The Library. Uni v e r o i ty of i;0 r fch C FQWt.ES LECTURE MONDAY NIGHT ' MEMORIAL HALL 8:30 P. M. - - - 9 i X 1 OffTO A CAPPELLA CHOIR - . SUNDAY '3IEMORIAL HALL 1 P. M. VOLUME XXXVII FOWLESTOGIVE AN ADDRESS HERE MONDAY EVENING Is New Feature of Program Add ed to Schedule By the Uni versity Entertainment Com mittee: Is Best Modern Teach er of Harmony Through HancU Ear and Eye. GATTircnAY. JANUARY 19. 19 29 k-A Jk. M- 7 NUMBER 40 r CHAPEL HILL, N. C. : mTAm TrrrffT t -"YTCTTV Senior Class Will VAT K PI PPKTKKKS I Hullv WILL Ul VII YeSndSt TO APPEAR HERE PROGRAM SUNDAY Steals Radiator As x Owner Watches Game ChaDel Hill Boy Does Not Discover Loss Until on the Way Home. Will Elect Class Officers, Dance Lead- .A ers, and Senior Superlatives. wm Play an Afternoon and Songs to Be Used Are Entirely ILLUSTRATES TALK Plays His Own Illustrations and WiH Aid Talk yith Lantern Slides. The next item of interest on the Student Entertainment program for this quarter will occur on Monday evening at' 8 : 30 in Memorial hall in the form of a lecture by Earnest Fow les, lecturer in the appreciation of music at, the Training School for MusicTeachers, London, England. Mr. Fowles is one of the leading lec turers on the appreciation of music. His name is a household word in England on piano pedagogy. He is much sought after as a judgevat the principal competitive festivals in piano playing contests. At his lectures he plays his own illustrations. "He was the first one to givea Brahms concert in England. He was the founder and director of the British Chamber Music Concerts held some years ago, for seven consecutive years, at Queen's hall, London. For many years he has annotated the studies and pieces issued annually for the examinations of the Associat ed Board of Xondon. For the year 1928 these annotations appeared in the Musical Times for November and December, 1927. He lectures on the Associated Board music before audience of several hundred teachers The first Senior Smoker of he year will take place in Swain Hall ' at 9:00 Monday" night, January 21, it was announced yesterday ' by Buck Carr, , President of the Senior Class. According to President Carr, one of the most important things to be brought-up will be that of the Senior Class aiding the edi .torial staff of the Yackety Yack in selecting 10 faculty members, who will make up the faculty sec tion. This year, it is understood that these faculty members will be selected by the Senior Class instead of by the editorial staff of the Yackety Yack, which has been,, done formerly. Elections for class officers, dance leaders, and senior superla tives will be held, and Buck , Carr. urges all co-eds to be pres ent as superlatives for the co eds will also be selected. President Carr requests every senior to be present, as this will be the most important smoker of the year. Night Performance in Jhe Carolina Theatre. New in South: Divided Into Two Parts. A genuine puppet revue is the pros pect for Saturday night January. 26. The Yale Puppeteers organization, an offspring of Professor Baker's Uni The A Cappella Choir will sing a program of Bach choral music to morrow afternoon, at four o clock m Memorial hall. This nroeram has- -versity Theatre, will make the trip been postponed twice on account of to Chanel Hill to appear in a matinee lniiuenza, out is uiiy acuu. TxoTmaTire at the Flav- ior xne coming ouuu. xm? rtiiu cvcxxxw6 Jf-" - i , .y, i n x will oe accompaniea oya smau uxcuca- - i i i tth f 1 1 1 ii flip luiiiLcia vviu kjuu i . f ,JA-aa-hm rtlltnJTHT J , -v - , b Mrs. George Lawrence, soprano; irom wie ruutu ,auu Buujr " " i ! itinerant, showmen of the middle ages m Mrs. G. A. Harrer, alto; Uharies Troxell, tenor ; Wesley S. Grisw'old, So far as can be discovered, none of the songs to be used - Sunday have over Vippti S11T1P ill the South. As a Ben Lane, Chapel Hill boy! and student of the University, was not troubled with having to turn the water out of his automobile last Thursday night. Lane attended the Gamecock-Tar Heel basketball game, and while inside the Tin Can, some person evidently in need of a radiator for his Ford, kindly relieved Ben of the front part of his vehicle. The thief, to temporarily cover his work, placed the hood back in position. Ben did not discover5 his loss until af ter starting his car and driving down the road