Thursday, November 22, 1928 THE T A It HEEL ' . Page Hire 2 FIVE UNBEATEN .TEAMS'! S. LC. : FOOTBALL RACE Carolina Ha One More Confer- ence Tut; uavmson uame uia Not Alter Heel Standings Five unbeaten, conference football teams remain at the head of .the ,list with Georgia Tech, Tennessee,- and Florida as the rriost. likely contenders for the S. I. C. title. These teams have each won five games and lost " IT. T1 J T CJ TT vi,- none. va. ruiy auu li. o. -) . aie.uu defeated but have , won only, four and t.Virpp pames resnectivelv. to give- some important tilts toward deciding the winner. Tennessee meets Kentucky this : Saturday for the only game having direct bearing. Thanks giving will see Tech playing Auburn and Florida clashing with Washington itllU i-rtit;. XCCIl S umci um m win" Georgia on December 8. ; On, that day out. in Nashville the Vols and t Ga tors, will meet in a .game that will probably decide either the title winner or the runner up. Carolina's standing was not altered last Saturday since Davidson is out of the conference. The Tar Heels' only conference game is with Virginia up at Charlottesville. - Below . are the standings of the twenty-two conference teams. Won Lost Tied Georgia Tech Tennessee Florida Virginia Poly ....... :.:.5 : 5 .;:..:.....5 ........ A Louisiant State ...3 lemson jn.iauaiiia -. ...-x Vanderbilt ... .3 South Carolina .....2 . Tulane .....: :..,..:....3 Georgia ................ ...2 Kentucky ........l...... 2 North Carolina ....... Zl MieeiePTTiTii " Q UlOOiOOl A , - Virginia Military I. 1 Mississippi A and M 1 Maryland ...................L.l Washington and Lee . 1 Virginia ...1 North Carolina State 0 Sewanee ................... ;..'...'...0' Auburn ..L......:......0 Grid Dust - ' from the Grid Pan Capt. Henderson 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 o - 0 0 0 2 0 2 . 0 2 0 1 I 3 0 2 0 2 0 1 . . 2 3 , 0 3 0 3 T 0 3 1 4 0 5 0 3 1 4 0 6 0 Deacons Continue j Games With Duke Rumor About Big Five Relations Be-, ing Severed Is False. WAKE FOREST, Nov. 20. Any one' "who has been laboring under doubts, or fears as to whether Duke university and Wake Forest college would continue to - meet on . the grid tions was completed yesterday,' it was " year' contract for continuation of rela tions wos completed yesterday, it was learned last night from Teliable sources. " "'-".""'i " ' : ; ;. The new contract will mark a con- tinuation of the home arrangement fit of. nvf " sAnsnn's . Tneetinf?. AVWV V V4-J--W V www-w - - r due to come to Wake Forest under the present system of alternating, will be run off in Duke, and Wake . Forest will get the 1930 clash for Gore Field. The Deacon folks will make that 1930 event with Duke the ' home-coming feature. Both games are carded tor tfce Saturday . peiore Thanksgiving. k . ' :: Wake Forest's decline in football strength in recent times set. some folks" to suggesting that Duke and Carolina drop the Deacons. These suggestions also included Davidson as a party of the second or being dropped part. However, these sug gestions have'- been few, and those who took into consideration all angles of the business had no doubt but that the grid relations ' would continue a mong the present 'members of the Big Five,' despite the fact that' this year there's quite a "Big Three," j while last year the same trio pre-1 vailed save for Wake Forest's up setting Carolina. : Lay: Cornerstone Of College in Wilson WILSON, Nov. 18. With appro priate' exercises the corner stone, of the new girl's' dormitory of Atlantic Christian College was laid November 18. Several hundred guests " from throughout Eastern "North f Carolina were present at the ceremony which was conducted by Dr. Howard S. Hil ley, president of the institution. ; - Mr. H. Gait Braxton, ofKinston, chairman of the building committee, assisted by Doane- Herring and W. M. , Jones, sealed within the stone a college .'