Saturday, November 24, 1928 THE TAR HEEL Page Three GavaHer Regular ; eds aiid Walk Next Thursday Tar Heels Expected to Have AH Men in Fine Shape for Turkey Day Classic; Due To Be Col orful Affair ; Governors of Both States to .Witness' Clash. By WILL YARBQROUGH . With the-, reports emanating from the camp of the Cavalier football camp , that practically every regular on the Virginia football squad is on the injured ' list and -will hot play against the Tar Heels Thanksgiving, and reports that several of the Caro lina injured players are backi n con dition for service in the 'annual clas sic, it seems that followers of the two teams will have plenty to in terest them between liow and Thanks giving. At. least it will be intorest- mg to many to see-how many -otthe Tar Heels will be miured before the fcnnval fracas and in seeing how many Cavaliers will hobble bat oil the field that Thursday aftervicon and tHrcvv away their crutches ' and gallop a round like a boy. when he discards his .shoes for the first time in spiing. Since the introduction of football in the South, the- two neighboring state universities have met on the gridiron. Usually - these contests were played in -Richmond,' but after North Carolina built a few roads over which followers of the. Carolina team could i ride in November,- the game became a home and home affair.), Up until the time the Cavaliers began ' journeying down to Chapel Hill every ' other year, the outcome of the'games were usually settled .. long before the opening kick-off. That is most of - the time, but occasionally the Hee'.s would pull a surprise and win. Since the war,however, the two teams have been more evenly matched and the Carolinians have annexed their, share of victories. This year there is 'like ly, to be quite a lively tussle on Lam beth .Field. But there is always the possibility that' the -casualty reports, may be true "and "Greasy" Neale may not have enough i men- to play the game. ; ; . . , . : Neither team plays this week-end. The rest will, likely , be a ..welcomed one by both coaches. The Heels have , had a rather strenuous season and have been battered rather badly in most of ' their ' games, . jLikexwise the - Virginians J have had . their share of injuries. Ever since that famous tie game with Princeton, Coach Neale has been struggling to send some of his regulars, into the games. But thus far he has been unsuccessful, But with ten days without a game both coaches will be able to send their full strength on the field Thurs day. ' -t . t " . ' xne game snouiu ue tuiuiim ,u f air. Both governors ,will be there. Likewise, it is rumored that President Coolidge will ride over fromSwanna noa to view the two newly acquired "Republican" teams in action. Fur thermore it will witness the renewal of several old rivalries Many of the- players played against each oth er during their prep. and high school days, and they would like to clash again once more just for the sake of old times. Besides the President and the two governors there are likely to be quite a few other notables on hand when' the game begins. There always are. . Washington isn't so far away and then, everyone in North Carolina -journeys up to see the contest. But to get back to the injured ques tion everyone is wondering just how Vip two teams will stack up ' in re gard to injuries on the eye of the big game. Treasurer's Report of Christmas Seal Fund ' It is evident from the' latest report' of the treasurer of the local Tuber culosis Seal Sale Fund that the funds realized from the sale of Christmas seals in Chajel Hill are put to a use that is of immediate benefit to all peo ple of this community. The report is as follows: ' j Treasurer's Report, Tuberculosis Seal Sale Fund, January . 1, 1928 December 1, 1928: January 1, balance on hand $318.58 -'Receipt from 1927 seal sale 394.42 TOTAL $713.00 . . Expenses for 1928 N. C'-State T. B. A. '. $ 98.61 Salary Public Health Nurse 450.00 Stationery (report ledger) 1.50 Chickens for arrested T. B. case to provide outside em ployment 10.00 X-ray for T. B.. case " . " 8.00 Treatment Sn sanitorium for . ' T. B. case 68,00 Milk and eggs for T. B. case (home treatment) 25.00 TOTAL . $661.00 Balance on hand Dec. 1, 1928 $.52.99 MRS. JOHN LEAR, v Treasurer. INTRAMURAL CALENDAR Monday night, 8:30 o'clock: Fi nals in the annual Intramural Box ing Tournament. : v, Tuesday afternoon, 4:00 o'clock; Campus Championship game, Pi Kappa' Phi, fraternity champions, vs. Manly, dormitory xhampiohs. Emerson Field. - 4 I BOXING T0UMEY Concluding Bout between Yan cey and Ely the Was Fea- l 3 ture of Meet. V V "The -annual Intramural Boxing Tournament got-off to a bloody start Thursday when, nine of the first round - bouts were run off. All but two or-.three bf the bouts fought were full of action and excitement.; Al though novices at the game, for the greater part, the compatants ! showed a . surprising willingness to -mix ; it, and they did. Gloves flew and blood was not far behind. The semi finals were run off yesterday with the field thinned to about twenty of thirty-five entries. , Judging from the quality of the fights put up Tuesday among the beginners the big