Thursday, October 18, 1928 THE T A It H EE L ( ! .V V. 'P.VLPpnir' Express: Offers Real Threat to Carolina's x Glean Slate on Kenan Field Qoach Andy, Gustaf son Says Gobblers Will Be Fit to Tackle Tar Heels Despite Hurts. A serious threat-to the Tar Heels' boast of never haying lost a game in Keenan Stadium will be presented Saturday by the Gobblers from V. P. I. Having started play in the stadium last year with a brilliant victory over the Davidson Wildcats, the Tar Heels upset the dope and defeated Virginia .14-13 in the annual Thanksgiving .clash. This season only one game has been played here, the sweeping 65-0 votory over Wake Forest. Even if the tradition is kept up next Satur day the worry along that line will be far from over. Later in the season most of the hardest tests are schedul ed to take place in the stadium in cluding those with Georgia Tech, Duke, and South Carolina. However, since the closest game is with V. P. I., it furnishes most interest at present. After fighting the big team from Colgate last week the Gobblers are in rather ba.d shape.- Injuriesto many of their first string men have kept them from ; holding any stiff practice the first two days of this week. On Monday morning three of the men who took most of the punishment ad ministerd by the -heavier team from Colgate were ordered to the infirmary. After examinations it was found that : none of them were seriously injured and all of them will probably be back in the game against Carolina In addition to theseothers of the squad suffered minor hurts " which made them too stiff for' real workouts. Peake, star back, was one of the men who led the defensive last Saturday and was out of uniform Monday and Tuesday. However in spite of these misfortunes, Coach Andy Gustaf son says that his team will be fit to tackle ' Carolina. Rated to have about the strongest team in Virginia and to be equally good on defense as on offense, the Gobblers promise to give the Tar Heels a fight which will be well worth watching. The game is not considered a setup for either team and when the opening whistle blows -chances of each will be considered about even. ..;;." This week has also produced nota ble changes in; . the Carolina; team. Monday brought; little; work for the first string and after a light work out they were through. The second team, however, found the going a lit tle tougher and devoted most of its time to scrimmage. ' Tuesday saw the varsity take the field to scrim mage with several changes , in the lineup which proved to be permanent In the line quite a shakeup had tak en place. Ray Parris, star guard of last year and all-state at this posi tion, was shifted . ; from the tackle berth he has been playing this sea son to his old place at left guard. Earl Donahoe who saw service at guard last year was at Farris' tackle,, Jimmy Hudson, sophomore guard, held the right guard post. Sam Presson, letterman from last year, replaced Holt at right end. The back field also was the scene of a -little juggling: Jim Magner, another sophomore, 'was running at left half back in the place of Jimmy Ward who is out on account Nof sickness. The fullback position which ' Eddie Foard -has filled so far this season was being filled by Tommy Gresham. - As a result of the shifting 'a pep py team took the. field against one of Coach Belding's freshman teams running V. P. I. plays. The team played a nice defensive game an ef fectually stopped any threats made by the freshmen. While these changes may not be permanent' it is certain thxat Coach Collins , is going to send in the smoothest functioning combination Saturday against the famous "Pony' Express" of the Gob blers. ' - . . ': ; , Dean Roysterjs On. Tour of Inspection . ' , - '.;;;. Dean James F. Royster of the Gra duate School is making an inspection tour pf five southern colleges this week under the auspicies of the As sociation of American . Universities. Dean Royster made his first stop at Lousiana State University, Baton Rouge, where he examined the system used there. His itinerary includes Southern Methodist University at Dallas, Tex.; Texas Christian Univer sity, Fort Worth; College of Indus trial4 Arts, Denton,; Texas; and In carnate Ward College, San Antonio. This inspection,-tour, and examina tion of these colleges will determine whether or not they are approved and accepted on the accredited list of the Association of American Universities. The Dean will be in Austin Texas Friday and Saturday, and will re turn to Chapel Hill Monday. - Chuck Collins i "4 Coach Chuck Collins will depend '.on a galaxy of backs that includes such fine youngsters as Ward, Magner, Greshanl, Maus, Nash, Foard, Harden, Jackson, and Michaels to take the V. P. I. Gobblers into camp- for; the Tar "Heels Saturday. I ,; ; ; ' Coach Butler Has' Boxers Mixing;- Jtt" , In Heated JBouts Up Boxing at the Tin Can ; has - how begun to take on; a ;more settled as pect with the men out for the boxing team this