Hash and Mothballs By Joe" Jones At" the end of each class-period a stream of students pours up from Ilurphey and Saunders, and moves diagonally across the open space be tween Steele and the "Y" JBy facial expression,, by stride, by carriage, physical conformity, manner, and clothing, the procession exhibits an interesting view of vary human col- legiania. - . -,v ' Some fellows walk i by swiftly, as though they were hurryng off some where.' Others walk swiftly, but with out seeming to be hurried; as if they walked fast just because they felt good. It tells in their faces. The expression of a man walking fast be cause he feels good. It is the same with the slow walkers Now, here cdmes an athlete. He 13 walking slowly, but with a, supreme air of well-being expressed in f his every move as well as in his face. Some others walk slowly obviously because they feel sluggish. All types' of strides are seen, too, in this - hourly parade. There- are long ungainly strides, and long grace ful ones, there, are short, and long, and medium strides of various types; lazy ones, military ones, some en thusiastic, some ? commonplace, some slightly ludicrous, and some that can not be named. And would you look at those two co-eds! That tall one has a splendid walk, but the little one seems to have an invisible hobble retarding, her. Here comes another, however, who has a fascinating little trip-trip-trip bird-like "walk. Carolina Has Booked Excellent Run of Pictures for February An unusually, fine selection of pic tures has been booked for showing in Chapel Hill at the Carolina Theatre during the' month of February, ac cording to an announcement of Manager E. C. Smith. . ' : Outstanding' among the year's pic tures are the following, which, will be run some time during the month: Emil ' Jammings in "Sins of the Fathers"; Dolores- Del Eio in "Re venge"; Greta Garbo land John Gil bert in their latest joint picture, "A Woman of Affairs"; Sue Carol in an other "hot" picture, "Sin Sfster' Nancy Carroll and Buddy Rogers "in the perennial Abie's Irish Rose"i and John Gilbert in "Mask 'of the Devil." An unusual feature will be the presentation of the official German war film, "Behind the German Lines." This picture was made by the Ger man government, and presents au thentic scenes of fighting and war from the standpoint of the Germans. Included are- several good shots of American prisoners, actual photos of the men at the time they were taken prisoners. - . Chapel Hillians will also be given the opportunity to see the picture which was hailed as the year's great est, Cecil B. DeMille's "King of Kings." It too .will be presented in February. ' We know some men who claim io be self-made who undoubtedly cheat ed themselves. Di Calendar balanced sense of values. . Watch the expressions for awhile Here comes a dour looking -fellow who looks as if he had flunked three quizes on end, and yet we happen to know that he is an honor student Another man,walking alone, is beam ing and smiling to ; himself. We wonder what he is thinking of. Some walk along with a preoccupied look, a few walk gazing at those about them, while the majority strive for a nonchalant look. Those who pass in two's or, in groups naturally wear conversational expressions in var ious degrees. :" y - . Most of the co-eds try to appear obvious of the fact that they, are in a predominantly masculine, crowd. It is naturally a difficult feat, and few succeed. There is one little girl who passes in the daily crowd, however, who has mastered the art; perhaps unconsciously. It as " if she were ' alone. Peacefully and contentedly she goes along like a dove mincing through a flock of barnyard fowls, her eyes cast unconcernedly upon the .ground. There are others who fairly fluant as they walk, some -who look straight ahead, some who sideglance a. great deal, and some who frankly look the boys over as , they pass. Take the co-eds out of the procession and you naturally take out the most interesting and colorful part of it. v Once in a while a boy and a girl pass together, but seldom as if they were gettig a great deal of pleasure out of it. There are one or two ex ceptions, however, judging from the daily reappearance - 01 the same couples. '. . , The following -items appear on the calendar of the Di Senate: lv Resolved, That the Di Senate go on record as favoring the plan of is suing the Tar Heel six times per week. 2. Resolved, That the Di Senate go on record as advocating the- abolition of chapel for Sophomores. , . f 3. Resolved, That the Di Senate go on record as favoring the plan of fered by. J. M.x Booker for re-orgah-izing student government at the Uni versity of North Carolina. 4. Resolved, That the Di Senate go on record as opening its doors for membership to the women of the Uni versity. : ; ... - - - - - 5. Resolved, That the Di 'Senate go on record as stating that the Kji Klux Klan is a menace to. the general welfare of the public. 6. JResolved, That the Di Senate go on record as favoring the plan of sterilizing insane persons before ad mitting thm to asylums for the in sane. '. ; - V " ' Srriith Entertains Manager Smith of the Carolina Theatre entertained at two special midnight shows last week. Thursday evening he was host to the 6Q or more newspaper men in attendance at the Newspaper Institute, and Friday night he entertained the Junior class. Both groups enjoyed Mr. Smith's hospitality to the fullest extent. Or ganist and (Orchestra were retained for each of the performances and add ed much to the pleasure of the pro grams. ..:' , : ' ." The entertainment for the newspa' per men came the second night of the Institute, following an evening barbe cue and short session of the gather ing. "The Awakening," Vilma Banky's latest and her first starring picture, was the film shown. The entertainment for the Juniors followed -the class smoker in Swain Hall. Book Exchange Explains' . Method of Pricing Becks ' So, day after day, at ithe end each elass period, the mass streams up from south campus, and anyone who watcnes may see something new every day, or every hour. It is fascinating pastime. , Now, here comes f a nice looking group of boys, laughing and talking. They arevery well-dressed and neat looking, careful of their personal ap pearance, but most of them, natural ly enough, with an unmistakable look of, self -superiority on their faces. They're probably from down Frater nity Court way. One may spot the self-help type in the crowd, too; usually by ; a hint of shabbiness or( carelessness in dress. Perhaps they are the truest heroes of the conglom eration. Older men say they are. POPE-CROWDER CO. v Chapel Hill, N. C. More Goods for Same Money Same Goods for Less Money Everything That's All! (Continued from page one) of the cost ofthe book at the publish er's plant and the sales price. The same - jnf ormatiori -; concerning, any other textbook may be secured from the Book Exchange by anyone inter ested in the matter.. ; Text ; : Baskerville ' & Curtmari Qualitive Analysis . Twentieth Century Ac county & Bookkeeping Gates Psychology f or - Students of Education . Taylor's Essays Past & Present .... . ''TMiller Historical Geology Miller Physical Geology Munroe Government of the United States Lil 3.00 Hugo's Hernani ..... .96 C.P.S.P. L:.$1.80 $2.25 1.15 1.20 2.00 2.50 Bateman Highway En gineering .i. .-... 3.20 4.00 Johnson Modern Frame Structures Pt. I . 2.80 i 3.50 Logn's Constitutional Law 5.40 6.00 Norris and Landis Phy- . sical Diagnosis .'. ... 7.60 9.50 During the six months ending Jan uary 1, 1929, the Book Exchange sold $16,427.06 worth of books. The margin above cost -at the publisher's plant, was $2,463.82 or 18 per cent from which must come all expense items before any profit isshown. t FOR RENT , ,. For Rent: 2 rooms and bath. Suitable' for light housekeeping. Closed in. Mrs. W. M. Adams at corner Church and Rosemary St. DR. R. R. CLARK DENTIST , ' Office Over Bank of Chapel Hill Telephone 385 Here comes a man with a letter on his sweater. Invariably his bear ing expresses confidence in himself without conceit. ; The letter seems to make him look and feel better; and it ' certainly , should. . It stands for more hard routine work than most people realize. And. here comes an honor student who has let muscular exercise go to the dogs. You can tell it by looking - at him. Alongside of him walk two other honor students who give sthe "appearance of having just come from a workout and a shower. Evidently they have a well Most Sugar - Daddy Girls Are Sjcandalous! All of Them Are Fascinating! "" Here's One Worthy of Your Heart! ' Theluxurious' sophisticated Daisy was to have the wisdom of a bitter experience. For. Rolls-Royce girls shouldn't flirt with bus-riding dough boys. " But Daisy flirted. And she then faced the disillusionment of two lovers. A lover who would have thrown" her charms away. And a .lover who would have kept them forever. THE SHOPWORN ANGEL'' FEATURING NANCY CARROLL GARY COOPER Added Features Cas. Horton Comedy "Vacation Waves" Pathe Review TODAY ONLY WED. Lew Cody in "SINGLE MAN" - - - - ' TODAY ' ONLY THUR.-FRI Ronald Colman in "RESCUE" 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.75 1.20 Send , the TAR HEEL H021E. LEARN THE PIANO IN TEN LESSONS TENOR-BANJO OR MANDOLIN IN FIVE LESSONS , FOR RENT . For Rent: Large furnished double room. Jiose m. Mrs. WM. Adams at corner Church and Rosemary St. 'Without nerve-racking, heart-breaking scales and ? exercises. You are taught to play by note in regular pro fessional chord - style. In your very first lesson you will be able to 'play a popular number by note. . SEND FOR IT ON APPROVAL The "Hallmark Self -.Instructor,"1 is the title of this method. Eight years were required to' perfect this great work. The entire course with the necessary examination .sheets, is bound in one volume. The firstf lesson is un sealed which the student may examine and be his own "JUDGE and JURY." The-later part of the "Hallmark Self Instructof," is sealed. Upon the student returning any ennv of the "Hallmark Self-Instruc- tort'f witlLthe'seal un-broken, we will refund in full all money paid. This amazing Self -Instructor will be sent anywhere. You do not need ; to send any money. When you receive this new method of teaching music. Deposit with the Postman the sum of ten dollars. 11 you are not entirely satisfied, the money paid will be re turned in full, unon written request The Publishers are anxious to place this "Self -Instructor", in the hands of music lovers all over the country, and is in a position to make an attractive proposition to agents. Send for your copy today. Address The "Hallmark Self-Instructor" Station G, Post Of fice, Box 111, New York, N. Y. LUDl ' Lost: - Small black purse with brown clasp, containing $10. LoSt somewhere between the ' Carolina Inn and Franklin St. If found please return to Tar Heel office. SPECIAL Fresh Home-Baked - at -t Pies Mips Coffee. )i)op Come in and Tell Us Your Favorite Pie THIS WEEK'S WINNERS OF FREE MEALS D B. Browning W. E. Wilkins R. H. Whitaker Young Smith Willis Wichard F. V. Zappa J. P. Fagan Wm. Edgerton The English American line is ready for -your inspection. 200 of the, newest fabrics to select your spring suit. $28- k $ar - -at-- SOL LIPLIAN'S 1 1 - -1 - . 1 ' 1 IBB wJ?y BUILD YOURSELF A CAMEL SMOKE-SCREEN . : ' ' . -; .- We claim, with good evidence to back us, that a cool cloud of Camel smoke is a practically perfect protective smoke-screen. Outside the charmed circle of its mellow fragrance, troubles and worries and . ..- . .. :-. - .- V : : . .- : . - v " "' sundry pothers hover baffled. Within, , all is peace, pleasure, content That's our story and we stick to it. Have a Camel! 1929 RV(J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, , WIN ST O N - S A LE M, N. C. 33 . Redu on very tiling For Cash Only hard I. A A 9