SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1945 Page Two THE TAR HEEL 'I i! ! 1 f i S 8 n if 4" ' ... : HI ll M f ! i I ? 1 ,1 if 1 j i i i f II ill e ! tJe Wax OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE PUBLICATIONS UNION SERVING CIVILIAN AND MILITARY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL Entered as second class matter at the pest efflee at Chapel HIS, N. C- tinder the act of Uareh t. 1879. ROBERT MORRISON BILL HIGHT " Editor PAT KELLY . JACK LACKEY JACK SHELTON IRWIN SMALLWOOD CAEEOLL POPLIN BETTIE GATTHER HARRISON TENNEY. .Circulation Manager EDITORIAL STAFF: Winky Andrews, Bay Conner New Staff: " Sybil Goerch, Anista Pharr, Betty Green, Elizabeth Pineney, Eleanor Craigr, Jo Pnsrh Frances Haliey, Janet Johnston, Fay Maples, Boy Thompson, Mary HOI Gaston, Jocelyn Landvoi'srt, Bettie Washbarn. Barbara Spain, Gloria Bobbins, Jane McCalman, Arnold Dolin, Morty Seif, Sam Summerlin," Mel Cohen, Bill Kornesray, Hardinsr Mamies, John May, Eddie Allen, Elaine Patton, ' Emily ChappeU, Bill Sessions, Richard L. Koral, Iindy Behsman, Elsie McC ashman, Mickie Derieoz Kit Coleman, Carl Worsley, Frances Keflex, Jean Fisher, Lyndal Cann, Bill Lnmpkin ,-..-..-- ' Brume 8uff: niy Sells:, Ann Thornton, Alma Young:, Mary Louise Martin, Nancy Westbrook, Virginia Wilson, Peggy Cates, Both Gay, Virginia. Peal, Adalaide McLarty, Gene Eeafner. Betty Cheatham, Natalie Seligr. Suzanne Barclay. Charles Bennett. .- " ' - ' ADVERTISING STAFF: - - ' Ruth Gay, Virginia Wilson, Peggy Cates, Nancy Westbrook, Sarah Wood, Virginia Peal, Gene Heafner, Jean Youngrblood, Clare Hudson, Alice Flory, , Nancy Manpin, Ann i Geoheean, AdalaTde McLarty, Betty Cheatham, Bffly Selig: -- - SPORTS STAFF: Bob Friedlander, Frank Miller " ' ' - - - - MKPRKaKNTKO TO NATIONAL ADVKftTlStNa BY NatisixlAdycrt&ngSenrice, Ins. - Collet Puhlidurt Rtfirtuutative -A 20 Madison Ave. New York. N. Y. CKICMO - BOSTOa - LO AlCCLIS - SAM EKAMCtfCO IntercqUegicrte Prss . . . Member STUDENTS SHOULD GET UP IN THE AIR America's future is in the air, and Carolina should reaffirm her position as one of the pation's leading universities by taking 'the lead, in providing students jfitH the ! opportunity to learn aviation. There is no reason why if shouldn't if the recently proposed CAA flight program materializes, and it will provid ing enough students are interested. The currently planned course of instruction would give the University's would-be birdmen enough flight training jto make them eligible for a private pilot's license, and at the same time, would provide planes under a rental system to qualified pilots enrolled at the University for building up flying time. After one day's polling at the "Y" some 126 students had in dicated their interest in the program. However, this is far (be low expectations, and if the University is to advance the money necessary for the purchase of new planes and equipment, then enough students to justify the effort must signify their desire to enroll in the program by registering with Mrs. Harrer at the information booth in the lobby of South building or with one of the girls at the booth in the "Y." Ground Scjiobl Courses are also being considered for students desiring them, and a system whereby academic credit will be given for these courses is being worked out. Now that the war is over and things are rapidly returning to normal, and national interest in "flying for sport" is run ning higher than ever, it's time for Carolina to move out front and set the pace for others to follow. With a $750,000 airport sitting on the front steps of the University that lead is partially established. All that is required now is the enthusiastic sup port of the student body. LAY THAT PAINTBRUSH DOWN Some time ago a letter was sent to Duke University in which we agreed to vrge all Carolina etddests to stay off the Duke campus with paint, if they would ogrco to do the same. Thursday morning we awoke to' find several U.N.C. campus landmarks well decorated with Duke paint. Many of us were very angry and eager for revenge. However, it is only fair to make it clear that before some of our students visited the Duke campus and piayed havoc with the same familiar material ! With these things in mind, we should all agree that we are just about even now, and that there is still time to start the much needed move to stop the wanton destruction of property on both campuses. From now until the game, we will all be doing a great favor for all concerned, if we will adopt a hands off policy and stick to it. A communication to this effect is be ing sent to Duke, so it seems that with mutual cooperation, our respective campuses will remain unblemished by childish, yet destructive pranks. ELECTION MUSINGS The outcome of the elections is not entirely satisfactory to any of the three factions; this shows that the campus voted for the men rather than for the party. We are happy to say that this election was unusually clean, and was a mark to the credit of student government. The University Party came through with a partial victory, and the United Carolina Party (in terms of predictions at the time of its formation) didn't seem to have an excess of student support. Walker, backed by a small group not organized as a party, made a good showing. The run-off next week between Vance and Walker will demand much attention; it will be an interesting study in human nature to see how the factions line up. In the election next weeX the student body must choose be tween two men who have both proved themselves to have strong more experience in student gov ernment and has been more intimately connected with student affairs at Carolina. Walker, in spite of his lack of experience ' in office holding at Carolina, has ability. Next week the student body will weigh Vance's extensive political career against Wal kers possibilities. v w? want to see now is some hard work from the stu dents we, elected.