"sse Four THE TARHEEL Thursday, May 30, 1929 flWlFlMIK'ieM BY TAR raJWIWMlM . . , . , . . ; o- - : i Conference, State, and ectional Titles Topple ef ore Attack of Heels Boxers and Harriers Win in Conference; State Titles in Football, Basketball, Boxing, Tennis and Golf; Baseball Team Wins in Tri-State ' League. . Carolina's athletic teams have just (closed one of the most successful sea sons in the history of the University. .During the year the teams 'amassed total of t?n championships. 1 In the Southern Conference the Tar . Heels captured titles in cross-country, and boxing, and took second place in Che conference track and field meet, which was held a few weeks ago. This is the second year that the cross country and boxing teams have won the conference championship. The cross-country team went to . .. , tianta for tbe conference run ana succeeded in bringing the title back with ton with no great amount of difficulty. Captain John Henderson Vad the, team to its second succes sive victory- Ctau&fes Q;uinlan and Butler took the Tar Heel boxers to Charlottesville in March with'not a single defeat in the meets that had been held. It was a close contest there with only Cap taxnelect Archie Allen - winning a iirst place, but sufficient second and third places were annexed to give Carolina its Second boxing title in as many years Carolina took second place in the conference track meet trailing Louis iana State University by only 2 1-2 uoints. This meet climaxed one of Coach Fetzer in ii . f I I. V -ii 1 i I J ' "X ' '.- . ' . GOLF TEAM ENDS SEASON OF MANY HARD VICTORIES Captain June Adams Stacks Clubs after Leading Team mates through Difficult Season. FRESHMEN ANNEX N. C.TRACRTIM Unusually Good Material WiU Go up to Battle for Varsity Berths Next Year. CAROLINA LEADS TRI-STATE TEAMS State College Finishes Second; Maryland Tops Teams in Batting. North Carolina clubs walked off the most successful track seasons in with the honors in the second season jnany years, for they won all dual of the Soutnern onierence xh-ouk meets and the' state meet as well. Baseball League, which ended Satur FnntfcalL basketball, track, boxing, day last. University of North Caro- mj ,if teams captured state Una won the championship with a 4.1. ' The football team record of nine wins and one defeat, . r.W Nnrth Carolina team to and shares with University of Vir- 2-0 undefeated in the big five circles, ginia a leg on the league trophy, w one tie game on its which must s be won three times before record, but all others had both ties a school gains permanent possession, trad defeats. - N. C. State,' only' foe" to trim' the no,, wwthall team won the state Tar Heels, finished in . second place. ,5n with a very good University of Maryland won team r.L It defeated' all teams twice batting honors, with a clubbing per . tv rfrridhii? with them, centage of .290, whxle V. M. 1. was Almost a forty point lead was held first in defensive ability. The Cadets by the Tar Heels when the state track committed oniy 10 errors m nine meet was over at Greensboro. A 1 games and had a mark of .961. Tnrraher of first places and a large Captain Larry Allgood, of North number 'of second and third finishes Carolina State, and Lefty Williams, gave thj tracksters this easy margin. v. M. I. star, were the outstanding The boxers won all their dual meets pitchers of the season in numbers of and thereby have a clear claim to victories, but Murden of V. P. I. won the title. Duke was supposed to be national fame by hurling a no-hit, the most likely contender, but they n0run game' against N. C. State, were defeated by a very good margin. Allgood won four games, one a The tennis team won championships three-hit affair, and lost none. Wil- it both the sinzles and the doubles in iiams pitched eight games for V. M. I. tournament which was held here winning five and losing three. By in ApriL Yeomans . captured the way 0f contrast, Gene White pitched singles title, and the doubles finals and lost eight games m a Washing- were fousht out between two Caro- ton and Lee uniform. White was lina pairs with Merritt