Thursday, December 6, 1928 s THE TAR. HE EL Pare Thrcs t "Faces schedules U1EL University A S4' Gam IFirst Game Played Mere TAR HEELS HAVE EDGE OK BUM IN CLASH SATURDAY Tar Heel Coaches Have Strong Nucleus to Build on; Defen sive End Weak; 40 Men Tak ing Daily Workouts. The University's basketball team, .thrice Southern Champions in the last five years j faces this season one of the. hardest schedules of recent years. The schedule, released yesterday by Graduate. Manager Charles T. Wool len, shows a total of 24 games against 18 strong opponents. The season will begin unusually early, the Tar Heels meeting . Hampden-Sidney College here December 15 in' their first en gagement. It will run through Feb ruary .23, with the Tar Heels to enter the Southern Conference Tournament ..carded for March tl at Atlanta. Ten of the games ' will be against eight strong Southern Conference op ponentsthe . state ..universities of Kentucky, Tennessee, South" Carolina, -Georgia, Virginia and Maryland, and V. M. I. and V. P. L, two games to ;be played each with South Carolina and Virginia. - , . , r .X, C :Four of the games will be against ;ss many strong Northern opponents -Butler College, Ohio State, Univer sity of Louisville, and; Princeton; " .and eight will1 be against members of the North Carolina "Big Five' .two games with Duke, State," Wake Forest and Davidson. .' - The annual Christmas tour will be delaved this vear to begin just after the holidays.' Beginning , January 1 r the Tar Heels will stager a five-day campaign on which they, will meet on successive nights Butler College, .Ohio State, University of Louisville, University of Kentucky, and Univer sity of Tennessee. V " ' To meet this ambitious schedule Coach Jim Ashmore has a squad of some 40 men working out daily in the Tin Can here, and more candidates football season is gone. ine iai Heel coach has a strong offensive 1 mi r nvAii-nrl txtTtTi fn Till ll ( '- 1TI v Satterf ield and Hackney, monogram forwards of last year, . and Cathey, . reserve center. "Red" Price, utility jman-imdXinyJlJI also back from last year's squad, and two guards, Brown and Smith,; who may be called on to fill the defensive posts left vacant by Carolina's two All-Southern guards, "Pinky" Morris and Bill Dodderer. , Strength of the team will depend largely oh ' the developing of two guards, as the offensive strength is back in force. r . The schedule follows: Dec. 15' Hampden-Sidney College at Chapel Hjll. ' Jan. 1 Butler College at Indiana .' polis. Jan. 2 Ohio State at Columbus. Jan.3 University of Louisville, - at Louisville, Ky. ' ; - Jan. 4 University of Kentucky at Lexington. Jan. 5 University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Jan. 12 Davidson College at Char lotte. Jan. 17 University of South' Caro lina at Chapel Hill. Jan. 19 Wake Forest College - at Raleigh. - Jan. 22 N. C. State College at Chapel Hill. Jan. 24 University of Georgia , at A tTinr5 Jan. 25 Atlanta Athletic . Club at Atlanta. - Jan. 26 University of South Caro lina at Columbia. Jan. 29 University of Virginia at Chapel Hill. . , Jan. 31 N. P. J. atf Chapel Hill (Var sity and Freshmen)., v Feb. 2 Duke i University at Dur ham. . '" '. -v ; Charlottsville. - Feb. 8 University of Maryland at College. Park. Feb. -9 Princeton University at Princeton. Feb. 11 Wake Forest College at Chape ' Hill. ' ' . 'Ar-v-H V Feb. 13 N. C. State College ,at Raleierh. I Ti ) Feb. 16 Duke,,Uhiversity-4t Chape! Hill. Feb. 22 Davidson College at Chapel' Hill. Feb. 23 V. M. I. at f Chapel t Hill Mar. 1-5 Southern Tournament at Atlanta. Carolina Has Not Lost Game to Blue Devils Since Relations Were Resumed in 1922. Old man psychology will be oh the side , of the' Tar Heels when North Carolina and Duke meet here in Kenan Memorial Stadium next Saturday to put up their fight for the state foot ball championship. - -O ' ? The Tar Heels have ' lost to the Methodists only three times in the history of football relations between the two institutions. ; . The first defeat of the Heels was in 1889 when Trinity (now Duke) won 25n6ft17f ' The next Trinity victory was in 1891, by the score of 4 to 6, and the-third was 'in 1893 when the score was again 4 to' 6. 1 " " There was a. 26-year "period, from 1895 to 1922, dtrring which Carolina and Trinity did not .meet on the gridiron. e' . x' r Altogether only eleven games ha Ye been5 played. .The Tar . , Heels have won all but three. - Y Since gridiron relations were ' re sumed in 1922 the Tar Heels have not ost to Duke, although three games have been won by margins of only one touchdown. 