Thursday, November .8, 1928 THE T A R H E E L Page Thre j sus idisosotea to Start Full Strength i attle Mere Saturday a ' - : : ' HEEL HARRIERS TO MEET DUKE Tar Heel Injured List Is Rapid ly Being Rounded Into Shape. This Saturday when the -Heels take kilt? 1U1 WUWl UXULUMl M-LbXl the South 'Carolina Gamecocks, they will present their full strength. This will Taise the tock of the Tar . Heels quite a' bit, because most of the ex perts accredit their relatively poor showing' against State last week to .the absence of such stars as Sapp, ' Howard, Atkins, and 'Foard. All this week the coaches have kept the injur ed men out of the stiff work and they are all fast .rounding; into playing shape again. " Harry Schwartz, al though he . played a wonderful' game ; over at Raleigh Saturday, was handi capped by a bad leg. which f he I hurt in the Tech game two -weeks ago. Harry has been taking it easy this week and he will probably be back in fine shape for the Battle of the Carolinas. ,. ' .''-' " i Coach Collins has f orgotten all the mistakes and bad playing , that mark ed the rather ragged attack of the Heels against btate and is devoting all his time to developing the offen sive and defensive play. . .'; For a week or so Coach Belding has been drilling his freshmen in running South Caro lina plays and the use of their famous Crazy Quilt formation.. They have learned to run plays from this line up pretty, well ; and Tuesday they were given an opportunity to use it against the second teaml The" reserves soon learned to cope, with this kind of attack and were successful in pushing the freshmen back. Jackson and Ward were at the halves and showed up well on both offense and defense. ? ' While the Heels were at work on their defensive . play reports coming from the Gamecock camp intimated that Laval's men would probably re sort to an aerial attack centered around Beall, fullback. Playing his first season as a regular for South Carolina, Beall has, already proven to be one of the best and most accu rate passers . in Southern , football ranks. ; In addition to being a threat as a passer, Beall is a fine line plung r. and a. broken field runner." 'The' Gamecocks are also pinning , much hope on Zobel, ? who was instrumental in helping defeat Coach Staggs Chica go eleven early, in the season. Since he was hurt in the Virginia; game, Zobel has , been " out of the lineup. However, he will be back in uniform against the Tar Heels and . will pro- bably give them something to worry about. v V- xne Jieeis ana uamecocKs nave divided the last two contests between them and. each team is- anxious to win the third battle. Year before last, when the Heels seemed doomed . to defeat, they made a comeback and won. Last year there was a dif ferent story, the Gamecocks won ra ther decisively. So far this season the records of the two teams are parallel in one respect; both started off strong and have let down some as the season wore on. ; A compari- oun ui vncu ittuius gives me uame cocks an advantage, but this doesn't mean much, as the Carolina-State game las,t week proves. The Heels went in the game doped to win and rnii -v -r" 1 it o Kin 4- r 4" i 4- r': (-sia-ma --4-a a desperate struggle. Saturday Carolina is determined to prove again that" the dope can be upset, and with their full strength on the field, they have a good chance to do it. y - Both Teams Have Been Suc cessful So Far This Year. " fA T7HD OTTATOTT1 Kjj-&3Jd dnui virtu MUCH INTEREST m BASKETBALL Intramural League Will Organized In Near Future. Be Red Cross Drive Opens Next Week , Next . week will mark the opening of the, Red Cross Drive which is to be carried on among the students and faculty of the University. An ex tensive campaign has been :; planned and it is hoped that sometime during next week student and faculty mem bers in Chapel Hill will have had the opportunity to subscribe to this cause. . , - - - Two men will be enlisted to visit the men of each dormitory, and to explain to them the meaning of the Drive and to urge them to think se riously of this question. ; One man out of eaph fraternity will take sub scriptions from its members. The women will have charge of canvass ing their own territory as well as the faculty and the members of the secretarial force. ; , Only fifty cents of any. subscription of any size will go to National Head quarters for work outside of the Uni versity. The remaining part of the subscription will be spentt, among the students of this University, aiding them in various ways. Subscriptions of any amount will be gladly receiv ed.' ; Interest in the University of North Carolina cross country activities will assume major proportions this week end when the Tar Heel harriers