Pnse Two T H E T A R HEEL Tuesday, Iay 14, 192ST tjfte Wax y$m Published tri-weekly during the col lege vear. excent one issue Thanks giving, the last two weeks of De rpniher fholidav Deriod) and the last two weeks of March (examina tion neriod and suring holidays). The official newspaper of the Publi cations Union of the University ol North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscription price, $2.00 local and $3.00 out of town, for the college year. - - . " 'J- : ' - Offices in the basement of Alumni Building. ' Walter Spearman .....Z... Editor Will Yarborough....... .Mgr. Ed. Marion Alexander... ...Bus. Mgr. lowing individual pleas for readmis- pressed ; collegiate question "What's sion is one method of placing the Tes- J it all about?" ponsibility for each offensive article ' What Dr. Martin will have to say upon the man responsible for it. Un- here will be heard and read with in- fortunately for some concerned, when terest. We are glad to have him and - - -- --,-( v - i - . a group rather than particular per-, all the other delegates and sneakers sons assumes responsibility for an en- of the Association with us, and ex tire publication, all members of that tend to them an ""early sincere wel group become implicated. When the I come. H. J. G. ' " f authors of the offending articles have admitted their authorship, the guilt- i - .... less ones will undoubtedly be readmit ted and the number on trial consider ably diminished. The opportunity is now presented, for the men who are ..-j. t x . I T -C 1 1 i : j.u .. uicmui v uj ucii Liuiui - tu-eus. degree by releasing the innocent from handsome professors, and scholarly students do we print this column in black ink. Indeed, we note that the gentleman is rather heavy. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT " Associate Editors Harry ;Galland Will Yarborough Assistant Editors B. C. Moore ' J. E. Dungan J. D. McNairy J. C. Williams J. P. Hu skins Sports Editors J. C. Eagles ' C. B. McKethan - Reporters Holmes Davis George Dannenbaum An Ear Full By J. C. WILLIAMS The other day in Durham we saw a trio of women with no skirts on. Actually, right out on the "street. That's an example of what women are coming to when their husbands don't give thertu enough money to buy enough clothes. Oui( column would have been longer, but we wrote part of it with fadeaway-ink. ' their present awkward position, A mistake has1 been made. Now let it be remedied as quietly and ef fectively as possible. . For the man stranded on a lonely ; shore .we mildly suggest "Let con science be your guide". - The Campus i ti uivn x-cimiiua us LiidL auixic ui uur Now that another chapter has been enterprising lads have organized the added to the annual Carolina-Virginia Bi-cameral Club. We wonder why Sherman Shore W. C. Dunn E. F. Yarborough ,E. H. Denning Henry Anderson J. R. Knott D. L. Wood Dick McGlohon B. W. Whitton J. E. Huffman Elizabeth Johnson Milton Greenblatt BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Executive Staff B. M. Parker Asst. Bus. Mgr. Leonard Lewis Adv. Mgr. Sidney Brick ., Asst. Adv. Mgr. H. N. Patterson :' Collection Mgr. T. R. Karriker L..... Asst. Col. Mgr. Ben Aycock ; Subscription Mgr. Advertising Staff " r Harry Latta , U H. Merrell Hubert O'Donnell J. Schulman Jim Harris J. G. deR. Hamilton, Jr. Tom Badger W. G. Boger Tuesday, May 14, 1929 PARAGRAPHICS V baseball classic the minds of the stu dents of this university turn natural ly to matters of a more serious nature! Not until next fall will the ,Tar Heels meet the Cavaliers in dual com bat again. Indeed, the very last chap ter of the year's athletic feats is al ready in the making. The campus turns to other things final examina tions. ".' To a part of the student body the thought: of examinations is by no means an unpleasant one, but this part constitutes the small, element who have elected to study earlier in the game. On the other hand, such a thought is very disturbing to the rank and file of the student body of this university. Many have been warned already by the registrar; many are laboring under threats from home. The tragedy of the matter is that many are beginning to realize that college life "isn't-what-it's cracked up ! they didn't call it the Booker Club. Returned Carolina students report - that the N.C.C.W. campus was well lighted Saturday night, y No doubt illumination was shed on some of the most vexing problems r of modern youth. - ' ' -s. 5 H .This coming Adult Education meet ing scheduled for the University next week might do well to v extend its scope to include a few , of bur own undergraduates Contmehcement time is nearing. - vvitn tne. xacKety lacks put so "bright and early, some of the seniors may have time to memorize their sta tistics before departing for the busi ness world but the" trouble is that by that time the statistics won't do them any good! ' - When the old tree in front of New West fell down,; it was found to have 195 rings one for each year of its life. Judging from the number of rings, we wonder how old some of our co-eds are? An Offense Which Demands Expiation ' The existence of such a publication as the Yellow Journal on the campus, i i . maKing an annual appearance, in evitably leads to a situation like the one which has arisen. The shield of group responsibility has encouraged men to commit to print statements they would no doubt refrain from making in person. It cannot be de nied that the present Yellow, Journa considerably overstepped ' the proper bounds, nor is it so denied by those men implicated; a V At present, the affair is in the hands of the student council, and the