A student newspaper, published by students for students. If you find fault with this paper, you can correct that fault by reporting for a staff as signment any Thursday or Sunday night. Elaboration and confirmation of platforms and principles announced by University and United Carolina Party. Doug Hunt elected to chair manship of latter group, founded earlier this week. Serving Civilian and Military Students at UNC VOLUME LIII SW CHAPEL HILL, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1945 NUMBER SW 89 Campus Shorts New Men's Co-Op Men" interested in a co-op house now forming on campus are requested to contact Peggy Jurgenson, YMCA office secretary, for further informa tion. The co-op is still open to all male students. CRIL Meets Tonight The Council for Religion in Life will meet at the Presbyterian Church tonight at 6 o'clock for supper. Dr. Kenneth Foreman of Davidson Col lege will lead a discussion on "Reli gion and Higher Education." Every one is invited. Alderman Open House Alderman Dorm held open house for all its girls Thursday from 7 :30 to 10-p. m. Newcomers were intro duced, and refreshments were served. From J.0 to 11 p. m. the group gath ered in the parlor for a hearth party. Pi Phi Pledge Officers Pi Phj sorority pledges elected the following pledge officers at a meet ing Thursday night; Winkie Andrews, president; Ann Cults, vice-president; Ann Robinson, secretary; Evelyn Tin del, treasurer; Sibyl Goerch, social chairman; Sarah Tillet, historian; Nancy Laird, scholarship chairman; Helen Morrison, activities chairman; Ann Murphy, censor. Wedding Date Set The wedding of Betty Edwards, Chi Omega, to Bob MeNair will be sol emnized November 10 at Tarboro. Editor Names Special Group To Revive Phi Alpha Gamma Delta The following: have been elected pledge officers of Alpha Gamma Del ta: Fran Golden, president; Elsie Mac Cushman. vice-president; Mar- jorie Heitman, secretary, and Rose mary Cleveland, Jreasjrer. Three new Alpha Gam pledges are Barbara . Binsoiy ' Marsha Black and Jocelyn Landvoigt. - -" Spencer News . The new girls of Spencer Hall en tertained the old girls with an after hour party Wednesday night, assum ing the theme of "Kay KyserV Kol lege of Musical Knowledge," Spencer girls entertained the Uni versity Veterans Association with' an open house Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. V ' I . Pi Lambda Phi The Pi Lambda Phi pledges electr ed the following officers Tuesday night: Stanley Fox, president; Bob Friedlander, vice-president, and Me Cohen, scribe. DEE Party The DKFs gave a party last night for pledges at Shorty's cabin. Catholic Club Meets A meeting of the Catholic Club, called by Father O'Brien, new as sistant pastor on the campus, was held Wednesday evening to discuss plans for the coming year. It was decided that a communion breakfast would be held following the 8 o'clock mass Sunday, October 14, as a fare well gathering for the graduating NROTC's in the club. The next meet ing will be held Tuesday evening. October 9. at 7:30 in Gerrard Hall. All Catholic students on the campus are urged to be present. CICA To Meet The Carolina Independent; Coeds Association held its first meeting Wednesday night in Graham Memo rial at 7:30. Plans were made for the comirnr vear, T. J. Paolucci presiding. Kenan Council Elected as members of the Kenan House Council are Virginia Maynard, Peggy Garrison, Jean Horn, and Ruth "RoyaL Couple Cast In Play A coed bride and her groom have been cast in the Playmaker experi mental production, "Five Notes in a Bar," for Thursday night. The newly weds, Nick and Francis Lindsay, were married last week. Phi Delt Visitor Phi Delta Theta alumni who were here last week-end included Maj. Walter Clark, Lieut. Tom Hammond, Jack Elam, Barlow Jackson, Woody Sims, Oliver Spencer, Fred Stem and C.B. Phillips. Polly Williams will be Phi I Delt sponsor at the Inter-frat dance. Hunt Now Chairman Of U CP; Party Adopts 'Convention As System For Nominations Third-party politics received new impetus yesterday with the announcement by the United Carolina Party that Douglass Hunt, Speaker of the Student Legislature, had been named party chair man. Members of the UCP. meeting only three days after the announcement of the formation of the party, named Hunt to the position of temporary chairman with a unanimous vote, and simuntaneously chose a temporary executive committee to lay the ground work for immediate party organiza' tion. Members of the executive com mittee are: Hunt, chairman, Walt Brinkley, Margaret Woodhouse, Pete Pully, Lib Schpfield, Jimmy Wallace, and Al Lowenstein. Breaking precedent in Carolina po litical history, the new third party has adopted a convention system for the selection of candidates who . will run for office upon the UCP platform and program for student government Until the membership of the party rises above 100 students, all candi dates will be named by this group in meeting assembled. However, when the party membership exceeds 100 stu dents, delegate system will be employ ed whereby a true cross-section of the campus will be secured. This conven tion of delegates will make the nomi nations for the party's candidates. AH such nominating conventions will be open to observation by the entire stu dent body, thus "giving everyone the cpportunity to see how democratical ly a political party can work if it wishes to do so." Statement Adopted A statement of principle, enlarging upon the one which was printed in the Tuesday edition of the Tar Heel, was adopted at the party meeting, thus paving the way for a membership cam paign to be conducted throughout the student body. Copies pi this state ment are being mimeographed and will be ready for circulation by Tar Heel press time. "Students wishing to join the UCP or wishing to ask questions about it should see any member of the executive committee or the member ship committee," Chairman Hunt said. The membership committee, named at the meeting, include: Walt Brinkley, chairman; Herbert Weber, Connie Hendren, Frank Meadows, and Dot Churchill. Students desiring to join the party will be asked to subscribe to the mimeographed statement of principle and will, upon signing, be given a membership card. All memberships so granted will be subject to review by the membership committee, but the decision of this group may be appealed directly to the party. Organized to "restore and revitalize student government on the campus," the United Carolina Party asserts that its chief interest is in "student gov ernment rather than in student poli tics." In the statement of principle, the party pledges itself to uphold stu dent government in order "that we may not lose for those who come af ter us what those who went before, us fought so hard to win" The pledge of the party includes the See NEW PARTY, page U To meet a growing need for an or ganization to discuss and act upon student issues Tar Heel editors Jack Lackey and Howard Merry have ac cepted an appointment by Editor-in-Chief Bob Morrison to a committee to re-organize the Assembly of the Phi lanthropic Literary Society, which ex isted on the campus for almost 150 year. Merry, acting as spokesman for the committee, which will be a special committee of the staff of the Tar Heel, declared, '"We see a great need for a place where students can voice their opinions about all matters which are vital to them. In the great tradition of the Philanthropic Assembly there is a firm foundation for a student group dedicated to the increased un derstanding of the things which con cern the student body." During the last collegiate year, the student legislature, the Debate Coun cil, and the Dialectic Senate all dis cussed the possibilty of the revival of the Philanthropic Assembly, common ly called the "Phi" for many years The legislature favored the proposal and appointed a committee to reorgan lze the Phi. The committee never functioned; and after an editorial plea in the Tar Heel, another committee was appointed, but the second com mittee did not function. .The Dialec-f tic Senate favored the re-organization, but felt that action should come from members outside the Senate, which is the Phi's sister organization. The Debate Council never reached a decision. It is felt that today there is such a need for the Phi that it will receive the support of a large number of stu dents. The purpose of the committee will be to inform the students of the nature and possibilities of the Phi, to prepare the Phi Chamber on the fourth floor of New East Building, and to tentatively set up a constitution and rules of order. The Phi and Di were organized in 1795 by 31 students who were inter ested in f orensics. Later the two so cieties became the governing body of the students and regulated all stu See PHI REVISION, page U. UNC Vets Decide Not To Affiliate With Larger Group The University Veterans Associa tion last Monday night voted over whelmingly to remain unaffiliated1 with any national or sectional vet erans organization, .rroposed as a institutional amendment by Jack Shelton, the vote cut off all discussion nn an invitation Ol AMVUjlfc), a World War II veterans group, to at tend its national convention. Individuals in UVA are free to The first edition of the Carolina Mag join any veterans organization they lis scheduled to appear October 15th spp fit. The Committee on Veterans I Short stories, speeches, cartoons, Affairs is preparing a report on the I poems, photography, and a full page nature of these existing organizations pin-up promise an exciting issue from to help the members in their choice. I "civer to civer." However, members felt that UVA J Pin-up girl, Terry Maverick, a Penn should not join up as a unit, fearing Hall transfer, hails from San Antonio, TIVA would then be run from a na- I Texas. Outside jonrnalism classes, tional office. the attractive Pi Phi may be seen Mr. Harry Comer, YMCA secre- around campus in "Sound and Fury" tary, revealed that the Army barracks and wherever personality is in line. adioining the Carolina Inn will be Green eyes, brown hair, plus glamour divided into small, furnished, house- a la Joe Denker outranks all previous keening units as soon as possible for I Mag Pinups. married veterans. Families with chil- Ace photography features football riren will have priority. There have Ion the front cover which is rendered hopti 93 reauests bv varried veterans I in Cornell Red in honor of Coach Di Denounces Religious And Political Bans Overflow Crowd Passes Substitute To Fraternity Bill After a lengthy discussion