and Shapiro football captain of the Generals last defealinir Waddell and Norwood. fau, The state meet in golf was held at Final club standings, club averages Redffefield and the team took this meet and pitching records for this college Tie va the first year Lomm dtp announced by Robert US ii.Il ,11 fcT v a cacuvr - that tennis and golf teams had a coach, and Coach Kenfield deserves innch credit for winning these titles. The baseball team won the Tri- state leazue baseball title with eight N c. State. winsland one defeat. This baseball u of Virginia league is composed of the Southern Virginia M.' L... conference beseball , teams in the v. P.M. - states of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and ilaryland. Virginia, V. P. ( J. Harylaad, and N. Cf State were teams defeated. The goK team of the University closed a successful season about two weeks ago at the Southern Conference meet in Biltmore, North Carolina This season the team had several vprv hard maichfi and has come out ' 1 AJ in fine:tyli. Captain led the team in all admirable manner" and contributed a great deal in the showing that the team made. Owing to the fact that there was not a complete golf course in good shape around Chapel Hill, the Uni versity officials gave the team the use of Kenan Stadium as a practice field. They also appointed Coach Kenfield, director of the tennis team, to super vise the golfers, In the first Big Five match of the ear the . team lost to Duke by the sc&re of y-o. xnis matcu was in Durham, with Jim Horton, of Duke having low score. Meade Willis and June Adams were the low scorers lor the Carolina team. . Following this meet the flashy Davidson team w&l met. In this match the Tar Heel golfers hit their stride and easily defeated the Wildcats. The next match that the team participat ed in was the State Tournament held in Greensboro on the Sedgef ield course. This tournament was one of the most important matches that the team entered, and they showed up exceptionally well. All the Big if ive teams were represented m tnis tournament and a win meant a great deal to Carolina. The team played excellent golf and ran rough shod over all contestants. In the next meet the Heels were defeated by the strong Georgia Tech team. The match was held m Dur ham on the Hope Valley Course. The Carolina team led their opponents during the morning play, but the fiehting Georgia team came back in the afternoon to take of f the honors of the day. Captain June Adams of roUTia nrna low Medalist -for the morning. The order that the Caro lina team played was as follows: Meade Willis No. 1: Charles Chatham No. 2; June Adams No. 3; and Lu- her Stewart No. 4. Ater defeating the Washington and Lee golfers, the team entered the Southern Conference Tournament on the Biltmore Forest uounxry uuu course. Although they did not win Carolina Diamond Stars End Successful Season Coach Ashmore The freshman track season has just closed with the state champion ship safely tucked away, and the prospect of excellent varsity material for next year. Coaches Ranson and Belding are to be congratulated on the wonderful showing of their team Though engaging in but four meets, their showing in these meets was suf ficient to warrant optimistic hopes for next year's varsity. The first meet of the year was against a com- hined team from Wilmington and Greensboro, which the frosh wofi with a score of 56 1-2 to 51 1-2. The high schTifilers bresented a' fast all-star tem which made things plenty in teresting for the freshmen. The next was with the frosh of N. C. State, who were clearly outclassed, as the score of 86-40 shows. After that came the Duke Frosh, who were alse run away with to the tune of 80-46. The last meet of the year was the State Intercollegiate Freshman Meet, which Carolina won with a score of 70, as against 34 for Duke and 22 for Wake Forest, the other two schools competing. Possibly the most outstanding and consistent performer was Charley Farmer, a sprint star who showed his heels to every opponent in every meet. He has twice run the 220 in time which comes within a