...,.1 ,folnr a nmnxr nf.t.hfl Wilson annum tawHufci vfj Daily Times, building plans and pro grams of the exercises. , Proceding the laying of the corner stone, services were held in the col lege chapel, where portraits of the late J. W.Hines, of . Rocky Mount, ' benefactor of the college and formerly trustee oi uie jhswwhi .. George, Hackney, Chairman of the Looking over the outstanding foot ball players in North Carolina this year, especially among the "Big Five" teams, we notice that there is an un usual- lack, of real linesmen playing. Last fall it would have been some what difficult to : pick the best of several linesmen, but this season it will ' be hard to find which "one is good enough . to rate an all-state se lection. This rather unusual pre dicament is confined more or less to the tackles, for while no end in North Carolina, outside of Brock of David- son, nas snown tne same aoiuty to play the wing positionas -some of the flankmen" did last year, there ate still several who are fairly good players. No one doubts that there are some good guards in North Carolina. Without a doubt North Carolina boasts, two of the best centers in the South despite what Dan McGugin and the Atlanta sports writers have to say about Peter Pund. But those tackles. Weiwould not say they are pdbr, but we would not hesitate to say that they ' aren't anything ; to write home about. Here at the Hill, the tackles have caused Coach Collins more worry than all the rest of the team together. Of course it is pro blematical if that is so, for jf it were some of our nice howlers would take that as an excuse for kicking. But we venture to say that the tackles, or rather the Jack of them, has caused Coach Collins plenty of worry. - It is he same at the rest of the "Big Five institutions, Wake Forest had Weir last year,, but he has failed to show anything of his former ability this fall, and - more than once Coach - -' ...... - . . , Cofall has had . him on the bench. We haven't noticed where any of . the other tackles have, been doing any thing unusual' in the games thus far. Over at Duke, where they seem to have plenty of everything, Coach De hart, had to shift some of his lines men around a little to see exactly who could play tackle. It's the same every where. "They just aren't playing this year like they used to. Back of any forward .wall '; that might" be picked in North Carolina, any number, of backfield combinations could . be ; used with ease. With the line the problem is to pick the men whb can play the position, , while in the backfield the problem is to pick the best men from a large number of I really good backs. Taking the Tar Heel backs, we have over here quite a few. that any coach would be glad to have. Up to the present several of these have been handicapped by injuries. But among those who have been playing regularly, we have Nash and Jackson at the halves, Spa'ulding and Harden at full back, and Wyrick at quarter. - Maus, Magner, Gresham, and Erickson haven't , seen enough action to-date to justify their being picked, but there still remains two games on the Carolina schedule. ' At the other institutions, there are Warren at State, Buie and Murray at Duke, and Flynn at' Davidson. This leaves out many who probably justify being mentioned. Perhaps over ' in Durham, -.if anyone there reads this, they will "what about Jankoski?" ' Well,s what about him? We haven't seen where he has done anything to-justify his being mention ed asHhe best fullback in the state, furthermore, it seems that a boy from Rocky Mount called Murray has fulfilled the big westerner's place very well. In fact in the games he has played Murray has far outshone his superior. With two games left Jankoski will have his chance to prove that he rates All-State. Otherwise we can't say that he rates it. - r .. j ' X 1 : I: i .. y i ? . - - i' ' lis Sn! LU'1"'" "" COTTON PURDUE IS LEADING IN STATE SCORING Close Race Is Taking- Place Among the : State's '"Big". Five" Players. - Annual Intramural " Boxing Tournament Twenty-Six Dempseys and Tunneys to Battle for Six Campus Titles. - Captain Johnny5 Henderson, who will lead " the Tar Heel Harriers in their defense of their Southern. cross country championship ; in the annual Conference cross-country 5 meet in Atlanta Saturday, is one of the out standing two milers in' the south. Board of Trustees, were presented to the school. Dr. Hilley presided over these exercises,: and Dr. George F. Cuthrell'of Raleigh, delivered an ad dress concerning the work that both of these men , have accomplished for the college. ' mining the winner of mythical "Big buildings will be completed and ready for use; the administration building, the boys' dormitory, and the gymha sium. ' " v A' generation which recognizes the movies and; the talkies should also, it seems to us, take into consideration the ridies and the parkies. Greens boro News. . . ; Some of the -political writers are trying to figure out whether Mabel Walker Willebrandt will get a place in the Hoover cabinet. Failing that, she might make a bishop.