a few yards, when the hood fell off and disclosed the front end minus the water tank. ADVISORY BUDGET coaromTEE CUTS APPROPRIATIONS Funds for Permanent Improve ments for All State Schools Reduced from $11,061,000 to $2,000,000 University to Re ceive $31,900 Less for Next Fiscal Year. WANTS GYMNASIUM Slight Hopes Are Retained That Legislature Will Not Remain In Economical Mood. tv,q Vole Pnrmeteers travel Ford recently purchased with profits LPasis that have been accruing from their art. lWV1ri"r matter of fact there are only about tormer micmgdu iuCU) , . ; .x. riA coQe tVo under Professor Baker at Yale and whn are now launching heir small are, ,5U11I1& yLailia Vi , "T. who launcmng wiei , reyival of this theatncal. busmeg England, which is gradually of university centers lasting from now until mid-summer. Theen, Harry few ?f m iUSwS years every chorus will be using this To Cooperate with Rutgers Uni- during the next two years, i!?. mateHal because of its great variety VArsiL in Joint Enterprise- Provided that the recppmendat: xne umveiwiy -vi e"- x". j :t. 4- uaanfw college.1 aH? ii"iciciiu ""u"j' UNIVERSITY TO SPONSOR TOUR FOr ENGINEERS The newly elected Governor, the Hon. O. Max Gardner, and his com mission have recommended to the legislature that the requests made by the educational institutions throughout the state for permanent improvements be reduced from $11,061,000 to $2,000,000. Of this amount the University is listed with $264,000 "approved by the body, to be used for permanent improvements NEW BOOR TELLS OF CONDITIONS IN MILL TOWNS The University of North Carolina Lles the men put on. n;n,Qftoe wliilp thpv were m . The program Sunday will be made ' iufia-irnimp up of two parts. The first consists . - " ri." ilnn of four5 Extended-Chorales in, which is xo nave ueiiuoueuii i j i . i It , " r rt choral phrases are answered by m iew xuijv. . . iSt-rto.jl - nhrases tvoe of i j l j 4- wiavq n annrn gnuivMv r i sucn a xneaxre j,u mi, , . - T,T.0fo0;. nf musical treauiiexii i,ikhv.'-"' the extended chorale The second part consists of the ' Church Cantata, "What God Doth, Surely, . That Is Right." This cantata opens and closes with choral numbers, between which occur solo numbers ' for the four as sisting artists. , An attempt is bejng made to pro duce this music Sunday in the same versity in Joint Enterprise Larger Industrial Centers of Europe to Be Visited. presentations may be mde, mariyof which Burnett has already workea out. . ', , ,.; - .: ' - That the work -of the two men is ,.. Tj;rtM norriff Writps occasioning comment .and support is Miss Harriett Herring writes . . , ; .Tv . . .t. t Normn Authoritatively on Condi- , G ddes 0n of America's fore- tions of Mill Villages. most stage designers, has "designed some of the scenery for the fairy Press, beginning a new year oi ac- an t.ivit.v. is -nlannine one of its most x significant contributions m the bo- Announcement was made here today that the University of North Caro lina will! cooperate with Rutgers Uni versity in giving an engineering tour of Europe during the summer that will combine effectively a tour abroad with the serious study of engineering and industrial problems. V Courses will be offered in Labor Management and Industrial Adminis tration, with college credit for work ions. of the budget commission are ap proved by the legislature, the Uni versity will receive $31,900 less for the next fiscal year for maintenance than for this year. The University was granted $880,000 to operate on this "year, but the advisory budget committee has pared, this down to a recommended $848,100 for next year. The University alone did not suffer recommended retrenchment at the hands of the committee, for no single institution was .granted nearly as much as it had counted upon. There remains but the slim hope of He is known as one oi me uivou ciai ouuiy oeneo ui imnai modern teachers in the teaching of of North Carolina which it is build Harmony through, handear and eye. ing. . ; '-. . . this subject is to Publication of Miss Harriet l,. tier- he nut in book form and will shortly ring's work on "Welfare Work in Z by oxftTd u: Mm J jw S eZ Ptpss 'As a member oi xne em- series numoei up J a vj j Vo r-rl n-f Music for the Duo-Art Piano his an- The urogram to be presented here includes among other things a sketch ! from the Latin play,' Pyramus and Thisbe, a Chinese fantasy, The Goose berry Mandarin, and a playlet with Africa as its locale. , Speaking of the program The Yale recently presented ax La fayette College, Albert H. Gilmer, pro- nf nramatics savs. "ine luea lOOUl VJ. " t 1 . 