Salurdav. Februarv 16. 1929 T HE TARHEEL Mil o )) M M ilfC'l. Ma AI- t n ?- Clash Scheduled to Start at c 8:30 in the Tin Can tonight - Carolina victory Will Assure The Championship for ,' Ashmore's Men. North Carolina's collegiate basket ball championship for 1929 will be very much in the balance when the University's Tar Heels meet Duke's Blue Devils in the Tin Can tonight. A Carolina victory will assure the University of championship honors, while a win for Duke will deadlock the teams at the top of the rating ladder. This statement is made in lieu of the fact that Davidson, with but a single" loss to date, is booked fni. fmtT "Ri'tr FivA cramps on successive nights next week; and that the Wild cats have a most difficult problem to utilize "the, mathematical chance they have.. V , The University's record for this week on the court shows two Big Five victories, over Wake Forest and N. C. State. The Demon Deacons proved an easy victim, being snowed under by an avalanche of goals, 11 to 34. The State-Carolina game- is another story, however. It was with difficulty that the Phantoms eeked out a yone-point win over the State quint, 34 to 357 Carolina's game with State .in Ra leigh Wednesday night was as hectic an affair as a Big Five or Southern Conference jschedule has , produced. The lead shifted frequently, and not until the final whistle was the victory for either team assured. Half-time intermission found the teams dead' locked at 15-all. Carolina, led by ; Henry Satterf ield, midget f oreward, and Billy Brown, Who recently cmcnea a miard TiatTi nn the. club, led the old time Tar Heel rally in the closing minutes of the play. ' Tonight's game with Duke, as well Vi 11 it-n-n- T? "Ciira 'contest, is also a Southern Conference engagement of no mean importance. Carolina has lost but two of its 12 fVmferpTira pames. and one of these defeats was to Duke. The Phantoms will be out for revenue tonierht. 0 , VIRGINIA DOWNS n T)fn m i - n n ttvt PRACTICE GAME Winter Football Tilt Brings Out . Excellent Playing Despite ' Cold Weather. THE SPORT PAN By YARBOROUGH In ' the most colorful winter foot ball game played thus far, "Virginia" downed "Georgia" 7 to 6 Wednesday afternoon on Freshman Field. De spite the intense cold and a continu ous fall of snow, few fumbles werei made and the opposing backs showed up well. $ . , -Neither teamcame within, striking distance of their opponent's goal line during the first half. "Virginia" received at the beginning-of the sec ond half but had to punt shortly af ter. "Georgia" was held at the ten yard line and Suggs recovered a fum ble for "Virginia's" touchdown. Jack son passed over left end to Tabb for the winning point. - -'- "Georgia" then received and car ried the ball to the fifty-yard line. Two first-downs 'followed in quick succession, and Slusser' ran the re maining thirty yards after receiving a pass from Spaulding. The try for the extra point failed. Farris and Underwood for '"Geor gia" and Gilbrea'th for "Virginia," showed up well in the line. Honors were about equally divided in : the backfields. "Virginia" made seven first-downs to "Georgia's" six. The line-ups: . "Virginia" (7) "Georgia" (6) Tabb - Nelson Left End, 7 Manbeck .'. ..Daniel I Left Tackle Holmes White Left Guard N THE VISITORS X One thirigthe game. Monday night between the courtmen from Wake Forest and. the Phantoms of Carolina revealed was that sportmanship still existed at the University. During the early stages of-the game there were numerous opportunities for he spectators td kick. The game was close. At times it' was rough., But through it all the Carolina students refrained from kicking because they knew that .Carolina was going to win. After the halfway mark there was little need of . howling over decisions or jeering the players of either team. Carolina" jumped ut ahead with the opening whistle and stayed .there dur ing the rest of the contest. In fact the "second part of the game was x a reminder of the gridiron contest last fall between the two institutions. SATURDAY EVENING Carolina's real test will come this week-end. We thought that it was to be last Saturday night, buf 'the boxing bouts and wrestling contest were so decisively in, Carolina's favor that there was no reason for kicking. We are told that everything went off smoothly. ' But Saturday night there will be real test. The fast traveling horde of Blue Devils farom Duke University will in vade the Tin Can with high hopes of making it two straight wins over the Heels on the court. Accompany ing this team will be quite a few Duke students for they would relish the op portunity of seeing Carolina whipped on its-own court by a Duke team. it is seldom that they "have that' chance. They think they will have it this week end. During the contest staged two weeks ago-in the Duke gymnasium the con duct of the spectators was far from sportsmanlike. - Jeers and boos mark ed the whole game and it seems that the Carolina players were the butt, of most of the jeering. ,vr-, . : . , - .