show Monday4 night should be well worth attention. :. : '. ' In the bantamweight division Gray and L. R: Harris had it out to start with. The' two, youngsters threw the leather as only two beginning one hundred and nineteen pounders could. Gray won the three round decision. The Gatling-Hartshorne ' fracas was easily the class of the afternoon. These two battlers seemed to know something above the average of the ways of the squared circle and they went into it with a will. Gatling had a terrible right and a good f olloW; up left. Hartshorne had a terrible left and a good follow up right. Gatling would unleash a mighty right and fol low with his left; Hartshorne wquld retaliate - with a terrific left and cross with his right. - And thus it went for ; Jwp of the three L rounds. However - in the second Gatling got his edge when he floored his,oppoh ent 4hree, tiriiesV 'for short " counts. Hartshorne made a nice comeback in the' wind-up round to make the fight replete, with thrills. : , - .-The feature bout as far as the 300 spectators were concerned was the wirid-up affair in the light heavy sec tion between; Blythe and Yancey. Ac cording. to BlytheV own statement, he said he didn't believe anybody's fists could hurt him because he had been hitn the head with bricks, fallen out of tall trees more than once, and to cap the climax, "once while he was watching his brother dig a flower bed he had leaned over to see how he was doing it and ' had received . the ' full force of the blow of the "pickses" in his . cranium. v Said it went eighteen inches deep, but he went to work next morning just. the. same. Boxing Coach Ed Butler refereed the encounters; , Captain Charlie Brown and Elam Vaughan acted as judges; 'Wallace Shelton,. timer. University Heads List of Graduate Research Chemists Statistics Show That 1,930 Persons Are Engaged in Chemical . Research. Dr. J. M. Bell, head of the depart ment of chemistry, has recently re ceived from the National Research Council a phamplet which contains the fourth census of graduate research students in chemistry, being for the year 1927. . -. . ; ' . During this year there were one thousand nine hundred and : thirty persons engaged in , chemical research. Illinios led with an enrollment of two hundred and fifty, New York second with two'hundred and five and Iowa third with one hundred and seventy four. . ' North Carolina headed the list of the jsqutherri states with thirty-four. Virginia came second with ; fourteen. Alabama and Florida tied for, third with ten each. Among the thirty-fpur in this state, U. N. C. had twenty three, Duke had seven and State Col lege, had four. Of the twenty-three, at ,the University, fourteen were working for Master's degree and the remaining nine were working for Doctor's degree. . According to Dr. Bell, this is com paratively a small. number for Caro lina in comparison to the modern fa cilities ' for laboratory -research work which Carolina offers. - . Now is the time to send the Tar Heel Home. ' , from the '' Grid Pan V - Those Cavaliers ,Ever since the Princeton game, Coach "Greasy" Neale has been be moaning the act that his potentially great team has been wrecked by in juries. In fact, since that day the Old Dominion team has fared rather badly at the hands of its opponents. But many of those injured were in there playing just the same. Whether their injuries handicapped them to such an , extent that they , could not play the' same brand of football as they were capable of playing before is not known: But one thing is cer tain, that i& tha't Coach, Neale's pub licity agents are up to their old tricks of having every one on the first, two teams , so badly injured that it will be marvelous if they are, able ever to walk again. 4 Usually those injured players . get ., back into condition, rather .rapidly arid-play great footr ball 'against". Carolina. .," : - t I But just yesterday we " saw that Coach Neala hopes to have most of his regulars in condition for the Heels. We're willing to. beV that everyone of, those men will be ready .when ; the opening whistle blows Thursday. In fact most of them will be more than ready, for someone has been .telling the Virginians that the game down in Kenan Stadium last fall was given to, Carolina by the referee. . Also, ac cording ' to press reports, the Cava liers want to .win ; for . .Coach Neale. It seems. Jikely that they want, to win more because it is . Carolina than because of any, sentimental attach ment . to their coach. As . we said sometime ago, the students and play ers ! at the. University of Virginia la bor under the '- delusion that if they take the Generals of W. and L. and the Tar Heels ! from Carolina into camp the season is a-, success. Why this is so is a mystery to us unless it goes back to their ancestral teaching that they must beat Carolina and Wash ington and Lee. We always under stood that ancestry ; meant a whole lot at1 Virginia and if .one's ances-. tors won such and such a game, then it is necessary for the offspring to do the same. - .If the progeny fail to live up to the reputation of the noble an7 cestors then,; the family . is .compelled to go into- mourning. Fortunately, the