Page Two THE TAR HEEL o nrrmn A "V nr"TnT3T?t C im To 77ie Student Body . . . From The Editor The Meal Inside Of Campos Political Parties - And The Future Of Student Government The Elite Fifty Bill Crisp, once a candidate for the presi dency -of the student body, only two months ago said, "People in general I know are too un familiar with the delicate political setup be tween the less than fifty individuals on campus who are concerned to understand or give a damn about what somebody else thinks about some body else." Thefe is no doubt that knowledge of the internal affairs of campus politics is monopolized by less than fifty people, whose names are well known to all, but whose politics are known only among the elite fifty. In the nation, the intricate and most subtle relations of the national leaders are broadcast to the reading public through the media, of press commentaries ; the columns of Winchell, Pear son, and Pegier are good examples. Here on the campus of the University, we have in miniature a political organization which is a great educa tional opportunity for those who study it and participate in it. Unfortunately, too few take advantage of this opportunity to study this living model of all the glory, antagonism, suc cess, and defeat of the business of government. A New Party At this minute campus politics is in a very unsettled state, to say the least. A new party, containing a large number of elected campus leaders, has been formed to reform student government. This new party, called the "United Carolina Party' is composed of those who are disappointed with the manner in which poli tics has been conducted in the past. The UCP undoubtedly presents a strong array of campus political power; if it is able to carry out its plat form, Carolina will see a new era of student government which has never in its history been so allied to the principles of honesty in politics. A platform proposing immaculate student government is certainly not an original inno vation on the part of the UCP. In fact, the platform of the new party is purely a re-statement of the principles of good student govern ment which have been expounded over so many years and never fully accomplished. We sin cerely hope that the new party can accomplish the declared ideal of so many parties and fac tions which have arisen in the long history of turbulent Carolina student government. The ability and desire of the new group to carry out these principles which we all hold dear is as yet undetermined, but we see in the UCP a great potential for betterment, for many of its members have been associated with cam pus politics for a long time, and are well able to interpret, manage, and reform campus politics. . - The Student Party Frankly, the Student Party has received what may be a fatal blow. A great mass of its strength has gone over to the UCP. The disso lution of the SP might not have a desirable ef fect on student government, for the chief plank of its platform was the construction of a honesty ' sound student government based upon the prin ciples with which we all agree. During the last election it opened its doors to everyone in a very democratic fashion and declared that the duty of every student was to work hard in student government. The SP believed that it v fought for cleaner and better politics, and its proposed aim was to nominate the best men for the elected positions. In the spring of this year, the SP met with quite an overwhelming defeat at the polls. Today we hope that enough of the party remains to continue to carry out its good platform. . The University Party The University Party has not been wiped out of existence by the new turn-over, but some of its powerful members have gone' over to the new party. The UP moved into power in the spring election on a platform which was not nearly so widely publicized as that of the Stu dent Party. The UP stressed the specific quali fications of the individual candidates and at tempted to bring the candidates into the popu lar limelight. The UP had a great fraternity backing, and was bitterly condemned on the campus as a fraternity clique geared to win elec tions by means of powerful and efficient organi- zation. The UP believed that it best served the student body by presenting qualified candidates who were popular enough to receive general ap proval. The entire SP steering committee, with one exception, have abandoned the SP along with many of the SP candidates of the spring elec tion. Some of the steering committee and can didates of the UP have abandoned the UP, and these dissenters are a prominent group of stu dent leaders. Politics And The Press Such is the present position of the campus parties, and we shall continue to give the Tar Heel's interpretation of the evolution of these