Tuesday, March 5, 1929 TH.E..TAR HEEL Pacre Threa Best Team Ever Produced at University - . : i y ' : ; , Wa 4l38arri r; s """x CqacH chuck. . -. msuw.'. DEVILS EIIMTE MTEPHANTOQIS Dope Bucket Completely Over turned as Heels Are Prodded Out of Race by Duke. IZS KB.' Pictured above are r members of the 1929 wrestling squad aMhe University of North Caro lina. This squad has made the best record since the mat game was introduced at the University several years ago. These boys have defeated Washington and Lee, V. P. I., Virginia, and David son, and lost to Duke and V. M. I. ' Boxers STATE RIFLEMEN ' 0UTSH00T HEELS $ . ' s ' Will Hold Practice for Further ' Meets Wednesday Night; Southern California Next. The CaroRna rifle . team held its second match of the season last Fri day night by shooting against N. C. State and Cleveland Tech. These were telegraphic matches and the re , suits of the Cleveland Tech team have not been received, , but State has been heard from, and they wonvover Carolina by a score of 1,364, to 1,168. The team at N. C. State 'is reputed the best rifle team in the South' and they proved it last week by shooting a 1,364 out of a possible 1,500. s - Ten men shoot during a match but only the five ; highest, scores are counted and turned in. to the offices of the "National Rifle Association who sponsor the matches. The members of the team who shot clast- Triday night are (names appearing in the order of their Scores) : Miles, Kellogg, Parker, Colburn, Denning, , Wiley, Holmes, Cooper, and Galland. The manager of .the team wishes to announce that there will be a prac tice Wednesday, night in preparation for the matches to . be 'held Friday night against the University of Southern California and Lawrence College. , - ' The Freshman team held a match against the N. C. State Freshmen last Thursday night and won by a defaujt because the officials at State could not gather the required mini mum of five men to shoot. v The five hiVViPst. scorers of - the freshman match were John Wilmont, W. Oc Sutherland, J. S. White, T. G. Pear son, and G. N. Pierce. . , The manager also wishes to an nounce that practice for the fresh men will be held every 'Monday night. All men who expect to be candi dates for the varsity track squad this spring are to meet at Emerson Field Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock to secure equipment so that the picture for the 7 Yackety Yack may, be taken at 3:30. This will be the only picture taken during the year so all men who expect to "beout this spring must be present. All lettermen in track are to meet at 2:30 Wednesday. afternoon ff or in dividual pictures'at the stadium. , Allen Wins Conference Cham pionship in Lightweight Divi sion; Warren Gets Man. The University of North Caroling won the annual Southern Confer ence boxing tournament at Char lottesville on Saturday night, scor ing 15 and one half points to Flori da's 13 and one half points. Tulane University was third with nine points; V. P. I., fourth with five and one-half points. Duke and South Carolina tied for fifth place with five points each. v John Warren. . Tar Heel heavv- weight saved the day for the Tars weigni, saveu me aay lor me iars, . ' and enabled the champions to retain. sfortuiie and managed to secure: WRESTLERS BOW DOWN TO CADETS Freshmen Snatch Victory from Cadetlets; Stone Is Highlight of Varsity Meet. As the curtain dropped on the 1929 wrestling season, the North Carolina Tar Heels bowed their heads to a 19 to 9 defeat administered to them by the victorious V M. I. Cadets last Saturday afternoon. The Tar Babies were ableto elude .part of the wrath If the country was as much con cerned abqut the prevention of auto mobile accidents as about the preven tion of flu,-we wouldn't be so badly their title by knocking but Norman Crews jof Florida, in the fourth round of the last consolation match. , Archy Allenmade a great showing at the Tournament, winding up with a victory over Captain . Carper of puke, who had won all $f his fights this: year including six by- knockouts. This victory gave Allen the confer ence -championship in the lightweight division. Seven' new champions were crown ed after the final bouts. They are : Martin, Duke, bantamweight ;xO'Con nell, Florida, featherweight; Allen, North Carolina, lightweight; Curry, Florida, welterweight; Hass, Tulane, middleweight; Pattie, V. P. I., light heavyweight, and Wolfe, South Caro lina, heavyweight. 