years there has been an improvement. There are very few boys who . must be told- more than once - to quiet down." ' Chief Sloan won a place on the Democratic ticket m the recent primaries, , and in the coming election will ge before the voters as a " candidate for fhia - . w ot sheriff. 4-T- -v-n-4- 1 tjv. aniTriowjiie, in tne coursp of a Jong and varied career, won fame as the. cantor of . niimWTMS liquor plants in the vicinity, and a arbitrator between two enthusiastic supporters of football teams' playing here," He was binwn 'a a o -e; u..x - . , ...i a, xiiili UUU reasonable guardian of the law, and a. ifooa con. - -,- . ' Boys shouldn't-, smoke before they re i, says nabe Kuth. In the mean wine mey may get some pointers on now to. do it gracefully by watch ing mother and: little sister. Flor bnce (4ta.) Herald. TIME TO EAT! POLLY'S COFFEE SHOP Next Patterson's Drug Store The Home of Good Eats Open 7 a. m. 11:30 p. m. The weekly dinner of the Chapel Hill Rotary club was held, on last Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock in he ball room of the : Carolina Inn. Among the; guests invited included President Chase, honorary member of the club, and the entire coaching staff of -the University. .- The opening music for the occa sion was furnished by "Red" Wood who also accompanied the Rotarians" in the singing of Rotary songs. Chair man E. C. .Smith of the program committee presented Charlie Cash of Durham'who played and sang a few numbers for the " entertainment of the members and invited guests. This feature of the proeram was verv much enjoyed by those present. About forty-five people were pres ent. ' ' - ,-. A German is building an automobile 12o-eet long and 25 feet wide. He doesn't aim to be crowded off the road next time. Dallas News'. V Advertise in the TAR HEEL. What YouVe Been , Looking for! First Class " ' Barber . Work At 35c - ' Drop around and see us and tell your friends. Chapel Hill Barber Shop DR. It. R. CLARK Dentist, Over- Bank of Chapel Hill . Phone 6251 I fee Sauted Old Service Howdy, Boys ! Glad to see you back and you new incom ing students. We know you all had fine vaca tions and are glad to get back even ' -. ' " as we're glad to have you. . . . - - .--. . We're offering the same brand of service again this year one day oh dry cleaning, $1.00 per suit; and press ing at the usual rates, 5. tickets for $1.50 all work guarantee. But you old students y know all about that and you new ones ' ' -will soon be finding out. Just call. 7011 and we'll do the rest. oJ oIiraston-IFT evos Baptist E. I. .Olive, .Pastor 9:45 a. . m.- 11:00 a. m.- -Sunday School. -Morning service. Senior;; Junior .... and Sophomore classes will have their first class smokers' of the year next week. The Senior class will have its- smoker on Tuesday night in Swain Hall at 9 'o'clock; the Junior class will have its smoker on Wednesday night at the same place and hour. The Soph omore class smoker, will be held in Swain HaH also on Thursday night 1! 6:30 p. m.rBaptist Young People's at 9 o'clock.. Because of the Pep Union. 7:45 p. m-Evening Service.1 ' - Christian B. J, HOWARD, Pastor - r - .ii . . . 9:45 a. m.-j-Sunday "School. 11:00 Si. m.r-Mornirig service: Sub- "-y ject: "The Young Man's Ques- . tion." - ; .i.V-'-'" meeting on next Friday night before the Wake Forest game, the fresh man class will have its smoker on Monday night, Oct. 1; . - t Place Your Subscription-to the TAR HEEL Now. V . . :C- (Uive vourseit a rlvme start wit these high claiss writing tools i; i i i Look over the beau tiful writing iristru- The football squads at the Univer sity seem to prefer linemen for cap tains. This is indicated by the fact that Tar Heel captains for the last seven 'seasons have played in the .for ward wall. Captain Harry Schwartz who , will lead the . Heels this year plays- the center t position.. Leaders an six , seasons . past include . two tackles, two guards, one center and one end. -' ' V, . All previous records for football crowds in North Carolina may be smashed more than once during the University's 1928 season. , The crowd ' of 28,000 that saw ' Carolina , . and Virginia dedicate Kenan Memorial - Stadium here last Thanksgiving set the high mark, but University au thorities expect 30000 or more for the Georgia Tech game this fall, and the Duke-Carolina game may, draw equally as well. ' ' , Roman Catholic ' . Jiivery ursx ana tmra ounaay m Gerrard Hall at 8:30. Mass conduct- i ed by Father O'Brien of Durham. ' . " : The University of Chicago is plan ning a five-year search in the land of the4 Hittites. " ' In the event that any i likely prospects are, ' yncovered, , . we trust ihat they will not be turned over to the Netv York Yankees. Detroit News. . . . ' v. . CAROLINA WELCOMES CLASS OF '32 ... . j - . . . ;DR. J. P. JONES, Dentist Over Welcome-In Cafeteria More than one of the University grid stars were-.seriously mentioned for All-Southern posts last fall, and all of them should ' make 'stronger bids, during the coming campaign. Outstanding - of , the ., number- are Captain Harry Schwartz, ' star cen ter; Qdell Sapp, 190 pound tend, who stars as a receiver of forward "passes; and Ray Farris peppery lSQ pound guard of last season, who will 'per form at Vight tackle this fall.: South ern sports writers will watch .these huskies before naming, their all-star elevens. ' ' It is more, than likely that eight lettermen will wear University col ors into action against Wake Forest next Saturday, September '.29, when the Tar; Heels and Demon' Deacons meet in Kenan Memorial . stadium here. , With ten' vets back in 'togs, Coach Chuck Collins has all but two Yhe Best eei SanslvSclie s . This f ad would never haye been . written if every student were an. old student, for tjiey know our sandwiches. There are 700 new students though; and. they have yet ;to learn. So we take this opportunity of welcoming them to the ' Hill . arid inviting them around. Try our sand wiches v once' and you'll be a "regular customer. FULL LINE OF DELICATESSEN GOODS V r 65 Diffcfrent Sandwiches One to, Suit Every Taste i ' WE CATER TO PARTIJES i 7 ' - . . GarSnnaa drill' Next the Old "Pick" . To'match the Rose wood pen, the new Everaharp Pencil. A ' masterpiece, richly finished Streamline cap Ever sharp, a real collegiate pencil of Wahl qual ity in your favorite color I" $3-50 $3 .50 A handsome, sturdy Wahl ountainpenin the smart Rose wood color. You pick the point that fits your writing stroke ment s picturea on this page. They are all esjcially appropriate for college men and women. But they are only part of the f amous Wahl-Eversharp line of pehs, pen cils and sets. Any color, any size, any style. , : v . t - . . "- - v - t :. You can give added zest and inspiration to .your college work by equipping your self with modern tools. These jewel-like pens and pencils make writing an actual pleasure. . t . . ' . " Theupens offer a choice of the Wahl 14 points. You pick the point that fits your -writing stroke. Doubtless 70ur favorite Jstore carries the Wahl-Eversharp.line. See him today and be satisfied with no tiling less than Wahl quality. Guaranteed pens and pencils to suit every purse. . THE WAHL COMPANY 1800 Rosce Street Chicago 1 13 An infallible writer, an over size Wahl pen, your choice of colors, a re markable value 0 Here's the new student desk set with metal base, pin and clip tray and pen cil groove, walnut colored pen with signature nib- :or college man or woman $.7.50, mm I mil WALLY SEZ: My grandpop spluttered through ' on mid-Victorian instruments of torture but I'm there with the 1928 Wahl stuff. Selah! . WALLY, the Eversharp Kid - Eversbarp leads, designed for Eversharp pencils and best for any pencil, in this Red Top box 15c LAI WAMJ?: PENS AND PENCILS A