- Greens boro News, y ' . Cyclists are reported to have at tained astonishing speed over short distances immediately behind motorcars- Pedestrians, on the other hand, show their best form just in front of them. Punch. HEEL HARRIERS IN CONFERENCE MEET SATURDAY Cinder Artists WiH Go In Quest Of a Third Successive South ern Cross Country Title. The University harriers will defend their Southern Conference cross country r championship , in the annual Conference Cross-Country Meet, carded to be run over a five-mile course in Atlanta on Saturday of this week. Georgia Tech will be host to the 'meet, which is expected to draw the largest entry ever recorded for the long distance event. ' The Tar Heel runners have romped home- as easy winners during the past two seasons, but Captain Johnnie Henderson and his 'cohorts enter the meet this week facing the toughest field ever gathered in the Conference. Handicapped since early season by in- and fourth places . for the ;,Tar Heels must show, more stuff than they have had all season if they 'retain the crown for a third year. Last November Captain Galen Elliott led the runners, home in the meet held over Carolina's own course here,, and Henderson, Fisher and Pritchett brought home second, third and forth places for the Tar Heels. Barkley ' and Gallegher finished sixth and eighth to give Carolina six of the ( first eight positions .in the race. There seems no chanee of such a show ing this year.; - The field this week end will include strong teams from Auburn, .Georgia, Georgia Tech, Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Clemson,' V, P. I., Virginia and Mary land, and the , Tar Heels must scrap to. win. Coach Dale Rans'on will take his Tar Heel squad to Atlanta Thurs day for a final light workout over the titular course on Friday. ? ; .'' The final, line-up of seven men to enter the 'meet has not been decided, and Captain Johnnie Henderson is the only" man absolutely certain of his position." The other six will be chosen from a squad that includes Barkley, Brown, Baucom, Cohen, Fisher, Lowry, Medford and Wrenn. BLUE DEVILS FACE WEEK OF. DRILLING DUKE UNIVERSITY, Nov; 19 Psychological bugaboos having been kicked out of the Blue Devil football camp the Duke squad will begin this week a light but steady period of workout preparatory to their., game with Davidson here on Thanksgiving While Davidson' is their next foe, and one not to be trifled with, the Duke sters and their followers are peering a little further down on the schedule and counting off the days until the heralded Carolina-Duke game at Chapel Hill, on December 8. 4 It is a particular turn against the thousands of football fans in the state that the state title will be held in doubt until ; the very last game and a post-season one at that if Thanks giving is considered the season's end This, however, depends upon Duke's disposition of the Wildcat invasion If Duke loses to Davidson , and then defeats Carolina, it will be somebody's business tP start seripus .figuring. While Ken Strong, New York Uni versity star backfield performer, seems to have run off with the indi vidual scoring honors of the nation, the race for scoring leadership among the players in this state is still tight. At -present a member of ohe of the Little Five teams holds the lead. Per due, High Point . College back, has run up a total of fifty, points to, lead Buie of Duke and Warren of State by twenty points. : Warren . held . the second rung until Buie mad? his two -dropkicks which Won the Duke-State game last Saturday.. Warren has scored all of ; his points by .touchdowns and in this department leads. Buie. However six rextra points gave Sam a tie with him. Seven players' are tied with each other for the next po sition with twenty-four points. " Jack son is the only Tar Heel in this group. State has three, and;. Davidson, Duke, and High Point have one each. Eight backs are tied with three touchdowns each. Three of these are Carolina-players.