Intramural Football Nears Completion H1PT Jilie SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1944 SIT Cagers Look Good In First Trial PAGE THREE .Heel Sports Phantoms In Court ! Beat B merer Svent, 44-20; Play Butner Foe Tonight i ... - Norfolk, Jordan and King Spark Attack By Irwin Smallwood With a 44-20 triumph over Fort Bragg already to their credit, Carolina's White Phantoms of the hardwood travel to Camp Butner tonight to engage the strong soldier quint from Durham. Game time is 8:15. Lt, Ben Carnevale plans to start the ' same team that opened and turned back the potent' Ft. Bragg Reception Center team here in Woollen gym last Wednesday night The Ft. Bragg club was undefeated, but a potentially toflight Tar Heel outfit proved too much. - we expect the game tonight to probably be much tougher," Coach Car nevale said yesterday, "for the But ner five beat a good State College crew, 63-30, recently." Carolina showed up well in defen sive play, and with experience gather ed from playing together, the Tar Heels should round into a squad that will go as far or further than the - runner-up Phantom squad in the Southern conference last season. Coach Carnevale pointed out that the mis takes made in the initial encounter with Ft. Bragg Wednesday weren't too serious, and they were the kind that would be ironed out with added prac tice and play. The shooting was a little off in the first game, which could be expected, and it will probably be ragged until the boys can put in more drills. However, the Carolina quint hit the hoop for 10 out of 19 foul shots, which isn't too bad for the first tilt. Jim Jordan, a forward of high cali bre, and Ira Norfolk, were leaders in the victory over Ft. Bragg, and Clyde King also put in a big plug from his guard position, dropping in eight points to tie Jordan for second high ovui iijinjo. wiiu inci dentally transferred-from Duke on November 1, was high man with 11 markers. The White Phantoms jumped into - a quick lead against the soldiers, lead ing by a 10-2 margin after 12 min utes, and held a 16-8 margin at half- time. ". V.' The game was a rough and tumble affair from the beginning, with both teams struggling for the advantage. Bones McKLiney, former Durham high Boxers Face Tough Slate This Season Squad Will Engage In 4 Home Cards Intramural Schedule Tag Football ' Monday, December 11 5:15: Alexander 1 Jones Hall vs. Kappa Sigma; Alexander 2 A. T. O. vs. S. A. E. Intramural 1--Beta vs. PiKA; Intramural 2 Kappa Alpha vs. Med. School No. 2; Intramural 3 Sigma Chi vs. Owen Hall. Tuesday, December 12 5:15: Alexander 1 A. T. O. vs. Beta; Alexander 2 Sigma Nu vs.' King Hall; Intramural 1 Whitehead No. 3 vs. Owen Hall. Wednesday, December 13: No games. Thursday, December 14 5:15: Alexander 1 Whitehead No. 3 vs. King Hall; Alexander 2 Sigma Nu vs. Owen Hall. - i ; . .;. . . , Coach Ranson Issues Call For More Track Participants Shultz and Hunter Are Only Vets Back By Bill Buffalo With 40 boys out for track and Coach Dale Hanson issuing a call for more boys to participate, the 1944-45 indoor and outdoor track season opened this week. i ' ! : ! , .. . . With a squad of thirty men, Coach . Ted Shultz and Bynum Hunter are Joe Murnick is molding the 1944-45 Tar Heel boxing team to meet a tough six-meet schedule. The pro posed card has the Carolina ringmen facing such stalwart Eastern teams as Maryland, Virginia, and Army, with Emory and Henry College also defi nitely on the schedule, and plans for meets with South Carolina and The Citadel progressing. The boxing season will start on January 6, with four home engage ments and six away. The pugilists will face the Old Liners at Maryland, Virginia at home, and Army at West Point on successive Saturdays. - j the only experienced talent left over from last year's varsity team. The other boys are inexperienced for the most part. Coach Banson is still looking for and expecting more boys to come out for the squad for, as Coach Ranson puts it: "It takes a lot of men to make a track team." Shultz, a 10 flat sprinter, ran in the low hurdles last season and captured second place for Carolina in .the Philadelphia meet. Coach Banson stated that most of the work at the present was condi tioning. Later the boys will be divid ed up into groups, the track mentor After losing five undefeated men asserted. The indoor track schedule has t not yet been completed for the season, but the first meet will take place around January 14. Any men who are interested in from last year's squad, captained byl Charlie Kimsey. Coach Murnick was forced to build his team around the only returning letterman, Captain- Elect Walter Krauss, who starred last year in finishing off four opponents track or have had any experience in in a total of four minutes. The re-1 track meets, are asked to attend a mainder of the team, however, is very discussion on track and the events inexperienced for a college