- 'For too long sudents'have worked harder during the campaign than affer being elected. This election showed some indication of the desire of sWents to place men in office who will work and who' have a good" past record upon which to stand. ' " - ' Carolina Brand Of Politics Seen At Election Party Associate Editor Associate Editor Isews Editor Copy Editor Sports Editor Sports Editor -Business Manager While the entire Carolina stu dent body anxiously awaited the returns from this all-important campus-wide elections, a nucleus of students gathered in the Graham Memorial Lounge as guests of the Tar Heel, to hear first-hand re ports of the voting. Gradually, many campus luminaries and dig nitaries gathered around the lounge to partake of the food and drink, and hear the returns. As the first Y.M.CA. ballots were counted, politicians started preparing acceptance speeches. The med school ballots were next to come in, showing a definite trend toward Charlie- Vance's plur ality. Immediately UCP and Inde- pendent leaders began huddling paper figuring mathematical prob abilities. As the crowd began to swell, we noticed Dr. Woodhouse of the po litical science department, calmly observing the results. Dean Mackie came in to join in the festivities, as Martha Rice gleefully anticipat ed record-breaking crowds in the lounge. Just as WaUace, Hunt, Thomp son, and Lackey had everything figured out, a new set of returns came in to set them all madly fig uring again. And so it went, first one final, then another came in, until all the See CAROLINA, page X W " 1 fVT Reprinted from the Deceen oi Etqpk Attention, Student Body x Last year Duke students damaged Carolina to the extent of many hundreds of dollars. We must prevent this vandalism this year. We earnestly request that every student try to learn the name, address, and description of any person engaged in vandalism and report these persons to The Tar Heel. We will send these names to the administration and student government of Duke with the suggestion that they be dealt with severely. If Duke fails to punish these vandals, we will resort to the police Durham law enforcement agencies. t might be well to add that the destruction is not one-sided. We will report to Chancellor House, Dean Mackie, and the Student Council the names of all Carolina students who engage in vandalism, but jn the case of Carolina students, we can promise that resort to the police will not; be necessary. Please help tis protect our campus and punish those who lack sportsmanship and respect for law. THE TAR HEEL Just Another Opinion Says Student Government Here Is At Cross Roads By Koy Thompson VIEWS of the NEWS By Sara Tillett The atomic bomb and how it is to be controlied is, perhaps, the key to world security. And underlying all the discussion and planning done on the subject has been the ques tion of what steps Russia is in tending to take. In a recent address to his nation, Foreign Commissar Molotov clear ly stated Russia's attitude. It is ; impossible, he said, "for a tech nical secret of any great size to remain the exclusive possession of some one country or some narrow circle of countries ... We will have atomic energy and many other things, too." Molotov's statement has brought forth resentment in- high places. ' Winston Churchill retorted that if it were Russia who had the bpne he did not think Britain or AmerV ica would be allowed to get the secret. Perhaps not, but it is this possessive, eye-for-an-eye attitude which may split the world into "spheres of suspicion." Harold Stassen has proposed that the United States produce twenty-five more bombs and turn them over to the United Nations Security Council. 'After that, pro duction of atomic bombs would be outlawed. There have been other proposals, not so specific but equal ly strong. Most of the scientists involved in developing the bomb have recommended that it be placed cinder sonie form of international control. And a few weeks ago, a group of eminent Americans de clared that to cope with the danger of atomic energy we will need a much stronger international organ Esstloa than m now have. Trcsza, Attlee, and King are . Meeting sow in Washington to dis fcsss control of atomic energy. It is to be hoped that they will not stop with timid suggestions and short-sighted policies. Students Try For . ' Better or For Verse Thinking of the Folks Back Home By E. S. Lyne Shells whistle over And others hit close by A machine gun rattles far away As smoke-puffs dot the sky. You glance at your buddy But he turns his head away, And then you think that back at home It's just another day. peq Awzxd ipi q;og no Suiddiqs 3J3av na $Bqi pjaq Xaq uaq pQ pus uioj jaquwuraj na puy snopajd exv saijoraapi umo anoiC uo 3itnoA. m.ou ng unj jo aasqs jnovC pnq OAnOiC n3Ai auioq b didvfi sauii; poo3 aq,i 'puauj-jjiS anoX jo Sui3uiq aj,nojt -putjq m 3JA. uoi;Bnig 'juiq pun uu3 no vtjpjBAVUi 'qjsau do si ;soi SBq v Should be moving up 'fore long, It's about that time, you guess. You think of the Japs along the beach; God! But they were a mess. Take a sip of wateir; Check your piece with carer Chamber loaded, clips are full, Bayonet is bare. Shellhole, dugout, pillbox, Foxhole and slit: trench; , Give no quarter,' 'ask no quarter, Fight oh, inch by inch. A close ; .hit, your-buddy looks, Yur tairn to glance away; And still you're thinking, back