'The Tar. Heels, won the meet by sending five men' through the, first round, f our- through thg semi-finals, and one through the finals. . The tournament was' a great suc cess. Eight teams" representing all sections of .the conference sent teams to the meet, and the championships in the various' -weights were divided among six different teams. . There will be an important meet ing of .the Monogram Club Wednes day night at 9 o'clock in Gerrard Hall. At this time the plans for the arihual monogram football game will be discussed. Also the question of championship team and individual emblems -will be discussed." " Thursday morning at Chapel period the club, will meeji at the Law building for its picture. " Winners of the Intramural " tag football,' basketball, boxing land wrestling are to meet Wednesday afternoon at 4' o'clock at the Tin Can for the Yackety Yack picture. This will be the only picture taken so all men are urged to be present Gee, its a wonderful relief to be living in a world that is absolutely pledged foot to resort to war, unless run down. Atlanta Constitution, lit feels like it. Ohio State Journal by victory in the last match, a dead locked score, 14 to 14. t " At the end of the fourth match in the varsity meet the score stood 6 to 6 for all -parties concerned, each team having come through with two time, advantages. However by ob taining 13 out of Id, of the point! in the final matches, the Virginia mat men secured their margin of .victory. The feature performance V-of the afternoon was in the 175 lb. division when after-battling through an extra period Stone, Carolina, was found to have, a time advantage of 38 seconds and a victor. ? Summary: , 115 lb. class Stallings, UNC, de f ea ted . Thompson time advantage 2 minutes 50sseeonds. 125 lb. class Captain Field, V. M. I., defeated Captain Thompson, time advantage 4 minutes 20 seconds.. 135 lb. class Robertson, V. M. I., defeated Woodard time advantage 1 minute 43 seconds, 145 lb. class Abbott, v UNC, de feated ' Nichols . time, advantage minutes 3 seconds. ; ... 155 lb. class Talman, V. M. I., de feated Moore time advantage 8 minutes. 165 -lb. class--McCrary, V. M. L, defeated Cowper by fall 9 minutes 36 seconds. 175 lb. class Stone, UNC, defeat ed Parker time advantage, V extra period, 6a seconds. Unlimited Smith, V. M I., de feated Fergerson time advantage 6 minutes 53 seconds. The North" Carolina freshmen com ing ,from behind in the heavyweight divisions were able to snatch victory from the hands of the Rats from V. M, I. and substitute in its place a deadlocked 14 to 14 tie. This tie en abled the Tar Babies to' claim a spot less season against some of the best teams in the' South Atlantic states. 'Summary: - 115 lb. class Edwards, UNC, de feated Mo'ore by fall 2 minutes 5 seconds. . . . - ' North -Carolina marked finis to its 1929 season of intercollegiate basket ball on Saturday knight last when it was eliminated by Duke in the quar ter final round of the Southern Con ference Tournament in Atlanta. This, the ninth series of championship con tests to be officially staged in Atlanta has-been replete with, upsets; and, assuredly, Carolina's defeat at the hands of its neighboring rivals pro vided as unexpected an .overturn of the proverbial . "dope bucket" as the tourney has provided. In the first day's play, the University's varsity scored the most - impressive victory of the qualifying round of the tourna ment, turning back the " aggressive Aggies from, Mississippi by an over whelming margin? But the second day of play saw the "terrible Tar Heels' fall from the lead along with such highly-tooted .quints as Wash ington and Lee, Kentucky, Tulane, and the dark-horse .Clemson, " which had just the day before trounced Georgia Tech's flashy five. The semi finals of the tournament last 4 night found ' N. C. State engaging Mississ ippi, last year's champions, and Duke playing Georgia, a much-favored con tender for this year's I title. The Con ference champions-will be r crowned after-tonight's finals.' . Carolina's season on the. court this year has been quite' successful. ' The Tar Heels annexed the State, title handily, suffering but-a single loss out of eight "Big Five" starts. In pre-tournament Southern Conference games, the Phantoms stood second only to Washington and Lee in the official rating. The University's sea son with Conference teams I netted the Heels 12 victories over Ken tucky, Tennessee, , South Carolina, N. C. State ; twice, Georgia, Virginia twice, Maryland, V.P.I., V.M.I., and Duke and 2 losses, later avenged to Duke and South Carolina. Coaoh Jim Ashmore's coaching has contributed greatly . to7 the develop ment of a strong Phantom five this year. The university mentor was forced to mould ah aggregation a round four returning veterans as a nucleus, Captain Hackney, Satter- field, CAthey, and Price. At center, Tiny Harper, a promising but inex perienced player at , the opening of the season, came through to cinch a regular position-at the pivot post. Marpet and Brown, both rookies this season, have been turned into a pair of quite, effective guards. Satterfield and 'Hackney ended their basketball career at the University with a stel lar showing. This brilliant pair of forwards passed and shot most ef fectively this year, and have been the mainstays in the Carolina quint throughout the season. v t . ' , Co-Ed Basketeers To Play HiUsboro High Tonight A heavy schedule faces the Co-ed basketeers with three games booked for the first part of the week. Last night they played- the Apex High school team; tonight they -vdll meet HiUsboro and on Wednesday night the. Braggtown High team. h All the' games will, be called at 7:30 in the Bynum ' Gymh ' and admission price is 25 ctnts. All members of the freshman wrestl ing and boxing teams are to meet this morning at 10:30 at Emerson Stadium for a picture, v c , ' All members of- the varsity squads in boxing and wrestlingare to meet at 3:30, tomorrow afternoon at. Emer son Stadium for Yackety, Yack pic tures. - , .. : 125 lb. class Will, V. M. I., De feated Allison time 'advantage 8 minutes 24 seconds. A . 