team, but in which they feel qualified to par- should round into shape before the ticipate. The discussion will be held first match. v Coed Hockey Will in room 304 Woollen Gym at 5 o'clock. The following boys have already applied for track and are working on the squad: Frank Atkinson, Malcomn Bass, Russell Baughman, Clark Burritt, The annual winter coed hockey J James Bolch, W. Keith Carraway, tournament will get underway next I James Crain, Lewis Dye, Robert Dod- school star standout man for State week when dormitory and sorority son, John Edgerton, Douglas Erath, Pre-Flight Meets Cherry Point Five Cadets Face Test In Clash Tonight Intramural Last Week Football In Tight R College to the extent of All-Southern honors led the Ft. Bragg five in its futile attack with eight points. When the second half began, Caro lina surged ahead with ' a sudden burst of scoring, and midway in the teams meet in Kenan stadium. Teams John Harding, Walter Hester, Ken have been holding regular practices neth Hinsdale, Harry Holden, Jack this week to get in shape. s ; ' Holcombe, Arthur ? Hughes, T. E. The Tri Delts will open the tour- Hazelwood, Bynum Hunter, John nament Wednesday at 4 p. m. when umDHi, William Killian, James they meet the ADPi team, and Mc- Lanier, Charles Lyons, John Morgan, period held a 34-10 advantage. Coach iver oppose Carr Thursday after- Joe Murphy John McGowan, Theo- noon at 4 o'clock. ; - 1 dore Podoisky, Donald Riggm, Thom- The winner of the first sorority tilt Shreve Edwin Shultz, Miles Smith, will meet the winner of the Pi Phi swuwuai, Chi-Omega battle, which is to be 3?.?.mas Turner !er Ulbricht, John - . " .1 Af lllin im f Iaiim AA l,v fF 0 A.Q( W-adair affoT- " ""- uuSia xiurner. ;iujr VS-4- av -cw - J ? WU.JL-J4.a7 - WVi. noon, and the winner of the dormitory quarter-finals will meet the victor of "" " Ji 4-1, v a t xr tot,;t1i' viuw tliC XVClldU-AlkUCX 11UUDC llgUK, ""- Carnevale began substituting freely, trying out others on his totally green -team. This group kept up the scor ing pace for the Tar Heels, but the defense slackened slightly and Ft. Bragg fought hard to match the Phan tom shooting. The soldiers made 10 points as did Carolina in the final 10 minutes and the final score was 44-20. The game was well attended for the first game of the season, but the V-12 students were unable to attend be cause of their 8:30 study hour. It is ex pected, however, that some arrange ment will be made to relieve this sit uation by the next home game in order that the V-12'ers, a large number of C n-gin 7V fnnfo-r whom hold season activity tickets, will IsUrOllJlU 1 U K,UIU trr be permitted to attend. 11171. Am.L1 m. U After the tussle with Camp Butner fT-fil AtMetlC fleaUS is scheduled for Thursday at 4:30, in the semi-finals at 4 Friday afternoon. The finals will be played off on Tues day. December 19, at 4 o'clock. Suavely Might Visit tonight, Carolina will prepare to play j host to High Point College here in Woollen gym December 13. The game next Wednesday will be the last home game for the Carnevalemen, only two i other tilts being slated before the Christmas leaves. Catawba will be met the 15th and South Carolina the 16th. Both encounters' will be on for-, eign soil. The finest CHRISTMAS pres ent yon can give is one of Uncle Sam's WAR BONDS. Keep on BACKING THE AT TACK. v.-ff ' - Y,;., f Athletic officials were still silent on the recent press release stating that Carl Snavely would stop by Chapel Hill en route to Birming ham, Ala. At this visit, the Cornell mentor is expected to confer with the Uni versity heads about the coaching deal that has been brewing since the board of trustees upped the coach's salary to $12,000. Coach Bob Fetzer, director of athletics, had no official comment when called just before the Tar Heel went to press. To Hold Dance The Catholic club will hold its first dance at the Chapel Hill country club tonight, from 8:30 until 12 o'clock. The dance is informal. At a recent meeting the club decided to have a communion breakfast on De cember 17th: The breakfast will be held at 9 o'clock at the Carolina . Inn following the 8:15 mass. Lieutenant Gorman will be guest speaker. With Otto Graham, the All-American football and basketball star from Northwestern, slated to start at one of the forward positions, the North Carolina Pre-Flight Cloudbusters will meet the Cherry Point Marines here Saturday night at 7:30 in Woollen gymnasium. Graham, who has recently been on leave was expected back today in time for a workout, and Lieut. R. A. (Dyke) Raese, the Cloudbusters' head coach, plans to use him against the Marines, which, incidentally, were one of the three clubs to defeat the local Pre- Flighters last year. Others who will be in the starting ineup include either Bob Mehl or W. D. Meador at the other forward posi tion, Donald Gleasner at center, and Ed Leakey and the veteran Tippy Dye at the guard spots. Gleasner, like