Pc;:e Tvro THE TAR HEEL TuzzZzy, October 23, 102& (pt .ar mz Leading Southern College Tri weekly Newspapes Published three times every -week of the college year, and is the official nowstiaTier'' of the Publications Union of the University of North Carolina. Chanel Hill. N. C. Sub scription price, $2.00 local and $3.00 out of town, for tne college year. nffir.es in the basement of Alumni Building. Walter Spearman ....... .... Editor Marion Alexander ... Bus. Mgr. i --.- .. i OPEN FOBUM plendid idea, but hasn't it been car-1 bout that . some other time. ried too far? Before the Wake For-I EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Managing Editors JohnS'Mebane .....-. Tuesday Issue Glenn Holder .. Will Yarborough Thursday Issue , Saturday Issue Harry Galland Assistant Editor M. Broadus H. T. Browne W. C.Dunn J. C. Eagles R. W. Franklin J. P. Jones W. A. Shelton D. L. Wood Reporters G. A. Kincaid Dick McGlohon J. Q. " Mitchell B. C. Moore K. C. Ramsay J. W. Ray P. B. Ruff in Linwood Harreli SOMEBODY'S MAD To the Editor: , . In one of the last issues of the Tar Heel I read where you wanted some one to feel angry about something that he might give, vent to his griev ances in the printed columns of the Heel, and thereby made things hum a bit, and cause the paper to sizzle with controversy. I viewed this challenge with a 'sweet smile of complacency, for I thought that "peace and good will to man" was something extremely helpful to the digestive organs, and you know I suffer often from indi gestion; but alas! what befell medhe i other day so completely overturned my whole, system that I know contro versy , can't hurt me farther, there fore I gleefully picked up my pen to write this article. -' ' Well, sir, 1 was preparing to go off on-a week-end pleasure tourone of those "Hey-ho" parties which we stu dents have always found to be so very essential to counteract the effects of a long week's mental derangement est game there was a mass meeting of the' entire student body, with ex cellent results in the way of cheering. Before the V. P. I. game onlv the' Freshmen were called together. ;i At he game requests for yells were made, as a rule, only to the Freshmen sec tion. These requests were evidently of a secret nature as thev were not oud enough to reach the rest of the student body. t Consequently, we did not cheer. The- Freshman cheerinsr ranged from jtnediocrity downwards. An attempt was made to whisper the Yackety Yack yell, to whom has not been determined. I feel sure the upperclassmen are as ready to use their lungs as they were last year, if they are only given the opportunity. What about it, Bill? A Senior NOW WHO'S RIGHT - Business Staff M. R. Alexander Business Mgr. B. M. Parker Leonard Lewis Harry Latta Jack -Brook? Advertising Staff f . M. Y. Feimester J. L. McDonald J.' Goldstein Sidney Brick .., Collection Mgr. H. L.. Patterson Gradon Pendergraph Circulation Mgr. T. R. Karriker Asst. Col. Mgr. Tuesday, October 23, 1928 PARAGE APHICS REVERSION TO TYPE A precedent has been set this year in drafting the entire freshman class into the section known as the "Caro lina Cheerios' The duty of this group is to attend the football games in as body. Furthermore, they are re quired to appear clothed in white duck "trousers and blue coats and to present at the gate of the stadium cards which entitle them admission. A notice has been given to the effect that no freshman will be allowed en trance to football games unless he is garbed in the costume prescribed for the 'occasion. While in the clustered group, the Cheerios follow the direc- tions of the cheer-leaders. Between halves of the game the aggregation gives entertainments and performs well-executed stunts "for the amuse ment of the spectators. The Cheerios - add a prodigious amount of wholehearted fun to the occasion. : But there seems to be one salient r objection to the newly-adopted system! The freshman is not asked to join the organization, nor is he requested to unite with ithe is compelled, in order to- attend game, to become a Cheerio. In addition, he is forced to buy white duck trousers and a blue coat to secure admission to the game. The University of North Carolina has been recognized as one of the first institutions in the country to re bel against hazing. And we have prided ourselves on the absence of any form of the "rat-system" at Carolina. Does not this dictation to the freshman class seem a reversion to the old-time hazing? It is true that the first-year class was allowed" the privilege of voting on the matter. But will not any measure pass a group of new and unexperienced enthusiasts? Is it quite fair to force a student to buy clothes in order to attend a football game? Is it fair to compel a single man to join an organization to which he does not ehoose to belong? Is coercion the proper method to deal with a man who knows absolutely nothing of the situation? The method being used at the present seems to resemble closely ' a legalized form of hazing, or 'may it be called a forced patriotism? We only ask should this be "done? Is it fair to the student? Shall we, after all, . revert again to the rat-system which we have taken such pains "to abolish. , . ' " v ' : : '.. J. M. . . Dr. Work and Senator Moses are . reported ''displeased" with Governor Smith's speeches. Bless their hearts, that's the intention -Saginaw News. The motorist is said to be rivaling the angler and the golfer as a teller of tales. You should hear his descrip tion of the whopping pedestrian he just missed.