parties provided this meets with the general approval of the student body. We believe that our purpose is to interpret campus politics for the better understanding of the students; if such interpretation receives the students' un favorable criticism, such an editorial policy will' be abandoned. We are very sensitive to our re spQnsibility as a public monopoly, and we will be quick to refrain from an unjust evaluation of greater and lesser degrees of good in a sub ject so vital to the core of student government as is student politics. To denounce and praise political factions is more the concern of the edi torial page columns, which are open to any quali fied person whether or not his opinions coincide with those of the Editor, Such does not mean that the Tar Heel will not be quick to attack or support those issues which are definitely to be pointedly discussed under the rather sacred ideal of the management of a student press monopoly. The Tar Heel, as the only newspaper in this living model of government,, cannot morally take stands which are the privilege of the com mercial presses of the nation. The Campus Constitution . Far over-shadowing any present party rela tions is the campus constitution now being drafted. Never has the stage of student gov ernment at Carolina been blessed with an all inclusive supreme law of student government. Although the Carolina men of the last decade were very satisfied with their "unwritten con stitution," the old system has been swept aside, and years to come promise a rather confused system jf a definite and unquestioned constitu tion is not installed soon. p The present organization of student govern ment and student organization is a confused con glomerate which is producing results detrimen tal to the progress of student government. Pow ers, responsibilities, and relative positions should be clarified and made intelligible to all . students by means of a carefully planned cam pus constitution. Because the prime benefit derived from stu dent government is the increased ability to cope with the problems of the world, the campus con stitution should be as closely modeled as is prac tical after the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of the Stal;e of North Caro lina. We should like to see a bicameral legisla ture, an executive and a cabinet, and a system of courts to enforce the campus code. Nothing could be more advantageous than to establish on this campus a living, working model of the government under which all citizens of the state and nation must live. A number of special problems face the fram ers of the campus constitution. The chief ob stacle, however, is a stubborn adherence to the admittedly reformable system we have on the campus today. ' The Time Has Come Students on the campus today must realize that in their hands lies the opportunity to mold campus affairs for years to come. We are now in a period when much of the organization of the past has been discontinued, and the University is ready for a new foundation which can support the vast expansion of the new student body. y One thing we must stress and it is the duty of every student and political party to stress this is greater participation in the great edu cational opportunity "which is offered by the many student activities. The attitude must be one of progress, expansion, and greater parti cipation. Most of all we want an, attitude which will breed preparation for a better life and increased ability to build a better world after leaving the University. " Record From THIPA Unfinished Business In Japan By Elmo Roberds Although many of us thought that the defeat of Japan would bring an end to our problems in the Far East, now, a month after wards, it is evident that they have only begun. In his recent book "Dilemma in Japan," Andrew Roth, one of the liberal writers on the Pacific, surmises that "We are virtually as unprepared mentally to cope with Japan's post-war po litical future as we were to cope with the problems of war on Sun day, December 7, 1941." By a mere examination of the headlines during the past few weeks, we, John Q. Public, readily see that the leaders of the Big Four nations, including our own, were caught in a situation analo gous to Pearl Harbor. At first, Su preme Commander General Doug las MacArthur was decried as wanting a peace too soft and too quick by spontaneously announcing Hhe need of only 200,000 occupation troops. Acting Secretary of State Dean Acheson's retort next day, backed by the "hard peace" sup porters in Congress, split the var See THIPA, page U. MEMORIAL By Vincent Williams On. Oct. 8, 1944, Wendell L. Willkie died. It will do no good to weep over the bit of Indiana soil that holds his body, nor shake our heads and say that he was a great man. There is