4 . 1 il 11 1.; torial board ot tne .auu. of nn&t revue is auite a happy ar iy OUl Ul SCyaaW . a fUp pm- . . . , -!n i-p r.rr.y.Vcr- on1 w ar- ranffemenx. iur notations on Schubert ana a m n " .iP11t of a treat variety of puppet j.-u i, act --nraise irom counts ran au -me muic lumiutuw, rvj - won we xix6. - . . .r i t.- -rsoo nr1 manv changes m xne yi u as further readme reveais ei cu- "s-' ... :. have educators in England ana ' V, " n I " with its delicate interspersing illustrated by ureiy ucu 7 , ?Mi bv the minature r at n ATillp-r: nf Rutsrers. will direct the tour. Instructors will the legislature's reversing the report general fashion which was. in vogue , t ' Schwennine. of 1 the i i I - in the days when Bacn .was aiive, us- TT itv and prof . G. W. Kelsey, ihg a small chorus and small orches- f R - j. u-V, n-P V& size of I ' ... ' . L 7'. u" V o7, nisPlf had Members of the tour will sailirom the forces which Bach himself had gt Xi cvir , j. V. w . 23. An attractive itinerary," includ ing such industrial centers as London, Birmingham, Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, PaHc .lias heen arranged so. auu j. w - ' that meefsisK&g'to'tudy indus at his command. NEW REPUBLIC I STARTSCONTEST of the commission in favor of the in stitutions of the state, thus permit ting the building of a much needed School, of Education and a gymna sium; but the chance of such an oc currence is highly improbable ac cording to general opinion which seems to be that the legislature will remain in an economical mood; - The- proposed cut in the mainten- His lectures are denunciation of mill conditions of musical numbers by the J.. A 1 I - . iantern Slides (of which he has a col- - asters of their several istruments. lactiin of live thousand), gramopno con'ditions as The synchronization of the move ..selections, the Duo-Art piano and h Sfhas n tt nd she has had ments of the puppets with the Measure own playing. Admission to his she know of tncir .music is an achievement ,ecture maybe had ctnd bus " they are. ' - puppetrynd something at which to dent entertainment cardsndttrough ar0 aircady volumes on wonder." : . . the purchasing of single admission. work in : T tickets which will be on sae atne T"""- rr ,overnment, TfV-OutS f OV UeDateS v t r trial, engineering and labor problems ance fund is a more serious matter than tne arasxic cut m iieimoucui im provements. Most certainly the Uni versity would be forced to cut down on the service that, it is at present able to mrnisn xne i;wmcuw x state. Naturally it would be able to abroad will be able to get the maxi- Offeririg Prize to Student Who mum out of their time. wW00 T?ct F.ssav on "Whkt Dean D. D. Carroll of the Univer- ' rnllpo-P M.P-ht Be." sity Schooj of Commerce announced ! in the tour and recommended it highly. I i Jl J. if I4iia4-inl on1 iQhrtT As a result of a recent controversy "ine sxuaenx ox x the magazines over who should go problems lent oi muiisn ii aui law- - . ;1 c;"d not get a better chance struggle along, but P-ent fa ties WOUld Ue VCXr gicouv door on the night of the performance. mill villages, county state railroad development, and the a l ?b KAft TvApf North Carolina chain gang, and the ASK ,aUU TO rjret,L , Press has promised more to be re- UTormTTIPnt tO Klllff ipoRfd'&t regular intervals. I w a a M V ' ' I Will Be Held Soon I i i it. . w in to college, and 'who should not, tne to stuuy wuui - ---xo cunegc, ... ... T7i TTo xtHII viRit. nower nlants.l New Republic is ottering a , , , ; vt To,,1A1 Vp of a hundred dollars and a factories, industrial and labor orgam- Warnmg; iSSUed lO, ... . 