135 lb. class- Hargraves, V. M. I. defeated Weaver time advantage 8 minutes 3 seconds. V 145 lb. class Turner, V. M. I de feated Layton by fall 4 minutes 35 seconds. J 155 lb. class Spell, UNC, defeat ed Wood time advantage. 8 minutes 50 seconds. v . 165 lb. class Wright, V.'M.. I., de feated Williamson time, advantage 1 minute. 175 lb. class Leary, UNC, defeat ed Hillard time advantage 9 minutes 5 seconds. . . , Unlimited Howell, UNC, defeated Marklis time advantage 4 minutes 4 17 seconds. . CHARLOTTE IS HIGH SCORER IN TRACK CARNIVAL Team Scores of Six Colleges at Indoor Meel Are Not :v Counted. Six colleges, three freshman, teams, and 11 high schools took part in the first annual winter track and field Cirnivalxat the University of North Carolina "Saturday night. More than 125 performers were entered and ex ceptionally goodshowings were made for indoor meets in every event. Charlotte won - the high school competition. The University had the advantage in being able- to enter more men, aiidso by general agreement team scores were not counted in col lege and freshman competition.. Geor gia Tech, Georgia, Davidson, Wake Forest, and Washington and Lee en tered teams besides the ; University.' Charlotte set a "fast pace t6 win the 880-yard relay, and -with first place in the high' jump won by Wood and a series of second and third places ;had 19 points for a goodly margin Wilmington high scored ten points when Hancock won the ' 60 yard dash and Smith led the field in the 60-yard low hurdles. AsheviUe and Greensboro tied for third. ; ' - .Young, fast Georgia distance man, won the honors in the college com petition. He was Georgia's one rep resentative but a one-man track team in hiniself , winning firsts t in both mile and two mile. Cowper, Carolina, pole-vaulted 12 feet 1 1-4 inches to set a new University record. One of ' the special features of the big carnival was j the special 600-yard sprint run off between' Galen Elliott, Carolina's conference champion miler of other days, and four Carolina run ners, and Elliott pushed close behind. Cox was third, Garret fourth, and Hamer fifth. " "VIRGINIA" WINS OVER "GEORGIA" . Cavaliers Clinch Championship - of Winter Football League; . Ganie is Hard-Foaght. A U DITO RTU M DURHAM chowof t2ie vXm ()Q - RIQ6RANDL mm7VJ OF 116 CAST PEOPLE X March 5 v Matinee and Night PRICES : $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $i:00, 75c SEATS NOW 'Virginia" clinched the champion ship of 'the "winter-football league Saturday afternoon when they de feated the "Georgia" eleven 12 to 7. The game was hard fought through out and 'had it not been for several costly fumbles by the losing team, the final score might have been a little different. ., " The "Cavaliers" grained an early lead when House bucked the ball $ver "Georgia's" goal line early in the first quarter. Previous to this, Branch had passed to Heller for a gain of fifteen yards and then brought the ball to the four-yard line, by an off tackle run. The winning touchdown came in the third quarter when after "Virginia's" recovering a fumble, Branch stumbled, slid, and rolled the remaining twelve yards to score. "Georgia" succeeded in crossing the Virginia"" line in the second quarter when Farris gained thirty yards by a pass from Spaulding, and again re ceived a pass from. Spaulding .to cover the remaining twenty. Wyrick, House, and Branch cbn inued their consistent ground-gaining, and Spaulding his excellent passing and defensive work Farris, captain elect of next fall's varsity, was out standing as one of "Georgia's" half backs, While Parsley carried "off the honors in the line. Some fory million jasmine plants in France supply 1,700 tons of per fume extract a year. ' The dragon lizard of Komodo at tains a weight" of 250 pounds. You will find here " a group ojL shoes assembled, especially to meet the college man's ideas of - style and good taste. They are the result of a 30year acquaint ance with well-dressed college men's .preferences. MENfS SHOES See them on display at Stetson "D" Shop Chapel Hill, N. C. Bees are said to be color blind. 'SUBMARINE-. i .- M" ----.. .. j The Pines is the favorite rendezvous . for Club Gatherings, Bridge Luncheons and Fraternity get-togethers. We solicit this, kind of patronage, feeling certain that everyone will be highly pleased. . Mrs. Vickers has the happy faculty for assisting in the preparation foruch functions and will cheerfully render her as sistance to make such gatherings a huge success. For those as sociations and organizations which like to have dancing as a feature of their program we offer our dance floor. For a simple luncheon or a banquet, The Pines solves the problem. THE PINES TEA ROOM Chapel Hill Boulevard 4 Miles from Chapel Hill U ext Books hv develop anew blaze of interest after a breaEcfast of shredded wheat. Natural food makes ou fee! in. SHREDDED WHEAT Contains everything you need you don't. nothing Wheat sM$ vith fruit and mWli otv cream