something greater than that part of him that rests in Indiana; what Wendell Willkie be lieved in and represented, these are the things that we will do well to recall on this first anniversary of his death. Willkie left with us his American Program, but his passing left America without a leader of "the loyal opposition" to carry out such a program. It is seldom in a nation's history that it has no leaders to influence and mould public opinion, but to day we find ourselves in that sad plight Wendell Willkie and Frank lin Roosevelt were leaders but they are no longer here. Tom Dewey has retired to his duties in Albany a governor, an ex-candidate but not a leader. Henry Wallace seems to come nearer being a leader than any one else today but like Willkie his party repudiated him. Today we still have Willkie's American Program in print; how many have read it? how many are looking for someone to pick, it up, take it out of print and put it into action? We have seen that since 1940 the Republican and Demo cratic "party men" have tried to plug up the holes through which the people pushed Willkie and Wallace. In 1944 the men were nominated whom the "party men" wanted nom inated. The South has had enough of the one party system, the North enough of the "big bosses." The nation once again needs reform political re form from the states to the Federal government. To obtain such reform we need leadership leaders, leaders, but there are no leaders. Wendell Willkie is dead. We mourn that too many never knew him, too many have forgotten him and no one as yet has taken up the fallen banner. the Wheel By Allan Pannill The cogs grind silently, and the events of life are recorded in the grease of time. To an innocent bystander it seems that: Everyone can breathe a little easier now that rushing is over. All concerned seem to be satisfied, so possibly the grades will take a turn for the better, too. This football team of ours is even better than a lot had hoped for! We're all proud of their show ing in last Saturday's game, and we wish them all the luck in the world with V.P.I. The veterans are being looked after by the administration after all! By turning over the Navy Of ficers' Club to them, kind sirs, you have done a lot to ease the lack of recreation boredom that to these men would be a sin. Many thanks! A perfect indication 0f a big Carolina week-end is the Monday infirmary report. Whatta list! The Med students won't have to wrestle with that time-worn ex cuse for a station wagon any longer. Word has it that the thing is going to be junked (it's not . worth trying to give away), and if the University can negotiate with the Navy for the purchase of its vehicles, the Med School gets a new buggy! Good luck, docs! Midnight musings: Still can't understand why the Book X will buy a used book from a student for less than half its original price, and resell it for al most full value. Possibly that con stitutes a profitable business, but what about those students who have a hard time paying for any at 'all, Mr. Ritchie? Give it a little thought, and maybe you can help a few students! I sure hope that anyone knowing where Senor Miranda can buy a good cocker spaniel would let either him or me know. He wants a brown one, so sound off if you can help him. Maybe going to the infirmary won't be such a dreaded thing when it's moved up to the hospital. Dr. Morgan thinks that the whole deal will be pretty good, and everybody will benefit. It seems that the coeds had to sit through a rather dry Coed Hour this week. Looks like they could either liven them up, make them more worthwhile, or cut them out altogether! Give 'em the word, girls. Although football season is defi ne COGS, page 4- Just Another Opinion By Ray Thompson In Chapel Hill there are three things that are inevitable: physical education, rain and periodic reor ganizations of the campus political staus quo. Rumors started over the week-end. The Tar Heel came Mon day night, and on Tuesday some thing new had been added. This time the new party is known as the United Carolina Party. It is dedicated to the proposition that a political party can act without the use of political "deals." Third parties are usually organ ized by people who fit into one of three general classifications: those who have been left out by the other two parties; those who have a bone to pick with their own party; and those who would like to purify politics. UCP finds itself with dele gates from all three groups. Some of its members are disgusted with the University Party because of what they consider a mistake in the nominating process before our last campus election. Others, former members of the Student Party,, wanted a committee to draw up a set of principles under which the party could act in future elections. A