1 THE TAR HEEL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1945 Page Four CPU Discussion Of US Loans To Allies To Be Held Sunday The current question of American loans to Britain and Russia will be dis cussed Sunday night when the Caro lina Political Union holds its second public roundtable of the year. The Union meets in the Grail Boom of Gra ham Memorial at 8 o'clock. Jimmy Wallace, former chairman of the Union, will give a report on Bri tain's present proposal for a loan of six billion dollars from the United States. He will also report on Rus sia's desire to borrow several billions on a seven-year interest basis. The Union has 11 vacancies to be filled by the end of this term. The membership committee, with Richard Stern, as chairman, is now consider ing several applications already sub mitted, and interviews by both the committee "and the Union will be held shortly. Chairman Bill Crisp announced this week that the Union will present a very prominent speaker to the campus in the near future, but he declined to release the name. The Union sponsors several impor tant speakers for the University each year. Woman's Council Reports On Cases The following cases were decided at the last meeting of the Woman's Honor Council. The Honor Council is responsible for trying cases of al leged infringements of the Honor Code. Case: A girl reported to a member of the Honor Council that she had not returned to her dorm until 4:30 a. m. She had gone out of town with out permission. Findings: The Honor Council has placed the girl on social probation until December 22. Case:A. girl reported herself to a member of the Honor Council that she had returned to her dorm one hour and a half late. She had not left the campus but not realizing her lateness had sat outside the dormi tory. Findings: The Honor Council has placed the girl on social probation for eighteen days ending October 22. Remember: APIHT spelled back wards is THIPA. CLA SSI F I ED JOB FOR YOUNG MAN Miscellan eous work around house and yard, 'carrying messages, etc.; 50 cents an hour for steady, willing worker; hours can be arranged to suit ap plicant. E. S. Lanier, telephone 8576 or call at office on 3rd floor of South Bldg. LOST Silver Ronson cigarette lighter with initials R.B.M. Call 3003, Ruth Minton. Reward. Zyzzle is the last word in the dictionary. It means: to make a spluttering sound. Arrow Sports Shirts are the last word in comfort. (Catch on?) That's because they're com fortable, colorful, and long lasting. So, brethren, no need to zyzzle in an uncomfortable shirt! Get AillSiliii. iff II tlr"1 k- your Arrow Sports Shirts at your nearest dealer. (If be doesn't baveMbe one you want, try bim again.) ARROW SHIRTS and TIES UNDERWEAR HANDKERCH2FS SPORTS SHIRTS I IP 11 ? VISIT OFTEN -j) Playmakers Cast Fall Productions Will Give 3 Plays The cast has been chosen for the three experimental plays to be pro duced by the Playmakers at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, October 10, at the Playmakers Theater. "Five Notes in a Bar" is . a com- ; edy written by Phyllis Sullivan. The , cast includes Frances Lindsay, Nicholas Lindsay, George Grizzard, , Jim Rilev. Rav Levine and Lethan 1 1 Letchworth. The play is being direct ed by Elinor Martin. "The Silver Bell" is an imaginary sequel to Matthew Arnold's "The For saken Merman." It ' tells what hap pens to Theresa, the mortal, when she returns to earth after having lived under the sea with a merman and their children. In the fantasy are Beverley Chudacoff as the heroine, Jo Lawler, Marjorie Martin, Lenny Eyster, Jim Moose and Lathan Letch worth. Mimi McGowan is director. Helen Eyster's play, "Mrs. Feath erstone," is a comedy which takes place in the apartment of a solitude loving "woman artist and her hen pecked husband. Each of the assort ed characters visiting the artist creates some kind of hilarious disturb ance. Mimi McGowan has the title role. Others in the cast are Chris Rosmond, Jim Moose, Vincent Cas sidy, Don Shropshire, Babs Schuster, Isabelle' Noblitt and Jane Gunter. Marjorie Martin is directing the play. . . j ' . Following Playmaker tradition, members of the audience will be in vited to give criticism after the per formance of each play. PHI REVISION ... (Continued from first page) dent affairs. At one time every stu dent was compelled to belong to one of the two societies; their membership was kept rather equal because the Phi consisted of students from the eastern part of the state, and the Di of those from the western. A division of the state was made along a line through the Davie Poplar, the Caldwell Obe lisk, and the Old Well, all of which stand on the campus today. All students who are interested in the Phi are invited to contact one of the members of the committee. Sug gestions will be accepted as to the date for the first mass meeting, the provi sions of the constitution, and require ments for charter membership. The meetings of the Phi will be open j to all of the campus, but it is expected ! that membership will be restricted to those with a genuine desire to work with the many campus projects which the Phi will be able to launch if it can in any way approach the strength which it once possessed. It is pro posed that the Phi serve as an ex of ficio branch of student government, with no legislative powers but with its doors open to all those who care to participate in and listen to discus sion of vital student issue. at's a zyzzle to an Arrow ri h f 0 CRIL Speaker DR. FOREMAN Dr.. Kenneth Foreman (above) of Davidson College will speak in Hill Hall tomorrow at 8 p. m. on the subject "One World or None." This is the first of a series