- We will have our chance to return those jeers Saturday evening.. But is Carolina going to stoop that lowf Beating that team will be enough The five men that begin the game against the Devils should show them that we do not need jeers and hoots to win a game. In fact the more gentlemanly the spectators conduct themselVes the greater will be the victory over the Dukemen. Whatever the outcome of the game there should be no demonstration other than that befitting a University We do not need impress ourselves on our visitors in any other way than being gentle men at all times. Carolina has been a University too long for it to be necessary for the students to jeer and hoot opposing players. Small colleges and high schools practice' that sort of thing to win games. We can win them easier by being good sports. THE WEATHER j Coach , Collins has been having a hard time getting his winter gridders down to real work l,ately. Whenever there is a game scheduled it ; seems that it rains or the weather is too bad to play. Two games have been played late. Others will played late. This naturally cuts down the attendance at these games. But if the weather permits there should be much better attendance at the com ing winter games. Good exhibitions of footbalr are given m those con tests and then too it gives one an in side glance as' to Carolina's prospects for the coming fall campaign. Usually the stars of winter foot ball show up great during the regular season. ' Several outstanding men 6f the 1928 football season were "stars during the preceding winter practice, Unusual ' ability is shown by many players during the winter season and we have f ound it almostvas enjoyable to Watch a winter, game as it . is to watch a regular intercollegiate contest. Ones thing that adds much to these games is that usually the spectators know all the players.' There is no ne cessity to leariover and ask one's neighbor who that man is carrying the ball or kicking or whatever he may be doing. One knows the players and one gets to know something about football watching the games. EXTRACTS The Greensboro Daily News acknowledged with thanks the news that Coach Tebell of State College was showing consideration for the news papers by, moving the varsity games tjhdef e'ated Boxers to Meet Washington . and Lee -Today up to an earlier starting time. . This gives the newspapers a better chance to get the accounts of the games into the early editions. Sometimes the Tar Heel attempts, to get accounts of games into thenext day's paper, but too often it happens to be that these games are played too late to get into the "Tar Heel. With the innovation adopted at State it will aid in getting accounts of" these .games m time for the Tar Heel. .,- It would be a good move if the Caro lina off icials would provide the same accomodations, for the newsmen. ' FROSHCAGEMEN PLAY DUPLETS EARLY TONIGHT Tonight's Appearance Will Be Last of Year Here for Tar Babies. THOMPSON WILL RETIIRNTOTEAM Captain of Wrestlers Will Prob ably Return to Berth against State February 21. Captain Gene Thompson, leader of the University wrestling team, who has not fought in the last three or four meets, will very probably break into "the line-up against N. C. State bn February 21. '- The star 125-pounder has been kept off the mat two weeks by mid-term law examinations. Thompson was among the eleven law students from the University Law School who re cently passed the 'North Carolina" Bar. Moreover, the fact, that he was in the infirmary for three days pre vented his participating in the last try-out, ' ' ' Captain Thompson, however," is ex pected to lead the Tar Heel grapplers when they meet State February 21. " " Collins and Graham to Talk to Alumni Cltibs TAR HEEL PUGS HAVE WON ALL ME OF MEETS Line-up May Be Changed for Scrap With the Generals. , The State College freshmen threw a check into the Tar Babies' march to ward the state championship Wed nesday night when they ran wttd to defeat them thirty-two ibo v eighteen. The Carolina freshmen held one de cision over the Techlets and by their play in the first half seemed slated to ring up another win. The ..half ended with the score twelve all. Com ing back in the final period the State frosh flashed the strongest attack that has , been seen in freshman circles this : year and proceeded to rout the Carolina quint. Johny Green was the offensive star for Belding's men, while the pass work of the entire State team was the feature of the game. Tonight the Tar Babies are schedul ed to appear as the opening attraction on the bill to be run off in the Tin Can. This will mark the last ap pearance of this year's edition of the Tar Babies. In their; first game this season the Duke freshmen nosed out a win over the Carolina freshmen and defeated them forty to thirty-five in an extra-period game. - Tonight the Tar Babies will be out for revenge and the fray should be close. Gilbreath Wilson Adkins Longuest Wyrick Jackson Heller,. Suggs Center Right Guard iT.. Jf. ,......... Right Tackle Right End Quarterback Left Half Right Half Skinner -.'