outcome must depend upon' the firm ness, discretion and understanding of that body. When a serious mistake ha3 been made such as the inclusion of certain stories in the Journal some attempt must be made to cor rect that mistake, to deal with its per petrators, and to prevent the recur rence of the same blunder. We trust however, that it will be remembered that college is, 'after all, a sort of laboratory in which the students are experimenting before , going out into the business of living and that mis takes even foolish and .unpleasant mistakes are not "capital crimes. The present action of the council in placing all members of Sigma Upsilon on indefinite suspension and then al- The other day Dr. Ab showed us a letter from a woman which stated that" her baby ate dirt whenever he could find it. It is rumored that sev eral campus politicians are related to the family.. -.- s ' "When better automobiles are built . Buick will build them". and we might add When later classes are caught co eds will catch them. It occurs to us that the Western Union slogan "Don't Write" is excel lent advice for some of our present- day authors. There are justtwo kinds of men in the world those that have IT and those that "run after" women. Which reminds us that Valentine's Day is the day' when birds select their mates. Well, we know some flighty females who seem to think every day is a Valentine's Day. " - And we might add that the edu cational films shown every t now and then in Venable Hall arein no way endanaerina the attendance of the to be." Many are beginning to realize that they were never meant for coir lege men that they have left a life and surroundings which they never Carolina Theatre. elivnl1 Viagra lo-ft ' , uur idea oi dumbness is tne proies- We believe that final examinations sor. o says that the younger gen constitute a great disturbance for the eration are all going to Hell and then student mind because the student him- remembers that he himself is only self is at fault. Study is put of f I twent7-f ive until the last minute. "After the big Which reminds us that since we can't think of the rest of it we'd better stop. . ' . IN THE WAKE OF NEWS by J. E. Dungan Well folks! ' The boys did a real job this time holding the faculty to a no run no hit game in the Yellow Journal contest last Friday. All Cal- ford expects to see things' stirring from now on. Probably the prfee ten-word tele gram of the week was received by one of our friends from a very nice young lady. We'll pass it on to you HAVE DECIDED TO MEET YOU IN SCOTLAND NECK AND LOVE. ders advice. He has such things" as Basic Slag, in one, hundred pound ots, fifty dollars for fifty young gentlemen, and four sets of terracing instruments. But Mr. Sanders' especial passion is poultry. Here is his ballyhoo on last Monday's market "The next poultry sale will be held May 7 at the court house or the depot, if the railroad will grant through rates to New York. Come to the courthouse yard and if you do not see anybody there, come to the depot." Mr. Sanders' doesn't say what was to have been done if there wasn't any one there either, but the natural in ference is that one should go home, and await further directions from this wizard. .. Daily BuU-etin "J. R. Woodard, colored, of War- renton," according to The Warrenton Record, "was caught in a raid last week. At the time the off icers start ed chase he is said to have had a worm and cap in his arms and to have been on the way to a nearby still that was being fired up. Suppert the college newspaper by advertising in the TAR HEEL. DR. R. R. CLARK , DENTIST Office Over Bank of Chapel Eill 4 Telephone 385 Winner Last Week J. T. T ALLEY Sign your meal checks for chances on the carton of cig arettes given away each Wed nesday , at Polly's Coffee Sh6p Czar Carroll of the Faculty Execu tionary Committee, who generally sees his duty and does it reck what may, disposed of fifteen alleged violations of the honor code all of which were in the language depart ment by very humanly pardoning and paroling them all. People's tongues always will get them into trouble. A large delegation will attend the Blue .Ridge conference this year. Among the faculty to make the trip are : "President Harry Woodburn Chase, Dean Francis Bradshaw, and Dr. English Bagby of the English de partment.". It is unfortunate that Dn English Bagby's last name is not France or Berlin oil. Ireland, as they would surely believe tbat he belonged to the Psychology department. As Dr. Bagby has j sojaptly -remarked, "It is the association of ideas." I kissed her once; I. kissed her twice In fact I've kissed her all my life But never -did I dream 'Twould land me with a wife. Ah well, such is life. game is over I'll buckle down to my studies." This is the attitude of the rank arid file of the students of this and other colleges. ' In other words, . . many will fail to pass the coming And we might add that an acquain- final examinations because" of neglect tance of ours told us the other day and "putting things off" rather than , , - , , , . , , half-brother had a friend who was because of a lack of ability. ciifw .,miir wiTi rortnin If the purpose of examinations be person whose neighbor's wife had to separate the sheep from the goats, heard it rumored that her stepfather the capable from the incapable, then had son, who worked in a nearby they fall far short of accomplishing lce lactory' their purpose. The method cannot We understand that 90 of the work in the' case of the vast majority students at Lincoln Memorial tJniver - . . . . m I eitw nrniIr tqtt H rnn rrr rri li rpn I - of students wno put tmngs on as long ( sentence that relief is in gight vv suggest Liiai, il a. stuucm, gets through here he has to work the pro fessors. The Phi Assembly met last Tues day night and tangled' brows over "Re solved: That it is the opinion of the Phi Society that our state govern ment pursued the right methods in settling the recent mill strike dis agreements in North Carolina." The enthusiastic reporter recounted the occasion in glowing terms. "Splen did arguments were presented by both sides. Representative H. was of the opinion that the state government used right methods in settling the re cent strike disagreements. Represen tative W. argued that the previous speaker was wrong. Representative C. was of the opinion that strikes should be settled by the course they take. Representative B. condemned the state's sending troops ... on the ground that the actions were uncalled for. Before adjournment a committee was appointed to revise the consti tution." All of which is very subtle and pro found, but one can see by the last as they can and, oftentimes, longer than they can afford to. Be this as it may. a more studious attitude does prevail since the great baseball game is over. The question which now arises in the mind of the student who has neglected to study earlier: "Is it too late now?" J. C. W. 1 The Author Who , Answered the Question With the coming of the first South ern meeting of the American Asso ciation for Adujt Education to the University campus another advance in educational progress in North Caro lina is made. The fact that the Uni versity of North Carolina was chosen as the meeting place is cause for con gratulation to President Chase. Somebody asked us the other day to give a definition of LOVE. We submit the following: Lust Labor ; Lasting . N Outrageous Onorous Overt . Vicious v . Void ' Voluntary Eccentric . Elated Ecstacy We know one "whoopee dame" who has such a dark past that she has to carry a lantern with her During the four-day session there everywhere she goes. will K (wr fifftr cnonVora in Vit 1 R . . . - . We understand-that students at discussion groups. All of them are U g were recntly forbidden to leaders in the field of adult educa- use automobiles for transportation, tion. Outstanding are William John but we. haven't been able to find out Cooper, United States Commissioner wha was being transported. J T7IJ 1' J 1 T TT t ox uucautm, r reaencK r. xeppei, judgillg f rom appearances Carolina President of the Carnegie Corpora- students spend more week-ends in Dur- tion of .New York, and Everett Dean ham than the Duke lads. Martin, Director of the People's In stitute of New York. Dr. Martin is well known here by reason of hi3 authorship of "The Meaning of a Liberal Education." The book is of the greatest impor tance to the college student, provid ing as it does an intelligent answer to that oft-thought but rarely ex- Which reminds us that the man who, has a hat can always recover. We observe that women habitually wear their evening clothes at night. It wouldn't surprise us, to, see some co-ed catching 8; 30 classes in pajamas before long. We understand that "HejEfner will play the LEAD in Rip Van Winkle." "PROUTY TALKS TO ROTARIANS Speaks on Rocks of North Carolina and Where They Are Found." It is assumed that most of the rocks of North Carolina are found right here in the state. The cultured and humane enter prise engaged in during the past-, week by the Parent-Teachers' organization of Mount Airy as chronicled by The Times of j that city follows: As a .re ward for. having the greatest number of mothers present at two consecutive meetings of the parent-teachers' asso ciation, the grade mothers of the third grade, Mrs. W. R. Mitchell and Mrs. A. B. Macon, took the children on a picnic to Slick Rock. "A wild animal hunt was entered into with zest and Robert Hill proved the best hunter, bringing in eight animals." Mrs. W. R. Mitchell and Mrs. Macon are true pedants. The Roxboro Courier at the instance of Hambrick, Austin, and Thompson, local druggists, told the sad story last week of a certain Mr. Fahy, who it seems was in a pretty bad way. Here is his story. "It actually irritated me to have anyone talk to me I was so nervous. Vinol ended this and I feel wonderful now." If your friends irritate you, Vinol is what you need! Monsieur le pro fesseur Radoff and his former Sigma Upsilon brothers of Yellow Journal fame might get together over a good bottle of Vinol and patch things up. H. K. Sanders -the agricultural wizard on the staff of The Roxboro Courier in a clever little column tells the big world about air the valuable prizes that the county is offering in dustrious people who follow Mr. Saun- NOW SHOWING 7 WEDNESDAY f Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. in "JAZZ AGE" "SAL OF SINGAPORE" , with PHYLLIS HAVER ALAN HALE FRED KOHLER SHANGHAIED! t - Twelve miles at sea No law save that of the ship's captain and she S prisoner! A. tremendous picture story of the sea of a frail girl, two he-men rivals and a babe in arms make up the strangest love triangle ever filmed. ADDED FEATURES CHARLIE PHASE, that POPULAR COMEDIAN, in his latest and funniest comedy "OFF TO BUFFALO" - also ' "SPORTLIGHT" - x . THE CURRENT STYLES IN CLOTHES. HATS SHOES AND HABERDASHERY FOR LOUNGE I ' SPOR7S AND CAMPUS USAGE WILL BE EXHIBIT ED IN YOUR TOWN ON DATE GIVEN BELOW". YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND. ,. .. At' CAROLINA DRY CLEANERS v " ' - ' . ' - ' Today and Tomorrow , Harry Kuster, Rep. ... ' mm fc. FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK JACKSON BLVD.. CHICAGO

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