of Sunday night talks planned by CRIL. The organization also has planned an inter-faith supper at the Baptist Church at 6:30 to pre cede the speech. Dr. Foreman graduated from Davidson College and did graduate work at Princeton and Yale, re ceiving his Ph.D. froin'Yale. While a student at Davidson he was edi tor of the college magazine and won a medal for writing essays and fiction. He served in the Navy during World War I as a seaman, and since 1922 has taught Bible and philosophy at Davidson. In addition to teaching, Dr. Fore man gives speeches and sermons outside of Davidson and contributes to several magazines. NEW PARTY ; (Continued from first page) resolution that candidates shall nominated to put a program of acti vity and growth for student governs ment into effect. "When they are elects ed. we shall bring pressure to see that they execute in the days after election what they promised in the days be fore," the statement declares. The statement continues, "We be lieve that a representative to the Stu dent Legislature has the unique re sponsibility of representing both his district and the campus as a whole. We know that each representative is elected by a district, but that every vote he casts affects the whole campus, We believe that he should acquire deep- er knowledge of, the issues on which he is to vote than his constituents can be expected to acquire. We believe that he is the representative of his district, and agent of the entire student body, and a specially'informed officer -whose best judgment must be exer cised in the performance of his duty. We believe that any " good represen tative must take all these things into account before assuming office. And we pledge ourselves to educate the can didates we nominate to this idea be fore we enter them in any political race. "We believe that a member of any judicial body on the campus is not a representative of any group. He is the spokesman for the laws which gov ern, us. He must not be swayed by personal or political loyalties. He must be of judicial mien and temper ament. We propose to nominate such persons for membership in the judi cial bodies. ... . Responsible. Post We believe the presidency of the student body to be the most responsible post in student government. We therefore pledge ourselves to nomin ate the most capable person we can. find for the presidency; whatever his past affiliations. We shall demand in tegrity from the candidates we offer for the presidency; and we shall de mand intelligence and courage. We pledge ourselves to support the presi dent of the student body in any pro gram of worth while activity conson ant with this statement of principle. "We believe it to be the power and duty of every individual student to participate in the working of student self-government . . . We believe that democratic government guarantees us nothing but the right to participate in decisions. And we believe that if we let that right go by default we shall lose the one thing that makes security probable and slavery impossible." Hunt, in answer to comments made by some students, asserted: "Some people have been wondering why so many officers of student government signed a statement saying student government is folding up. They won der why those officers haven't done something about it. Anyone who has seen the party organizations ham string the Student Legislature would Discussion Onjndia Set For IRC Meeting "The New Plan for India" will be the subject of the International Relations Club meeting Monday night at 7:15. Preceding the forum Philip Couch will give a brief in formative account of the plan Brit ain has advanced in an attempt to solve this controversial problem. COGS (Continued from page two) nitely on, we could all stand an other theater in town that would be open to' all. Mr. Smith seems to be taking his time oij the sub ject, but I thinlT a few well placed hints might induce him to reopen the Pre-Flight theater as the Caro lina type, not the Pick! I do believe that the laundry is doing better! It's a great surprise, but why argue with the laundry? Never did any good before! At last the University Club is coming back into its own! The Georgia Tech pep rally was a re sult of their efforts, and boys, you're really to be congratulated! Keep it up. Many of us have seen Smith Dorm filled with civilians, Marines, and now Bell-bottomers. But the daddy of them all has yet to come! The coeds now living in Owen Hall are scheduled to move into dear old Smith at the start of the next term! Good luck, m'lassies. ' Without a doubt: We hope that by this time next year the campus will be back to normal, and never again will we have to try to finish a year's work in a few weeks! Just hang on until. Xmas, Brother Beavers, and we can go to college like human beings. Time to read those books we've been trying to get to, time to take off for the week-end without missing a month's work, and time to look at other four walls than those of a classroom. And so on into the night and the cold, the wheel rolls on. THOMPSON (Continued from page two) organized party will not find it dif ficult to gain a large following. Throughout fraternity houses, so rority houses and dorms there are .many students who will support at the polls a candidate selected on this basis. There are also many, both inside and outside of the UCP, who stand ready to denounce the new group if it wanders from the straight and narrow. Even in the beginning there are signs of trouble. In spite of the fact that UCP is founded on a non political and mostly principles basis its formation was a carefully-guarded secret. Its leaders say that secrecy was