fifth of the Southern Conference record. Farm er's time is 21.2 seconds as compared with 21.1 time made by Ed. Hamm, Georgia Tech star. He has also run the 440 twice in good time. Much ?s being expected of this boy next year, Farmer was ably seconded by Rip Slusser who finished just behind him in every meet, and who also per formed very creditably on the 220 low hurdles. Weil and Case made up t -7ii Xi" Aft it;, f1j?.ivriii-irirt in ii i i i i tiMiu ,rf-, " 1 . Win Tri-State Title and Finish Second in Conference; Jimmy Maus Captains 1930 Team- From advance reports Carolina stu dents had expected a team which would fail to come up to the standard set by former Carolina teams. Coach: Jim Ashmore built up a team which more than refuted these advance re ports. He had no pitchers except Jim Ball, a southpaw, who had been. S7 V V t ii J X HEELS WILL NOT CHOOSE CAPTAIN OF BASKETBALL a reserve the year before. Therein lay the real weakness. Before the season opened he had discovered twa dependable right handers, Wright and:. Fleming, and with these he opened the season. He changed Satterfield Coach Ashmore Will Appoint who was playing his last season, irom. Leader before Each Game. short to third, put Whitehead, a soph omore, on short, ana cnangea apiaun rrv TT-rcitTT VinsVethall sauad will T.uftv from third to first. With Rand- X not have an elected captain for the and, Jackson alternating at second: 1930 season. Coach Jim Ashmore this line-up played through practi- ii o .oQin hpfnrp each rail v the entire season. In the out- Wlll 1UUU111U game. This plan has worked well in some the other two sprinters, and it was other institutions where the coaches this, quartet which captured the nail- have found that the full seasons mile relay at the Tech Relays in At- responsibility has interfered with the lanta and lowered the standing rec ord by three seconds. Incidentally, their record was only a hfth oi a seepnd behind that of the colleges. captain's playing ability. Captains in seven other sports al ready have been elected. No two hail from the same town. Places repres- field he had Bob Jessup, the veteran Tommy Coxe, and Jim Barnhart which trio made a "murderer's row' to be feared. Jimmy Maus, the best-, catcher in the state, completed the team and the season was opened with two wins over Springfield College U. of Pennsylvania was then enter tained and departed after dropping a couple of games to the Heels. The Easter Monday game with Davidson College at Salisbury resulted in a hard-fought 4 to 2 win for the Heels, with Lefty Ball pitching a masterful game. Penn State stopped off at the Hill, and departed after losing their scalp to the Heel's collection. Cor- - Ih the mile, Clarence Phoenix was ented among the Tar Heel leaders in consistently good and captured all his cm(je Charlotte, Statesville, Bryso races in very creditable times. With citv. Raleigh, Greensboro, Mount some improvement, he should give Holiy an(i chapel Hill. plenty of competition next year. . . . . captain- Possibly the next most consistent . j football and baseball, return man was Ty Reid, who took care of . towns another season. the hurdles and broad jump, and L . nf f00tball. hails nell was the first team able to break helped in the high jump. He had no . Charlotte and succeeds another the Heel's winning streak which she Charlotte boy, Harry Schwartz, who did to the tune of 12 to 3. Washmg- led the Tar Heel gridmen last fall, ton & Lee and Maryland were next Jimmie Maus, captain of baseball, is beater with scores of ii to ana the second successive Greensboro boyKo 1. The team then left for a Vir- - - l rnWinh thatr hoar ivi arv- tft leaH the' Tar Heel nine. JNan "'" - Lufty, Greensboro boy, was captain this past season. ' Other Tar Heel captains already elected include Dave Nims, Mount Holly, track; Minor Barkley, States- Harper, of Richmond, league statis tician. Club: ; , . W. U. of N. Carolina...........:... :.......7 trouble making away with first place in both hurdles and the broad jump in every meet. His best times were IK fi or the hiffhs and 25.2 for the this meet, the