Saturday, March 30, 1929 THE T A R HE EL Page Tlirc? G arolnia I Ancient Rivals to Clash in Rowan Capital in First of Big Five Baseball Series ; Meet Pennsylvania Today. . Meets ''iavidspii' 9v . '. , The University baseball squad -will meet the Davidson Wildcats in Salis bury next Monday afternoon in their annual Easter Monday . battle, the first of the state's "Big Five" diamond classics this season. The game, also marks the Tar Heels' first engage ment away from their home lot. The Tar Heels have one other game booked for this week. They meet the University of Pennsylvania nine here today. Which means there will be no opportunity to point for the Davidson encounter. Special arrangements for the oc casion are being made by 'Carolina and Davidson alumni in the Rowan capital, including entertainment, for the two teams and the large number of visitors expected. The game always draws a large crowd. Jim Ball, the only veteran pitcher on the University squad, southnawed the Tar Heels to a 3 to 0 shut-out victory in the Easter Monday classic last year, and it may be that Coach Ashmore will give Ball another crack -at the Presbyterian rivals. Ball star ted the opening game with Springfield College here on Monday, but poor sup- .port proved his downfall. Next-Monday will see the entire JTar Heel team steadied by battle, however, and any pitcher who starts may .find straight support. Certainly, there is no lack of hitting power in the -Tar Heel bats, and they show promise of giving all pitchers plenty of runs for a working margin; Davidson's outfit dropped a tough ;game to Catawba in the first meeting of the season, but Monk Younger has his -boy s looking better every day. He is' expected to furnish a fast 1 combi nation" for the Easter celebration in the ntowan capital. Both Coaches Younger and Ashmore will be1 hot after a win to start the "Big Five1 titular race. T0MJ0UTDQQR ATHLETIC MEET Coaches Hope To Uncover New Material; Usual Number of Events on Program. HEEL RUNNERS MUST FIGHT TO PEP IN LEAD Big Question Is Whether Young sters Can Uphold Past Cinder Records. Following upon the heels of a most successful indoor track and field meet held in the Tin Can late in February, the Intramural Athletic Department "has decided ito ' add another event to the crowded Intramural athletic cur riculum and hold an outdoor track and field meet on Wednesday, April 10. An outdoor meet was held last year for the first time in the his tory of Intramurals. So, with the var sity coaches faced with the task of moulding an almost complete new squad this season, it seemed advisa ble to hold this meet in addition to "the indoor one already run off in an effort to uncover additional untried talent and to stimulate more interest in track. "This will le an entirely novice meet, since by the date of competi tion the Carolina freshman and var sity teams will have participated in a meet, thus rendering all partici pants in these meets ineligible for this Intramural affair. All other men who have not w.on a letter in track at Carolina or freshmen who have not participated in a meet will be eligible. Everybody is urged to take part in -the coming meet, since there are mighty gaps in the varsity squad to be filled; and if Carolina is to flash her usual form on the cin der this season much new material will be needed. There is the usual quota 'of track and field events, with some of the distance runs shortened to avoid in jury to untrained participants. The following events will be run off: 50 yard dash, 100 1 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 300 yard run, 660 yard run, 3-4 mile run, 1 1-2 mile run, 70 yard high hurdles, 120 yard low .hurdles, pole vault, high jump, broad jump, shotput, discus, javelin, 440 yard re lay (four-man team), half- mile re lay (four-man team). Puny Harper Proves Versatile in Sports Tuny" Harper, giant center ' on the University of North Carolina basketball team, is expected to be a big point-getter for the Tar Heel track team' thi3 spring. Harper heaves the discus, but he also can throw the javelin as a sideline. Harper's first athletic fame came when he won the discus at the South ern Conference Meet in Baton Rouge, La., back in 1927. He ha3 thrown the metal platter over. 135 feet, The University's distance runners must fight to retain their leadership in the Southern Conference - this spring. For many years now a Tar Heel has ruled the mile ranks, and since the days of Johnnie Purser and Hoyt Pritchett the two-mile toga has rested on Tar Heel heads. Now all those Tar Heel stars are gone. There is no Dale Hanson, no Harry Thach, no Andy Bell, nor Galen Elliott to race to certain vic tory in the mile. Johnnie Purser passed on several years ago, and Hoyt Pritchett took over his two- mile honors. This year even. Prit chett is gone, and Coach Bob Fet zer must find new champions. Captain Johnnie Henderson, star two-mil er, who ran the fastest two-mile-ever seen in the South- last spring before he suffered a fractured ankle in practice, leads the distance men this spring. However; he must find support from less experienced men. Minor Barkley and June Fish er earned letters last year, but ' they must gain form and speed to rank in the class with the graduated stars. Barkley