Tag Football Starts Thursday Sports me SOT Horace Carter Views Football Situation TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1944 PAGE THREE : r V Don't be surprised if .you hear Tom days, because he's head coach of the and the Marine trainee is doing a commendable job of it too Lane, the only letterman Coach McEver could find available when he re ported to Carolina, received a broken ankle in the Cherry Point game and has been out of action since and prob- ably for the rest of the season. The principal of the high school found this out and acquired the services of the Marine gridder as coach for the re mainder of the year. John Anderson, another Marine, was head coach be fore he left Carolina the first of No vember. Coaching is nothing new for Tom, , since he coached the school's baseball team last spring and mentored the basketball team too. His diamond team enjoyed a successful season, as did his cage squad. Since taking over football duties from Anderson, Lane's gang of spirit ed youngsters have won their last two battles from Bragtown and Siler City by sizeable scores. . ;. This columnist apologizes to Coach Carnevale for stretching the number of Milligan basketball players there were to be on hand for the newly ap pointed cage mentor. The first day of practice Carnevale was looking every where for the five Milligan boys, but was successful in finding only one. . That was Fred Allan, a star center for theMilligan crew last season. . . Coach Carnevale is rapidly cutting his squad of eighty candidates in order to get a more convenient group with which to wo'rk . . . Coach Al Mathis will again handle the "B" team. Before the Bainbridge-Pre-Flight game, 14 of Bainbridge's players were reported to be injured, but the trip to Chapel Hill -must have recuperated them awful quick, because none of the outstanding gridders were ailing that day. . . . Propaganda, eh! . . . Claude Crocker has entered the field of poli tics ' and is running on the Student Party ticket for the civilian member to the legislature. Crocker as you re member pitched for the Brooklyn Dodgers this past season and was Carolina's mound star last spring. In 1929 Coach Gene McEver was the leading scorer of the nation with 130 points. This was the year that Gene made All-American while play ing for the unbeaten Tennessee eleven. . . . John Kerns, the husky 220 pound tackle, is about Carolina's only can didate for an All-American berth. While at Duke, Kerns received a lot of publicity along this line and if he keeps up his present pace he should be in line for a position. ' , This columnist stuck his neck out last week and picked Wake -Forest over Duke and the outcome was some what whop-sided. . . . This defeat floored Wake Forest's hopes of a bowl The Wolf it Mate SHo'b buying her BULL'S HEAD s. Cff&t OH tqr Uomi S-fom II "Beat CAROLINA CHATTER By CARROLL POPLIN Lane referred to as Coach Lane these Chapel Hill High School football team iujvi LAIMJ5, star tackle on Caro lina's eleven before he was hurt in the Cherry Point game, is now coach ing Chapel Hill High School's football team. Mural Football Starts Thursday Walt James reports that a large number of teams have submitted en tries into the tag football tournament which starts action on Thursday after noon at 5:30. Schedules will be posted in the Gym and copies will be sent out to each team that. has entered. James stressed the fact about having a referee on day's that your team does not play. This is important in order to obtain a suffi cient number of referees to officiate at the games. The referees are to be paid Three leagues will more than likely i)e organized, but no official word has been announced as yet. A set of the rules will be given to each team if they drop around to Walt James office in Woollen Gym. Becoming familiar with the rules will be a valuable asset to each individual participating in the intramural sport. The tag football league will be in progress until the Christmas holidays begin and basketball will follow. Box ing and wrestling are slated to come before the cage program starts. bid. . . . Duke has bumped on: two un defeated teams within the past two weeks. ... All of the other preaic - m 1 tions made last week were accurate with the exception of the Carolina William and Mary game. by Sansorie Nary War Bond Cartoon Serrioo 1 Pearl Harbor Day bonds frofaj BOOKSHOP NC Pre-Flight Scores 33-18 Victory Over Georgia Navy Graham Leads Way For One-Sided Win Making their comeback from a 52-20 liclang Bainbndge dished out last week, the Cloudbusters ran away with the Georgia Pre-flight game by an easy 3o-18 victory in Athens, Georgia last Saturday. Otto Graham was the man of the day and stepped into the spotlight by slinging and toting the leather for four of the 'Busters touchdowns. Graham also set up the final score of the game with his accurate heaving and ball car rying. After the first six minutes of play the Cloudbusters had racked up their first score of the game and held their lead for the rest of the day. The North Carolina team began its first drive from the 42 yard line with Bill Pearce and Stan Koslowski gaining most of the ground. Graham passed to Sheehan, and the extra point was put between the goal posts by Buell St. John. In the second quarter the 'Busters added another 7 points to their score by Graham's passes to Fellabaum Aschenbrenner and Anderson and Anderson crossed the line. The Skycrackers made a desperate attempt to get back into the ball game and scored their first touchdown just before the half ended by going over from the three yard line by a pass from Stanczak's to Drewes. It was a prac tically useless attempt for the Georg ans because another pass from Graham to Fellabaum was good for another six points. Carolina Pre-flighters swept across the goal two more times in the fourth period with Graham driving over from the 5 yard line and' Bassey hitting the line to pay dirt from the 3. Georgia's final splurg in the last few minutes resulted in a score with Stanczak pass ing to Nugent in the end zone. The biggest thrill of the game came in the third quarter when Aschenbren ner faked a punt from his five yard line and threw Graham a screen pass. The all-american from Northwestern took the ball and ran the remaining 95 yards of the field only to find that it nullified because of a clipping penalty. 