Saturday, February 2, 1929 T H E TAR HEEL Parrs Hires MiMMJj MAT AID)' MIT TIMS TO MEET VIMIA FO m TOMGET FRESHT.IEN WILL ENGAGE TEAMS MOON IN AFI Varsity Wrestlers Will Take on P. I. While Mitmen Engage V. M. I. FIislb toms Win Go Tiltt? Deke Tomigluy: - Captain Ruf us Hackney "The Tar Heel boxers, undefeated this season and Southern Conference champs of last year, with the wrestl ing team will make their home debut here tonight in a double-header exhi bition against the strong V. M I. ca dets and the V. P. I. Gobblers. The Tar Heel wrestlers will meet the'V. P. I. matmen; Conference champions of the past three years, at 7 o'clock, and at 8:30 the North Carolina box ers will engage the V. M. I. challeng ers. Both Tar Heel teams are unde feated this year, and bbth are prim- ing hard for victories in their initial appearances before the home fans. Wrestling prospects took a slump today when it was learned that Cap tain Gene Thompson, star 125-pound-er, would be out of the meet due to the rigors of Law School exams. Zealy will probably replace Captain Thomp son. Tentative lineup for the other posts shows Abbott, veteran letter man, 145 pounds; Moore, 155 pounds; ; and a host of sophomores who have been showing up especially well Stallings, 115 pounds; Woodard, 135 pounds; Cowper, 165 pounds; Stone, 175 pounds; and Thompson or Mc Kinney, unlimited. Coach Quinlan has the best wrestling material he has had since coming to the Univer sity, and the Tar Heels will be out to disturb the unmolested three-year championship of the. Gobblers. Tonight's meet will be the third of the season for the North Carolina Conference " Champions. Previous victories ' have been won over . South Carolina and V. P. I., and the Tar Heels will be pointing hard to keep their season slate clean. The follow ing men will toss their gloves into the ring to defend last year's Confer ence honors against the invading Vir ginian team: Vaughn, featherweight; Goodridge, lightweight; Allen, wel terweight, and Captain Brown, mid dleweight, will be the big guns in the Tar Heel boxing attack. Brown and Allen are lettermen of last year, 5 Brown Conference champ Jn his weight. To complete the lineup will probably be Sheffield, bantamweight; Davis, light heavyweight, and War ren, heavyweight. ' - - .-- DOWN GOBBLERS IN FAST GAME Satterfield, Diminutive Forward, Features Offensive of Ashmore Five. Tar Heel Forward Ruf us Hackney, star forward, and captain of the University basketball team!, is the second of his family to head the baskteters during the past three years. Hackney hails from Durham, and is now playing his third year of varsity basketball. COLLINS PICKS "PAPER TEAMS" Eleven Games on the Schedule To Take Place One Each Saturday. The Tar Baby wrestling team will open a double-header , yearling affair as they meet the V. P. L freshmen this afternoon in the Tin Can at two o'clock. Following this meet the Tar Heel freshmen boxing team wff lock horns with the V. M. i. first year team: the first bout will beein at four o'clock. The probable line-up for the Tar Baby mitmen will be as follows: ban tanweight, Gray; 129 pounds, Todd; 139 pounds, Redwine; 149 pounds, Farris; 159, pounds, Tom Parsons; light heavyweight, Avery; heavy weight, George Buchan. The wrestling team lineup' for the Carolina freshmen will with but a. few changes be the same that jour neyed to Washington and Lee last Saturday. State College Frat House Burns Down The fraternity house of the State College chapter of the "Sigma Nu fra ternity was considerably damaged by fire of unknown origin late last Sat urday night. The house, one of the new homes on Clark avenue, was prac tically ruined. The chapter will probably move into a dormitory sec tion on the campus until next Septem ber, it was stated by one of the mem bers. None of the members was at home at the time of the fire, the alarm be ing turned in by an Oak Ridge cadet who noticed the fire in passing along the street. The rooms of the upper story were ruined, and those of the lower water-soaked. Boren Stars at Three Positions on Team Los Angeles (IP) The 'Univer sity of Southern California had a ver satile football player in the person of Charley Boren, who" played his last game for the Trojans against Notre Dame. Boren will be graduated next June with the honor of having star red at three positions on the eleven, in doing which he proved himself one of the most efficient players in Sou thern California football history. He played one year as a halfback, one as an end, and one as a running guard. In addition, he has a splendid scho lastic record, Once more Kenan Stadium will vnot be idle. After two weeks of practice, Col lins has selected four "paper" teams; Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia Tech. South Carolina, and Georgia will play the first game of the winter season this afternoon in Kenan Stadium. ' ' ' Georgia has three lettermen' and two freshmen who made their numerals, while South Carolina has the same number of lettermen and five freshmen that made their numerals. Also Georgia has two holes in their backfield to fill due to the temporary absence of Ward and Slusses because of injuries. It is evident that South Carolina has a slight edge over Geor gia, but a close .game is expected, nevertheless. Each team has its own coaches. South Carolina is coached by Howard and Enright, Georgia by Young anci Femer, Virginia by Sapp and Cer ney and Tech by Schwartz, Gresham, and Fetzer. After each game, the members of the winning team