Pa pre Four THE TAR HEEL Grid Dust from the Grid Pan OiilNALIBULIST GIVES DORMITOR OCCUPANTS ''EXPLAINS LESSONS M GEOLOGY; ROOTS GRID SYSTEr, :nOSE TERRIBLE BLUE DEVILS Ever since Howard Jones came iown to North Carolina several years tgo we have been hearing tales of now terrible the Blue Devils were going to be. When Jimmy Dehart, Washington and Lee : mentor, 'took over the coaching duties at the Methodist institution, those tales be came very pronounced everywhere in North Carolina. Almost three years have passed since he . former Lex ington coach assumed control of the Devils and now it is claimed that he has built a really powerful machine over in Durham. , We haven't been fortunate enough to see the Duke grid machine in ac tion this year, preferring to go to Charlottesville and watch the Caro lina-Virginia game -Thanksgiving But we are told that they really were good. Sport stories have; been sent out to the effect that for the first time in three years the Devil, eleven is working the way Dehart wants it . That was against Davidson. But to go back to those stories we ave heard about what Duke was go ig to do io, North Carolina football earns. Last season, we are told, at cer being eliminated from the title race by State, they planned to invade Chapel Hill : after they took ; second place by cleaning up Carolina. Offi cial warning was given the students not to wreck Chapel- Hill as Duke would like to have at least one easy game on its future schedules. , Of course these were reports; but re ports can go a long way. Evidently they did, for Coach Collins sent eleven men on the Duke gridiron that didn't give the, Durham boys a chance. When the final whistle blew there was very little left of the vaunt-, ed scoring machine Duke had. "That included the nation's high scorer. John Jankoski. , Before the season began this fall Duke , was picked by many sport au thorities and by many who weren't authorities on anything much to cop the state title. ' At this time the Devils have the inside track to the state title with a clear record.5 Caro Una's record is somewhat blurred by a tie game with the 1927 champions, State College. Ever since Duke took State down by two points they have been picked to win. We are inter ested in seeing how many people pick Duke t'o win this week-end. We are also interested in seeing how many people outside of Chapel. . Hill pick Carolina to win. Duke evidently has a good football team. They have played some good football teams, but we can't see how they can be rated as champions of North Carolina. They have, as a matter of .fact, several good football players over there. They have a fine coach. They have a fine University or will have one in the next few years. But even with all of that we think that we have a slight edge on them all' the way round. They have with out a doubt the desire to win this game. They have had it ever since they had a football team. And un less the Duke students are wrong in their guesses they would ' rather lick Carolina than any other team they play. That is Carolina's luck. David son -had the same desire. So had Virginia. Both lost. It's 'Duke's turn now. We think they will lose. THE CAROLINA GOAL POST Taking the cue. from some ambiti ous Carolina students who confiscated the Virginia goal post after the Thanksgiving game, Duke is planning to take the uprights placed at the two ends of Kenan field home with them. That is if they win. But ac cording to Duke they can't lose. They have the best team in the South. They beat ; State, ? Mercer, Wake Forest, Davidson, and perhaps one or two others. Now they are going to beat Carolina. When they - do . it they must beat us completely and take the goal posts back to -Durham as souvenirs. They will also try to take anything else back to Durham" they can get their hands on, but what they want , are the goal posts. They are necessary. They must be captured. We haven't sounded,., out student sentiment here at, the .Hill on the proposition, but we have.- an idea that most of them would hate to see the beauty of Kenan field marred by having Duke students tramp over it and take the goal posts away. Of course the football team will do its best to keep , the .uprights where they are, but we are wonder ing what will happen if , the unex pected occurs and Carolina loses What we are drivincr at is this: How many Carolina students are going to defend the uprights if we happen to lose the game? By JOE JONES There is in one of the dormitories on this campus a man who should be a pet subject for Psychologist Crane of Carolina or McDougall of Duke, or of anyone else proficient in the art of psychophysics, hypnotism, somnabulism, or, in other words, the ungarnished tomfoolery of a sleep walker. Sometimes once in a week, sometimes not that often, this fellow goes on a veritable bedtime spree, draws a crowd, entertains royally, and adds another molecule of fear to his room-mates' misgivings in room ing with a man who does all manner of things, good, bad, and indifferent, in his sleep. - -s The student m question, whose name will not be disclosed, but whom, for conveniency's sake, we shall call Dick, is absolutely one of the most vitally