meet representatives - of Duke University on . the long grind. The ; engagement will start on the Duke home field at eleven o'clock Saturday morning. and upon the outcome of the raee de pends Carolina's chances of contin uing its record of no . loss in cross country for-.the past five years. V : Both Duke and ; North Carolina have enjoyed successful campaigns against opponents thus far this year. The Tar Heels have won their only two meets of the . early season .by trimming V.' P. I. and State College in ' decisive ; fashion ; on the home course. However, Carolina's pros pects for sectional, honors this sea son are considerably less favorable than last, due to graduation of sev eral outstanding distance runners last spring. Elliott and Pritchard, sure winners on the 1927 team, will be greatly missed this year. Among the returning group of men who saw service in j some previous ; season are Captain , Henderson, Barkey, Coxe, Brown, Fisher and Wrenn. Coach Ranson has been busy trying to form a promising aggregation around this nucleus of veterans. He has suc ceeded in developing a number of in experienced runners into brilliarit prospects for splendid varsity cross country men. Lowry, Baucom, Coh en, Medford, and Simpson have all been showing up well in early season runs. The team this year is not a consistent brilliant array of distance runners, j However, the men have all the determination , to win that has been characteristic of victorious Ca rolina teams in the past, and, con sequently, the campus is ". hoping for another winning team in cross coun try;: - ; .' v ' . Duke's early victories- over Guil ford,. Navy, and Washington and Lee mark the Blue Devils as formidable contenders for conference honors this year. Their team is composed of a brilliant group of experienced var sity runners and several : sophomores of promise. Their records are im posing, and it is expected that they will expend full strength' against their rivals from the University. Carolina will face Duke with a crippled team of harriers. Coxe, sec ond - ranking t man on the team, suf fered an injury in his right knee on last Friday which . required four stitches to be taken. Consequently, this star will be out of the Duke meet. The seven Tar Heels who will represent the University Saturday will be chosen by . Coach Dale Ran son from the following men: Hender son, Barkley, Brown, Wrenn, Fisher, Lowry, Bausom, Cohen, V Medford, and Simpson. Duke will be repre sented by Woodard, Ashworth, Wine coff, Doxey, Simons, Heiser and Owens. From Carolina's' point of view, the outcome of the Duke meet will de pend upon the ability of inexperienc ed men and a few veterans to come through under fire." Carolina's cross country history has" been marked by the grit and determination of every runner on the team. Though the team at times has seemecl to be hand icapped by lack of experience and in jury, it has always come through to victory through sheer fighting spirit. In . time of need, . the runners have furnished the necessary goods to win, and backers are hoping that they will rise to the occasion to win this hard meet.. The team that last year; cap tured Southern Conference - honors will be forced to extend itself to take the Duke cross country runners into camp. ' The first burst of enthusiasm with which the co-eds greeted the anounce ment that they; were to be allowed the Use of the gymnasium for an hour every night, has not abated in the .least. One week of practice has gone by and last night there were as many out for basketball as there were the first night of practice a week ago. ,;'i7 ; " 1 ' - , Dr. Lawson - has : agreed to coach the women who wish to play basket ball every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday night at the By num gymnasium from 7 : 00 to 8 : 00 o'clock. The women students at Spen cer Hall were the early enthusiasts, but : the rest of the women students have proven to be equally as much interested and every night last week, when practice ' was called at 7 :00 there, were players aplenty, on. the floor. Most of the players are old at the game due : to .. participation at schools previously attended, but a few of the players are new at the game, and one or two novices are among the hardened veterans. ; The coach spent the whole of last week teaching the girls the science of the game and breaking up. faulty technique. The teams are anxious to start some real playing soon, but the games will . necessarily be restricted to intramural ones. , HEEL BOXERS TO GIVE EXHIBITION Proceeds Will Go To Uniform Band; Four Local Negroes 'To Fight. INJURED LIST GETTING BACK M SHAPE Howard, Adkins, and Sapp Likely to See Service " Saturday. At 8:30 P. M. tomorrow night