1 , 1 1L.A j ,awlxr-fW t.r the col- zations, and will see nrst nana ti 1M student or younger college J problems of personnel and labor or graduate who writes the best essay ganization abroad nnt Pxceedmsr two thousand woras on yvi tumijr. Students Who Bum It is a fine op- 1 . it! Tryouts for the coming aeoaxes with Marauette University and the These books have been brought out TT prfdtv of the South will be held Was Graduate of University, and Only after intensive study by members of within the next two weeks according v Vice-President Ever to Be Born the University's Institute for Re- to an announcement made . by the In North Carolina. search in Social Science. The In- executive secretary of the Debate stitute is now -concentrating on the ?Councii.' They will probably be held Rufus King, late alumnus of the q labor unions in the State, within the next ten days. The ques- University was recognized m the re- history of textile industries, !and sev- on to be debated is "Resolved, That cent appropriation billNof the V. imp0rtant subjects 'which . blic shoul(L6wn and operate the War Department Dy a" will no doubt form the suDjecx mat- , j t -c wer of the counxry for an appropnawuxx 7 : ter additional volumes m u , r n t is the erection of a monument to him at V- I . , i -wfncn win uuiiuiu Hie ib - - i x 9 v Clinton. ThP; Social Study Series is an at- Xv, Afotto TTniversity and the winning papers will be pub t ,raaa after Graduation u tho -rmrt nf the Press to fill x ne 3 . :V4. prn. lienor! hpfnre the nresent academic m rvr some vcj.j -o Lcmub vu wiv t-" " . i i rx. i ui nn Tn iil. ui a v-w- i nunv - from the University King practiced a real need in the State, Uo supply , A twQ man team will also year is over law in 'Clinton. He was eiectea w accurate surveys and examinaxions - chosen to uphold the affirmative Congress wnne yet vu6 vv 0 socuu usmwhu, .7 in' forensic combat against xne um later continued his notaDie Jb"""- fare, of government, oi muusuj, Mrppr in Alabama. He was elected Uey actually operate in the State. . aa Vice-President with. President Each of the books in the series is tihnan from Alabama, being the hie-hly authoritative, and each pre u, r,QtivP born Tar Heel ever to sents and adequate and full treat hnld that office. H ment of the study with which it deals. s ; -' ;. A' special feature of the University section on Labor Management is the two-dav stop which will be made in Geneva, where members will study the Mayor. Council Says That the College Boys Must Realize That He ' Means Business. "College As It Might Be." This contest is being put on in an effort to find out the student's opin- ions about nigner --I, : A Tntprnational Labor Office h..tnd toV college man. At present the opinion , - - of tne . nAdtnrs is that everv- occ a" T.ootrnp nf Nations. has been the means The tour was instituted and spon For the benefit of those who are ' bumming," below is the ordinance which of knocking several students loose from three at Sewanee, ninleriic Senate Dialectic Senate . .... -a m ' Will Give Dance To Initiate Men Vprsitv of the South Tennessee a few days later. . Due to the fact that the debate' mid is steadily increasing what was e .1. considered a possibility oi cnuwu teams has become a LW KJ nu"o -- - - ... T,4tP probability. In addi ratiici. ut"" r held by some educators is that every bodv should be given a college educa t 1 1 1 SWIA lol-f o-nrl r-T rnprs l,llib Ulliv vac ajkaxj. i j :L:: .1 ' m ne: sored by Rutgers last summer ana bucks. "VCrrenonlv to members proved such a success that it was Ce- i i. That no pedestrian .: . mon niAoA tn continue it along tne. same , , a-w11'td tn take a stand on of the college c asses rrom co.sponsorship 3. portion of any Dill IIKS - ' -."--j - .. ... I C.TTPPT 1 ri lilt! J. LI W 11 VJ- J There will be constant and inti- . , . ,,1 traffic, and mate contact between memoers ux tour and instructors, and due to the lessons learned last year, this year's tour is expected to be even more val nahle and interesting. ' ' '. Complete information regarding the TT J , w- :t.jH n of thp New Re- from the university. m n ciiuBcu nissav inu.iiux .miv - - which will uphold the negative side of public The contest will . ckto Aprd Graduate School Enrollment Shows Increase in Number Extension Division here that in crossing-the street all pedes trians" shall keep in motion while m this -portion of the street. Section 2. That any person guilty of willfully violating this ordinance formation regards be subieCt to a fine of $50 in tour may be had from the university - couri. 