interesting sleep-walkers-talk-ers-dancers-prancers anyone oould wish to see free of charge. While asleep he has a striking personality; he is capable of brilliant repartee, of the freshest, pithiest wise-cracking, of, quoting statistics correctly and glibly, of breaking clever lances of conversation on almost any subject. Sometimes he carries on arguments, harangues, or damns an enemy with wide-open eyes, but when he. awakes he is unable to recall a thing of what he has done or said.' As far as - he knows he has slept quietly and peace fully. ; To an onlooker it is a rather weird thing. . Really, it is nothing short of marvelous that a reporter can interview a - man .without . the man's knowing about it. In his sleep-talks Dfck is perfectly candid and unhesitatingly ; says; what he thinks. Many and; intimate are the questions put to him by. the boys who gather about, ard - he plainly answers them : out . of an open mind, absolutely ? without dissimulation, which is' more than he h or anyone else, - except a child, would do . while awake. ; Upon request he will give his frank opinion of any professor or of any of his acquaintances. Some profs he roundly cusses out, others he heaps praises upon, but . he is al ways consistent from night to night; he never contradicts himself. ; He is a booster of Al Smith, and before the election he spent many of his sleeping hours delivering vigorous and bombastic political speeches in behalf of his favorite candidate.; . Dick is a good student of geology, whereupon he looked rather sheepish and got back in bed amid the laughter of his audience. He. sings, too. in his sleep, his favorite selection being Red Hot Henry Brown." If anyone angers the boy while in one of his somnabulisms he charges upon the object of his , wrath, often snatching a shoe as a weapon. The person so . threatened usually beats a nasty retreat as uick is Dy no means puny. On several occasions he has .flung a shoe through the tran som when, the door was held against him by the person . . he was after. One night'he ran two of his .tormen- ters clear out of. the dormitory, but, clad only in his pajamas, hesitated Pep Meeting: Will Be Held Friday Night According to an announcement made yesterday by Bill Chandler, there will he a huge pep meeting held in Memorial Hall Friday night at 9 o'clock. Kike Kyser, former Carolina cheerleader, will be present and help pep up the meeting as the state, champion ship is involved in the game to be played in Kenan stadium Sat urday between the Tar Heelsand Blue Devils. ' Di Calendar The following-items appear on the calendar of the Dialectic Senate: 1. Resolved, That the Dialectic Senate go on record as favoring the plan of issuing the Tar Heel six times per week. " ; " ' '- - , '2. Resolved, That the Dialectic S,en- to pursue them across the campus, ate go on record as - approving the He does these things -with open eyes, plan offered by J. M. Booker for re but in a sub-conscious state of mind; I organizing student government at the simply asleep. , University of North Carolina. One night he imagined himself to : 3. Resolved, That the Dialectic Sen GRADUATE CLUB MEETING A regular meeting of the Grad uate Club will be, held Friday evening at "7:30 in Mary Ann Smith building; Dr. English Bag by will talk on "Dreams." All graduate students are invited to attend. . . be trapped in a room while someone who was enraged with him was bat tering at the . door with' ta gun. Be- ate go on record as advocating ! the abolition of chapel for. sophomores. 4. Resolved, That the Dialectic Sen- seeching the man not to shoot. a1:e on (record as stating that the through the door Dick started to Ku Klux Klan is a menace to the climb out of the window, but as it general welfare of the public. was On the third floor his room-mates 3 .5. Resolved, That the Dialectic Sen held him back. This is one of the ate Pen its doors for membership to very few rash, unreasonable things the women of the University . of the bov has been seen to do in his North Carolina. sleep maneuvers. , Perhaps, however, had the boys let him alone he might not have dropped to the ground as his past actions he would probably n, , . , . . j , , , , ,. j,., j t , j Club, which includes those who worked nave ins uaugez tuiu cxuuueu GLEE CLUB REHEARSAL TO BE ; HELD r MONDAY Red Heads Meet The Red Head Club held its regular meeting Tuesday .night in the Episco pal Parish House.- At the meeting a proposal was accepted that the .mem bers act as. waiters for the Faculty Cabaret to be held Saturday, Decem ber 15, at the Country Club. This cabaret is an annual affair and will be very elaborate. A turkey supper will be served and the faculty will be entertained by Mendenhall's Orchestra and ten vaudeville acts. ' . " 1 During the meeting Mr. Sam Mc- Neilly of the Tubercular .; Stamps Committee, tasked the club to sponsor the sale of tubercular stamps on the campus; The club agreed to do this, and the members will canvass all the dormitories tonight. ' . . AH. students are asked to cooperate with' members of the club and to help make the canvass a success. . It was decided that there would not be another meeting - until the winter quarter at hich time new officers will be, elected. a .. ; S . H L-.