delay in calling a meeting of this committee inspired them to try greener pastures. Others in the new group weren't in either party. They were just innocent bystand ers who thought that student gov ernment had been kicked around ong enough. f Someone vonce said that politics will make some strange bed-fellows. In our newest political bed we find Brinkley, Woodhouse, Adams, Wallace and Hunt. There are those who believe that the bed will be crowded. At meetings of their respective parties, members of this Big Five have loudly de nounced each other and claimed that their new comrades did not have any principles at all. Now they are banding themselves together in a party based upon principles. The University Party is discon certed. The Student Party is dis embowelled. If the new group can organize and work effectively together under the principles which it has pledged to uphold, student government will take great steps forward during the coming months. Both parties have been guilty of mistakes. Both parties have thought too often of a potential candidate's vote-getting strength and not enough of his qualifications for the position. The UCP pledge commits its members to a program of nominating the best-qualified person regardless of his or her political strength. If this plan is carried out, the newly See THOMPSON, page U. JletteM, x Heel OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE PUBLICATIONS UNION SERVING CIVILIAN AND MILITARY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL ROBERT MORRISON HOWARD MERRY JACK LACKEY . . JACK SHELTON l IRWIN SMALLWOOD CARROLL POPLIN BETTIE GAITHER HARRISON TENNEY Editor Managing Editor News Editor Copy Editor . Sports Editor Sports Editor Business Manager -Circulation Manager Neva Staff: Jane Baucom. Jean Blane, Sibyl Goerch. Augusta Pharr. Betty Green. ElixaJvth PinrV- Eleanor Craig, Marty Taylor. Nancy Hoffman. Tom CorpeningVTo Puh?Dot qS Frances Hateey. Jean Ferrier. Janet Johnston, Fay MapIesT Thelma &hT S son. Marv Hill ntnn. Jnlvn T.T,mV,f Fwwl STL-i1?. en, Koy Thomp son. Mary Hiil Gaston. Jocelyn Landvoight, Fred Claps. Btt w.ckk iiV' Albert Huffstichler. Barbara Spain, Gloria Bobbins. Jane M.Cahnan. Araold mL S Thompson. Madeline Cooler. Charlie Kaufman, Morty Seif SamS3?.. w i V?v Bill Korneg.y, Emily Chappell. Bill Sessions. Richard UKo ClXndy Swumm Stuff: Billy Seli. Charles Bennett. Ann Thornton. Mary Pierce Johnson, Natalie Selig. Susanna Barclay. Alma Young. Mary Louise Martin. . Circulation Staff: Tom Corpening, Eugene Byoa. Phones: Editor. F-3141; Managing Editor and Associate Editor. F-314o- Snorta Edit 8S6; Business and Circulation Managers. 8641. - " P Editor. Published Tuesday and Satmrday except during vacations and examination St. ererr Sunday d Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. Any student desiring ."taff poeSa should attend a staff meeting. Deadlines Sunday and Thursday. posiuona Editorials are written or approved by the Editor and reflect the official opinion of th Tar Reel. Columns and letters may be submitted by anyone ; the Editor reserves the rirht to edit this copy, but ft does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Tar HeeL Editorial, business, and circulation offices on the second floor of Graham MemorUI Presses in the Orange Prints hop on Rosemary Street. , Entoredassecond class matter at the post flGee at Chapel HiS, N. C. under tie act of The Tar Heel office has been flooded with letters concerning our columnist Morty Seif who wrote what he declared to be a satire about the exodus of the Pre-Flight School. It has always been our de sire to make our editorial pages as free as possible to all those who want to express their opinions, and we again state that only the edi torials reflect the official stand of the Tar Heel. We hope that with this issue we can bring to a close the rather ridiculous disturbance which has resulted from Seif's column. There "is not room in all of the paper to print all of the letters, but the following are some who signed let ters which we interpret to disagree with Seif's stand: Carl B. Hol brook, Jack Scott, J. P. O'Boyle, Jim Hamill, Walt Malmberg, Bill O'Donnell, Carey W. Dobbs, L. T. Gray, Jr., Russ Baughman, Joseph Carol, E. William Fontinell, Ger ald Graham, Sam Daniels, James E. Ackley, and Mike Rummell. Rummell also discussed the short age of socks at Woollen Gymnas ium. Elwood Mintz, a veteran, said, among other things, "Let us forget Morty Seif's bit of satire as just another laugh.' We interpret a letter from Caro lyn P. Masters (a name which ap pears in neither the telephone di rectory nor the student directory) as a defense of Seif. Also among the letters which we don't have room to print was one from Anne Fields who criticizes poor waiters at Carolina Inn.