'The score last year was 18 to 0. The Carolina-Duke series to date stands as follows: 1889 ( Spring) Carolina 17 Duke 25 1889 (Fall).: Game' forfeited to Caro- ina. - 1891 ; Carolina 4 1892 . Carolina 24 1893 ' Carolina 4 1894 v . Carolina 28 1895 to 1922 (No Games) ' 1922 . Carolina 20 1923 V Carolina 14 1924 ' s Carolina 6 1925 Carolina 41 1926 Carolina 6 1927 Carolina 18 . Engineers to Meet The William Cain Student Chapter of the 'American Society of Civil En gineers will .hold its regular meeting tonight at 7&0 in room 206, Phillips Hall. There will be a short student program, aAd three reels of moving pictures called "Power". Duke Duke Duke Duke Duke Duke Duke Duke Duke Duke Ticket Notice All Freshmen, as well as upper classmen, must exchange their membership cards for. tickets to the Duke game at the Y.M.C.A. before 5 P. M. Friday. Those Freshmen who will be in uniforms in the cheering section must ex change their cards at the pep meet ing Friday night. No student tickets will be issued after 5 P. M. Friday. Carolina Places Five Men on Coach Cof all's All-State Grid Team Five Carolina, three State, and one each of Davidson, Duke arid Wake Forest players were named on the All-North Carolina football i mythical team; announced by Coach .Stanley Cofall, Wake Forest coach, j - In . the ; only comment on his selec tion; "Cofall "said ; "whiie Weir of Wake Forest played tackle, I believe he . would - have been the outstanding guard on any team in the State this year." .. . . . : 'The selection follows: . " Sapp, Carolina, and Jordan, State, ends; Howard, Carolina, and Lepo, State, .tackles; Farris,. Carolina, and Weir, Wake , Forest, guards; Schwartz, Carolina, center; Buie, Duke, quarterback; Warren, State, and Kell, Davidson, halfbacks, and Magner, Carolina, fullback. " . Spanish Club Will :" Hold Meeting Tonight There will be- a , meeting of the Spanish. Club tonight at 7:30 in the Episcopal Parish House. Dr. Leavitt will spealc about his trip-to Spain last summer. All members .aud - those eligible for membership are urged to be present. Visitors are always wel come. -.. - . " "-- ""- Copy Deadline The deadline for the Christmas number of The 'Buccaneer will come at midnight tonight. All copy for the December issue must be in the hands of Bill Perryeditor of the periodical, by that time. ; Another opportunity . is being given . to all men that care to con tribute to do so. , CO-ED LOOPERS TO PLMMSTGMiE Will Be First Game of Basket ball Ever Played by Wmen at the University. V At 7:30 o'clock Friday night in the Bynum gymnasium, will occur the first basketball game played by wo men in the history " of the University. The charge is. a modest "two bits" and the purpose of charging for the game is to start a fund for the pur chase of uniforms for the, team. Captain Myla Royall, 'who was elected to that office Tuesday night, announces that the two teams have not beenpicked, as there is a. possi bility that a visiting high school team may be played by the University wo men. '. '" " . . At the Carolina TAR HEELS PRESENT TWO CANDIDATES FOR FIRST ALL-SOUTHERN GRID TEAM IN CAPTAIN SCHWARTZ AND FARRIS The University football team presents as candidates for first place on this year's All-Southern football team two players who have been out standing performers in the Tar Heel line all season : Captain Schwartz, center, and Ray Farris, guard. ) Both are also .regarded as among outstand ing' candidates for All-American honors. - . Both are native" Tar Heels and both come from Charlotte, N. C. Through three full seasons Harry Schwartz has never been outplayed at center. Southern sports writers are authorities for that fact. Ray Farris, equally as brilliant in line play, has been the sensation of every game on North Carolina's schedule for two years. . - Schwartz began his stellar career at Charlotte, N. C, High School, where he was All-Southern High School center for four years.' He continued his fine work and rated All-Southern as a freshman center, and this season he is regarded as un questionably the first pivot man in the South. Peter Pund, probably the next -candidate in line, failed to im press when he played opposite the Tar Heel captain in the North Caro lina-Tech game this year. Ray Farris has developed into one of the best guards -ever seen in the South. He and Captain Schwartz form a combination which makes that portion of the North Carolina line a veritable stone wall. ; And Farris is equally great on of fense. He "is he sort who gets in on almost every play and he frequently grabs the, ball carrier before the lat ter reaches the line of scrimmage. Heel-Duke Tilt To Start at 2 P. M. Carolina and Duke will meet x in Kenan Stadium Saturday at 2:00 P. M. The hour for starting has been moved up thirty min utes because darkness is coming much- earlier now. Many re quests were received from out of town people to move up the start ing time to 2 P. M. Both'' teams are in the pink of condition as a whole but each , " has one or twojnen on the injured list. Carolina -may be without Capta in Harry Schwartz. Schwartz's ankle is improving rapidly but there is still doubt about his playing Saturday. Pete Wyrick, quarterback, is in the infirmary from an injury re ceived in a scrimmage recently. He was getting along fairly well . yesterday and there is a chance -of his getting in the game. Duke f . will be without the services of Godfrey, fullback. He was in an automobile accident last week and it is not believed that he will - be in shape by Saturday. , In Utopia the shovels are 12 inches wide and the furnace doors are 16 inches wide, . instead of vice versa. Detroit News. . v President-elect Hoover has been in vited to spend the winter in Florida. There was a string to that Republican majority, after all. Wichita Eagle. ' Advertise in the TAR HEEL. Prosperity apparently is something that business men create so politicians may take credit for it.