essential. A curious ob server might with justification want to know why secrecy is necessary in a program designed to keep stu dent government from folding up. It has been said that applica tions will be accepted in the very near -future. And there is the rub which caused a great deal of dis cussion and dissension within UCP. Applications must be reviewed and passed upon before a student may become a member. According to one BMOC in' the UCP this is a safeguard against admitting people .who are obviously beyond political "redemption. A review of the' rolls of this new organization makes many wonder just which students in its limited membership will have a big enough nerve and a short enough memory to cast the first blackball. If the new party is founded upon principles, the Old Guard wonders what has happened to the basic principle of all parties under a democratic system of gov ernment, the democratic principle. There were twenty-nine signers for the original pledge. One of these walked out of the meeting held Thursday afternoon when the system of selecting new members was passed. This is, or should be, a warning for the remaining twenty-eight. There are in UCP frat men and men who believe that frats should be abolished. There are politicians and students who have always been independents because they distrust politicians so much. There are idealists and realists. All these may be found within the inner circle. There is, in other words, a wide diversity of opinion in UCP's limited ranks. Ths can be its strength or its downfall. They'd better watch it. Ensign Bill Halsey, Kappa Sigma. THIPA (Continued from page two) ious Washington quarters into two camps. By his declaration on Japan last Saturday, President Truman seems to have appeased both camps "from above." The battle among Washington politicians, military commanders, and news columnists became a small skirmish this week, though, as Rus sian Commissar Vyacheslaff Molo tov provided the big fight. Into the already divided London Conference he introduced a proposal for a joint Allied control commission of Japan. Meeting the stiff opposition of the United States and Britain (but the approval of the Dominions), the Soviet Union has officially and un officially been proclaiming that the American occupation is much too lax. Thus far the Russian disap proval has been shelved as non pertinent to the Conference, but the fire is still smouldering, with Molo tov industriously trying to produce a flame. At present the main problem in Japan, which only a few weeks ago concerned the retention of the Em peror, the neutralization of the militarist-industrialist system, and the re-education of the masses has been considerably altered. Its new keynote is "cooperation" and "co ordination" without which even the mildest reforms will become lost in the chaos. These can be accom plished only through the type of national and international agree-, ment so readily displayed at Dum barton Oaks, San Francisco, and Potsdam. DI (Continued from first page) frats and sororities do have limita tions of one sort or another. No one rose to defend the discrim inatory practices, though some doubt was expressed about the importance of the "mole hill" of fraternity dis crimination compared to the "moun tains" of "other work" to be done, and the effectiveness of the proposed bill, even if made law, was questioned. It was also pointed out that the Uni versity of North Carolina discrimin ates in its admissions policy. Colored students are prohibited by state law from attending UNC. Some 250 persons were present at the beginning of the evening. The Hunt bill, when finally put to a vote, was approved by a voice vote. Topic for next week's Di discussion is to be a bill providing for compul sory labor arbitration. Two freshmen have recently been approved for admission into the Di. They are John Surratt and Herbert Alexander. A formal induction into the Senate is scheduled for them for this week. Simultaneously a proposed Constitutional amendment will be re introduced. If approved, the amend ment would make a simple majority of the Membership Committee and of the Di enough to get an applicant ap proved for membership, as an alterna tive, or a minority of the Membership group and a two-thirds vote by the Senators. As the Constitution now reads four dissenting votes can deny an application for admission. One negative vote can defeat the proposed amendment. W00TTEN-M0ULT0N PHOTOGRAPHERS Serving North Carolina for 37 Years. Studios at Chapel Hill New Bern Fort Bragg Camp Butner YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME at WALGREEN'S DURHAM, FOWLER'S FOOD STORE "WHERE SERVICE IS A SAVING" Delivery and Self -Service Phone 6611 phone 9831 Women Graduates Lay Plans To Join Campus Activities Women graduate students, with Nancy Jefferis as president, have organized to participate in as many campus activities as possible this year. Stella Alogdelis has been elected representative to Student Legislature, and Jo Stewart to Coed Senate. Nancy Jefferis has taken a seat on the Honor Council, and Phyllis Rosner is social chairman for the group. House Coun cil representatives will be elected at the next meeting. Cqed graduates, occupying first two floors of Kenan, entertained veterans at a dance Friday night from 9 till 12. Music was furnished by record, and punv: was served during intermission. the t c r M it I) Stamitt BING CROSBY BETTY HUTTOH A MW.ETTE GODDARQ L.'""..y'7 Finn . inii.. "MLriir our EScr Yr-A V I -. iDriaa frank bnt PSp, DeosU SUNDAY-MONDAY N. C. " jW- 'W Wjt M "-"l I I know why the old party system must has been visiting on campus this go.' week.