. Fysal Underwood ... v Parsley Taylor Redf em Slusser ... Spalding DR. R. R. CLARK DENTIST Office Over Bank of Chapel Hill Telephone 385 $50 REWARD $50 Fullback Scores by periods ".Virginia" - 0 "Georgia" 0 0 0 7 6 P 07 00 $50 Reward for information leading to the recovery of a platinum watcl with the initials E. S. P. inlaid in golc in the back, taken from 24 Steele r E. S. PENN. DR7. J. P. JONES Dentist Over Welcome-In Cafeteria PHONE 5761 -V- T POPE-CROWDER CO. Chapel . Hill, N. C. More Goods for Same Money Same Goods for Less Money Everything That's All! Chuck Collins, football coach, and Dr. Frank Graham, of the History department, will make talks before several Alumni clubs, according to J. Maryon .Saunders, secretary of the General ( Alumni Association. Coach Collins will speak before the Alumni club at Fayetteville, N. C, on March' 4, and Dr. Graham will address the Winston-Salen Alumni club on March 5. ' ' .. , - That good looking clothes do create a good impression ' was recently demonstrated in one of Georgia Tech's classrooms, when .the professor as serted that he always gave better grades to those who wore white shirts and good-looking tiesi The same instructor recently sent a student to his room to change his sweater for a coat. The student re turned dressed in full tuxedo attire. The University of North Carolina boxers, undefeated this season, will tackle their sixth conference foe when they take on the Washington and Lee puglists in the Tin Canjthis afternoon at 4 o'clock. Followers of the Tar Heels should see a . good meet as Carolina has, made a splendid record thus far this season, having won five meets from some of the- most outstanding teams in the Conference. The starting line-up will probably be the same as in the last few meets. This will include "Vaughn, tiny ban tam, who is only one of the five pro mising sophomores who' are on the Tar Heel team. He has won all of his fights so far including a decision over the conference champion in his weight. Sheffield and Goodridge, also sopho mores, will fight in the featherweight and lightweight scraps. In the wel terweight and middleweight divisions the JTar Heels are well ' fortified Archie Allen and . Captain Charlie Brown, the only veterans on the team. will take care pf these two weights. Both of these men have hung up envi able records during their varsity ca reers. , ' The heavyweight burden falls on another pair of sophomores. . Obie Davis, weighing only 150 pounds, is scrapping in the light-heavyweight di vision, ana is giving ail opponents a tough time of it. John Warren is holding down the heavyweight berth in capable fashion. Warren is a younger brother of Ad Warren, the North Carolina heavyweight, who cap tained the Carolina team two years ago. ; ' ' ; ; ; The Tar Heel boxing team will in vade the lair of the Duke fighterson Tuesday night. This meet promises to be one of the closest and most in teresting of the season. When the Tar Heels lock horns with the Blue Devils . in any sport, a great amount of inter est is attached to it. The Blue Devils are pointing to the Carolina meet as their most impertant scrap. The two teams are evenly matched. Both Carolina and Duke have met and defeated V. M. I., V. P. I., Flori da, and Virginia. Duke suffered only one defeat last year, but that was at the hands of the Tar Heels, and they hope for revenge. - A large number of Carolina followers will probably be at the ring side in Durham helping the Carolina team on toward further state and Conference honors. Will Celebrate Founder's Day at Meredith College ; Mereaitn college ; will celebrate Founder's Day on February 15 with a service commemorating the comple tion of thirty years of college history. At 11:00 a. m. Dr. Vann, for fifteen years president of the institution, will deliver the main address of the occa sion. This talk will probably have to do with reminiscences and the his tory of the college. . Dr? Vann's address will be preceded by the invocation and by an anthem, "Be Strong in the Lord," by Harris, to be sung by the college choir. A second anthem, "Peace I Leave With You," by Roberts," will follow the ad dress. , , This program will be followed in the afternoon by a tea, at which the faculty of the college will "receive from 4:30 till 6:00 o'clock in the col lege parlors. Students of the Univer sity are reminded that, all friends f of Meredith College are invited to be nfesent bn both occasions. a In the, evening. from eight till ten" o'clock the student government re ception will be held in the library. Invitations have been issued f or tliis event. r 1 You will find' here more tfian the average number of shoe styles just suited to the college man's tdstc. John Wards are preeminent as the shoes that college " men . prefer. Vr MEN'S SHOES See tKem on display at , STETSON "D" SHOP Kluttz Building Chapel Hill, N. C. ' 99 n o ILaeinidlered. EARLY THIS WEEK' for the Law Engineering and Grail Dances U. C. S. P.

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