( Tuesday, April 9, 1929 THE TAR HEEL Page Thrcs OUTDOOR TRACK AND FIELD MEET NEXT WEDNESD AY Many Men Out Going Through Daily Workouts; Hot Battle Is Expected. FROSH WIN OVER HEEL TRACIffilEN HIGH SCHOOLERS WIN OVER V P. I. . Defeat Greensboro and Wil- Hot Weather and Fast Track mington; Goodwin Loses in Brings Good Time in Run- 100-Yard Dash. ninsr Events. The annual outdoor track and field meet sponsored by the Intramural Athletic department is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, April 10, at 2 o'clock, as previously announced.. Many men have been practicing daily since the first announcement of the Intramural meet two weeks ago, with the result that there will be some good meets or events between the vari ous dormitory and fraternity teams. Already several of the f rats have indicated that they will have teams; while all dormitories are supposed to and probably will enter teams. As usual the meet is open to all men who have never won a varsity letter, who have not participated in a meet this season, or all frosh who have not participated in a meet this year. As many as possibly can are urged to turn out for the meet. The varsity meet Saturday showed up weak spots in the Carolina Club. Coaches Fet-1 zer, Hanson, Belding, and Quinlan are searching high and low for new material, so this may mean an oppor tunity for several to break into a var sity berth, with a little coaching. Carolina's record of never having been defeated in a duel meet in eight years must not be broken, and it might lie in the power of some man who now is an Intaramural athlete to keep this slate clean. In the indoor meet held back .in the winter some good records were made in all events, while many of the parti cipants in that meet are now wearing varsity colors. Beta Theta Pi won out in the fraternity section of, the meet, while "F" dormitory ran up the highest number of points to take the dorm bunting. These will be defend ing champions tomorrow. TAR HEELS PLAY OLD LINERS HERE Auburn Wright Will Probably Be Ashmore's Choice for Mound Service. The Carolina freshmen opened their Unrelentless in the face of age, the track season today with a 56 1-2 to University of North Carolina track 51 victory over an all-star high men held fast last Saturday afternoon school team from Wilmington and to their record of eight years of dual Greensboro. The Wilmington stars competition without a defeat, com accounted for 27 of the high school pletely subduing the Gobblers from points, while Greensboro added 24 V. P. I. 79 to 47. A mid-summer sun points. The meet was held as a and a fast track came nigh to proving double header affair with the varsity disastrous to the standing records as meet with V. P. I.'s Gobblers. several of the cinder stars from both Worth McAlister and Charlie Far- schools clipped off speedy times in mer, Tar Baby stars, stole all honors in the meet. McAlister took firsts in the high jump, javelin and dis cus and added a third in the shot put for 16 points and high scoring honors. Farmer, former Wilmington flash, won firsts in the 100, 200 and 440 yard dashes. He bettered the state intercollegiate record with his time of 21 2-5 seconds in the 220 yard sprint. Summary by events: 220 yard dash Farmer N. C. Fresh, Goodwin, Greensboro, Han cock, Wilmington. Time 21 2-5 sec onds. 100 vard d&sh Farmer, N. C. Fresh, Gobdwin, Greensboro, Han cock, Wilmington. Time 10 seconds. the running events. Two Tar Heel youngsters of the sophomore class led the field in scor ing honors, each capturing two first places and ten points. Neiman won both the pole vault and the broad jump, while Gay captured the spot light by winning first , place in each of the sprints. All in all the Heelmen left the meet with nine firsts and a tie out of fourteen events. The Gobblers took all three places in the javelin toss, but the Tar Heels quick ly retaliated by sweeping in all in terests in the pole vault, the two mile and the discus. Captain Henderson led his two teammates, Baucom and Lowry, in the two-mile with a time of 10 minutes 12 2-5 seconds. 'Puny" "Tiny" Harper, Carolina 440 vard dash Farmer. N. C Fresh. Lvnch Wilmington. Houston, weight astrol, hurled the discus 135 it. i in. to snatter tne oniv record oi the day. Harper's own University N. C. Fresh. Time 53 seconds. 