Tar Heel golfers show- lowg- both of which mean troubie f or ed up very well. some college's aspirants m the hur The prospects for next year in golf dies next year. are very good. Captain Adams win Worth McAlister was perhaps the be the only man on this year s team most versatile of the frosh. He to be lost by graduation. Charlie k d in the jump, javelin, Chatham No. 2 man this year will be Bhf and discus. The javelin was his crossountry; Wayne Woodard, back, as will Meade Willis and Luther st event, since he got over 160 feet r,. wlvae,llW. Arf.h Allp. . , . - f i-TAjMvr. j ) .0 y conbibteuuy. T?ol?o.V, Wirino-- -nA -Rillir Merritt. The two-mile is considered an ex- ChaT)el Hili tennis. The golfers have . TTV I tremely hard run, out ueorge fierce not elected a captain, and Jack Jb arris carea ior tnis evem and made times which are considered extremely good for freshmen. They should blossom out next year. Other men who gave promise of Stewart. With these three excellent golfers from this year's team as the ioVtrrnimH. a stroner team should be developed. 6 .11:15 .:..: .5 :....l.4 L. Pet. 1 .900 4 .636 5 .545 A- .555 6 .454 7 : .363 9: .000 Mebane Marries Miss Knutzen . Immediately after passing his oral examination for the degree of Doctor valuable varsity material were Tom of Philosophy in Chemistry and Phy- Parsons and Wick Smith in the pole sics last Friday night, William Mar- vault, Gilbreath, whoimproved irom ion Mebane, instructor in analytical 80 feet in the discus to around chemistrv and member of Alpha Chi feet, and, should-continue, improving, - " . . . i . i . j ii - ii Rioa fratemitv. left for Newton 10USton, wno penormea wen in cue s - , - , . r Washineton and Lee.........0 , Maryland not only set the pace with the willow, but also showed the most This is one of the largest and most spee(i on the bases, stealing 21 sacks. select group of titles that the lar Club: Heels have won, end comparatively Maryland . few stMetes will be st next year by y. P. I. graduation, so athletic officials are V. M. I. expecting and hoping to bave another Carolina successful season in 13?9-fyU. Ab. .....372 ..:336' 1..316 .......332 N. C. State ....381 Virginia ... ..1....371 W. and L. 321 R. 59 61 45 61 69 66 : 48 SB. Ave. 24 .290 H. 108 96 89 92 101 94 76 Marvland reeled off nine double plays to lead all rivals in this defen sive play, final averages show. V. M. I. was the best fielding club, with 16 11 17 18 13 9 .285 .281 .280 .265 .253 .236 NEW DORMS WIN DORMITORY TITLE AS DAVIS HURLS where the next morning at ten o'clock he married Miss Isabelle Knutzen of Charlestown. : After the ceremony the couple left for Charlestown on their honeymoon. They will return to the Hill in about a week. The wedding came as a complete 440 and broad jump, Follin in the 440, and Remsen in the javelin and discus. While the ineligibility of Roy. Brown in the half-mile and Theron Brown in the field events detracted some from the scores that were made, they were not seriously needed and will be much more valuable for the varsity next vear. Things look bright for a . : t. xv 4,;AnJ0 vf Afennne. . JTn irf Southern Conference title who had been given no suggestion of r the coming marriage. Wake Forest Trustees Meet Today BsJ Captains fQ cad Stale Track Tcaia Dual captains, np !Jonger a Taxit m football, now bob PP i teac tVit-co TjaTIots failed to break a tie kocn Tini Ottinger and Dean Pat- Carolina second a - KJ I -v A TTTM1 ? A 1tA WIIA'Q terson for the track capiamcy . jjeity w imams was uic i6 a State so, it was decided that Ot- strikeout king, whiffing 61 men. All tin"er 440 star, should captain track g00& was sCond, with 37 strikeouts events with Patterson, weignt epcua.