may run either the half mile or the mile this season, with Fisher majoring in the mile. Both boys are juniors and ran with El liott on the national four-mile relay championship v team last ' season. With these two boys on the mile will be such .youngsters as Creighton "Wrehn," Henry Brown, and Herbert Coxe, All were on the varsity squad last spring and earned cross-country letters with the Southern Conference hill-and-dale team last fall. Captain Henderson, with his ankle injury apparently healed, is expected to carry on in the two mile event. Henderson ran the distance in 3 minutes 38 seconds last March, and he may go lower this spring. His support will come from such young sters as Billy Lowry and Charlie Baucom, both cross-country lettermen last fall. June Fisher may double up and ran both the mile and two- ALLEN ELECTED B(MGAPTAIN Raleigh Boy Is Southern Con ference Champion In the 135 , ".. Pound Division. . Archie Allen, Southern Conference champion in the 135 pound division, will lead the Carolina boxers next winter. Shortly before the holidays the box ers elected the Raleigh boy to succeed Charlie Brown. Returning with Captain-elect Allen will be several outstanding boxers. In fact Coach Quinlan will have only on breach to fill, that vacated by Brown, when the ringmen begin work next falL Vaughn, Sheffield, Goodrich, Davis, and Warren all were regulars during the past season and all are sopho mores. Coupled with these are one or two nien who failed to win let ters during the past year who will be eligible again next winter. Dialectic Senate To Install Officers mile.. Golf ers To Practice Tbree Days Each Week Manager June Adams of the Golf team announces that practice will be held three days each week in Kenan stadium. " ' All men who. expect to go out for the team are urged to see either the manager or Mr. Kenf ield who is Super vising the golfers this year in addi tion to coaching tennis. An attractive schedule has been ar ranged with' the team playing all members of the "Big Five" and with matches scheduled with several out standing Conference ' teams. The state tournament in Greensboro will be attended as well as the Southern Conference tournament in Asheville. Competition for places on the team is unlimited as the places will be fill ed by means of a series of matches.' in :2iSCr This Tobacco in Far Port Euenos Aires, Argentine, Jan. 4, 1928 Larus & Bro. Co., Richmond, Va.,, U. S. A. Gentlemen: . I'm a seafarer, and as such of course travel quite a lot. Right now I am in the Argentine, and am glad to say that I can here purchase your beloved Edgeworth Tobacco, of which I'm so very iona. It is indeed a pity that one can't find this good smoke in every place of the seven seas. While recently in Germany, my home-country, I tried in vain to come upon one of these little blue tins. I'm not saying too much in mentioning that I would outwalk that famous mile, hunting up dear Edge worth. I dare say there is no other tobacco like it, and am convinced that Edgeworth cannot be improved. Let me know when you contemplate ceasing to make Edgeworth so that I may lay in a goodly store to last till I'm seventy. May Edgeworth never change! I'll always remain w Sincerely yours, Willie Schmekies E&ffewor .''. Extra High Grade Smoking Tobacco The meeting of the Dialectic Sen ate Tuesday night will be given over largely to the installation of the Spring Quarter's officers. The fol lowing 'men ''.'will be installed: John Norwood,' president; J. ' E. Hunter, president pro-tem; Bill Chandler, clerk; T. W. Church, ' sergeant-at-arms; and Carter Studdert, critic. The retiring officers are: , H. N. Brown, HE, president;' J. C. Williams, president pro-tem; T. R. Karriker, clerk; G. A. Kincaid, sergeant-at-arms; and J. E. Hunter, critic1. The office of treasurer is a yearly office. By virtue of this fact Garland Mc Pherson will continue to serve the senate in the capacity of treasurer until the end of the Spring Quarter. . After the installation of officers the. fbllowing resolution will be dis cussed: "Resolved, That the Dialec tic Senate go on record as favoring the adoption of a system of national Ibirth control.'" Frosh Baseball Men Continuing Practice After two weeks of practice the Carolina freshman baseball team is nearly .ready to begin . its schedule. With a wealth of material on hand, and with a number of high and prep school stars- on the squad, the chances for a winning team are very bright. While as yet no definite lineup can be given, the men who have played in the three practice games with the Wardlaw Frep School of New Jersey have shown lots of class. Cushner and Gill are the leading candidates for the catching job, and Greene and Chapman look the best out of the dozen seeking pitching assignments. The infield wijl probably line up. with Wall or Longest ori first, Waterhouse or McKinnon on second, "Shorty" Branch on shortstop, ' and Jimmy Moore holding down the hot corner. A merry scramble is going on in the outfield. However," Belton, Dunlap, Cozart, and Daniels look the best of the lot. '.A :(; A schedule is being made up and will be ready for publication next week.. It will include games with members of the big five and also a number of games with nearby high and prep schools. The