Thursday, May 16, 1929 T HE TARHEEL Parre Thrca Fi J , MP ' 111V UN A IP? I i r 1 i i a -- t j i m ii ii 'If A Al TOM 0 HEELS ENTER AS CONTENDERS FOR SOUTHERN CROWN L. S. TJ. Champs of South, Along with Auburn, M. A. M. and" Florida Offer Keenest Competition. The University of North Carolina cinder team, seventeen strong, de parted from Chapel Hill, last night to attend; the seventh annual South ern Conference track and field meet to be held Friday and Saturday on Legion Field in Birmingham. Taking with them the crown . of state track dom and a record of victories uri paralelled in the South Atlantic, they go as the hope and final stronghold of North Carolina. It is expected that N. C. 'State and Duke will send 'their bright lights to the meet ; how ever neither will venture to place a complete team in competition. TED Viio - Scene from Second Carolina-Virginia Game v v T " Heel Trackmen To ' Go To S. I. a Meet The following men , will make the trip to Birmingham to attend the Southern Conference track and field meet to be held tomor row and Saturday: Adkins, Bark-ley,- Baucom, Bagby, Dameron, Gay, Harrison, Cowper, Garrett, Harper, Henderson, Lowry, Nims, Neiman, Perry, Smith, and Staf ford. Bowman Gray will go as manager. The team will put up at the Bankhead Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama. - ,v set M 4? 5 Tar Heels' Last Chance To Avenge Early Defeat Probable Line-ups Carolina Duke Coxe, cf. .. Adams, cf Satterfield, 3b Deane, 2b Whitehead, ss .'-Werber, ss Maus, c Kistler, lb Lufty, lb.-. Hawkins, rf Barnhart, If Murray, If Jessup, rf I-..: Farley, 3b Jackson, 2b '. Barker, c Fleming, p . ...... Jenkins, p CONFERENCE LEAD DEPENDS ON GAME v HERE TOMORROW Duke Heads List at Present But a Win for the Heels Will Cinch Title for Carolina. ENTRIES IN PREP MEET SATURDAY FRESHMAN TENNIS TEAM DOWNS DURE Graham Leads Tar Babies to State Championship; Fresh men Have Record of Eight Wins and No Losses. The Heels will probably meet their keenest ecompetition from L. S. U. .Mississippi A. and M., Auburn and Alabama. L. S. U. as present holders of the championship possibly now oc- tcupy the inside track of future specu lation. Brown, George, Neson, Laf luer and Millet will be the defending lights of the Conference champs. Miss. A. and M. in potency follows closely upon the heels of her neigh boring, university haying.. been, s de feated by the margin of 1 only one point in a recent dual meet -with L. S. U. She will offer as proboble point winners the following men; Alby in the sprints, Gilmore the 440, Byers in the mile and two mile, Alley in the .hurdles, and Kyser and Dawes in the .jumps." ' " In the 100 yard dash. Brown of X. S. XL and Grant of W. and L. and .Bradley of Alabama have handed in some of the best times in the South so far this season. Each has a time of .9.8 seconds to his credit. The same "trio along with Gay of Carolina and Whatley of Tulane and McCrary of L. S. U. rate among 'the highest in the 20 and are the favorites of the meet this' week end. George and Lefleur both of L. S. U. along with Gilmore of Miss. A. and M., Now clawtz and Upson of V. M. I. and Patterson of Alabama are expected to provide the point winners in the 440. McGin of State, George of L. S. U., Backus of W. and L. and Nims of Carolina are among the highest rat ing prospects in the 880 run. In the mile Duke will have two strong men in Doxey, and Woodard; Young of Gearcia. Penn of V. P. I. Barkley and Lowery of Carolina. In compe tition with Baucum and Henderson of Carolina the following men will take the field: Penn of V. P. I., Symon of Duke, Ryker and McReynolds of Miss. A. and M., Underwood of Tenn essee, and Pickett of Alabama. Beard and Virgin of Auburn, Ford of Tulane, Blakney of Clemson, Alley of Miss. A. and M., Walker of V. M. I. and Stafford and Perry of Carolina will be likely prospects in the hur