880 vard dash Rankin. Wilminer- ton. Phoenix, N. C. Fresh, Bradley, record was surpassed by this toss by Intramural Baseball To Open on Thursday The Intramural Baseball season will officially open Thursday, April 11. The original opening date of yesterday was set up because of the fact that there is a varsity baseball game today, there was a frosh game yesterday, and the big Intramural track tournament is scheduled for to morrow. The schedule for this year will fol low the lines of the one of previous years. There will be a fraternity and dormitory section. These two will work on separate schedule until the end of the season when the two sectional winners meet for the cam pus title. The usual eligibility rules will be observed. That is, no man who has ever won a varsity letter, or who has participated in a conte'st this year, or any freshman who has been in a game this year will be eligible. The schedule will extend over a six-weeks period with each team playing approximately twelve games, two a week. Play will be daily when weather permits, except when there are varsity baseball games or track meets. All games will be played on the two Intramural diamonds, below the Freshman field. HEELS HITTING HARD Some people's brain children seem pretty , well spoiled. -Jackson News.-. Send the TAR HEEL home. $3. per college year. CO Greensboro. Time 2 minutes 3 sec onds. , One mile run Bennett, Wilming ton, Carver, Greensboro, Pierce, N. C. Fresh. Time 4 minutes 57 4-5 sec onds. 120 yard low hurdle Reid, N. C. Fresh, Smith, Wilmington, Slusser, N. Ci Fresh. Time 14 seconds.. an even two feet, while the state in tercollegiate mark fell in the back ground by fully four feet. Summary by events: 100-yard dash: Gay (C), Smith (C), Shankling (VPI). Time 10 1-5 sec. 220-yd. dash: Gay (C), Smith (C), Shankling (VPI). Time 21 3-5 sec. 440-yd. dash: Harrison (C), Ly- Sixty-one hits in forty-five in nings is the record made so far this season by the University of North Carolina's baseball nine. In the first six games Coach Jinf Ashmore's youngsters pounded out five home runs, 3 triples) nine doubles and 44 singles. Shot' put Brittain, Wilmington, brook (VPI), Flynn (VPI), Smithey Auburn Wright, a rookie pitcher who hurls a mean brand of right hand ball, is Coach Jim Ashmore's likely choice to start on the mound against Maryland when the ' Old Liners and Tar Heels play their first baseball game of the season here this afternoon. The game will be called at 4 o'clock. Frank Fleming, another rookie right-hander, may be sent to the mound in case Wright should need re lief. " - The game is the first of three Southern Conference Tri-State Lea gue games on the Tar Heel cards for the week, for Coach Jim Ashmore will take his charges northward on Thursday night, meeting' the Old Liners at College Park, Md., on Fri day and returning to meet Virginia in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday. The Tuesday game, which will be the Tar Heels' last home game in more than a week, means much to the University nine. The Tar Heels have won their opening battle in the Tri-State ranks, whipping Washing ton and Lee 7 to 5 for a starter. Now they need this game with Mary land to prove they are no flash in the pan. Fleming and Wright both should be right for work against the Old Liners. Fleming has not worked in more than a week, and Wright's last mound duty was a few innings re lief work against Cornell last Wed nesday. The remainder of the. Tar Heel line-up will probably show Captain Lufty, first base; Rand, second base; Whitehead, shortstop; Satterfield, third base; Barnhart, left field; Coxe, center field; Jessup or Sher, right rield; and Maus, catcher. ROOKIES WIN FOR JIM Although Coach Jim Ashmore started off the season with prospects for a p-nnd hurliner staff far from bright, in fact just about zero, two of his rookies have won two games each and lost none of the University of North Carolina nine. Auburn Wright defeated Springfield and Pennsylvania and Frank Fleming turned back SDrinefield and Penn State. HEEL VAULTERS GOOD With Vernon Cowper already top ping 12 feet nine inches and Arnold Dry and Neiman clearing good heights, University of North Carolina track coaches are depending on their pole vaulters to furnish many points this season. (VPI). Time: 51 1-5 seconds. 880-yd. run: Lybrook (VPI), Flynn (VPI), Nims (C). Time: 2 minutes 3-4 seconds. One mile run: Penn (VPI), Bark- ley (C), Wrenn (C). Time 4 minutes, 29 seconds. Two mile run: Henderson (C), Baucom (C), Lowry (C). Time: 10 minutes, 12 2-5 seconds. 