- t0 hls creait. ict cantaining the field men. Ottin- ger hails from Asheville, Patterson from Burlington. - : STirressful operation of the carrier British Malay iOCJIUUUU Henpeck, truculently, to friend I decided last night to have it out with m v wife and find out once for all who's boss in my house. Friend Well? Who is? Henpeck She is. ' Davis Hurls New Iorms to 2-1 Victory; Decathlon Finals Today and Friday. , Overcoming a one-run lead in the second inning of .a four, and one-half inning game, the New Dorms base- land, Virginia, and V.P.I. Opening at home with the strong State nine the Heels beat them after a terrific battle. V.P.I, came down heralded as having a strong team, but lost by the score of 10 to 9 after an extra inning in which V.P.I, scored one run and Carolina scored two. Car olina then played Duke at Durham and lost her first game to any col lege in the state by the score of 9 to 6. Henry House slammed two home runs in this game. Wake Forest then slipped away with the long end of a 4 to 3 score, with Lanning for Wake Forest pitching good ball. Ashmore's cohorts then beat the traditional rivals, Virginia, for the second straight time by a score of 6 to 4. Satterfield, diminutive infielder, led the hitting with four hits out of five times at bat. On the following day, the Heels made a clean sweep of the series by scoring 4 to Virginia's 2 in the, annual game at Greensboro, wieh Maus, Captain-elect, getting three out of three to lead the hitting. A slight ball team defeated "J" dormitory by letown then came and the team lost three straight to Duke, Wake Forest, and State College, to finish the season with a record of only six losses out of twenty-one games played. ........0 ....3 1 0 W expected to result in the extension I 0 -of the service.. ; AlVood. N. C. State 4 Pitcher Williams, V. M. Gillespie, V. M. I Milburn, Md. De Marco, Md Hess, Md Ta, Heel Advertiser, oer T S" j . . . , MAm.TiaTirii! ibnore, in. j. o " -the best classes v. me-"- W. L. SO. BB. I 5 3 61 12 1 10 7 1 13 12 1 9 8 3 4 2 9 0 37 2 33 2 10 Murden, V. P. I. , 2 2 32 12 Mapp, VP. I. - 2 2 21 17 Dozier, V. P. I. 1 2 5 9 Ball, U. N. ' C. - 4 1 20 10 Fleming, U. N. C -.... 3 0 12 10 Wright, U. N. C. 2 0 13 9 Costello, U. Va. 2 2 15 -5 pilis, U. Va. 2 2 8 14? Marshall, Va. 1 16 5 Fred, Va. rl 0 2 9 White, W. and L. 0.8 29 14 Ranier, W. and L. 0 1 0 3 fH-VioTc W and L 0 1 0 13 " ' I Trustees of Wake Forest are to meet Today and it is expected that at that time the . matter of a suc cessor to Cof all will be taken up. Incidentally, the trustees are also slated to consider a resolution call ing for abolition of intercollegiate football at the institution. There is food for thought in the knowledge that a chef gets more pay than a college professor. a score of 2 to 1 yesterday afternoon on Emerson Field. This victory gives New Dorms the baseball champion ship of the Dormitory Intramural League. , Neimyer took the mound for "J" and allowed New Dorms only four A moron is one who avoids doing T certain things for fear people will i think him a moron. "No," said the best man, "but any one could see that you were not your self." and Wyrick flew out. This afternoon Lambda Chi Alpha hits, but Raynor's home run with one and New Dorms will fight it out for man on base was enough to win the the championship of the campus. T" - i 1 J J XT game, uavis pucnea lor iNew uorms The Decathlon contest, which had and' allowed only three hits, two of hepn YA out Mondav and Tuesday which came in the second inning to account for "J's" one run. "J" drew the first blood afternoons, got off to a slow start this afternoon and tbe shot-put and hundred-vard dash were held. Jeff r pushing oue run across in the sec- Fm-Hham threw th-Rw fhirtv-eisrht ond. Mclver tripled to center field, feet eleven and one-half inches, and then came home on House's single to win this event. In the novice De- to right. New Dorms was not - i xi.- .t- ura to be outdone and came through vw nnri n .maa Slater ior xwo runs which were sufficient to win the championship. Fox flew out, Davis flew out, Higdon singled, and then came home when Raynor knocked the ball through the left fielder's legs for a home run. Cul- bertson was hit by a pitched ball, second, and Ketchie third. The remaining events will be held on Emerson Fielld this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon if weather con ditions permit. Advertise in the TAR HEEL.

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