dles. . " The competition will be unusually keen in the field events. Competing in the shotput will be Neson of L. S. U., Oykers of Tulane, Hasse of V. M. I. and Adkins of Carolina. The following men will hurl the discuss: Neson of L. S. U., Oeykers of Tulane, Carter of Auburn and Harper of The Carolina Freshmen Tennis Team came through with another win last Saturday by defeating the Duke Imps by a score of 5 to 4. Adding this win to the collection of scalps al ready taken swells the number of victories to eight. To date the Tar Babies have defeated both Davidson and Duke's" freshmen teams as well as teams from Ft. Bragg, Oak Ridge, Columbia High, Charlotte and Win ston-Salem Highs. ; As a result of these victories the Tar Baby team has an. undisputed claim for State honors in freshmen tennis. With eight wins and no defeats they ,have not. been equaled in any of the freshman cir cles in the state and only one meet is scheduled with the already defeated Duke frosh. - . . i "Sonny" Graham has led the Tar Babies by playing number 1 position all season, while Henlin, Liskin, and Wilmot have taken positions number 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Other mem bers of the squad who have been do ing good work are Draper, Dresslar, Hutchinson, Sherfessee, and Trot. Howard Kruskamp, blocking half back of Ohio State, won't play with the Buckeyes . next fall. He quit school recently because of scholastic deficiencies. HEEL RACKETEERS DEFEAT DUMMEN IN SECOND MATCH Win Over Devils Here Tuesday Marked Final Dual Meet of the Year. Carolina. The four outstanding men in t-.ho iavclin toss are: Banks of Miss. A. and M., Anderson of Georgia Young of State, and Barrett of L. S U. In the shot event Neson heads the list with 46 feet 11 3-8 in. Neson and Harper with distances around 138 and 137 feet are the likely pros pects in this event. Anderson has a javelin mark far ahead of any other southern comDetitor : his distance is 199 feet 9 inches. Frederick of Miss. A. and M. and Shoefield of Sewanee with heights of 12 ft. 6 in. along with.Keenan of Geore-ia and Cowper of Carolina rate high in the pole vault. Sad ford of Georgia and Kennedy of South Carolina with heights of 6 ft. 2 in to their credits will place among the leaders in the high jump. Bagby of Carolina has a height of 5 ft. 10 in. Kyzar of Miss. A. and M., Brown of L. S. U. and Neiman of Carolina with distances between 22 and 23 feet are in the foremost ranks in the broad jump event. - , Vanderbilt, Florida, Tennessee, Miss. A. and M. and L. S. U. and Carolina are all entering teams in the mile relay with times under 3:30. The University's state tennis cham pions closed their dual season with 6 to 3 victory over Duke on the University courts here Tuesday. It was the Tar Heels' second dual win over Duke this year, and their 14th victory out of 15 meets for the season. Summary by matches: Yeomans (C) defeated Rogers, 4-6, . 6-2, 6-3; Shapiro (C) defeated Folk 6-2, 7-5; Waddell (C) defeated Myers, 6-4, 12-10; Frank (Duke) de feated Scott; 6-3, 6-0; Merritt (C) defeated Hargraves, 6-1, 6-3; Nor wood (C) defeated Dorsett, 6-3, 6-2 Rogers and Folk (D) defeated Yeo mans and Scott, b-z, 7-o; .Norwood and Waddell (C). defeated Hargrave and JJorsett, b-U, b-3; Myers and Frank (D) defeated Merritt and Sha piro, 6-2, 10-8. . There remains but one more en gagement for the Carolina racketeers for this season, participation in the tournament sponsored by the Hope Valley Club. ELECTRICAL FRAT TO ELECT NEW MEN Phi Zeta Nu, Honorary Frater nity, Will Select Pledges Tonight. FRESHMAN TRACK TEAM UNDEFEATED Tar Babies Boast Fine Record For Season and Have Best Claim for State Title. The baseball leadership of the Southern Conference will hinge on the second Carolina-Duke game, schedul ed for Emerson Field here tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Tar Heels already