August 2, 1950 Sports Shorts Br Jo An otherwise dull ... , uii me v-n,,.,na sporting front hs bwn vcncd up . bit by the week- " Woollen Gymnasium. Tht Jth annual affair of iki. . . --, s Willi .:uhe. n the receiving end of - u aemonstratrons K Caro.n.s eff.cient coaching and turning .urf, look, to be M uc cvwful m the other 23 hav. been. ,CK,c to 100 coache. .re attending hp school. While amateur Harvie Ward nd pro Sk,P Alex.rler continue t" represent the Old North State with th.-ir winning 'ways. Tar J"1 bL biyT'nr local hnks. In the rtwnt Mora hi- Sun golf tournament in Durham. . large number of local P'lfcr made their bid for fame Among the winners from the Chapel liin atT, were Rawlcj Taylor. Moore. R. L. Mc Donald, and Dr. W.rf.eld Carson. Another product of the "Justice Era" in Tar Heel football, nigged Charry ironVr. ir grid Z. Kln ,Undout nd who r w "veral Al.A.T.eri. -ic"-. will .- w.u, m Futsburgh Steel- hn.-Wilh.rn and Mary to C P,ay.ed ere October 28, will the T.r HeeV homecoming tilt Dan Steigman. center and co fpta.n of the 1948 UNC eleven. now a naval air officer . . . Merle Norcross. hatfK.b .i . . r in varsity te.m for the past three years, has been named assistant ,,7"BI 11 Grice ,t Chapel Hill High School. Jess Greenbaum. Cecil Milton. Paul Godfrey. Sara Wakefield, and other Tar Hi. . j i - kUUHTU in tine performance i .u. - . - ' tt IV Unas AAU swim mt i nrn . ... niuuil lct weekend . . . Mi.. uru-.:,J TrTJ --Siting ....,cll, national AAU a nHigh Foint this weekend. THE DAILY TAR Tor Hee Swimming Team Cards Ambitious Schedule An ambitious, 10-mcet arhH fr Carolina's defending Southern Conference champion swimming team has been released by the local athletic department The schedule, although not U f mite yet, will include a meet with Princeton's Tigers, not pre viously scheduled by the Tar Hee Is. and a tOssle with the Uni vT.ty of Virginia after a break of Ihrve years. Although it n. C. State and Duke teams are on the Tar Heel agenda.' the dates for those meets have not yet been In addition to the rfri.u- m,. the Tar Heel mermen plan to' utiena uieir title in the annual Southern Conference Indoor Championships. TO A K A I r V- Ow vntiii by appointment. T " (chj. I a it t'n,,,,; or'N; rr nr-;:rL rh,,;hwi on Arnwr Tatuh Walt Dca Jot Cum CHAaLii Jomn Quolity and Low Prces Are Synonymous With Us. Lishtw.iqht Rayon ord SLACKS For Only t S5 Bur Mil Doeskin Rayon SLACKS. Still m TlTuilSr 'Ski? LvArE1S WUh DoM. Leather Sole. Ir HublKr HnIa Yours For inis SHOES Wilh Red Rubbar Sole." " 11 All Wool Worsted Gabardine SLACKS i? Coolest Y.t. Dotted Swiss Sport SHIRTS i Airman Huq9r SHIRTS. Perfact Foe Colfin, JJ5 Skippw Blue Flannal SUITS. 100 Wool Onlr Mil Wool Gabardin. SUITS. A buy at wool Only M.M Cordovan SHOES Wilh Full Leather Linings. Only ' I it WE ARE NVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD FREE DELIVERY ON ALL PURCHASES MILTON'S CLOTHING CUPBOARD Across From. Tanners Dairy One Block Beyond Bus Station i t RIDE A BIKE O SALES O RENTALS O REPAIRS THE BIKE SHOP Opposite) Town Hall . Biket-Triks-Motorscoottrs Winning Again Hurts Ward. J, Ha! llercouiu1.l0T' """P'o who wd oUm oTvar car J? J tohU crown of champlon. Tfc. vun Tarboro mat.UI. M hol. medal pUy in h M Invltatioa Coif Tournam.-i ! Country ciub Course with,, threa-under-p.r S8. Last weekend. Warn j-j. VTh: flnaU lo defeat G.y 1-up. and win the Tenae 0011 T Chatianoofla. T.nn. Page Two Mural Softball Renins Intramural Softball Play Bait Casting Tonight, B W.u rv... Fr;urteen teams, divided info.nlaht ot this w.W will K hM tonight (Thursday) instead, with mtu two leagues, becan Dlav fii, in the second session Intramural softball competition for the cam PUs championship. An added, feature of this ses fon's softball play' will be a trophy awarded to tfc. nio,.. with the highest batting average "r me season. The leading bat ters will be announced w.iri k the mural department and pub- ln ine Tar Heel. The bait casting tournament originally slated for Wednesday everyone inv:led to enter. Action will get uncer way at Woollen Gym at 7.45 this evening. Teams entering the softball tournament are: League I Old East Dorm, Sigma Chi, Hoop-de-Doos, Lambdi Chi. Steele Dorm. Phi Gams, Bowman's, and Kappa Sigma; League II Unknowns (Runner-up for first session cam pus title;, Jokers. PiKA, Old West Dorm, Chi Psi. and Sigma Nu. ' aaaaWWaaaaliia ... -iiiniunn. iiBiaaaiBajBnnaaBSaBManr SAVE 25-50 ON YOUR SUMMER NEEDS rAwuui BRANDS-FAMOUS NAMES QUALITY MERCHANDISE-COME EARLY Here Are a Few Typical Volues 11 f. - . . many utners Not Listed ALL SUMMER SUITS 25 Per Cent Off NYLON CORD SUITS $18.75 R9- S2S.50 Value COTTON CORD SUITS $12.95 Reg. $18.75 Valu SUMMER SLACKS Volues to $8.95 $5.95 SUMMER SPORT SHIRTS Values to $4.95 $2.95 SUMMER PAJAMAS SHORT SLEEVE-KNEE LENGTH $2.95 T WINTHROP j CALIFORNIA STYLED oxtordP le,sure jackets" $9.95 $18.95 SIi.95 Value Re9- $25 00 Value KNIT SPORT SHIRTS U. S. KEDS ff r Thick Sole '-65 $4.95 iniwfnv,uun la VjUAltANIEtU ON CHASE MADE AT THE SPORT SHOP EXCHANGES AND RE FUNDS' WILL BE MADE AS USUAL -n DC ' ' -i mm BR?' MB& .waft f i i in wl srf.