- London Punch. and believe me, 1 was making ready shoes polished to perfection; socks in pink Of condition; suit new suit, im maculately pressed; .tie oh, boy, that glad symphony of colors was plastic "picture of a, revolution and riot merged into -one; chin neatly shaved; and my head displayed the master art of our barbers. I was making ready! Impatiently I waited for the laundry to arrive; every thud in the hall I imagined to be that of my.' package being flung against my door. In my mind I rehearsed the act of picking from the fragrant folds of linen, my champion shirt the new darling of my heart which was to be the last link in my "week-end pleas ure hunt apparel. ' The whir of i droning, motor outside, the. thud o falling packages in the hall, the crinkle of crisp wrapping paper, three heavy wallops on the door, and my baby had. arrived. In my happiness I did- the unheard of courtesy of bringing in my two room-mates' pack ages. Ahl with what anticipated joy I tore off the strings, flung off the paper there, sure enough ; lay my spotless linen, all aglow with spick and-spanniness. "Damn good laundry, by Gee," thought I, "come to me Tiara (name of my favorite shirt) I's been wait ing for you." And I picked her up. , Out with the tissue binding, out with the paste board, and Tiara unfurled her majes ty of colors to the atmosphere. "You and I are going places and seeing double things tonight honey," said I as I strode across the room fondly fingering, my pet :and now, oh kind sir hold. me up! Hold me up for I'm falling down! In bad time did. my fingers detect a Brutus-like slash which had been dealt my Tiara my only Tiara had. been dealt to my Tiara along the back. With dis may I viewed the mortal cut; a rip fully a foot long from the top of the shoulder seam right , along the lef hand edge of the back! Sorrowfully I laid her low and turned to the pack age again. "Guess Alasions (my speckled blue shirt) will accompany me in my tour." i . Slowly T picked him up, turned him over; and on the back by golly what do you think? .Two damned slashes! Say, to what are we coming I threw him down mercilessly, almos beyond myself with wrath.-I pounced upon the third in line, Fenola, my im ported Spanish scream of purple and yellow; flipped her over. . . . ! By the blazes, yes; three slashes! Lilly Pad was the fourth you damned right, four heroic slashes! And now I ask you you and the rest of the U., what are things coming to? What ex cuse can a laundry give for tearing innocent shirts in the prime of their life ? ,Come on Laundry, where are you at! Can, you answer me this? Jf it be that you must play with some thing, just tell me so and IH ship you half a dozen sheets I swiped from the Savoy Hotel, but for heaven'i sakes quit destroying- those darling rags which constitute the week-end joy of my heart. Despair has vanished and grim de termination set in. I have bough two new shirts; plain white affairs, for maybe laundries have their own aesthetic conceptions. But listen laundry, don't' you dare' tear these! If you do, 111 stone your northern exposure window panes sic semper tear-anis! i- r;:, '.IVP. K- GIVE 'EM ALL A CHANCE The office pessihist says he ddesnt see how people can think up anything sillier than a marathon dance, but feels sure they will. Nashville Ban ner. . We're down n the world. Our, girl kicked us the i other day. l Well, we never saw anything in loving anyway. But perhaps other people tarn the lights out, too. ' We guess that's why they say that love is blind. We "have heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder. It must mean fonder of someone else. , We suppose what helps keep our indomitable old Kaw candidate, with his smashed finger and his ' laryn gitis, up to his work is the thought of the nice four-year rest he'll get if elected. Ohio State Journal. 1 To the Editor of the Tar Heel: I wish to propound a question or two to Cheer-leader Chandler. Why have the Freshmen been . given a monopoly on our cheering? Why are we upperclassmen denied the privi lege of taking part in the organized yells? : I have no fault 'to find with the Freshman . cheering as such; it is a To the Student Body: , Apparently, there are no cogent reasons why the freshman class of this University should be obliged to wear white "pants" with blue coats and yell to be admitted to the foot-. ball games. , ' It is merely this : as casual commen tators on the life and times of this University, we do not think it a de cent thing." JON MARSHALL JOE MITCHELL LOST Kappa Alpha fraternity pin. White gold encircled with' pearls. Finder please return to.F. S. Howell, K. A. Rooms, over Sutton's Drug Store and receive reward. by N john mebane ' It behooves this lowly and humble person in this issue to rearrange his cerebellistic organs into a different strata, thereby causing perhaps a few of this cosmos to regard it as idiosyn cratic and