THE T A H H E E L Pae Thrcs Harry Mebxe, Georgia's head Coach from Notre Dame, used some of i Rockne's old tactics when he started the second team against Mercer. They j scored ?a . touchdown in the first period. Then the varsity entered the game ana proceeaea to score 4t ; a a-1 ditional points. ;;' U.N.C. Meets "Bi.lThre or "lirst- lime bmce Yale bame DR. R. R. CLARE Dentist Over Bank of Chapel jHill Phone 6251 Game with Harvard Next Sat urday Recalls Days xf the Northern Contests Before 1924. : ; - CmDBIIIAEIS Tuj KILKENNY OVER TWO MILLION WELL-DRESSED MEN can't be wrong. What have they found in Bostonians? Style certainly Bos toni-. ans are famed for that. Comfort that's a big fac tor in Bostonians' creed. And surely $7 to $10 is a modest price for quality and long wear. Electric Shoe Repairing Campus Bootery Mr.McMurray Waxes Poetic over Tobacco Carrollton, Texas May 15, 1928 Lams & Bro. Co., Richmond, Va. .. ' Gentlemen: V Having been abuser of Edgeworth for over eight years, I can truthfully say that it is the best on earth. I am enclosing a little ditty that I believe expresses my sentiments entirely: Old Man Joy and Old Man Trouble Went out for a walk one day. I happened to pass when they met on the street And I overheard them say, " Said Old Man Trouble, "She's as , wrong a3 she can be, There ain't no fun in anything to me, why I was just talking' to Old Man Sorrow, And he" says the world will end tomorrow." Then Old Man Joy he started to - grin, And I saw him bring out that OLD BLUE TIN, Then OLD JOHNNY BRIAR was . i - next "on the scene, Ar-d he packed him full from the . OLD BLUE TIN, And I heard him say as he walked away," "You have to have a smoke screen every day. When a man gets the blues, and he needs a friend, He can find consolation in the OLD BLUE TIN, And I jist don't believe on all this earth There's a thing that'll match good old EDGEWORTH." Yours very truly, F. H. McMurray When the University of North Carolina grid squad invades Harvard Stadium at Cambridge, it will be the first time a Tar Heel team has faced one of the "Big Three" since 1924. At that time Yale was a regular mem ber of the Carolina schedule. Time was when the Tar Heels met two of the "Big Three" outfits on the same schedule; and indeed battled two of the big boys on successive Satur days. That was back in 1916 when Dave Tayloe, Raby Tennent, Bill Fol- ger, and Yank Tandy were members of the Tar Heel eleven. That season saw the Tar Heels meet Princeton, Harvard, and Georgia Tech in sue cession and erive all three teams a merry time. " "The lads from Down Home held Princeton to 29 to 0, dropped a hard fmiM e-ame to Harvard 21 to 0, and then bought Georgia Tech to a- stand still, .losing by one touchdown mar gin.. 'The team that goes to Cam bridge .next week to meet the Crim son there is another hard charging, fiVh-ffno outfit. The Crimson is another hard charging, fighting out fit. The Crimson may win next week, Vmt Arnold Horween's charges will know they've been in a scrap. This 1928 Tar Heel team has an ntW stromr line, "with numerous promising young backs. The Tar Wools nrp trained under the Notre Dame system. ' tv,o North Carolina schedule for this vear has no easy spots. Follow ing the Harvard battle, the Tar Heels w,4- v P T Oporia Tech. JN. State, South Carolina, Davidson, Vir ginia and Duke before the moleskins are packed away for the winter. GRIDMEN TO MEET V. P. I. AND TECH IN NEXT HOP GAMES Gobblers and Tar Heels Have Not Met Since the World ; War. Intramural Teams Will Start Annual Mauling: 4:C3 Today The two leagues of the Intramural football schedule begin their cham pionship drive on the Intramural fields today at 4:00 o'clock. Thirteen dormitories and seven fraternities will start the march pennantward. The race is open . this year, with any team entered -liable to carry off the bunting, . as New . Dorms, last year's scintillating champions have lost every old man of the championship array, while Sigma Phi Sigma, last season's Greek letter champs, has not if - t F3 C t entered the race. This leaves both ; to clear the fields for the five o'clock , order to finish without bringin; league pinners. out of the running games and the five o'clock games in! artificial lighting facilities. practically, so some newcomer, wjui step into a tine mis mil. - IT - This year the games . will be run on a somewhat altered style or plan, with contests scheduled on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week only. This leaves Monday for J the week-enders to ' recuperate and Friday for them to start again. This move "was made in an attempt to eliminate as. many forfeits as possible, and all of them if possible. To make up for the games "that might other wise be lost on Monday and Friday, a third field has been prepared on the huee Intramural plot, located next to the old fields, adjoining the woods opposite the Freshman Field. o'clock this year. All games must be started on time, the first one in order Games will start at four and five in E ewort Extra High Grade Smoking Tobacco 01 The