Page Two THE WEEKLY TAR HEEL Thursday. June 17. 1031 &)t Zar Iecl Published every Thursday during the first term of the summer school, is printed by the Orange Printshop of Chapel Hill. It is the official publication of the summer school of the University of North Carolina and is published by the students. Editor Daniel Wallace Carolina's Pride Carolina's pride is her honor system. For Carolina administrative and faculty members and her students, the honor system and student responsibility are synonymous. V,e as students are proud our University doesn't have hundreds of complex detailed rules covering every phase of student life and action, speci fying when ve can do what and how much of it. No, we students are to use our own judgment. Our Honor System states: no student may cheat, lie, or steal, and must report anyone he sees doing so. A student must conduct himself or herself as a gentleman or lady at all times. Only two sentences to govern and control student action. It sounds simple and easy, but these sentences really express and cover every situation. The first sentence is regarded as the Honor Code, for it em braces the very basic and fundamental qualities of an honorable person. The second sentence is referred to as the Campus Code, for it is con cerned with the student's conduct at all times, on and off campus. "No chain is stronger than its weakest link" is certainly applicable here, for each and every student is responsible to and for this honor system. To our regret some students can not accept this freedom in the proper spirit, and there are violations. These are reported to the Dean of Students' office which turns them over to the Honor Council Chair men. Students, chosen by all-campus elections, comprise the Councils, conduct trials, and hand down sentences. There are women and men councils. Of course, proceedings are never publicly published or mentioned the councils do their duties of providing justice, fairness, and pro tection to all students. Those found guilty are not made public whip ping boys, but receive sentences for correction and help. We also have an appellate court for students who feel they were wronged. The base of all Carolina life and action lies in her Honor System. The sense of responsibility, for good wholesome living, and the forma tion of character under our System is unmeasurable, but we feel confident it adds tremendously to every students education and better prepares him for living life itself. Ed McCurry. Sunday, June 20th Is the Day Hundreds to Choose From THE PICTURE EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT! If fhe one oboot fHe birds and fhe bees bores you. if irate fathers don't scare you but a vine-covered cottage does... may vro suggest. TODAY VARSITY y fa' A. 1 A Mil HOLDEN DAVID NIN MAGGIE McNAMARA Chapel Hill Pastors Announce Sunday Services And Events Pastors of Chapel Hill churches an-' nour.ced their schedules for the eorr. ir.g weekend yesterday. The Baptist Church on South Co- lumbia St. will conduct regular ser i vices at 9:45 & 11 a.m. At 6 p.m.. ! the supper forum of the Baptist Stu ' cent Union will meet. ! Episcopal services include Holy j Communion at S a.m., regular morn- J j ir.g worship services at 11 a.m., and; Economic Workshop Gets Under Way Here Approximately TO educators from all regions of the state are assembled at Chapel Hill for the second annual Workshop on Economic Education. Sponsored by the University of North Carolina in connection with the National and North Carolina Councils on Economic Education, the workshop provides graduate credit in education. All participants receive scholar ships from the North Carolina Busi ness Foundation covering board and tuition costs. Purpose of the workshop is to pro vide a wider knowledge and better understanding of the American eco nomic system. This year's participants include school supervisors and principals, school librarians, and teachers on all educational levels. Greetings were extended at the opening session by Dr. J. R. Skret ting, Workshop Director; President Gordon Gray; Dean Guy B. Phillips, School of Education; and A. R. Dool ey, Assistant Dean, School of Busi ness Administration. Speakers for the first sessions in cluded Dr. B. U. Ratchford, profes sor of economics, Duke University, who talked on Southern economic problems; Dr. Milton Heath, head of the UNC Department of Economics;! M. L. Frankel, associate director, the Joint Council on Economic Education, New York; Dr. James Gemmel, execu tive director, Commission on Eco nomics in Teacher Education, and several members of the University's Education and Business Administra tion Schools. 'th Canterbury Club di-cusshn begin ning a: 0 p.m. Activities of the Methii.-t Church cover the regular Sunday m-rnin; I service- at 0:4") and 11. an! an cve ' r.:r.g of the Wesley Four. !a !!: n at An informal re:re:it:ei period starting at 5:'M will t-n-.-.-d,? th- session. Th- Presbyterian Church l:-ts regu lar services at (:43 ar.d 11 a.m.; an evening event finds the Westminster Fellowship grouping in the 'V C.-urt before leaving for Camp New II .;-. and a supper-discussion meet. The Rev. Charles w.ll con duct the- second of his Community Church outdoor series in the F"r-t Theater Sunday at 10 a.m. In th event of rain, the services will m. v t Hill Hall. Parents with children between the ages of 1-0 may la them at Mrs. Wettach's Kindergarten at the north end of Hill Hal! parking lot. Vesper Services Vesper Services, sponsored by th Summer Activities Council and sup ported by the various student enure! organizations, will get underway We i ntsday at 7 p.m., in the Arboretum Plans for a varied and entertain :m program of songs and speakers a; scheduled. As these services are primarily ; student undertaking, their success ! pends on student participation. A! interested persons are urged to altem and promote this interdenorninationa feature. NANCY GLENN'S ALTERATION SHOP All Kinds of Alterations Button Holes Belts & Buttons Covered Hours 8-12, 1-5 By Appointment Till G PHONE 8-0841 West Franklin St. CAD PAAI III I US P A I it u w u &. a k u ?xjmz Electric Fans CART W Li 1 Frigidaire Air Conditioning Units Electrical Repairs Bennett & Blocksidge, Inc.