year engaging inV practioe bouts daily among themselves; --Each afternoon thie air is filled with the sounds of solid smashes to the head or the body, and the calls of specta tors and the other men to up. There is an air of determination evi dent on the part of all the scrappers which augurs in itself a promising season. " : -r Coach Butler is highly pleased -at the showing" so many of the .men" axe making. Practically all of the fight-J ers are displaying a considerable knowledge of the boxing game from a defensive standpoint but are rather weak on the offense. A few more spirited skirmishes in the ring is ex pected to put on a more finished color to the fighters, and Coach EdJ says that it is to be his policy ,to give them every possible opportunity to throw the leather at each other these warm afternoons. Pae Tfcrca TENNIS COACHING WILL BE GIVEN vTONEWPLAYER Coach Kenfield Will Give Half an Hour Each Week to Each Inexperienced Man. J F. Kenfield, head, tennis coach, announced yesterday that plans have been completed for giving instruction in tennis free of charge to any mem ber of the, student body, "' no matter of what class, size, or sex, who may be interested .. in the game. Coaching this, fall will not be confined to the varsity, as has. een. done heretofore, but it is open, to anyone. Coach Kenfield says that he will be glad to give half an hour each week to each man, and will be at the courts all day Monday's, ' Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a. ni. until dark He will be here several months this fall and states that he wants to develop . as many inexperienced men as possible. A special class for beginners will be formed next week. Fundamental parts of the game will be taught in an elementary way, including strokes and footwork." The University has authorized; a1 backboard to be erected for new men. Coach Kenfield de sires all beginners who wish to join .the class to report at the tennis-courts any time next week. ' ;; The courts are now rounding into shape. Mr. Kenfield, since he ar rived from Glencoe, 111.,' where he has : coached and played tennis for the Lake Shore Country Club for 8 years has had the courts "cleaned off "and "smoothed. ' , tProspects this year look good for the varsity with a .nucleus of Cap tain 'Bill Scott, John Norwood, and 'Bilt Merritt Captain Charlie Wad deli, star of the 1927 team, .is back hv school and is eligible for another ryear of competition. As . yet he" has" no decided whether he will play this year or next. With Waddell the Jteam is very well balanced and shows .much promise. ; ; " ' ' :" , Manager John Norwood has ' ar ranged for several practice games tfiis 'fall, the first two with Duke. One 'with" the Alumni -of Biltmore Country club, Asheville, has " been arranged.;' The: annual matcn be tween the University of North Caro lina" and the University of Virginia will be played , in . Charlottesville Thanksgiving 'morning, just before the Carolina-Virginia ' game. " People want this and that kept out 'of pblitics.' So far the only thing kept' out of politics is about 47 per Cent; of the nation's votes.- Toledo Blade.- " ' - Dean Manning Tells Of Elans for New Medical Building " A banquet was given Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock in 1 Caldwell Hall by the Medical Society for the initiation of the first year: ; medical students. ; ' ' ' Dean Manning outlined and illus trated the plans which are under con sideration for a new medical building. The proposed building is a three story affair and will be built upon the plans of Vanderbuilt's new building. It will also be constructed to allow f or'future additions if necessary ,r ' ' Reid Heffner, president of the second year med students, and Sam Pace, president of the yearlings, gave short talks, and the program com mittee outlined its plans for the year, The chairman stated that it is en deavoring to have influential doctors here throughout the year to give lec tures on medicine,, and he expressed the hope that the public will give these lectures a serious thought and attend them for the benefit of the community. Dormitory Club To Hold First Meeting This Year Tonight " - v The first meeting of the Dormitory Club, composed of presidents and athletic managers of all the .dormi tories on the campus, will be held at the Episcopal Parish House tonight at six thirty. ! ; General business matters concern ing the Dormitory Council system and student government problems will be discussed by Ed Hudgins, President of the Student Body, after which Dean Bradshaw will 'make a short talk. Club officers will be elected and eats served. " - The purpose of the Dormitory Club is to promote better living 'condi tions and government within the dor mitories and to encourage participa tion in intramural athletics. !: J he largest selling "s tjuaiiivDcnciL yfX ?. in the wotld 17 ' Black degrees 3 copying At all dealers Buy . & dozen Superlative in "quality, the