- - - ":" " '- ' VIn kicking extra, points, High Point's Panthers also have the leader : Thompson, who has nine to his credit; Sam Buie of Duke and Sparky Adams, State .College' quarterback, 'are : tied for second place with "six each. Only one field goal has been' scored, in the state this season.- The credit for this goes to ; Munn, Atlantic Christian captain. '''v'-' . V ; ' ';. : It seems , that Tommy. .Gresham would have shown them something in the way of scoring if he. had not been kept out by a broken hand. Playing in only the first , few games of the season, he ran up a total of nineteen points." The scoring which has-; been done iby .the Heels this fall 'has riot been limited to one man but' ten or more players have crossed the ; iast line for touchdowns. The fact that the passing game has' figured so greatly in' the scoring has had quite a bit of influence in keepingr indivi dual' high scorers down to -a rather low number of points. V - ;, So far this season the 'Tar Heels have scored a few t more points than their opponents. ; Getting off to a fine start by scoring sixty-five points against Wake ..Forest, the Heels have more than held their own and now - i boast of a record which shows that Carolina has scored one hundred arid forty points to eighty-eight for their opponents. '.. ; -, High scorers of the state are : Player : School T. D. E. P. T't'l Perdue-High Point .....:...8 V Buie Duke ....;;..:..... ..4 Warren State .,.,: 5 Jordan State 4 Flynn Davidson ...... .........4 1 Goodwin State ;..4 Jankoski- Duke ...4 Jackson Carolina ...; 4 Adams -State ; . L..A Dixon High Point ...... ...:4 Cheek Guilford' 4....;.....:.3 ! Quillen Wake' F. l. 3 Gresham Carolina .......... .3 Melton State; ............. ...... S..Z , Ward Carolina .............. .; 3 Brogard Davidson .:..:.:...3 Robbins High Point .,..:.3 Brock Davidson 2 Kell Davidson ...2 Winecoff Lerioir .......:.r...,2 De Hihns Lenoir 2 APPLICANT SHORTAGE NOTED AT WEST POINT , Washington, Nov. 20. Major Gen Lutz Wahl, Adjutant General of the army, has informed the Secretary of War that there is still a dearth of candidates for the Academy at West Point under the laws of June 8, 192(5, which provides forty additional ca detships at large to be filled by the admission, of applicants selected from among sons of officers, soldiers, sail ors and marines , of the' army, navy and ; marine corps who were' killed in action bx dietl prior to July 2, 1921, of wounds or injuries received in the World War. The campus pugilists start flinging leather this afternoon in the opening rounds of the annual Intramural Box ing Tournament, with twenty-six am bitious young Dempseys and Tunneys. scheduled to battle for six individual campus titles in every weight except the unlimited heavyweight division. The bouts will be held in the varsity boxiing ring in the Tin Can, begin ning at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. . - The system of running the boxing tourney has been changed this year. In past seasons the dormitory teams have fought it out for team cham pionships, but this year finds the bat tles put on an individual basis, with all entrants "required to have a cer tain, amount of training under the supervision -of .the varsity boxing coaches. This has cut the number of "individual entries, but will likely raise the standard of the fights. The entries in the six weights to be contested were so divided that the competition starts in the , quarter finals in the featherweight, the--wel terweight and middleweight divisions, in the semi-finals of the bantam weight and lightweight - classes, and the light-heavyweights do not swing into action until the finals on Mon day night. . ' .7 : The entire tournament will: last hree days. Where quarter-finals are necessary, the fights will be held " in the Tin Can this afternoon, with the semi-finals in five .divisions carded for Friday afternoon at .4.