'By Football Team, Ye Shall Know Them' Says Ex-Editor About Carolina's Grid Team (Editors Note: Ensign Horace W. Carter, former editor of the Tar Heel, wrote the following article concerning the pertinent football question that is confronting Carolina at the present. Ensign Carter has just finished four months training at Notre Dame uni versity.) "By their football team, ye shall know them," might be a verse which all America has adopted during recent years regarding the recognition of in stitutions of the nation. It is for this reason that I am writ ing' this letter to the Tar Heel in hopes that the editors will see fit to print it. Not long ago the trustees of the Uni versity made a move toward insuring the people of North Carolina that the Tar Heel gridsters would be on a par with the rest of the nation in the post war world. But since that time, much has happened with the old grads split ting attitudes over the question. To make the situation much more complicated, Dr. Frank, who I re spect more than any other man in North Carolina and sincerely believe him to be the South's foremost educator, is against any athletic move that calls for wholesale spending of money. Dr. Frank is sincere in his belief that no football coach should receive a salary higher than the dean of administra tion. Now there is no denying that it does seem tragic to pay a grid coach more money than the foremost educators of the University. But at the same time, football has long since ceased te be a mere sport, although it is that too. It is a criterion by which the rest of the nation measures the standards ,of the GRAHAM MEMORIAL BARBER SHOP Meet Your Friends at Mack's Basement of Graham Memorial Experience Service Consideration asketball Roster Will e Cut By End Of Week First Game Set for Basketball practice at Carolina swung into the second week yesterday, with approximately 50 boys still on the roster, but according to the new coach, Lt. Ben Carnevale, only 30 will be left at the end of the week. The prospective 1944-45 Tar Heel cagers, who play their first game with Ft. Bragg sometime the first week in December, will get down to serious business as soon as the squad has been cut down to 30, with 15 men on the 'A' team and 15 on the 'B' team. During the past week, and the first part of this Varsity Shop Sponsors Starting this week the Varsity Shop will sponsor the Grid Predictions Con test and all entry blanks must be placed in a box at the Varsity before Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. FOOTBALL Score Score Score Score Carolina Yale Duke South Carolina Army Penn Navy Purdue Georgia Auburn NC State Richmond NC. Pre-Flight Camp Peary Iowa Minnesota Ohio State Illinois California S. California Name- Address. Hockey Squad To Drill Tish Andrews, manager of the women's hockey team has asked that all girls interested, in playing on the varsity hockey team meet at Kenan Stadium Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Plans are being made for Caro lina to play the Duke varsity in the near future. November 24 has been set as a tentative date. school. It is something like a barometer of a schools capability to match wits with the other institutions which it finds on the schedule. Take this season for instance, there is no denying that the players have played good, honest and clean football. They have tried probably harder than any previous team but to little or no avail. This is a warring era, however, and not too. many people expect a world better, but they do expect to be able to hold up their heads wher ever they are, and be glad - they went to the University of North Caro lina. Let me tell you it is not easy now when you are among football en thusiasts." I just completed four months train ing at the University of Notre Dame. But the day I set foot on Irish soil, I was really in for a surprise. I had heard all my life of the University of Notre Dame and its traditional great football teams. I expected to see ath letic facilities unmatched anywhere. That was the wrong impression. They have nothing to compare with the un limited facilities of Carolina. There are no massive gymnasiums like Woollen, no pools as nice as Bowman Grey, and only one football field, that the stadium which was built in recent years. There are no fine practice fields like Fetzer and the hoard of others that are taken for granted in Chapel Hill. Further more it is not a big school. Carolina has many more buildings and usually more students; Carolina definitely has a larger enrollment right now but do their football teams stand equal? Notre Dame has taken advantage of Early December one, it has been the job of Coach Carne vale and his assistant, Pete Mullis, to look over and review the ability of the some lads who reported a week ago Monday and select from them the 30- man roster. Drills are continuing from 5:30 to 7:30 each evening, and although the one game with Ft. Bragg is almost def finite, no other schedule has been an nounced. It is anticipated that some 25 games will be played, however, includ ing about 15 conference tilts and 10 with leading serviceman teams of the vicinity. Grid