world-famous 1 mm Andy Gustaf son few? i ! t - u A. Coach Andy Gustaf son of V.P.I, will present for the major - roles in Saturday's battle his fine backfield combination of the "Three : Gren adiers,". Mattox,' Peake, and Looney, generalled by the- flashy Henry Hooper. ' ." ' . . The Tar Heels are already figuring on the battle, with South Carolina in Kenan Memorial Stadium at. Chapel Hill on Saturday, November 10. The South Carolina outfit, under the tute lage of Bill Liaval, has been playing sensational football 'this season and is destined to make plenty of trouble for; the, big blue ; team from North Carolina. . The requests for J tickets for - the Georgia Tech-Carolina football game at Chapel Hill on October 27 "are still pouring "into , the office ' of the University Athletic Association. It appears that the game ,niay draw the largest crowd tha ever witnessed a football battle in this state. The seats are $2.50 each and mail orders should be accompanied by an addi tional 20 cents to cover registration and postage. Zeta Betas Guests Of Local Theatre For This Saturday In accordance with the policy an nounced the beginning of this sea son, 3Ianagef E. C. , Smith of the Carolina Theatre will be host to Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity at the show, Saturday night. ' All the fraternities and dormito ries will be entertained as the guests of the Carolina during the year. A special gala affair will be given for all the co-eds in ; the University. according to Mr. Smith. This will take place at some date in the near future to be announced in the Tar Heel. Former Oak RidgeV Men Meet Tonight There will be a meeting of all the students who attended or graduated from Oak5 Ridge. institute . tonight at 7:30 in Gerrard Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to re-organize the Oak Ridge Club. 1 NEV VICTOR RECORDS RELEASED EVERY FRIDAY UNIVERSITY' BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. (Sutton Bldg.) did they call her "STREET ANGEL" soon you'll know! A Big Time FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 Before Carolina-V. P. I. Game DANCE AND ENTERTAINMENT PINES NITE-CLUB 4 Miles on Durham Road .Tri-State Trio Carolina' Banjo Boys ; 9:30 till 1 a. m. Beautiful Girls AVOID THE BIG RUSH FOR line v. ip. n. laame ' Get That Suit Cleaned and Pressed Now, Satisfaction Guaranteed P - Kelly; Tail or ing Co . MEM Q To Bgmpg fnoay, uctoqer m give best service jand longest wear. 10c each' AMERICAN PENCIL CO. 500 Willow Ave W 47, Hoboken, N.J Colored pencils in 20 colors, $1.00 Per Doz. Makers of UNIQUE Thin Lead 4- : - ON LOVE ' Someone once defined love as "an itching sensation around the heart that , cannot be scratched." Love, we admit, is a great thing, but there are other sensations that can be1 scratched, and scratching only does harm and spreads the disagreeable malady. Why not try a scientific remedy that will absolutely give satisfac tion for any kind of skin disorder, rash or eczema. ; ; Your money back if satisfaction is not given. . , . : '. t ; At Your Druggists HANES SUMMER . UNION SUITS $1.00 VALUE v NOW ONLY 67c Special for Opening Day To the First 50 Men Entering Our Store Friday We Will Sell $1.09 or $1.50 Ties for : 79c . Qr a Picture at the Same Price PALMOLIVE SOAP t 4 CAKES FOR 25c (SECOND FLOOR) $2.45 .-'V-:; v -:: IDE Men's Full dress shirts. From $3. to $4 Values. Now ONLY ..v...:.,......... MEN'S SHIRTS Ide, Marlboro, Aetna, Philip-Jones. ' $2.00 and $2.50 Values. AH Going " at.. : :.. $1.69 MEN'S Two - Piece WTiite Shirts. Fancy Pants. Values. Each J Now only .. Underwear. White , and 50c and 75c 39c Bath Robes, Sweaters, Hosiery,-Caps, Hats, Odd Pants, Shoes of All Kinds In fact the Entire Stock on Sale at Remarkably Low Prices. ' Men's; Varsity Slickers, Strao Collar, Hooks To button. SPECIAL ! 4.85 (Two-Pants to $29.50. Sale Price . YOUNG MEN'S Suits. Values $19.75 EXTRA SPECIAL 1 Group of 20 Topcoats Consisting of Styleplus and other Nationally Known Brands. Values to $37.50. Sale . Price $21.75 TOPCOATS V AH Sizes, AH Colors Style plus and Other Good Makes S?ING $17.95 From 400 to 500 Men's ' Suits,. AH Materials, AU Colors. One and Two-Pair Pants at Astoundingly Low Prices, fee Sure ami See Them. SPECIAL LOT SHOES Endicott-Johnson Shoes and Other Well-Known Makes. Values to $400. now -eono only $z.yo DOUGLAS SHOES Values to $6.50. ONLY : $4.& Second Floor MENNEN POWDER MAVIS POWDER Listerine Tooth Paste, Col gate's Dental Cream. NOW o-f ONLY, Everything To Fix Your Room up to be Found on Our Second Floor. Rugs, Pictures, Curtains, shades, Blankets, Spreads, Combs, Brushes, etc. . ALL REDUCED Fjx Your Room at Great ' - Savings ,;. WE GUARANTEE GOODS . OUR e -3rry? tfTS 11M mm wasBi ALWAYS QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICE 4 liPlllIlllllllFIIII'lII'IIIII!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!! i ... i i I ?l ?l II EE! "W. ' 5 ? J iilii i-iiit'iiitntiiiiuiiiii