Graham, was a mem ber of the varsity football team dur ing the past fall. He played college basketball at Morris Harvey, stands two inches over six feet and weighs 200 pounds. In their season opener, played here last Saturday night, the Cloudbusters defeated the Greenville Air Base, 59 to 31. It was Meador and Mehl who led the scoring with 12 and 13 points respectively to their credit. Dye, Graham and Gleasner are the only members of the squad with col lege playing to their credit. The others saw action in high school competition. Of Play Sees ace For Winner Teams Fight It Out for First Division By" Johnny May The regular intramural football season was drawn to a successful close yesterday afternoon, but the remaining teams in the race will battle it out for the crown beginning Monday. iie playoffs will be between the top two teams of each league, except in the case of a tie for second place, in which case all three teams will ad vance jnto the playoffs. The intramural program has been running for the past four weeks and quite a lot of interest has been shown in the grid sport Some 18 teams have participated in the play. As the races shape up now, the "A" league has three "teams battling atu i 1.-1- i . . . . .. .. 1 " " eiu .neia uuusi ueninu -0 at Half-time, . leads the loop with three wins and irolma's "B" team came back in the Lo lSSM. tC s r- K(nnA-h1f U r, t " " Slma are r the aU.important -r -oragg reserve cpmnH nnsiHnn xuUU 11 j t. quint. 33-31. in a TiroHtMirorv ,- ,. , .. WU' p.m i: srrr nma tnem come wed. school n0. i ... ia66- r -lite rnaniom ciasn A"-iT? - 1 -I. TTT t t . 6yffl,asi vveanesaaymgnt. Jonps rr, , 1a. ,a " yiavc, Carolina s snnad TD-liiVi i nai1iA I . V AM, 7i" - Me(J g n j N 2 by Al Mathis, got off to an early lead, ty,p R- " . . but the soldiers surged ahead shortly nr,B a 1 h a thre' " d T before the first half ended. Then in l !t 7 Slatf , .. ... ' comes the strong A. T. O. squad, Trip SPCnnri nrcrtirin riT t-ha noma tk . 0 j,",-:: ;rarr; hing won two games, s. a. e. aiso " --v. L uaUbUUia XVUUU lI.C ixicix 1X111 "B" Cagemen Win 33-31 Over '- 1 i . 1 " : '.it-. Bragg Quint Nathan, Bowman Are High Scorers Uthough be Carolina's "B' passed the Ft. Bragg crew. Marx Nathan, a native Chapel Hill ian, also showed up well for the Caro lina B's along with Bowman, who tal lied ten points. The Jayvee quint will meet a strong Camp Butner aggregation tonight in a preliminary game to the varsity tussle. LETTERS (Continued from page two) tal audience at Camp Butner. Also to service men on furlough at Unity House m Forest Port, Pennsylvania. Each audience reaction was so en tirely individual that there was ab solutely no camparing one with the other. This is true of all audiences. You must deal with each one as you meet it and expect no blanket audi ence response. Naturally the enthu siasm of the cadets Sunday was, to be truthful, a little surprising, but at the same time it was good experi ence for the students who were in the show. Wallace was not at the performance and in no way does his editorial reflect the opinion of any of us involved in the production of "The Skin of Our Teeth." Signed: Randall Brooks, Stage Manager and Member of the Cast of "The Skin of Our Teeth." WAR LOAN RADIO REPAIR SERVICE ALL MAKES BENNETT AND BLOCKSIDGE, INC, 105 E. Franklin St. Chapel HU1 Tel. 6161 CLOTHES IN THE LIMELIGHT Need Extra Care Be sure that you're at your best by having your clothes cleaned and pressed often . . . ready for dates. SPECIAL 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT on DIAMONDS and JEWELRY TO MEN IN UNIFORM MAY Basketball Schedule 12- 9-44 Camp Butner 12-13-44 High Point College 12-15-44 Catawba 12-16-44 South Carolina has won two as has PiKA, but they have lost one and two games re spectively. Beta and Eaton Hall fol low in that order. In the "C" league, the three lead ers all have perfect slates. Phi Gamma Delta and Med. School No. S each have won two contests, and Sig ma Nu .has won two. Zeta Psi, Sigma Chi, Owen Hall, King Hall, and Whitehead No. 3 all seem pretty well out of the tight struggle for the play off berths. With each team playing a total of five games in the season, the stand ings (up to December 7) are as fol lows: "A" League Team Won Phi Delta Theta 3 Admirals 3 Kappa Sigma 3 Med. School No. 1 1 Battle Hall 0 Jones Hall 0 League Team Won Med. School No. 2 3 A. T. O. i 2 S. A. E 2 PiKA 2 Beta l Eaton 1 "C" League Team Won Med. School No. 3 .: 3 Phi Gamma Delta 3 Sigma Nu 2 Zeta Psi 2 Sigma Chi 1 Owen Hall 0 King Hall 0 Whitehead No. 3 0 Lost 0 1 1 3 3 3 Lost 0 0 1 2 2 3 Lost 0 0 0 3 2 2 2 2 FOR VICTORY: BU BONDS Don't Miss Trying THE CAMPUS CAFE You'll Find Our Food Good and Our Prices Reasonable YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT Walgreens BRING A HANGER WITH EACH ARTICLE UNIVERSITY CLEANERS Phone 4921 Durham, N. C. JEWELERS 211 W. Main St. Durham, N. C.