THE TAR HEEL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1045 Page Four Artistic Hand-Painted Plates, Tumblers and Whiskey Bottles DANZIGER'S 1 Di Elections Set For Next Meeting The Dialectic Senate will hold its Tegular elections next Wednesday. At tendance is compulsory for all mem bers and the meeting will be closed to outsiders. At last Wednesday's meeting, Roy Thompson's resignation as speaker was accepted and he was granted a leave of absence because of illness Buddy Glenn and Dave Pittman were reinstated and Russell Johnson and Tom Lockheart accepted as candidates for membership. The Di initiated Herbert Alexander and John Surratt into membership of the assembly. Delegates elected to the Student Legislature were Frances Privette and Don Shropshire. Spanish Group Names Parker To Presidency Tom Parker was elected president of La Asociedad Espanola at a meet- ing.held Wednesday night. Other officers elected were Gladys David, vice-president; Frances Law, secretary;" Jean. Thompson, treasurer, and Sarah Wood, publicity chairman. Dr. Frederick F. Fales, representa tive of the Institute of ' International Education, spoke to club members in Spanish. Dramatic Tryouts - Everybody is invited to tryouts for the second bill of experimental plays at the Playmakers Theatre. Monday, at 4 p.m. ... V WINNER OF 10 WORLD'S FAIR GRAND PRIZES, 28 GOLD MEDALS AND MORE HONORS FOR ACCURACY THAN ANY OTHER TIMEPIECE hi A I 71 ' fl I Or h J I. . l V ls f - ' U T T T ; ' O ' ; j i I , . - v-1' 1 . - ; ' i i ' 'J - 5 X - ' - j r 1 ' 1 f ' ' V - X :!A VI" 'Jh T7 i '.);. I?. J 'pi -h LET US HELP YOU SLIP ONE OVER ON WINTER & IN THE COLLEGE SHOP DRUM MAJORS and majorettes of the Lenoir High School band are shown above. They will be on hand today for the Carolina-Virginia game and will parade between the halves. t LENOIR HIGH (Continued from first page) Carolina-Virginia game only when the game took place in Chapel Hill, the band began making the trip to Charlottesville, Va when the game was, played there. Their first appear ance in Charlottesville found them marching and playing, in a blizzard with their feet sinking into snow and icicles hanging - from their instru ments. On their last trip there in 1942, the Lenoir Band was assigned very important part in the exer cises honoring the 50th football game between Carolina and Virginia and also honoring the alumni of both in stitutions serving in the armed forces. When war restrictions were placed on travel and the Carolina-Virginia game was moved to Norfolk, the Le noir Band made its first break in the traditional trips to the games and began to devojte its services to pa rades and concerts helpful to the war effort. During that time one trip was made to Chapel Hill to give a special concert for Navy and Marine personnel on the campus and also to play at the Carolina-Duke game. Bu now that travel is again pos sible, the band is to be back bigger and better than ever and ready to add its playing and marching to the color of the game. Their work on the sidelines as well as on the field will be up to traditional standards of past years. STATIONERY Ideal for a Christmas Gift ALWAYS CORRECT it 9r WRITI NG PAP E R S Everyone writes letters, and stationery is an always wel come gift for birthdays, anniversaries or any holiday x season. Unique, styled pack ages, in a wide price range, at our stationery counter. LEDBETTER-PIGKARD Tar Heel Staff To Hold Party Members of the Tar Heel staff are again reminded to sign up for the semi annual staff party to be held Friday, December 14, or thereabouts. The affair will be held at Jack Tur ner's Barbecue Hut near Durham. The group will leave Chapel Hill at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Turner guaranteed all the beer, barbecue, brunswick stew, and soft drinks you can take, plus dancing and refreshments after supper. Dates need not be staff members to come. Sign up in the Tar Heel Office immediately! CPU Meets Tomorrow The Carolina Political Union will discuss Governor Arnall's speech in its regular meeting tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the Grail Room of Graham Memorial. The public is invited. , NOW PLAYING GARY LORETTA COOPER - YOUNG Jongs ' i with MUAM DEMAREST DAM DURYEA -frank sully A CINEMA ARTISTS CORP. Pf 0DUCT10H ' (Zoo? SUNDAY-MONDAY J4 1 fi:f J a ... 