Contest Prizes for the winners will be an nounced later, it was stated. First, second and third awards will be of fered. More than likely the prizes will be in cash. PREDICTIONS Sports Staff Meets On Wednesday at 4:30 An important meeting of ' the sports staff of the Tar Heel will be Kel? on Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in the office at Graham Me morial. It is urgent that all present staff members be present at this meeting. Any one wishing to write sports are welcomed also. a few really great football players like Rockne and "Gipper" and from them moulded a tradition. Now they only have to scour the countryside for prospects, bring them in under careful tutoring for a year or so, and a fine football eleven is the result. North Carolina has to wake up to athletics. Athletics is the very body and soul of the University possibly the nation and as Frank Leahy recent ly stated keeps America from having the imperialistic desires of Germany and Japan. . In the postwar world, thousands of service men are going to jam the streets of Chapel Hill. Among them will be athletes and hundreds of other athletes can be procured over the nation for the asking and perhaps a chance to earn yes earn an education by playing football. Football is elsewhere and should be at Carolina just as upstand ing a way of working through college as jerking sodas or serving tables. It is the only way many students can get through college. I contend that no one has the Uni versity at heart more than I. I will always cherish Carolina and Chapel Hill win or lose forever. But it would make life considerably more pleasant to know you could return to her in the fall and see spirited athletes fight any scheduled eleven on even terms. It just doesn't seem right to go through Chapel Hill on the day they are play ing at home to see a Duke Puddleburg ball game because they have ball clubs and Carolina doesn't. As ever, Ensign W.. Horace Carter Ex-Editor of the Tar Heel CHRISTMAS CARDS Now On Display LEDBETTER-PICKARD Buy Now Carolina Ties Virginia Foe In Grid Battle By Score, 0-0 Several Goal Bids Made by Tar Heels Carolina with-stood a desperate last minute drive by the William and Mary Indians as the two evenly matched teams battled to a scoreless deadlock last Saturday afternoon before 3,000 excited fans. The Tar Heels dominated play all afternoon, but had to put on added pressure in the fading seconds of the contest and the game ended with the Indians in possession of the pigskin on Carolina's eight yard line. Four strong threats were made dur ing the encounter, but neither team seemed to offer enough offensive spark to cross the goal stripe. Pas interceptions and fumbles again proved a hazard to Carolina's hopes as two touchdown drives were blockaded in the second and fourth quarters. The first Carolina threat came mid way the second period with Warren, Camp and Voris standing out. Mag dziak kicked to his own 47 yard line and Voris returned it to the 40. Voris ripped off four yards through left guard and the next play the former "Army frosh star streaked to the Indians 19 yard line. Jack Dean on a quarterback sneak weaved his way to the 13 before being hauled down. Voris was hit hard and fumbled and the loose ball was recovered by Wright, the Indians left end and Magdziak kicked out. Again in the second quarter the Tar Heels seemed goalward bound as Bob Warren recovered Magdziak's fumble on Carolina's own 40 yard stripe. War ren heaved a beautiful pass into the waiting arms of Jim Camp and the flashy back raced 23 yards down to the Indians 37 yard line before he was knocked out of bounds. Warren's pass was incomplete, but on the next play the Goldsboro gridder skirted 18 yards to the 19. But on the three following plays Carolina has possession of the ball on their 43 as the half ended. Both teams exchanged punts during the third quarter and no serious threats were made. After two minutes had gone by in the final period, Carolina took over on their own 40 after holding the Indians on downs. Warren went around end for two yards and Camp gains three on a reverse. Camp broke into the clear and makes it a first down on William and Mary's 38 before he is pulled down from behind. Voris cracked cen ter for two and Dean on a quarterback sneak added another first down on the 25. Camp on a reverse picked up four yards. Warren weaved his way 13 yards and another first down on the eight yard stripe. Voris hits center for three yards, but lost a yard on the next try. Warren's pass intended for Bauer was intercepted in the end zone and another march was brought to a halt. Carolina doubled the number of first downs that William and Mary was able to acquire through the stiff Tar Heel forward wall and outrushed the Indians, but completed only 2 passes out of the twelve attempted. William and Mary drove deep into Carolina territory after Thompson re covered Bill Voris's fumble on the Tar Heels 29 yard mark and gave the Indians the only break of the game. Hard running Jack Bruce was thrown for a three yard loss by Bauer and Weant, but Magdziak passed to Macki See CAROLINA TIES, pagei CLASSIFIED Advertisement must be paid for in advance and turned in at the Tab Hkel, business office. 206 Graham Memorial, by 1 o'clock the day preceding publication. Fifty cents ($.50) each insertion. LOST A pair of red rimmed glasses probably in Danziger's. Finder please return to Myra Sklary, 203 Mclver. 11-11-44 n.pd. FOR SALE English library chair and adjustable student lamp. Telephone 5736. Ground Floor Library Best New Fiction and Non-Fiction EUBANKS DRUG CO. 1892 1944 Rent ,r Buy rrthe assembly union service, x i will sing. I Browse - bii mill mini :i . , r d

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