Tar f Heels" are under no such handicaps. It niatters little to the Heels whether their ancestors made the football team, or not. '. If thjey happened., to have someone in their family who ; played against! Virginia and won, then all right. They would like to do the same. If their prede cessors happened to be Ton one of those teams that played in Richmond and lost, all right again, they will reverse the story this time. In any case the family will not be forced to go into mourning as a result of the Thanksgiving' game. ; But the point we were arguing be fore we started discussing genealogy was that the Virginians usually have almost every player on the. casualty list before the Carolina game. In fact on the, eve of the game there is usually several broken legs and the like among the members of the var sity team. But, as in the case of Car ter Diffey, those broken legs mend very rapidiy just before the contest and the, players' are in fine fettle, for Carolina. - ; Just as a reminder we would like to say that the fewer casualty reports the Heels believe the better. If the Carolina team believes . any. of the propaganda being released by the Charlottesville authorities they areln for a rude, awakening as to true con ditions when they line up against the Cavaliers Thursday afternoon. In fact, we are able to discbunt almost everything about injuries from a foot ball camp on the eve of a big game as": "paper injuries." Our Predictions Yesterday we were asked what our predictions were for the coming con test," Our answer was that" Carolina should win. 1 We " said "should.'' Whether they do , or not is another matter. , But ' everything points "to a Carolina victory this year. We have the team arid 'the team should have the confidence necessary to put across another "victory for the Heels. In fact," one thing1 that has been notice able about the Carolina teams during the three year reign of Coach Collins is the fact that the Heels never feel that the Cavaliers are going to win just because they have won in the past. The jinx was'' smashed into very small bits last year and the final burial . of it should , occur' this year on Lambeth field. Two successive victories over Virginia would complete the funeral arrangements of the myth or jinx or whatever one wishes to call it. We are expecting a victory; the old . saying that "hoped", for a win has passed and it has been re placed by we "expect" one. CAROLED DUfiE TILT T O DECIDE STATE CHAMPION Duke Slated to Beat Davidson; Then Comes Ten Day Wait be fore Title Is Cinched. Send the TAR HEEL home. It's a long time to wait, but it seems that those interested in deter mining the winner' of Mythical "Big Five" honors this year are going to be forced to ; wait until December 1 8 before the wearer of the, coveted crown wifl be decided. . . , Duke kept marching toward the place they have desired since long be fore Duke was Duke and was just Trinity. Coach Collins sent his Tar Heels just a step nearer when they passed oyer the scrapping; Wildcats of vDavidson- for a four touchdown victory.. . State had hopes ithat they would : again repeat arid win' '. again this .year. jBut evidently Coach De hart 'told - the Blue Devils that they ought to remember that State beat them last .fall, when Jack McDowell sent the ball through the uprights for two extra points, after touchdowns to give, the, collegians a two point victory, Sam Buie,, quarterback on the. Duke teani? remembered ,the fact anyway ..and did, his $uty . by . turning State -down with, his educated toe. , With .the elimination . of Wake! throwing over of Davidson, ,the state ! title , was , left between State, Duke and Carolina. wThe Tar Heels and the Wolfpsfck tied over -in Raleigh." Duke had the inside track. They kept it Saturday when they trimmed the Raleigh boys. ; Carolina also boosted its stock when they , took an air ride over Coach Younger's team. v Unless the most unexpected hap pens Thanksgiving when the Devils and Cats hook up the title will be left in balance until the Heels journey up and take a crack' at Coach Neale's erratic team. After that . the two teams will wait for ten days and then see who is the. winner of the mythi cal, title. . .. . . ; ' F.rom4 comparative scores little or nothing can .be gleaned.t Both teams have played State. Both teams show--ed the same offensive . power that Coach Tebell's outfit showed, the Heels shoving over one touchdown to. balance State's tally arid Duke match ing State's two six-pointers with two of (their own. Only Duke picked up two extra poirits while State failed jto get any. Other than the State con tests there are rio comparisons.. . After Thanksgiving there will be. As for individual stars on the two teariis,' there' are several. Duke has Buie and Murray in the backf ield and Kistler in the line." Carolina has Nash 'and Wyrick in the backf ield and Schwartz arid Farris in the forward walL Otherwise ! both teams havea galaxy of near stars and men capable of starring upon occasion. Perhaps all of these will decide that the tiine will come when they meet ' early m December.