first game will probably be the first of next week with the Durham High School as the first opponent. Tau Epsilon Phi Entertained By Carolina Tonight Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity will be entertained at the seven o'clock show at the Carolina theatre tonight, ac cording to an announcement by Man ager E. C. Smih. The boys ' are re quested to attend in a body, and to be at the - door promptly for the be ginning of the show. - Continuing the practice of enter taining various groups on . the ,cam pus during the year, Mr. Smith will have as his guests next week one of of the dormitory" groups, The an nouncement will be made in the Tar Heel. ' ' , . . - 'I FANCY ICES SHERBETS Durham Ice Cream Co., Inc. "BLUE RIBBON BRAND" Ice Cream Special Color Schemes for Sorority and Fraternity Affairs BLOCKS Dial L-963, Durham, N. C. PUNCH TENNIS TEAM HAS Open Season with Fort Bragg; Will Take Long Trip Through East. Undertaking the most complete and most ambitious schedule ever played by a North Carolina tennis team, Coach Kenfield's courtmen will open the 1929 season against Fort Bragg this Friday." Featuring the schedule will be the trip through the East when the Tar Heels play Georgetown, Catholic Uni versity, Maryland, Princeton, Rut gers, and New York University dur ing the week of April ' 29th.' The schedule calls' for 17 dual matches and the State Tournament in the middle of April." Following the contest .with Fort Bragg Friday, the Heels journey to Columbia, South Carolina,, to' meet the Gamecocks of the University of South Carolina. Returning to Chapel Hill the courtmen meet Wake Forest on the Carolina courts. After this match the Heels meet the Charlotte Country Club on the Charlotte courts. Continuing their trip, they go to Asheville for " sT match with the Bilt more Forest Country Club. Satur day, April 13, the Heels-again go to South Carolina to meet the Green ville Country Club team , at the Greenville Club. . The State tournament is scheduled for Aprils 17, 18, 19, and 20 on the Carolina courts. . Bill Scott is leader of the Heels on the court this year. ! Coach J. F. Ken field is again tutoring the courtmen along with the golf men. John Nor wood is managing' the team. Following is a complete schedule: April 5 Fort Bragg at Fort Bragg. April 6 South Carolina, Columbia. . April 8 Wake Forest, here. April 11 Charlotte Country Clab, Charlotte. April 12 Biltmore Forest Club, Biltmore. April 13 Greenville Country Club, Greenville, S. C. - April 17, 18, 19, and 20 State Tournament, here. . N April 22 Hampden-Sydney, here. April 26 Georgetown, Washington, D. C. April 27 Catholic University at Washington, D. C. April 29 Maryland at College Park, Maryland. April 30 Princeton at Princeton, N. J. .7 May 1 Rutgers at Rutgers. May. 2 New York University, New York City. ; ' May 4 Georgia Tech, here. May 11 Greensboro Country Club, Greensboro. May 15 Duke, here. May 17 Wake Forest at Wake Forest. ' May 20 Duke at Durham. , You can't tell the man waiting for his chance at the telephone booth that the art of conversation has been lost. VACATION How Will You Spend It? -The most profitable way will be to sell the- NEW INDEXED BIBLE. Most helpful .Bible made, and best seller. Get commissions daily. We deliver. Over one , hundred other good sellers. Get our Special Offer to, students. - Huse Sales Co., Atlanta, Ga. 17 DR. J. P. JONES ' Dentist ' Over Welcome-In Cafeteria PHONE 5761 Beautiful Easter Boxes -.. , ' wf V .. ..ft. - . -v . of WHITMAN'S and MERRICK'S I Candies Send or Take Her One FAITTEMSOM IBM Viii ine gentleman wno jusi coygneu9 Kinuiy sicp " ' - - , . to the box office . . .for q, package of Old p- ?Of course, I have never said just those words from the stage but in all kindness I have often wanted to offer this friendly help to some poor fellow whose cough was interrupting the show and spoiling the en joyment of those around him. 1 "A year Or so ago, the makers of OLD GOLD ran some ads on the disturbing effect of coughing in theatres. As an actor, I was grateful for those ads. I am more grateful now that OLD GOLD has invited stage folk to help them bring 'first aid' information to our unhappy friends the 'theatre-coughers.' "My own advice is that prevention is the best aid. The kind of prevention that smoking OLD GOLDS gives. Harsh tobacco irritates the throat, and that causes coughing. Changing to OLD GOLDS soothes the throat and re moves the cause of the 'cough tickle.' " (SIGNED) Why not a cough in a carload? OLD gold cigarettes are blended from heart-leaf tobacco, the finest Nature grows.' Selected for silki ness and ripeness from the heart of the tobacco plant. Mellowed extra long in a temperature of mid July sunshine to insure that honey-like smoothness. ' On your Tadio ... OLD GOLD PAUL WHITEMAN HOUR ... Paul Whiteman, King of Jazz, with his com. plete orchestra, broadcasts the OLD COLD hoar erery Tuesday, from 9 to 10 P. M., Eastern Standard Time, over entire network of Columbia Broadcasting System. GROUCHO MARX ; :S?'iv -' sm of the Fonr Marx Broth K IJFK&SC' S FW ;- of highest Broad W J's-- my A "Animal Crackers. eat a chocolate, light an Old Gold, an d e rijoy b ot h I I P. LoriUard Co., Est.

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