have -won the Southern . Conference Tn-State Leaerue chamnionshir). takincr nine Men from Fifteen Schools To Be straight games without a defeat from Here on Saturday for Third the league teams of North Carolina, Annual Track Meet. Virginia and Maryland. Records in Southern Conference A large number of the leading Prep competition show Duke in front to Schools of the South have entered date) four victories and no de- teams in the third annual Preparatory feats, but the Tar Heels are pushing close with ten wins and one defeat. . A School Track and Field meet to bel held here Saturday. To date all of them have not 'sent lists of their en- victory over Duke Friday would give Coach .Jim Ashmore's outfit a clean- tries. Following is a partial list of Ut ' lead over all other Conference the men who will be here representing competition. tne various scnoois: At the last meeting of the Univer sity chapter of the A. I. E. E. to be held in Philips Hall tonight, Phi Zeta Nu, local honorary electrica fraternity will tap several members of the Institute and officers for nex year will be -elected. J. E. Lear and T. B. Smiley, two faculty members will deliver short talks before the meeting. Phi Zeta Nu was organized in 1919 as a fraternity for the electrical engineering students. At the last meeting of the A. I. E. E. each year the fraternity taps several members of the organization. This year it is thought that five or six men will be chosen for membership. M. U. Students Approve New Tax Other Campus Special Columbus, Mo,- A blanket athletic tax payable with the hospital and in cidental fees during the registration for each semester at an amount not to exceed $4 a semester was approved by the students of the University of Missouri in a recent election. The Tar Baby of 1929 can proudly boast that it has one of thet strongest track teams that has ever been put out by a Freshman Class of the Uni versity of North Carolina. With four victories and no deieats they are easily entitled to the state honors in Freshman track having defeated every team of any consequence jn Freshman circles in North Carolina. Next year the real speed of the Tar Baby track men will be proven. Many outstanding Freshmen stars are al most certain to win a berth in Var sity track and some will certainly lead many of the present Varsity men Charlie Farmer has already proven his ability by coming within one-fifth, of a second of the S. I. C. record in the 220 yard dash and by running the 100 yard dash in 10 flat. Duke Students Put On Musical Comedy V The last entertainment of the academic year at Duke University was presented Monday evening at 8:15 o'clock when the musical clubs of .that institution offered "The Belle of Marcelona," a spectacular and. colorful musical comedy with ; all scenes laid in picturesque Spain. ' More than one hundred selected stu dents participated. Three Durham students were among the leading characters: Miss Helen Eubanks, Miss Elizabeth Stallings, and C. S. Hooper. While the musical clubs emphasiz ed the musical numbers in the play, thj3 feature was well balanced by ' clever spdken lines and a comedy theme which was carried through for the most part by W. M. Upchurch, of Raleigh, who has been cited as the best student comedian ever to appear on a Duke stage. . . . . A second performance was given on Wednesday evening for the benefit of those who were unable to attend Monday evening's perf ormance It was held in the city auditorium under the auspices of the Durham Y. U. C. A. Carroll Speaks at Pilot Hi Exercises Dean D. D. Carroll, of the School of Economics and Commerce, deliver ed the commencement address at Pilot Mountain High School Tuesday evening. The subject of Mr. Carroll's talk could not be ascertained last night when the Tar Heel went to press, as he had not returned from Pilot Mountain at that time. Asheville School for Boys is enter ing: Mann, uiackDurn, spencer, , a lsn- er, Bristol, Whittemore, E. Bristol, Moore, Phillips, Allen, Reynolds, Zimmerman and Gait. Augusta Military Academy: Bach, Bowman, Goodwin, Founds, Hum phreys. Copps, Marston, and Good win. Baylor School for Boys are enter ing: .Nichols. 