-00 o'clock. The finals in all six divisions will be held in the Tin Can on Monday night at 8:00 o'clock. All bouts will be run off by varsity boxers and coaches. Coach Ed Butler is to referee the scraps, with . Evan - Vaughan and Charlie Brown, to, act as judges. The schedules show the following bouts on deck this afternoon: J. M. Gatling vs. Hartshorn; Kidder Gra ham vs. Redwine; S. L. Clarke vs. J. C. Wessells; Obie Davis vs Carlisle; Cecil Bullard vs. Branch Paxton ; ; R. H. Avery, vs. W. B. Harris; and C. L. Blythe vs. Yancey. The Friday bouts will be announced and ' posted at the. ring-side . in the Tin Can this , afternoon, winners in these bouts going into the semi-finals with . opponents, who drew "byes" in this round. Others in the bantam weight and lightweight classes will not see action at all until tomorrow, E. B. . Hewitt , and ' . "Bull' Shakoney, heavyweights, are the. only men in their, weight and will break the sport light . on - Monday . night in the final rounds. .. ' . :-. Send the TAR HEEL home. 2 50 6 30 0 30 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 24 0 ; 24 0 . 24 0 24 4' 22 1 19 1 19 0 18 0 18 0, 18 0 18 " 5 17 1 13 1 ,. 13 1 13 LOST BETWEEN THE CO-ED Building and Mrs. F. S. Graves, Saturday, a pair of glasses. Find er please return to Tar, Heel office. rr PR EE!! Bring this ad and receive a tonic-free of charge with every haircut. . - Give us trial before the Virginia : game. Chapel Hill Barber Shop C. P. MOSER, Mgr. ; (Under New Management) NEW VICTOR RECORDS RELEASED EVERY FRIDAY UNIVERSITY BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. (Sutton Bldg.) BAD BREAKS Every one has bad breaks once in a while no matter what he is iu so-, cial activities and on the athletic field and everywhere else. To be suffering from some skin disorder, itch or eczema is one of the worst breaks that any one can have. , : - -. - . - But fortunately there is a real remedy for this break. Gonich is the remedy' and. we back it with a money-back guarantee if you do not get satisfaction. " . Try it once is all we as At Your Druggists AMTORIUM DURHAM FRIDAY NIGHT J 12 O'CIock ' - - .. -. V-: by .- Schell Sisters MUSICAL COMEDY -: COMPANY . Boys You Can't Miss This .One . ". , , -. - ' .. . . , " r. Prices 50c On to Charlottesville With a New Learbury or a Hart Schaff ner & Marx Suit and Top coat. Also a new shipment" of ShirtsNeckwear, Shoes, Golf Hose and Sweaters. Jack Uiimans University Shop Next door to Gooch's Cafe Will You Be Prepared for . ' 'X.;'" rHEN you finish College will you have a knowledge of business fundamentals which will enable you ; tp' succeed? ,Or are you acing years of apprenticeship the trial and error method which may never lead to success? ; Babson Institute training serves as an excellent transition from College to the business world. ; Here you would be taught the fundamental laws of Fi-. nance, Production , arid Distribution. By frequent trips to factories and busi ness organizations you would be shown how these laws are applied in actual business life. You would be ih a-small conference, group, working in a busi' ness environment, under the personal direction of business executives. - You may enter at the beginning of any quarter term and complete the . work in nine consecutive months. Send for Booklet! f Every College man who is ambitious to r succeed in business should read our book let "Training" for Business Leadership." It explains in detail the work given, the . unique features of our course in business e .fundamentals, and how leadership is achieved. A copy will be ' sent free. - t Mail Coupon Now I BABSON Institute r 349 Welle!ey At., Babson Park, Mass. .Send me, without obligation 'Training 1 for Business Leadership" and complete ! particulars about Babson Institute. - ' Nome.... College Address... t Home , Address 1. I Cirj... ! 'State.. Chop Suey Dinner C at "THE PINES" is an event to be treasured forever more. CHOP SUEY, that tasty Chinese dish is our specialty. Drive outT any afternoon or evening and taste some real cooking. There is also music and dancing if you wish. The service and food cannot be duplicated anywhere inT this section. ' .. , ' ' ' Fried chicken dinner here is. also worth the trip. THE PINES TEA ROOM CHAPEL HILL BOULEVARD . 7 Miles from Durham I - 4 Miles from "Chapel Hill Let us plan your club; bridge and fraternity luncheons , ;

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