attend the Carolina as quests of Mr. Smith. At the end of the season, a cup will be awarded to the team winning the championship. Schedule: February 2. S. C. vs. Ga. February 6, S. C. vs. Va. February 9, Tech vs. Ga. February 13, Ga. vs. Va. February 16, S. C. vs. Tech February 20, S. C. vs. Ga. February 23, Tech vs. Va. March 2, Ga. vs. Va. March 6, Tech vs. Va. 1 March 13, Championship March 9, Monogram Men vs. New Men. Plays Football for Six Hours in Six Games Seattle, Wash. ( IP ) Three hun dred and sixty-six minutes, or exactly six hours of football in six conference games is the record this year of Charles Carroll, University of Wash ington halfback. He did not miss a minute of play during the. season. This is believed to a world's record for football players, at least in more modern times. The University of North Carolina will stage a football season of its own during the next seven weeks, with two regular scheduled games each week to furnish interest to grid fans. The Tar Heel football squad, out for winter maneuvers, will be divided into four separate teams of nearly equal strength and play scheduled sixty minute games every Wednesday and Saturday after next week. FROSH TAKE HARD ONE FROM V. P. I. Hutchinson Again Is High Light of Game With Nine Points To His Credit. Again Thursday night the Tar Ba bies continued their custom "of start ing off double-headers right when they scored a decisive twhty-five to nineteen win over the V. P. I. fresh men. The fray was the hardest fought one that the Carolina fresh men have played this season arid the cadets presented the strongest offense that they have yet run up against." Coach Beldihg sent his first string guards and his second string forwards and center in the fray at the start. These men played a fast brand of ball and more than matched the strong of fensive of the Cadets. The game started off with each team getting under way rather slowly. ' As the period went on the lea shifted back and forth quite often. fJus before the half the Tar Babies drew out a head and held their lead until the whistle. At half-time the score stood 13 to 9 in favor of Carolina. Green, Sachs, and Reid replace MooreJohn son and Meyers at the opening of the last half, for the Tar Babies. All dur ing this period the Cadets made a spirited rally and the Tar Babies found difficulty in coping success fully with theif attack. However, again near the end of the half the freshmen sank shots to cinch the lead which they held until the end of the game. Garner, captain, Chandler and Tibbs were outstanding for V. P. I. Captain Garner at guard led the scoring with a total of ten" points. The other Ca det points were credited to Chandler and Tibbs, the former ringing up 5 and the latter 4. The floor work of the entire Cadet team deserves men tion especially their following of shots and sinking the. ball on the rebound. Jenks Hutchinson, again led the Tar Baby attack with 9 points! The former Charlotte high school guard has been either high scorer or runner up in every game the freshmen have played to date. Johnson, another Charlotte boy, followed Hutchinson with 5 points. Moore, Greene and Meyers with 3 and Sach with 2 points completed the scoring. Tonight the Tar Babies will meet the Puke freshmen at Duke in the curtain raiser to the varsity game. This will be their last gamev before they leave for a trip to Virginia next week. Three or four games t be played after the Virginia v trip com plete the schedule for the Tar Ba bies. Lime for the mortar In Old East building is made from oyster shells brought up the Cape Fear to Fayette ville and thence hauled by wagons to Chapel Hill. . In a fast contest replete with thrills, the University's basketball team de feated the V. P. I. Gobblers in the Tin Can here Thursday night, 33 to 27, to mark its seventh Southern Confer ence victory of the season. Carolina's succession of recent Conference vic tories places the Tar Heels definitely among Hhe strongest contenders for' Southern basketball honors this year. The visitors jumped off to. an early lead - and had scored six points be fore the Tar Heels tallied. Satter field replaced Price at forward for the Heels and the old scoring of Hackney and Satterfield began functioning in fine fashion. With the whole squad affording good defense, the White Phantons caught the Gobblers two minutes before the half-time, and led at the intermission, 15 to 12. The Tar Heels seemed to have struck their stride, and were-never headed again. Henry Satterfield, diminutive for ward, was clearly the shining light of the Carolina victory. He sank four field goals and three one-pointers for 11 points and high-scoring honors for the night, besides leading the floor work and f ollowrup f or his team, Captain Ruf us Hackney, Satter- field's running mate, tallied 9 points to be runner-up in scoring honors for the contest. Marpet and Brown, play ing their first season at the varsity guard positions, featured as a power ful defense for the Heels. Brown turned in 7 points and Marpet 4, in addition to their good defensive play. Captain Brown at center, Rice for ward, and McEyerJ guard, were the stars in the Gobbler's aggregation. Price and Darner on, playing but a short while, were the only Heels who failed to score, while two Gobbler sub stitutes also missed getting in the scoring column. Carolina's victory over V. P. I. gave the Tar Heels a percentage of .875 in Southern Conference competition The only defeat sustained thus far within the Conference is