1 Greenbrier Military School are en tering: Traendly, Burdette, Massie, Traendly, Burdette, Garrell, Felker, and Hensley If the Tar Heels win, they will then lead the Blue Devils by a margin of eleven victories against four, with each club showing one defeat. A win for the Duke outfit will result in an unblemished slate for Jack Coomb's boys against two losses for the ,. Tar Heels. With so much at stake, the engagement Friday is arousing wide interest. 'The first Carolina-Duke game this season was a Dattie oi soutn-paws, Lyne, wjth "Lefty" Jenkins winning a 9 to Grove, 5 decision for Duke over Jim Ball, veteran of the Tar Heel mound staff. Th eMonroe Aggies are entering: jenkins is likely to face the Tar Heels Pharr, Cowan, Rainwater, Parrott, afrain, but Coach Ashmore may send lischer, btrother, Colley, Hearn, Auburn Wright or Frank Fleming, Johnston, Starnes, Aiken, Weldon, hntVl rio.M-hanters. to the mntmd foT Davis. . Virginia Episcopal Schdol are en tering: Grove, Daren, Ristine, Booth, and Luck. the first Duke game and held the op ponents well for the last half of that game. Both the Carolina and Duke nines T - - x " n i : i'ii cj j nn nave exceptionally strong miters. fcenatOr leOrge lO Kistler, eiant first baseman has an Speak at Duke average of around .450 while Deane and Werber are close to the four Senator Walter F. George, of hundred mark. Bob Jessup and Henry Georgia, former associate justice of House, for the Heels, have been hit the Georgia Supreme Court and ting exceptionally well. House haa United States senator since 1922, has ! an even .400 percentage while Jes- - . . j , i i - i Deen cnosen xo deliver tne commence-, sun falls short f it. hv vm-it -(W -x- J - J ment address at Duke University Wednesday, June 5, it was announced by the Duke officials last Saturday. An Interest of Truth Reporter I said in my article that the man "fell on his face and hurt it,? and you took out the last three words. City Editor Yes, I know the man. very points. House was the outstanding batter of the previous game wilh the Devils securing two circuit clouts in his first two trips to the plate, while Jessup4 began the rally that won the Carolina-Virginia game in Greens boro by knocking one over the fence. Patronize Tar Heel Advertisers. The Pines is the favorite rendezvous for Club Gatherings, Bridge Luncheons and Fraternity get-togethers. We solicit this kind of patronage, feeling certain that everyone will be highly pleased. Mrs. Vickers has the happy faculty for assisting in the preparation for such functions and will cheerfully render her as sistance to make such gatherings a huge success. For those as sociations and organizations which like to have dancing as a feature of their program we offer our dance floor. For a simple luncheon or a banquet, The Pines solves the problem. THE PINES TEA ROOM Chapel Hill Boulevard 4 Miles from Chapel Hill f7 SPECIAL? $1.50 Cigarette Lighters for 99c Get One of These Exceptional Lighters before They Are Gone. PHONE 5541 THE BEST RECORD IN A LONG, LONG TIME AND IT'S BY AN OLD CAROLINA MAN "BESSIE COULDN'T HELP IT" By Slatz Randall and His Orchestra THIS WEEK'S RELEASES INCLUDE - v "KANSAS CITY KITTY" Fox Trot; "I'VE GOT A FEELING I'M FALLING" Sung by Nick Lucas; "L6VE ME OR LEAVE ME" Fox Trot; "MY CAIRO LOVE" Fox Trot; "A PRECIOUS LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE" Jessie Crawford; "A GARDEN IN THE RAIN" George Olsen SITS' SUPPLY STORE Don't Forget Hal Kemp and Kay Kyser Releases! EVERYTHING IN STATIONERY ST'UDE

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