University of North Carolina gridmen invade northern fields to meet Harvard this week-end, but the Tar Heels return home on the last Saturdays in October to meet. two tough Southern Conference foes in succession. The V. P. I. Gobblers furnish the positlch for. the Tar Heels in the TTnnon TWpTcnrial next r.ome game iuccuij, r Stadium here on Saturday, October 20: and Georgia reen s ywwu nado is brewing a your.g storm to turn loose in the Stadium here on the following Saturday, October 2 . Botn contests will have important bearing on Southern Conference titular ranK inff. . ThP Gobblers and Tar Heel; have . v.o wovl.i war. The not met vw. . Gobblers are reported to be exctp- f;Qllv strone this year which means that the Tar Heels will have their hands full on that particular after noon rwnhpr 13 might well be designa ted as the day of the Southern Inva sion. Yale, Harvard and Princeton Qn r,lav hosts to Southern Con ference elevens-Georgia, Carolina and Virginia respectively, while Vir ginia Poly will travel to Hamilton, Mow York, to attempt to repeat their 1927 triumph over Colgate. Georgia ,ni oicm Pr.ter the Yale game as past victors. The day before Harvard and nnkft tackles Boston Carolina. iiivw, College in a Columbus Day feature. Send the TAR,. HEEL home. Recommended by the English Department of University of North Carolina I The Best Abridged Dictionary Based upon WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL A Time Saver in Study Hour. Those questions about words, people, places, that arise so frequently in your reading, writ ing, study, and speech, are answered instantly in this store of readv information. New words like dacryo- gram, eJcctrobus, jiecnerre, names autu a Cabell, Hoover, Smuts; new Gazetteer en tries such as Latvia, vioiy, monte Aaa mello. Over 106,000 words; 1,700 illustra tions; 1,256 pages; printed on Bible Faper. See It at Your College Bookstore or Wnto for information to tne r-uouaiwra. , G. & C. MERRIAM CO. Springfield, Mass. it l - Yoh Cso Save BY BUYING YOUR CLOTHING HERE We carry a complete line for ladies and gentlemen. Let us help you select your needs in ' SUITS SHIRTS COATS DRESSES SHOES UNDERWEAR MILLINERY LINGERIE Try Our New Line of Water and Mud Proof ' LADIES' HOSE F. J- Bmh Just a Half Block above the Carolina Were you down to see our store crowded -with bargain seekers, or were you one of them? If you were, there are still more bargains, and if you weren't, you're really missing something Only a few days of our Big Removal Sateare left, advantage of these exceptional values - while you may! Take MRS. WHITE AND MRS. GRAVES - : ' announce the opening of the ' Spinning Wheel Shop (Two doors below the post-office on Franklin street) CANDIES CAKES PASTRIES AFTERNOON TEA Opens 2 P. M., Wed., Oct. 10 On that day the shop invites the people of Chapel Hill and the students to be its guests. Tea and sandwiches will be served. Hart Shaffner & Marx and Learbury Suits and Topcoats Latest Fall Styles and Patterns at 15 discount- It will be worth your while to buy that Thanksgiving or Christmas suit jiow and save the difference! We Have Added a Shoe Department Complete Line $6.00 ' No More No Less The Latest in Footwear Special Today and Tomorrow! One Lot of All-Wool Golf Hose '32 Values for $1 Prepare for the Cold Weather LARGE ASSORTMENT (3F SHIRTS $2 to $3.50 Values REMOVAL SALE PRICE $1 See Display in Window $1 Neckwear 75c $1.50 Neckwear .. .. .. $1 One Lot Blue, Green, Tan and White Shirts -Collars Attached, $1.65 See These arid Other Values at Jack University Liomari s op Presenting . . ... GHA R-L IE - -GHA.PL IN in the blindfold cigarette test Famous star selects OLD GOLD One cigarette of the four I smoked in the blindfold test was like shooting a scene suc cessfully after a whole series of failures. It just 'clicked' and I named it as my choice. It was Old Gold. Which clears up a mystery, for the supply of Old Golds in my Beverly Hills home is constantly being de pleted. It seems that Strong heart and Rin-tin-tin are the only motion picture stars who don't smoke them." . . ..... ... y . wtwv.w ymx. i V . .Pv.-. "? .4 V 4 A " 'XT-? 1 ' j Cigarettes mm V CHARLIE CHAPLIN ... movie favorire the wot id over, la one of hi best-loved picture "The Circu.." MR. CHAPLIN wm atked to smoke each of the four lead in brand, clearing hi taite with coffee between smokes. Only one question was asked: "Which one do you like the best?" How does OLD GOLD do it? C P. LorUard Co.. Est. 1760 Made from the heart-leaves of the tobacco plant What's the ecret of OLD GOLD'S winning charm? The answer is very simple. Three types of leaves grow on the tobacco plant . . . coarse, heavy top leaves, irritating to the throat . . . withered ground-. leaves, without taste or aroma ... and the heart- leaves, rich in cool and fragrant smoking qualities. These, golden-ripe heart-leaves give OLD GOLDS their honey -like smoothness. That's why so many -people choose them. And. that's why you too can pick them . . ; even in the dark. SMOOTHER AND, BETTER "NOT A COUGH IN A , CARLOAD"