9 i - 1 1 k I f . I 1 f -1 1 ROBERT ALDA AS GEO. GERSHWIN JOAN USUI ALEXIS SMITH CHARLES COBURNAS THEMSELVES Al JOLSONf OSCAR II VANTiPAUl WHITEMAN GEORGE WHITEHAZIl 5COTT JE ANNE BROWN by IRVING RAPPEK . f V . . . . Inil ScrMfl Hoy by Hwor KoA ond illiol Pool Donct crod oo Arrangmal by y Wiwdort Veterans To Hold Election Monday i The Unjversity- Veterans Associa tion will hold its election of officers Monday at their regular meeting, at 8 o'clock in Gerrard Hall, according to J. B. Spillman, chairman of the organizations election committee. At last Monday's meeting, nomina tions were received for the office of president of the group. Bill Smith, Dewey Dorsett and Eoy Clark were nominated. Smith is a former vice president and the present president of the UVA, Dorsett is at present the chairman of the Veterans Affairs Com mittee of the group and a former Carolina man who was prominent in campus affairs before he entered ser vice. Clark is a new member of the Association. CLASSIFIED Advertisements must be paid for in advance and turned in at the Tab Heel business office, Graham Memorial, by 1 o'clock the day preced ing publication. Fifty cents (.50c) each inch and fraction. LOST A pair of horn-rimmed spec tacles, light color, in case with ini tials PBP somewhere around cam pus last week-end. Reward. Finder contact F. B. Parker, Alumni Build ing, Sociology Dept., Telephone 7676. Campus Shorts Saturday Night Entertainment The 24-Below Club will open to night from 9 p. m. until 12 p. m. Sadie Hawkins Day contest prizes will be presented. Literary Sorority Initiation Chi .Delta Phi, national honorary literary sorority, initiated five new members: Rosemary Cleveland, Len ny Eyster, Eleanor Craig, Phyllis Sullivan, and Polly DeWitt Olive Ann Burns, president, announces new competition for membership with manuscripts, due February 1. Any girl is eligible for membership. Sub mit prose or poetry, or any kind of creative writing which has not been previously published. YWCA Meetings The following YWCA committees will meet on Monday evening in the "Y": music, supper forum, and mem bership, at 7 p. m.; library, at 6:45 p. m. The cabinet will meet Tuesday evening at 6:45 p. m. Pictures for the Yack will be made at this time. The supper forum committee - will meet Thursday evening at 6 p. m. in the Methodist Church. 1 KA Convention The KAs of Smith Province of North and South Carolina held a con vention in the Barringer Hotel in Charlotte November' 26 and 27. KAs from Furman, Duke, Wake Forest, Davidson, and UNC were present Delegates from the Carolina chapter were Pete Pully and Ike Belk. CICA xMeetings CICA will hold an executive meet ing Tuesday at 5 p. m. At 6:45 p. m. on Tuesday there will be a member ship meeting. Wednesday at 7 p. m. there will be a mass meeting. WE Have What YOU Want In Christmas Cards And Gifts LEDBETTER-PICKARD LOST Brown leather key case con taining six keys. Probably lost last Friday. Finder please call Allen Tate, Phone F-2366. STRAYED into football crowd Satur day. Black female Cocker Spaniel 6 mos. old. Answers to "Bright Spot." Reward. Call Dr. Wm. Ma gruder collect Duke Hospital, Durham. REHDER'S CHAPEL HILL FLOWER SHOP Opposite Post Office Corner Let's box the ears of the Cavaliers. Foister Photo Company (TJfi nrrm mtutrrri ! i aero HAS FOOTBALL LOST ITS KICK? 'Knute Rockne said, "Give me a good, reli-; able punter, andvl won't worry about my offense." Can't today's football players kick? Why is Lou Little a little sad? Maybe he remembers when guys really covld boot the; pigskin 17 field goals in one game! A 63 (yard drop kick for a field goal! 97 points, scorea oy a piayer wno was never omciauy in the game! Only 3 field goals missed in two years of college football! How does today stack up? Readjihis true B . . twite... LeatlieiSock!ng Tales by Gordon M. Atkmt (C7 c 'YO'J Will EE SORRf, CAPTAIll KIRILSKI"' Iskandar swallowed hard 'he had eaten that accursed bacon. Then he stood there, staring, smil ing. That was before Joan McNaughton was kidnapped, before Ma jor Yeats-Brown, of the famous Bengal Lancers, went up into those death-packed hills. In his last true story before he died, Achmed Abdullah, one t)f the best adventure story spinners of all time, tells a grip ping tale of mystery, and tall men with cruel smiles, in India's Khyber Pass. Read this great true book-length feature . . .. Flames on the Border by Copf. AcfcfW Abdullah HALF FISH, HALF HUTS, THEY CALLED 'EM You never heard much about the UDT till after the Japs sur- ? YoricTtA At rPmr nrAPA T.'boys who "fought the war in swim Si&2rtrunks." Their story was one of our Kavy's top secrets. Now it's out told from the inside out in the true exclusive . . . 17 Seconds to Live by Commander Harold 6. Say, USNk Sim Webb did jump, but Casey Jones didn't. He rode glory on old 382. You've " 3 10 L sung the song about him. The song is wrong, you know. Set yourself straight on history's most famous "hoghead" here's the trui low-down . . o VJIT YOUR OVII BUSINESS ? ;You can start it for peanuts, says' Mirnesota's Stubborn Swede. He pat layed a $6 a week failure into a 97,500,000 a year success in 11 years? "Money's all around you, sitting and wistfully waiting to fall in love with your idea" that's what he says.. It makes) sense, in this latest of the popuIarfrw4 Adventures in Business . .. . Farmer's Friend! by Charhs Samuels PJ John Luther Jones Was a Brave Engineer 3-45. V. TK ilium Another Petty Girl each month in and only TfX An original Petty drawing! Watch lor the January on sale December 1 2, featuring one of the greatest stories of this war or any war "Pappy" Boyington's Own Story! i Read i, the mart's magazine Get yovr December TRUE - ' at your newsstand now