Page Thre Merchant Association Men Meeting Here Now Mote than GO credit bureau and merchant association officials from 12 states are now "going back to school" at Carolina. First, second, third and fourth .year courses are being given in the seventh .annual Management Institute which opened with a buffet supper at the Navy Ar mory Sunday night. Classes got underway eaily Monday morning and will con tinue through Saturday, August 25. The Institute, which was the first such program to be estab lished in the nation, will offer a graduate seminar on research methods for those already com pleting courses offered in the past. There are now five other institutes patterned after this one in varjous parts of the country. The faculty of 17 specialists is conducting courses in various phases of management, Including psychology, collection service, employee supervision, public ALONG THE AIRWAVES WITH ' BOft: I hear you're going: in the Dog Food business, Bing. felNfl: Ypp... we're going to mle ; jRF,..You know AIlF'a the only Dog I'iwd your dog an ask for by name. MCK KIRKWOOD: I'd like to ihow tou a pirtme of wy Dad ...Old Gomff fl irk wood. IIOB: l y interesting ...why 1 h fitting in the ehotrie chair holding tiighbiill in hit hoinl! KIRKWOOD: Si mpl e . ..boy . . .that th il'iij he voH clioaen "Hern of Kx'inction." HOB: Ring've bean playing teacher's pet with our sponsor loitjf enough. Imagine uraritiif shorts ni8ci out of ('hesteitlaM wrappers! RING: Not so fast, Bob ... liow do yoa .xplaln making your wudi ;.ian lie on ths lawn no their bodies spell out '-'They Satisfy." BOB: So yon won't go out with m io , night ..'.Well, you'll It eon y... I'll fmt nail up Manna T.oa ... Mi HawH tov know.. .Left tee, tht number it... MARILYN MAXWELL: But Hob, 'tfiiwM Loo in a Volcano! BOB: I'll get that Croby...t govt Itiim $X for that telephone m'wber ... fl said it the hottest thing in the island! RING: Me a penny pincher? T.ook : 6'roige . . . t happen to know yon Hi the insides of your trousers with mniy. OB: That's a great, big !ie. BflHG! Don't, tell me... 1'va seen you in ths lix'ker room ...and the flap on fiur underwear has a serial number. TEGGV I.EE: Mornin' ti o), gtr . .. Welcome to th Gopher Holt Hotel. BING: Thanks Ma'am. My vawe'e "Act" .Crothy ...Hone you got o vacant room hurt at th Gopher Hoi',! MGGY: Yet Sir. ..and believe we it's pi en ewe to have oi "Ate"' in the Hole. i speaking, business communica tion, salesmanship, conference leadership, publications, job im I provement methods, and econom ics of consumer credit. Teaching are Prof. Key L. Batkhy, N. C. State College; Francis Auger, Orlando, Fla., Credit Bureau; Harry E. Boyd, Belleville, III., Credit Bureau; Richard M. Holmes, Atlanta, Ga., Credit Bureau; Margaret J. Hug gins, Hickory Merchants Associa tion; J. Frank Jarman, WDNC, Durham; W. A. Kitkland, Dur ham Merchants Association. Charles E. Moorman, Jackson-, ville Fla., Credit Bureau; Chailes B. McFce, Jr., Virginia Retail Merchants Association, Richmond; George C. Robinson, Richmond, Va., Retail Merchants Associa tion; William G. Slattery, Distri butive Education Service, Greens boro; Wesley Williams, Raleigh Merchants Bureau; and Profs. Richard P. Calhoon, Arch R. Dooley, Almonte C. Howell, Nor man W. Mattis, and George M. Woodard, all of the University of North Carolina faculty. President of the Institute and chahman of the board of the As sociation is T. G. Trosper, Greens boro. Other officers are Charles B. McFee, Jr., Dean; Thompson Greenwood, Raleigh, executive secretary, N. C. Merchants Asso ciation, business manager; Charles Dudley, Charlotte, publicist; and Dr. R. S. Winslow, Director, Bu reau of Business Services and Re search, and T. Carl Brown, Direc tor, Distributive Education, Ra leigh, educational advisers. VALUES AT YOUR Library Notes The Library here serves more people in a larger variety of ways over a wider area than any other library in the south east. The Library is the second largest in the southeast and con tains more than 700,000 vol umes. It houses a number of important collections. One is the Hanes Collection on the His tory and Development of the Book, the gift of the Hanes fam ily of Winston-Salem. Another is the North Carolina Collec tion, which was endowed by John Sprunt Hill of Durham who. with his family, also gave the University the Carolina Inn, and Hill hall of music which houses the University's distin guished music department. The richest collection of Southern historical material is in the North Carolina Room of the Library. It is known as the Southern Historical Collection and contains more than three million items assembled during the last quarter of a century by Dr. J. C. deRoulhac Hamil ton. It brings to the University the richest storehouse of South ern economic, social, political, cultural and religious source materials in the nation and brings to Chapel Hill research scholars from all over the world. DR. WILLIAM T. KOHN Optometrist who has served the Chapel Hill area for over three years has moved to the old Hospital Saving Asso ciation building. O- Eyes examined O Glasses Fitted O Contact Lenses Visual Training Office Hours: 9 a.m. p.m. Phon SftM Seabrook Farms French Green Beans .... Seabrook Farms Chopped Spinach Seabrook Farms Cauliflower m-mui n '' r - TTTmmmmmtMmmmtmitmmmmrfT---'mm'ntmim " A ( r V v n UJ V VI 26c 4Rv' ) 3!c ; Seabrook Farms Fancy Asparagus Spears 55c Seebrook Farms Cultivated Blueberries 47c Johnson's Glo-Coat, Qt. 98c Surf, large 30c Surf, giant 61c Qt. Bot. New Clo-White 15c 8 Cakes Wrisley's Toilet Soap ..58c j Gum, 6 pkgs 20c Carton Cigarettes $1.50 Regular Camay, 3 for 25c Tide, giant ..80c Wesson Oil, pints 34c Wesson Oil, quarts 34c La Choy Meatless Chinese Dinner ........v.52c f ; La Choy Chicken j Chow Me in ......... 85c i t La Choy Vegetable and Beef Chop Suey Dinner ......75c La Choy Chow Mein Noodles ..17c La Choy Beef Chop Suey 33c H -lb Package Lipton's Tea r... 15c Plates-Forks Paper Cups 2 Packages Frostee Mix .. ..25c 12 -os. Jar Peanut Butter 36c t Caies Midget Pickles, 1 2-o. jar 41 c 4$-oi. Can Orange Juice .. .23c 3 Packages Royal Gelatin 25c Crisco, 3 lbs 99c Crisco, 1 lb 35c 12-ot. Bottle Grape Jelly 22c ft Sliced Boiled Ham, lb. $1.19 Cole's Sausage, lb 57c End Cut Pork Chops, lb 55c Fryers, lb :.....i.57c Jones' Franks, lb. 59c Luncheon Meat, lb. 69c Pickle and Pimento Loaf, lb 69c ood Store West Franklin Street Kingans or Armours. Half or Whole Hams, lb ...61c j Chuck Roast, lb 73c