which tpok several surprise twists while run njng its course, the Dialectic Senate Wednesday night voted," with but one dissenting ballot, in favor of a resolu tion calling for the abolition of any organization on the campus of the University of North Carolina which discriminates among applicants for membership on the basis of religious or political views, unless such ar. or ganization is primarily a religious or political group. .The Di session, held in Gerrard Hall to accommodate an overflow audience, started with a discussion of jn bill to abolish social fraternities at UNC, but early in the evening the substitute resolution came to the fore. During the entire meeting not one voice was raised in favor of a downright aboli tion of fraternities, and, when Doug-! lass Hunt offered an "anti-discrimination" substitute, debate shifted to it. Leading the proponents of the Hunt proposal were Nina Guard and Don Shropshire, with a host of others, in cluding Jimmy Wallace, and Hunt himself, in the van. There was some talk about whether discriminatory bans actually existed in fraternities, which were considered most likely ton of the student body the follow ing platform: "We favor a broad, well-defined constitution for our stu dent self-government; a more exten sive and complete orientation pro gram including faculty orientation; an up-to-date, unbiased Tar Heel, with the return to the Daily Tar Heel as soon as possible;, the return of class honor councils to work in coordina tion with the present judicial sys tem; a more adequate entertainment program on the campus; reduction in the fee which each student is forced to pay to the Debate Council; a joint student-faculty committee to discuss proposed rulings; a modified physical education program; reorgan ization of the Monogram Club; and a vigorous program lor the general improvement of the appearance of the campus. ' University Party Plans No Basic Policy Changes Appearance Of UCP Does Not Affect Platform Of Group, Chairman Says The University Party plans no drastic changes in its policy due to the emergence of another political party on the campus accord ing to Allan Pannill, chairman of the University Party. Pannill said: "For many years in the past, the University Party has Tff l tt iwwiiary nere Takes Second THIPA Poll done all in its power to put the best qualified candidates before the cam pus for consideration. With the ad vent of a third party on campus, we see no reason for a change in policy; policy which we have adhered to and have executed to the best of our ability and the good of the students. Possibly we have been accused of put ting the wrong man in office, but if so, it might be interesting to note that many of those comprising this new party were put in office on the University Party ticket. All this has undoubtedly been rather confusing to those who are new at Carolina, and in order to let them know how we stand, the Uni versity Party platform for the last spring election is being printed. "We believe that alj that we have done or stood for has been for the good of the campus, and we further believe that a change in our long standing policy would harm rather than benefit the students and student government," The party offers for the considera be affetced by the anti-discrimination bill; Some of the restrictions on non Christians are more tacit than expli cit, it was revealed, but many of the See DI, page 4 Edwards, Ferrell Join Valkynes In Impressive Ritual Betty Edwards and Kay Ferrell were initiated into the Valkyries, hon orary leadership organization for co eds, in an impressive ceremony at dawn Wednesday. Mrs. Ferrell is the secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association and was elected to honorary member ship in the Valkyries because of her outstanding contribution in numerous campus ' activitifi. Betty Edwards served as junior rep resentative to Honor Council and was elected president of W.F.A. during the summer session. She has also' served on the House Privileges board and is now one of the representatives from the coeds at large to the Coed Senate and the Student Legislature. This special ceremony was held be cause of the approaching graduation of Miss Edwards, and the expected de parture of Mrs. Ferrell to join her husband who is expected home from over-seas soon. Valkyries is the highest coed hon orary organization on the campus, be ing equivalent to the Golden Fleece. Members are selected on the basis of Scholarship, unselfish service, sound judgment, leadership, and character. Pan-Hellenic Council Plans Sorority Court The first steps are being taken to develop a sorority court, the Pan Hellenic Council disclosed Thursday. Betty Grimes, president of Pan-hell, announced that a committee composed of alumni and one active representa tive of each sorority will begin its work next week, A sorority court has been discussed by the council for some time. The plan is to purchase a suitable lot and to have each sorority build its own house. All sororities must agree on the site for the court before work can begin. As yet, the only suggested location is the lot behind Kenan dormitory. Carolina Mag Due To Appear MFortnight; Full-Page Pin- Up Of Texas Coed Highlight Mag Pin-Up for such accommodations