in the Tin Can, the University Boxing Team will make its initial bow before the student body in a benefit perfor mance in the cause of buying uniforms for. the University band. The pro gram is quite an' interesting affair. The headliner will be a Battle Royal between four local negroes (possibly five if- the - other negro can be per suaded tQ fight) with a cash prize, at stake. . The University Boxing Team will then be presented in the follow ing bouts: , : - . . Vaughn vs Gray Cummings vs .Kearns . Webb vs Grier Allen vs Goodridge Three injured Tar Heel . regulars may be back in the line-up when the University eleven .faces the South Carolina Gamecocks in; Kenan Mem orial Stadium here Saturday at 2:30 o'clock. " ' ' Sapp, Farris and Howard were all nursing injuries while their mates bat tled State last week, and the possi bility of their' return lends-a brighter tint to" North Carolina hopes. ; . , The Tar Heels suffered from the loss of both regular tackles and the best end on the . squad last Week. Howard and Adkins, stacking 'well over 400 pounds-between them, have been towers of strength at tackle, and heir absence left a big hole. . Odell Sapp has long rated one of, the out standing" ends in the South, and it was hard to fill his shoes. All are recuperating this week irom their nurts, and they are work ing light each day to limber up and get back into shape to stand the gaff of a , stiff scrap with, the Gamecocks. Howard played only , a few minutes against State, and. he . may lead the parade back to mid-season form. If these boys don their togs again, then Coaches Collins, Cerney and Fet- zer will have but few -worries on the score of gaps - in the line-up. Sam resson, scrappy ; end, was the only Tar Heel injured in . the State fray, but Presson's fractured hand will keep him off the field until the annual Tur key Day meeting with Virginia. With Sapp likely to see service a- gainst the Gamecocks, Don Holt will move ; back to his right flank berth o fill Presson's position. Holt shift ed to play Sapp's end against State. Howard and Adkins will return and eave Koenig, Donahoe and McKinney to furnish capable tackle reserves. ; BOXING TOURNEY TO TAKE Brown vs Parsons 119 pounds 129 pounds 139 pounds 149 pounds 165. pounds 175 pounds Avery vs Bullock Unlimited Huitt vs Mclver Ed Butler, of .University boxing fame, will referee the bouts. The University band will play during each intermission. The admission price will be 25 cents. There will be tno pep meeting after the affair, as was previously announced in Tuesday's issue. All students, faculty members, and townspeople are invited to at tend. ' TENNIS TEAM TO ENGAGE COUNTRY CLUB ON FRIDAY Dr. B. B. Ross Visits Chapel Hill Dr. B. B. Ross, head of the chemis try department at the University of Alabama, was a visitor in Chapel Hill Saturday. The purpose of his visit was ot examine Venable Hall .to get new ideas for the building of a new chemistry structure at Alabama. - jjr. koss expressed a high opinion ( of Venable Hall and was especially impressed with the ventilating system of the building and the illuminating system in the laboratories.. : According to Dr. J. M. Bell of the chemistry department, Dr. Ross's architect is expected in Chapel Hill soon to , 'copy-features that may be used in the building of the edifice at the University of Alabama. The varsity tennis team will meet a squad of men selected from the fac ulty members of the Country Club Friday afternoon at 3:00. This wil be a return engagement for the two teams, the varsity having annihilated the erudite net men in a previous con test. '' i: ' . " ' The rumor has emerged from Battle Woods that the cognoscenti contin gent has undergone a, thorough reor ganization; hence the present cham pions had best be looking to their laurels. The sagacious ones are de termined to effect a come-back which will swing popular opinion to their camp. ; ' ; , . , Coach Kenfield stated that this mee was to be one of a series of practice engagements . for the team. One match was held on the local courts Monday afternoon between the var sity and the freshmen. In this en counter the first year men were easily eliminated save in the match between Shapiro, and Hendlin. . The latter player furnished a real upset when he defeated his opponent who is firs ranking man on the varsity squad Coach Kenfield also stated that the meet scheduled with s Duke for las week has been indefinitely postponed by the neighboring team. The local mentor has arranged these practice encounters for the purpose of getting - a line , on his men and of pointing towards the annual Thanks giving Day engagement with Vir ginia, the meet being held this year in Charlottesville in the morning be fore the annual football game between the two institutions. PLACE Five Arrests Made Over the Week-end A total of five atvists were made in ; Chapel Hill over the week end. James Paylor, colored, Floyd King, white, and Lawrence Edwards, col ored, were arrested, on charges of drunkenness, and each was fined $5 and costs. Fred Merit and Jim E dwards, both colored, were arrested for violation of the liquor law, and were bound over to superior court with a bond of 100. Send the TAR HEEL home. GAINING FAVOR EVERY DAY Every day that passes . Gonich gains some new friend. ' It's because it gives real satisfac tiondoes what we claim forr it, and that's plenty! ' ..' ..