imbecillic, butpervailing conditions make a change imperative, and consequently, those who have nurtured a critical brain and a per spicacious eye will kindly remove their headpieces as the martial strains of this column march by. The reader's philoprogenitiveness should assist him to endure this opus J m short, we change our style a bit and hope that the reader will hear with us. A great statue of Buddha in Japan has been dedicated to the spirits of One million people. Over here - we have the eighteenth amendment, r Which reminds us of a joke about Al Smith that we will omit. A certain kind of starfish produces over 2,000,000 eggs. Someone ought to tell it something about union hours. A nature ' magazine states that house plants should be re-potted in the spring. Collegians should take no offense at being called house plants or become antagonistic at the other inference. The Indian name,' Chippewa, has been spelled ninety-seven different ways. Another record would be the variations on Jones, Smith , and Brown. . ..Plate glass is' about three times heavier than sheet glass. So that's what a collegian is when he's "three sheets in the wind?" , Which reminds sheets tomorrow. us to change our A German engineer is planning a huge indoor beach with sand, an ocean, . a boardwalk, and lamps fur nishing artificial sunlight. Well bet the bathing Beauties will be, as usual, artificial also. . " , We will be thankful if we go ' to heaven when we die. Harps will be a delightful change from saxaphones. We could tell you more about the musical instruments that we have heard iBut we won't harp on that. Besides we may go the other way and play hell. And may the devil take us if we do.' After having made at various times a number of statements about the co-eds, we have come to the conclu sion that ' it is the co-ed and not her wrongs that should be redressed. We dont see anything so wonder ful about the German Zeppelin cross ing the ocean. Gas bags have been doing that for years. - Gas who we mean. Sailors Beg Master Mariner for Favorite Pipe Tobacco - Maiden, Mass. Larus & Bro. Co. ' March 10, 1928 Richmond, Va. Dear Sirs: I have been a Master Mariner for many years, and as a general rule all seafaring men smoke a pipe. 1 J1S.V3 tried about all the different brands of tobacco on the market, and in my esti- mation, there is not one make of to bacco that will compare with Edge- , worth Slice for a good, cool, long smoke. ; Sailors would come to me and say " Capt., be sure to put in a good sup ply of Edgeworth when you nil up the canteen!" That speaks for what the average sailor thinks of, Edgeworth. ; I retired from thesea six years ago, and the largest grocery -dealers in Boston keep me supplied with this wonderful smoke. I take great pleasure in boosting it to my friends. - VerV truly yours, : (signed) Capt. C. E. Kenney . Edgeworth v Extra High Grade 1 Smoking Tobacco Shall ; Booze Return? Headline. Well, some of it wouldn't have lar to come. -Indianapolis News. Says Edward Schill of East Orange, If you teach a boy to blow a saxa- phone, hell never blow a safe." Even so, it's not a thing1 to cecioe nasxuy. The New Yorker. Send t2xe TAE HEEL heme. DH. J. P. JONES Dentist Over Welcome-In , Cafeteria PHONE 5761 bb -tit 3m-M The activity man must keep his health if he is to keep his eligibility Sensible eating will help such as breakfasts or late suppers of WITH WHOLE MILK OR CREAM 0Jf; r MOM H IN OUR NEW AND LARGER QUARTERS BETWEEN FOISTER'S AND GOOCH'S CAFE Expansion was the natural outcome of the trade we have been building up with Carolina students over a period of five years five years of con stant service and trustworthy business, five years of selling Carolina stu dents the very best in clothing at the lo-west possible costs. ' Today with a muclr larger store, completely new fixtures, and a whole new stock of clothing we are prepared to extend even better service in the future than in the past. ; A COMPLETE STOCK NEW CLOTHES OF Latest Designs . Just Purchased in the Northern Markets in two lines Smartest Patterns HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX and LEARBURY SUITS and TOPCOATS , . also- -A New and Full Line of Tuxedos and Haberdashery Y Everything: New But Our Reputation and That's Five Years Old. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER As a special introductory offer, during our first 10 days we will irive a free book of 20 pressing tickets with Johnston-Prevost, with everv suit sold Pressing a whole year. J Drop Around and See Our New Home Always at Home ' And You Are Always Welcome ay Someone told us the other day that a kiss was like a rumor because it went from mouth to mouth. That's funny. Because we always thought rumors went from room to room.". ':v :r: Well, there will be room to talk a- We have added a New Shoe Department for your convenience. The latest in footwear in solid leather 6.00 and $8.50. l!liW;!H!!!n!!!!;t:n!" -"i..'..,...i,..... , , ,.,.., - Is naiiiinili.ii.ldiiiiiliiii.;iliiili.ii,,.ili.li..1Ul. i..li.l...li..l.i.iU...tt..i.tll,.l,1Uu.4.i...i4tlii..i..lU1. """""",""r',","","""'""l.I.!!...)H!..1!.. ' """" """"".....i.,;i.,u...iiHifi5

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