- But it's necessary to wait until then to see. 5 ' V ' TAR HEELS FAQS j :VIRGIMA DUIffi j IN FINAL GABIES Records Show That Duke Has Scored Just One Touchdown . On Carolina in the Last 35 Years; Virginia Next on Schedule. hart will spare no efforts to that end. ,",'. ' . ... - ; ..; ' ; . . It will be Duke's first visit to . the magnificent Kenan Memorial Stadium here. History shows that the Meth odists have scored just one touchdown on the Tar Heels in 35 years', and their " supporters are crying for , points. The Tar Heels say they must not score. " Whether the University's present gridiron season may be regarded as a success will depend largely on the outcome of the remaining; two games on the schedule, the first with Vir ginia at Charlottesville Thanksgiving and ; the second with Duke, here in Chapel Hill ten days later, December 8. .;v.r v ' , The Carolina coaches will turn their attention next week .to the annual Turkey .Day classic with" the Virginia Cavaliers. , . Ten days of practice looks good . to j Tar Heel ' backers as they faqe this battle. , '.The game with Duke tops off North Carolina's "Big Five'; season, T and it now appears that it may also settle the championship dispute for anoth er, twelve months. - Both of these games will be severe tests for the Tar Heels." The : Cava liers have suffered at the hands of the injury jinx since their spectacular stand against the Princeton Tigers early in October, but - Greasy Neale has; been rounding his proteges into shape . again gradually. , The Cava-: liers will be gunriing for revenge for that 14 to 13 defeat .suffered in the dedicatory battle in Kenan. Memorial Stadium last. Thanksgiving day. ; Duke ' supporters feel that the Blue Devils must win the " Carolina 'game to call the 1928 season a success, and it;is safe-16-say that Jimmy De- Gollegiate Fords Now Have Sisters As students of several of the larg er colleges and universities begin to take to the air in goodly numbers of ficials of aviation are beginning to fear that the coughing, wheezing, col legiate Ford will have its - aerial counterpart. . , Mr. E dward P. Warner, Assistant Secretary of the .Navy in charge of Aviation Conference at. .Yale, pointed out the danger of flying with any but trustworthy planes. ; Send the TAR HEEL homcf. . dr: j. P. JONES J Dentists Over WelcbmeIn Cafeteria : PHONE 5761 WHEN IN DURHAM meet me at the : . Silver Mbou Cafe ... - . :. Opposite Bus Station DURHAM, N. C. GRESHAE MAY FACE VIRGINIA i - - ; Injured Tar Heel Fullback Will Probably 'Break Back Into Line to Heckle Cavaliers As r He Has Done In the Past. Tommy Gresham, star- fullback on the University football squad, may break , into the Tar 'Heel line-up again in the annual Carolina-Virginia clas sic, carded for iCharlottesville, ,Va., on Thanksgiving Day. Gresham .suff ered a broken hand in scrimmage before the V. P. I. game, and for a full month the scrappy Jbackfield star has headed the hos pital list, that 'grew .at times to alarming proportions. Gresham was the first of more than a full team of Outstanding performers to be in jured, and he is almost the last to round into shape. 1 . The Tar Heels, continuirig their bet ter fortunes, came Hhrough the Da vidson game without injuries to any of the men playing against the Wild cats, and prospects are that the four injured men who failed to make' the Davidson trip may round into shape during the ten-day rest from compe tition that . precedes ' the Virginia game. ' Others besides Gresham who were cut of the Davidson "game were Pap Harden, hefty fullback; Julian Feriner, end; and Bernard Schneider, reserve center. ; " - It is . particularly fitting that Gresham should ' round into shape for this game. The talkative fullback is a third year letterman, and this is his final season ' of competition. . , It happens) too, that - he has been outstanding in the Virginia game for two seasons, and he may be, a thorn to the Cavaliers again. Advertise i:a the TAR HEEL. FANCY ICES SHERBETS; Durham Ice Cream Co., Inc. "BLUE RIBBON BRAND" , Ice Cream Special Color Schemes for Sorority and Fraternity Affairs , ; r Dial L-963, ; Durham, i-N. C. BLOCKS PUNCH Chop Suey Dinner at "THE PINES" is 'an event to be treasured forever more. CHOP .SUEY, that tasty Chinese " dish is our specialty. ' Drive out any afternoon or evening arid taste' some 'real , cooking. There is also , muf j ,da,niP if you' wish. The :service and food cannot be duplicated anywhere in this section. : .- Fried chicken dinner here is also .worth the trip. V . THE PINES EA ROOM ; CHAPEL' HILL BOULEVARD;.- f . -7 Miles from Durham ' .' .; ,; 4 Miles jtrom.Chapel Hill. Let us plan your club, bridge and fraternity; luncheons rrr -mmrn-nfMiriiiWTiTnni iTnnni mi t f m i cr; . 1 xr... -sfi'd Cut to Order, ESTABLTdrtEP E N G L ( S m!-U N ()f E R S I T Y STYLES, VAltORE& lOyER; YOUTHFUL CHARTS. SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE INTHfe ONrfEP STATES. Suits 40; 459 50 Overcoats 3 ---4 : DV SPEGSht RPP:rJ7r.ZZTJT .i i of Chapel Hill I The character of the suits and t overcoats tailored by Charter House 9' viIIVeam yourmost sincere-liking. C- PRITCHARD-PATTERSON INC. "University Outfitters,, , . .1

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