--Detroit News Norman Thomas, socialist candi date, early conceded his defeat. That young man has prophetic vision. Toledo Blade. AUDITORIUM DURHAM Special . -s . . - Midnight Show Friday, December 7 12:00 ADMISSION 50c The greatest compliment ever , given t? a motion picture company- by the war department has been - bestowed upon1 Paramount for its war epic of the air, "Wings," which is to have its premiere' at the Carolina theatre . ... a tn Thursday and Friday. " " A' memorial to Cost $100,000 " and duplicate of a sector of St.Mihiel in vision will a erected in Washing ton. Because ef . their accuracy, still pictures from the photoplay are to be used as models in constructing the huge memorial. Paramount, constructed an exact dublicate of a sector of St. Mihiel in order to obtain the spectacular battle shots which climax "Wings" ' and these, so impressed. - war ; department officials that they asked permission of Jesse L. Lasky to model from the stills. ; "Wings" was directed by William Wellman, who was a flyer in the fa mous Lafayette :; Escadrille. John Monk Saunders, an instructor in avi ation during the war, wrote the story. The cast includes Clara Bow, Charles (Buddy) . Rogers, Richard , Arlen, Jobyna Ralston, Gary Cooper, Arlette Marchal, H. B. Walthall, Hedda Hop per, Claire McDowell, El Brendel and Gunboat Smith. ' Dialectic Senate Will Hold Dance At some time during the Winter quarter .the Di Senate will hold a dance, which will be exclusively an affair for. members of the senate and those particular ladies whom they in vite. At the next regular meeting of the senate President Fox will appoint a committee :. of three, whose duty it will be toset a date for the event and to make all arrangements for making the : aforementioned dance - a brilliant success. SHEAFFER PEN LOST LOST One black Sheaffer fountain pen, probably lost around stadium, not sure. "K, C. Ramsay, Salisbury. N. C." engraved on barrel. Please re turn to Sigma Nu house and receive reward. - Send the TAR HEEL home. What Will It Mean For You? If going into business, will it mean the beginning of a long ap- - prenticeship period the trial and error method which pos ' sibly may never lead to success? Or will it mean a year spent in - preparation for business fol lowed by a steady rise to lead' ership? If you desire the latter, Babson Institute can serve you and serve you welL , " Train for lieadership To meet the demand fat special training for men looking forward to successful business causers cruLexecutJve leadership is the purpose of Babson Institute. Here you would be taught the fundamental ; laws of business and shown how to apply them effectively to actual busl- - ness life. -t . Send for liooklet! Every collej man who is ambitious to succeed in business should read our booklet, "Training for Business Leader ship". It explains In detail the subjects studied, the unique features of out work and how leadership i achieved. Take this home and discuss it with your par ents during the Holidays. Mail this Coupon Now! BABSON Institute B349WeUesleyAV., Baboon Park, Mass, g Send me, without obligation "Training 1 for Business Leadership" and Complete 1 particulars about Babson Institute. , Name jmm ..... ....11..... ..... ' " College ' AddrtSS j " Home 5 Address : " . I City .5?6!5,. ' usbii LEONARD GIVES WARNING Mr. Grady Leonard wishes to give a timely warning to all occupants of dormitory rooms. Every year just before the .Christmas Holidays stu dents lose articles of clothing and vari ous other valuables. These loses sn not always small; they sometimes be come seriously large. 1 J A WILMINGTON vs ST ATES VILLE High School Championship of North Carolina MAN STADM 2:30 , P. M. FRIDAY ADMISSION $1.00 2:30 . P. M. CAR OLINA THEATRE Today Tomorrow ' MB lSi.lH5la9, "" 1" ' ill llll.MII HI U u J Sit 1 with CLARABOW Gary Cooper . Richard Arlenv Buddy Rogers Lure of new heights.. Impetuos ity of youth. Pulsing love. Thrill ing risks. All that is great and beautiful and strong and tender. An epic picture. Thrilled Broad way for more than a year. LACOCK'S SHOE SALE Ten Day s of Shoe Bargains v - . x n- : . : - - . , . -' .;.'r.-NUNN:BUSH- ' JOHNSTON-MURPHY JOHN C. WINTER BRITISH FOOTWEAR And many other Nationally Known Brands are being offered at reduced prices. EVERY SHOE IN STOCK ON SALE ' . EVERY SHOE ON SALE GUARANTEED ;; Take this opportunity to buy your footwear for Christmas. Come in and see the values being offered. SALE STARTS TODAY AT 9:00 A. M. LECOCIiSoO "Quality Footvear" ' JL ' HI iBBKaaiaBid

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