'The purpose of this measure," an- of two lormer GflllH 1 LUUlMVwv- i :ao nf the Dialectic Senate. Toct nuarter the Dialectic Senate Smoker to Be Held for Old and New The are als0 seVeral new men who 1 : . ,..1.1 1 I . Tl 11 CociAn - I . The enrollment in the , graduate Trllll:nr Smoker Will .n.vui a tipw hierhneak in 1 i,At. x tti. the history of the department here .i .'ma'9in rpris?tered for the iuumv. - -1. I VVI1CH. OVUi tion to four old debaters the Present winter quarter, Dean James Kbyster, Dean of the school, announced at nis office yesterday, nounces Mayor Council, "is not to rQVp it hard on anyone.. So many Be Held Next Friday objections have been coming in re cently that we have oeen loiteu w vrt Priflav nierht. January b, Uva . some action. Numerous stu- the Junior Class will hold a smoker dents occupy positions in the street Swain hall beginning at nine -ust opposite the Post Utlice wnicn in cc thP following resolution by a Members Following Session. ?ai maioritv: "Be it " - . president Brown announces resolved tnax xne ...... i. ,i ittinr, nf ii . r? TTa 1 1 at some time there win ue -v a dance m xne - - " T , -nioiti. Rpnate a ViniiotiY nn rne researcii wum . . . i . mi.. vun. . 1 w . - j .v, ofor, I . - . TT: hv President Kay rams. iu " ceed. and aiso o-nnH snpakers anu wnu j Vwir the mpTTibers OI xne um- - - . s . 1 mv 1 . . v r r . .t. t K6cu ui I ?vp rnmmittee 01 the Class meu i"uir 1 rassment to the occupanvo vjj. vi excellent chance ot being Versity,f acuity was issued Monday ue- formulated plans for In order eliminate this trouble, 4- h TIniversity m one ox ,r,rt,ia pntemrises oc-1 UlJ mfe" v 1U n.i iMuns;uw viw -mt number of business maxxers w uc we have decided to eniorce iu u- cupying the time of a majority oz xne ut) at the smoker. Loire strictly, and although ; the re- After .the smoker the class will be pe t action was merely a warning, versity. Lh oniests of the Carolina theatre at Utnde.nts in the future must realize I " o .. . 1 I . , . a special midnight show through tne tnat we mean business, iirail UanCe lOIUglH courtesy of Manager E. U. Smith. Steven Marsh To Head Sophomores . 1 1 I . . 1 PP' X o'clock, it was announced yesxeruay makes it difficult ior trainc vo causes some are that At h winter auarter." H. J. members w"- - , aT I m J :V,4- fox, president ui " x w ntpd the nrivileces Will x - represent the University the forensic frays several I Grumman Addresses Charlotte Kiwanis into the Dialectic There are V w ittee to make men time, appuiuvi w,h; 4 thp spnate at van i j UftiHiwff rne. aiuic- ui iircmuvj.o"H v.. arrangemenxs xor 1 - . ; oQrPr hut M. Grumman, direexor tir exclusively r :- ji I TViosp men and all others who desire University Senators, to join the senate but who have not Upoke before Kiwanis Hicjr ij of the get ready I uiuimu""! . . , -j? xi :-i- 1 i-x - 1 r. - Extension department, "The first Grail dance ox xne wm HOUSe TO iSDeaK UIl the Kiwanis Club .of quarter will take place - x hrftl. R. E. Lee wv j i .. . 1 . : a H ti. nM mmiria5inm. UaHClIlK Win duiu vx-- -c j i, , VQ1V itontinns tn do SO I nharlotte vesteruay evening k num Uiauc iwiiuwii nuw" ivw . 1 r t 1 . ... 1 . X. I V..v Vi rtW rr Dashiell. Miss Margaret Fitz- a a Ttfv0 T,. Barkley, and Mr. geiaiia, - A Bayroff went to Greensboro Thurs day afternoon to see the operas given ho m. C. C. W. auditorum that All liiv " afternoon and night. hould be present at the next meet ing which will take, place Tuesday night in the Di Mall at 1 :uu. After the initiation and the other part of the program have been finished-the entire senate will hold a mokerj , i Dancing will start Jack Wardlaw and . - m 1 ner given by them. , . - at nine 0 ciock. J-. Secretarv House will speak on Gen- Following the banquet Mr. urum- his .orchestra wm -i. Robert cha Monday, man and Mr. Malcolm JLittle, also of for the occasion. 0,t1 this being the anniversary : of Lee's the Extension department, continued A large numner ox gu- x I. ,fr tt... Sneaks Monday . I -v . i .An"tWC? I 1111 L1LUUO X on a tour of organization of post- to attend, rresenx flswS of the .United ' - .1 l htT I 4-V. a flCITlfP TO De UIIC UX Ulli jyraduate. dental. courses spunsui. ci. wjr wiau Imo - fe - . .. noiTOnf thp entire auarter. the University. under the auspices Daughtersvof the Confederacy. In a (spirited run-off election Thursday, Steven Marsh was elected treasurer of the class of '32 by a margin of 10 votes. E. Craig Wall the other candidate for office receiv ed 141 votes' to Marsh's 151.

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