-. ' Too many people take the steering wheel and the speed laws into their own hands at the same time. Norfolk Virginia-Pilot. - Perhaps the psychologist who says there is no such thing as pain has never listened to psychologists. back in to face his supposed foe in preference to a three story fall. It would have been a marvelous test of the sub-conscious mind. ' Although when he awakes the boy never remembers that he has been doing anything unusual, he knows that he does, because his friends and relatives have convinced him of it, Naturally, it worries him somewhat, with the club prior to its fall -trip, are hereby notified to be present on Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock in Per son, Hall for the final rehearsal be fore : the Christmas holidays, , Ab sences at - this . rehearsal, except in very extreme cases, will be deemed inexcusable. . .? FRESHMAN NOTICE Freshmen who for any. reason and forces him to be particular, about failed to take theEnglish Placement where he sleeps. He narrates that test last September should report at he once spent the night at the house Murphey 111 at 7 p. m. today, Thurs- of a friend .and remained awake day, December 6, for the make-up throughout - the night for fear of test. 'The taking . of this test is a talking and arousing the household, prerequisite for registration in Fresh- who might come to his bedside and man English. WANTED Anyone knowing anything about a Corona No. 3 'typewriter belonging ta Bill Barrow please notify the Chi Phi House. College "CUSTOMS" Brooks clotnes axe truly Ccl t e g e "C D S- TOMS." Custom tailored to in Vidualv measure, they breatne a high distinction which has made them quite the custom in the WHS i College I j;i best of Circles. CSotlies'lor College Men "MADE FOR YOU" WASHINGTON DUKE HOTEL DR. J. P. JONES . Dentist Over Welcome-In Cafeteria ? PHONE 5761 w. F. THRALL, Chairman, English 1. Americans Most Refreshing Beverage -. Drinh "A Tingle In Every Glass" at Br Cut This Ad Out and Bring It in for a FREE DRINK listen to whatever' he might have to say. - .:. As a rule, his sleep-talking, which occurs ve? irregularly takes Place lmmeumLei v lit; lias iaiicn a sleep, 't He usually starts them of his own volition, but is sometimes stirred up' and got , to talking by some of and he loves to explain to his awed the boys who are interested in seeing listeners the nature and processes of , him perform. At any rate it is a strange case, I EE and one worthy of the consideration and analysis of any psychologist. rock formations., A geology instruc tor who recently . listened in on one of these talks, stated that the. boy talked far more clearly on the sub ject when asleep than when awake, and that if he would go to sleep on his examination he 'could evidently turn in a perfect paper., This but adds weight to that doctrine of mod ern psychology which asserts that the sub-conscious mind retains much knowledge that the conscious mind upon reception promptly forgets. One night Dick thought himself to be Knute Rockne during a Notre Dame football game. As each player entered the game Dick gave him strong and judicious advice, and the profane tongue lashing administered between the imaginary halves was terrible to hear. If someone asks him in the proper manner Bill will obligingly rise up in his sleep, crawl out of bed, and dance in the middle of the floor. One. night he was awakened by the contact of his bare feet against the cold floor, Ctrist 1 H H Mi vv miu State and Davidson On Debate Schedule ta Davidson College and the North Carolina State College have been in cluded in the debating schedule of Birmingham - Southern College. Twelve institutions from five states will be met by teams from Birming ham-Southern this year ; of this number the majority are members of the Dixie Debating League. , f tl 0 HI ffffl TITTTl (EET ,i,j11,0' y Send the TAR HEEL home NEW VICTOR RECORDS RELEASED EVERY FRIDAY UNIVERSITY BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. (Sutton Bldg.) , 'f -i'V- - - "r u Itf ' : h-Cs At it-" i SKI '0 s t 4 i.-J -Mi. J : .Kay' Kyser And His Orchestra - ' . IN A BRAND NEW PROGRAM MEMORIAL HALL THURSDAY NIGHT 8:30 Auspices Chi Omega Fraternity Just Back from Successful Summer and Fall Tour of North and a Month's Engagement on Broadway Carolina's Favorite Orchestra ADMISSION 75c .BEGINNING TODAY . We launch our sensational close-out sale, of $20,000.00 stock of B high grade merchandise all late stock in the very best lines B WE OFFER Hart Schaffner & Marx Learbury 15 REDUCTION 300 Suits To Pick From AND OTHER SPECIALS All Dress Shirts McGregor All $1.50 $1.00 Fancy $250 .Shirts $6.00 2.;V!1Se?.j' Sweaters Ties $1.00 Drawers at $2.15 White & Solid drawers Barrymore Shoes Colors $5 Values All $1.00 ' at Collars - The $5.15 ' $1.65 f $4.00 Ties 75c 79c " Newesf . . . . - - . . , - Substantial Reductions Also on All McGregor Golf Hose and IS .jSocks, Tower and Alligator Slickers, and AH Shirts, 1 Pajamas, etc. H EVERYTHING REDUCED IT WILL PAY YOU I BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 1 UNIVERSITY I SHOP " . I Between Foister's and Gooch's Cafe