120 high hurdles: Perry (C), Staf ford (C), Chen (VPI). Time 15 4-5 seconds. - 220 high hurdles: Stafford (C), Perry (C), Preble (VPI). Time 25 1-5 seconds. Shot put: Zirkle (VPI), Davis (VPI), Adkins (C). Distance 40 ft. 3 3-4 in. Discus throw: , Harper (C), Dam- eron (C), Adkins (C). Distance 135 feet 7 in. New University record. Javelin throw: Carper (VPI), Miles (VPI), Brunbach (VPI). Distance In TenniS MatCheS (C) and Dry (C) tied for second Height 11 ft. 6 in. Homey, Greensboro, McAlister, N. C, Fresh. Distance 41 feet 9 3-4, inches. Discus throw McAlister, N. C. Fresh, Remsen, N. C. Fresh, Homey, Greensboro. Distance 109 feet. Javelin throw McAlister, N. C. resh, Brittain, Wilmington, Parsons, N. C. Fresh. Distance 166 feet' 11 inches. . 9 High Jump McAlister, , N. C. resh, Reid and Johnson, N. C. Fresh, led with Rankin and Kulken, Wil mington, for second. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Pole vault- Goodwin, Greensboro, Smith, N. C. Fresh, Parsons, N. C. Fresh, tied Robeson, Wilmington for third. Height 10 feet 6 inches. Broad jump Nicholson, Greens boro, Johnson, N. C Fresh, Reid, N. C. Fresh. Distance 21 feet 3 inches. Teams: North Carolina Freshmen 56; Wilmington 27; Greensboro 24. University of North Carolina ten nis players handed the Raleigh Tennis club netters a complete shutout at Wake Hills Saturday, the matches be ing featured by the bang up singles exhibition of Waddell for the win ners, and Harris of Raleigh. Carolina won all of the nine match rw -. TTT 1 n TT - 1 J 1 es. rne waaaeii-nams count stooa at 3-6; 6-3; 6-4. High jump: Bagby (C) and Wade (VPI) tied for first; Preble (VPI). Height 5 ft. 8 in. Broad jump: Neiman (C), Eddy (VPI), Martin (VPI). Distance 21 ft. 8 1-4 in. Team score: North Carolina 79; V. P. I. 47. Life was simpler in the old days Yeomans. Carolina, defeated Lef ler. The wife had a right to examine Raleigh, 8-6; 6-3. Shapiro, Corolina defeated Memory, Raleigh, 6-2; 6-2. Merritt, Carolina, . defeated Bran- non, Raleigh 6-1; 7-5. Scott, Carolina, defeated Strong Raleigh, 6-2; 6-3. Whett, Carolina, defeated Gardner, Raleigh, 6-1; 6-2. Waddell, Carolina, defeated Harris, Raleigh, 3-6; 6-3; 6-4. . Doubles Norwood and Waddell, Carolina, de f eated Trumbull and Brannon. Ra leigh, 6-2; 6-4. Yeomans and Shapiro, Carolina, de f eated Lefler and Harris, Raleigh, 8-6; 6-3. Merritt and Scott, Carolina, defeat ed Powers and Memory, Raleigh 6-2; 6-3. Duke Golf Team Licks Tar Heels Duke University's golf team de feated the golfers of the University of North Carolina at Durham Sat urday in the .firsl of Big Five games of the season by a score of 9 to 8.! The Devils lead after the morning matches was 7-4 but the Tar Heels came back strong in the afternoon pulling up close to the Duke men. Jim Horton, number three man for Duke, had the best individual card in the morning round, a 75 over the pari 70 Hope Valley course. Captain Jen nings, of Duke, had a 78 during the morning while Adams and Willis of Carolina, each had 79s. trouser pockets at night, patching the trousers. She was For many years John Wards have teen the college man's shoe. Here you may select, from a variety of styles, those which particularly suit your individual taste. V MEN'S SHOES On Display at STETSON "f" SHOP Kluttz Building Chapel Hill, N. C. , Advertise in the TAR HEEL. BE COMFORTABLE Wear your linen suits and let us clean them. We guar antee to get them clean. O'Kelly ( Tailoring Co. "Oldest in Town" Ft E E 9 Hawk-Eye Camera (EASTMAN MADE) . with- EVERY PURCHASE OF 12 ROLLS OF FILMS NO. 2 12 Rolls $3.00 THIS WEEK ONLY NO. 2A 12 Rolls $3.60 Remember and Enter the Eastman 30,000 Contest Students' Supply Store Everything in Stationery AX hen you burn X V the midnight oil, provide for the 'extra tax on body and brain. Shredded Wheat for the late supper and next morning's breakfast supplies the extra vigor you need. 31 Pleasant to eat easy to digest MiMIUIIIILIWUIIlllUl.lLII IJIU lpiPI'Wyi I ! I-M1I- ""' 11 "- '" -I ' j LJPpf y WE FAIRLY BLUSH TO ADMIT IT! "If two men submit exactly the same essay," says Professor Pump ernickel, "it's a coincidence. Three is a miracle. Four or more bears investigation." Perhaps we speak in parables . . . but the fact that Camel leads all other cigarettes by billions is more than coincidence. More than a miracle. Yea Camel must have something worth look ing into. And forsooth, Camel has! ms R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.

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