the 28 to 25 trimming by South Carolina here 're cently. Since" then, the Tar Heels l. j V ' nave got revenge oy winning over the Gamecocks in Columbia. The Heels seven conference wins have been over, as many teams, the victims being: Kentucky, Tennessee, N. C. State, Virginia, South Carolina, Geor gia, and V. P. I. North Carolina engages Duke in Durham tonight in what will probably be the most important single game for the Tar Heels in the state. So far this season, Carolina has won allof its "Big Five" contests, having de feated Davidson, Wake Forest, ' and N. C. State in order. Duke has been defeated but once in the state this year, and that by State. It is well understood in state basketball circles that Duke has a formidable array of court stars, and it is consequently ex pected that the Tar Heels must ex tend themselves tonight to continue their clean N slate within the state. Carolina teams customarily rise to the occasion when tough opposition is en countered, and surely Coach Ash more's proteges will hit " a strong stride tonight. "WiSiWcV-:-:vjf--:.:- Henry Satterfield, diminutive for ward, who was the shining light in the game against V.. P. I. Thursday night. He dropped in four field-goals and three one-pointers for high scorer. Gets Out Report on Incomes and Living Costs of Faculty According to James Rowland An- gell, president of Yale University, The problem presented by academic salaries is in many ways the most urgent now confronting American education." Dr. Angell has been in strumental in getting out a report en titled "Incomes and Living Costs of a University . Faculty." This is a report on the academic standard of living made by a com mittee appointed by the Yale Chapter of the American Association of Uni versity Professors. The facts which it brings forward present a very def inite contrast between the salaries of university professors and the sal aries of men engaged in other prof es- sions. Send the TAR HEEL home. $3.00 per college year. Hinton James of the lower Cape Fear section was the first student of the University of North Carolina. He was here two weeks before an other student arrived. . LEARN THE PIANO I IN TEN LESSONS TENOR-BANJO OR MANDOLIN IN FIVE - LESSONS 'Phone Coin Slots Left Open; Boys Take Advantage Easton, Pa. -(IP) The coin slot in the public pay telephone at La fayette college recently was left open when the phone was installed, and as a result "all the money used in making calls was returned. Not a few stu dents took advantage of this as soon as it became generally known, and the telephone did a thriving business in long distance calls. The boys called home and the girl friends, all over the country, for nothing. When they returned from Thanks giving .vacation, however, they were somewhat chagrined to learn that the telephone company had traced their calls, and had taken advantage of the vacation to distribute bills for payment. Not as few students are broke. Ohio University Boy Killed in Auto Wreck Columbus, Cv (IP) Joseph Weiss, sity was instantly killed recently 19, a student at .Ohio State univer when he was thrown from an auto mobile as it plunged. into a ditch. The University of North Carolina first opened its doors on January 15, 1795. Without nerve-racking, heart-breaking scales and exercises. You are taught to play by note in regular pro fessional chord style. In your very first lesson you will be able to play a popular number by note. - a SEND FOR IT ON APPROVAL i The "Hallmark Self-Instructor," is the title of this method. Eight years were required to pferf ect this great work. The entire course with the necessary examination sheets, is bound in one volume. The first lesson is un sealed which the student may examine and be his own "JUDGE and JURY." The later part of the "Hallmark Self Instructor," is sealed.. Upon the student returning any copy of the "Hallmark Self -Instructor" with the seal un-broken, we will refund in full all money paid. ' This amazing Self -Instructor will be sent anywhere. , You do not need to send any money. When you receive this new method of teaching music. Deposit with the Postman the sum of ten dollars. If you are not entirely satisfied, the money paid will be re turned m full, upon written request The Publishers are anxious to place this "Self -Instructor" in the hands of music lovers all over the country, and is in a position to make an attractive proposition to agents. Send for your copy today. Address The "Hallmark Self -Instructor" Station" G, Post Of fice, Box 111, New York, N. Y. . M3DT h rk mi 1 tii 1 Spggihek ?4m0 Dfp DlfPiif 1 AiEdf f MCI B I MA iOif 1 ft I Jf it University Book and Stationery Co. (Sutton Bldg.) The Pines is the favorite rendezvous for Club Gatherings, Bridge Luncheons and Fraternity get-togethers. We solicit this kind of patronage, feeling certain that everyone will be highly pleased. Mrs. Vickers has the happy faculty for assisting in the preparation for such functions and will cheerfully render her as sistance to make such gatherings a huge success. For those as sociations and organizations which like to have dancing as a feature of their program we offer our dance floor. For a simple luncheon or a banquet, The Pines solves the problem. THE PINES TEA ROOM Chapel Hill Boulevard 4 Miles from Chapel Hill WHO WANTS A CHEAP FORD? We have a few and if you want one as" bad as we want to get rfd of one don't fail to come in. MacMiSlaEi Motor C Chevrolet Sales and Service i

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