already, and there will be 100 couples here by No vember 1, it is estimated. Lloyd Gardner was elected Social Committee chairman upon the resig nation of J. B. Spilman, who re signed due to pressure program this semester. Snavely. Also included in the maga zine is an article on football. One of the outstanding features is about three former Carolina students starring in "Dark of the Moon," a cur rent Broadway production. Other f ea- of a heavy tures come irom campus . autnors Dick Koral I Smallwood, Morrison, Podd, and Sea and Bill Lamkin were elected co-directors of publicity upon the resigna tion of Jack Lackey. N va . i i Trr l ver. Fiction contriDUtors are wicKer, Shelton, Furgenspn, and Lawley. The poetic touch is added by Cassidy and wm Jihiniiy iibinnn-ir-TTT - T n!JCiXi'J'JMWWWBHBWLia . t 5. v , v ;'-- -'-'-'J i - . ; l :::.::-:::: :: ' I ' ' r TERRY MAVERICK 1 Davidoff. A full page is devoted to Cassidy's poems. Humor is contri buted by Fields' jokes and Art Editor Stoker's cartoons. There will also be an announcement of the Thomas Wolf Memorial Award which is a prize for the best story ap pearing in the Mag this year. This award has not been offered for sev eral years; the return of this practice is evidence of a newer and more im proved Carolina Mag. Another signi ficant feature of this issue is the change of engravers; engraving for this Mag was done by the North State Engravers. A newly appointed member of the staff is Bill Selig, subscription man ager. Positions are still open to those interested. All contributions for the November issue are to be in by Oc tober 18th. Addressograph plates are being made for circulation purposes. All subscription copies including gift; copies will be sent out regularly. Price of a year's subscription is $1.50; these magazines can be sent home, overseas,' etc. Send your friends the Mag! In a poll of all the V-12 naval re servists stationed at the University of North Carolina, answers to sev eral pertinent questions have been solicited by the Tar Heel Institute of Public Affairs, The responses to the queries accu rately reflect the opinion of Navy men on the Carolina campus, since time-tested methods of polling pub lic opinion have been utilized by the THIPA. The poll shows that an overwhelm ing majority, 71.1, do not wish to make the Navy their career, as op posed to 13.1 that do, and 15.8 who are undecided. These facts are indicative of the peacetime path upon which the nation has embarked. How ever, it is a tribute to the Navy that 30 of the men polled have not completely eliminated the possibility of making the Navy their career. This admiration and loyalty to the Navy is further borne out in the an swers to the next question, which show that 57.7 of the men polled would not accept an immediate dis charge if it were offered to them. Forty per cent of those polled would take advantage of such a discharge, and 2.3 are undecided on this score. Will Seek , Jobs In keeping' with " the accelerated tempo of post-war America towards a full degree of prosperity, 66.7 of the naval personnel express their de termination to secure jobs after their discharge, and only 33.3 will take time out for the vacation which they have merited by their loyal service in behalf of their country during World War II. That the Navy has prepared them for their future civilian life ade quately is testified to by the affirma tive responses of 57.8, while 37.8 believe that they have not been suf ficiently readied for their readjust ment, and 4.4 remain undecided. The results of the poll show that a large percentage, 75.6, of the men presently stationed here will re turn to continue their education at the University of North Carolina, supplying negative responses were 16.3 and undecided were 18.1 on the question of whether these men would return to Chapel Hill in mufti instead of navy blue. This phase of the poll bolsters the general reputa tion of the University, portraying as it does, the favorable impression made by Chapel Hill upon these men who came here on the wings of the fortunes of war. A marked trend toward the dis crediting of the present discharge system now in vogue is evident in the figures which show that 44.4 of the pollees defend the system, while 40 of those polled attack the current regulations, and 15.6 are undecided. The seventh question posed this problem: "A leading columnist tells of a naval station paper that was censored by the Captain of that sta tion because the paper ran comments of Naval Personnel that discredited the present discharge system. Do you think that this type of censorship is warranted ? " In reply to this query, 60 de clared that the censorship was un warranted, contrasted to 40 who believed it ppstified. These figures are valuable as -a guide to the way Navy men are thinking. Apparently, these men will be among the staunchest defenders of civil liberties when tkey return to their peacetime pursuits. In the responses to the last question, the V-12 contingents on the campus made known their willingness to par ticipate more in extra-curricular ac tivities if bed check and study hours were If ted by a percentage of 75.6 "Yes" replies and 19 "No" replies, while 4.4 stayed on the fence.

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