- i x ; ' Gonich will absolutely give relief 6r every kind of itch, eczema :or skin disorder. If it' doesn't your money will be cheerfully refunded. Try it and tell your friends about it. , At Your Druggists Send the TAR HEEL home TBIE TO EAT I POLLY'S COFFEE SHOP Next Patterson's Drug Store The Home of Good Eats . Open 7 a. m.- 11:30 p. in. CITY AUDITORM Fire Big Days Starting Tuesday, Nov. 6 The Big Gala Event of the - Entire Season Special ."Ladies Only" Matinee Today Regular Mat. Sat. . Stupendous! Gbrgeous!! Thrillihi!!! RICHARDS World's Greatest Magician - and His - - -Big Show of Wonders ; Laughs j , Roars Thrills Girls Music . . Dancing . Mystery Splendor A Massive Stage Produc tion in Three Tarts and 19 Big Dazzling Scenes Two Carloads of Effects Big Company Special Orchestra Positively the Largest and Greatest Show of the Kind Ever Brought to North Carolina s PRICES: t '. '. Nights..Adults 50c; Chndren 25c Mats. ...... . ... ..r 40c and 20c and Well Worth $3.00 Individual Championships of the University Will Be Decided i Before Thanksgiving. The annual Intramural ;'. Boxing Tournament will be run off, and the individual championships of the University decided" before Thanks giving holidays begin: f The, tourney this year has been moved from the winter into the fall to enable the varsity boxing coaches to give it more attention, and better training made available may reduce the in juries to the scrappers. The New Dorms leather-pushers won the annual team ' tourney last winter, -with five , of the . Battle- Vance-Pettigrew boxers taking their own titles. This year the tournament is; to be strictly , individual competi tion, and every entrant must have ten - days training; under Coach Ed Butler or members of the varsity boxing squad. 7 . V Plans matured this week call for the final elimination matches to be run off on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the week before Thanks giving. Students with pugilistic leanings must register ' Monday af ternoon at the latest. No entrants will be ' accepted after that day and all men entering will be required to train during the next ten days with the varsity squad. : 1 The entrants may register at the Tin Can any afternoon between now and Monday from 4 to 5:30 o'clock with an Intramural officials who will be there to take the names. Men will be matched against others of their own weight in the elimination bouts, and the winner in the finals will be declared, champion of the Uni versity in his weight. The discontinuation of team fight ing may lower the; number of ; men taking part, but such a move seems advisable in that it provides for bet ter supervision of "the training and the bouts, and there is less likelihood of injuries such as cropped out in the Intramural fights last winter. Miss Lois Thompson" Guest of Pi Beta Phi Miss , Lois Thompson of Washing ton, D. C, president of Pi Beta Phi, is the guest of the local chapter here this week. Yesterday afternoon be tween the hours of four and six; the chapter was hostess at a tea given in her "honor and invited to meet Miss Thompson were the officers of the Chi Omega fraternity; the new j pa tronesses, Mrs. Jerry Slade and Mrs. Dane Wolsley, and the alumni and transfers. " ' Miss Allene " McKay of Orange burg, S.C., is expected this week end to be the guest of ' her sister, Miss Helen McKay, at Spencer Hall, CITY AUDITORIUM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15 ' ' ' -----1' ' "' " " - ' f " , -v.; GLORIOUS VOICES 1 2 yeflRs NEW YORK & i:0MD0fi . fYCflR CHICAGO C AAA NTH npTpn IT PRICES: 75c, $1.00y $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 No Tax MAIL ORDERS NOW BOX OFFICE SALE TUESDAY i . -y, H Dewey Captures ISLanila! Is , your , slicker a relic, of the stone age 2 Has it that delightful Spanish-American War flavor? If sogive it a pension . Retire it and come here for another a Standard Student -the light weight, 'warm, good-looking favorite! - Ask for a slicker tvith this label 4 at- " ; V - - .. .. I . i-.;. Pritcliard-Patterson Company