at home It's just another, day. ' This is an open letter which I hope that many will read since I am writing it to all students here at Carolina. I'm giving you one man's opinion on several things that need to be given your care ful consideration during the next few months. I had hoped to call many of these things to your at tention through this column. Now I am leaving Carolina for at least the remainder of this term, pos sibly longer. These things, I be lieve, are very important. Think them over. Student government here is at a crossroads. Elsewhere here in Gra ham Memorial tonight as I write this the ballots that you cast today are being counted. The people that submitted their names for your consideration are waiting in the lounge for the latest returns. These men and women, good and bad, ef ficient and lazy, industrious and indolent are going into, office to represent you or to let you down. Keep your eyes on them. Make them know that you are watching. Remember the promises that they made as candidates, and make them fulfill these promises as elected of ficials. The ruling by South officials on coeds' eating privileges in frater nity houses is arbitrary. Action taken by your student legislature and coed senate has been ignored. This would have roused student leaders of what we like to call the "good old days" to prompt and vigorous action. Right now, let's face it, our leaders are inferior products of campus politicians like Roy Thompson. Your leaders aren't very responsible and mature peo ple. They fight so weakly for your rights because they haven't got guts enough to accept their re sponsibilities. They would have ac complished a great deal more in this frat dining room controversy if they'd been pushing the House Privileges Board into action during the past few months instead of let ting it coast along doing practical ly nothing. Men in the Interfrater nity Council would have done much more as a group, if they had done anything to keep their individual fraternities on the ball during the past few months. In other words, if you want stu dent government, you've got to work at it. Another major problem facing Carolina students is that of fra ternity houses, liquor and women. Throughout this state there are people, including most of your par ents, who heartily disapprove of the "Country Club" in Chapel Hill. They talk about Carolina. Ministers sometimes preach about the "loose living" that they believe is a large part of life here on the Hill. News paper editors write editorials about it. Men in the North Carolina Gen eral Assembly, who vote appro priations for the support of the University, listen to these others and believe them all too often. And all too often they're right. If you men want to have coeds around the house, get the HPB on the ball. I'm no old man preaching a sermon. I'm a guy who likes all the things that are wrong with fraternities here today, and I know that we've got to start thinking in telligently if we're going to keep the privileges that we now have. Do a little thinking too about your student government and its leaders before the next election. Learn something about it so that you won't have that ring put through your nose again in March. Don't be suckers. Think a little. For the benefit of those of you who will write letters to Bob pointing out mistakes that Roy Thompson has made, things that he has left undone, times that a ring has been put through his nose, times that he was a sucker, IH say now that you're right. I've written this column about myself. I know the things that I've done wrong. I hope that I'm learning. Somebody's got to learn. If this column hurts someone's feelings, I regret that I have con sidered it necessary to write it. I don't want to step on your toes. I don't want to tear things down. I see very little of the once great Carolina that is left standing to be torn down. I'd like to help build it up again to a liberal Carolina. I'd like to see men kicked out of here for cheating on examinations. That would be a sign that the Honor Council was working. I'd like to see fraternities fined for violating rules governing them. Last of all, and most important, I'd like to see my favorite college president, Dr. Frank, get back in touch with the men and women of Carolina. Those men and women need Him. I believe , that he needs you now and then too. Report from Dean of Men An Appeal To Reason By Dean E. L. Mackie It was regrettable to see Thursday morning evidence of moronic action on our campus, such as smearing paint on Memorial Hall and the Bell Tower. It is regrettable when this sort of conduct originates in a neigh boring institution, since it causes damage to our property and entails ut terly unnecessary expenditures of meagre maintenance funds that are sorely needed for other purposes. It is even more regrettable when some of our own students forget that they are Carolina men and stoop so low as to perform similar moronic deeds upon a neighboring institution We like to think that our students are above deeds of vandalism, and as a matter of fact we know that the great majority of them are. Of course, there is a temptation to get even when a low sub-freshman on one. campus starts this kind of foolishness, but real University men will not sully our Carolina tradition by stooping to the same level by retaliating and thus provoking-further and more devastating damages. Let's be good sportsmen and do our yery best to win athletic contests fairly, but let every Carolina student exercise his or her utmost, power to prevent any misguided, immature students who may be here from bringing shame upon our University.