THE TAR HEEL Page Thr Carolina Capsules hi 'i Roomed with Brown I;::; Edwards, member of the Uni r of North Carolina football ",; staff, once was an assistant j, pa-;! Brown, the famous pro coach, j r:ward.-i attended Ohio State briefly j r ... 4 - TI':4.i-l I Thursday, Auj?uat 12, 1954 luWl !Lf!fi$PMnnn i. : r- he was an all-star lineman, and f .' .' Brown first then. Lackey Junior Assistant I.'k Lackey, University of North arol:r.a All-State football player last j .a.- and one of the nation's best! : .- s with a 43.4 average, ha3 been a;.r.oir.ted a junior assistant coach; r'.-r for this fall. I J...J Homecoming Game he University of North Carolina'3 'coming football game thi3 fall be with the University of South on Nov. C. The Gamecocks, ' of the Atlantic Coast Confer-! strongest team3, defeated the' I !':.-: 18-0 last year. J Big Weekend 'any football fans in this area made plans to attend the North .ii.-a-Maryland game at College --, Md., on Oct. 16 and stay over 't the Redskins play on Sunday j -pecial "Charlie Justice Day." Orders Accepted : are now being accepted for .i to individual games on the 'trsity of North Carolina's home hall schedule from both alumni the general public. The Tar Is season opener is with N. C. :e here Sept. 25. Both Returning The University of North Carolina' wo biggest ground gainers last year -len Keller (422) and Connie Gravitte -'-') w ill be back with the Tar Heels -hen they begin pre-season football raetice on Sept. 1. Against Virginia North Carolina's Tar Heels totalled :t-:r most net rushing yardage last :ar against Virginia, 333. They won Next best rushing day was "st Tennessee, 243. The Vols won Carolina's Fight Song The University of North Carolina's "fight song" was written by Kay -S-yser, tne celebrated band leader and entertainer. Kyser is an alumnus and cheerleader, who makes his .tome here now in semi-retirement. First Local Showing When N. C. State plays the Uni versity of North Carolina here Sept. it will be the first North Carolina appearance of the Wolfpack u'ider the direction of new coach Earle Ed wards. The Wolves open the season :r.e week before against Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Va. First Since 1942 North Carolina's football game with Tulane at New Orleans on Oct 2 will m the first to be played between the two teams since 1942 when the Green 'ave beat the Tar HeeK 29-14. From Chapel Hill to: 1-way From Chapel Hill to: 1-way WILMINGTON, N. C. $3.60 DALLAS, TEXAS .$24.90 4 trips, 2 thru-liner 7 trips, only 1 change ASHEVILLE, N. C $6.10 NEW YORK $10.50 6 trips, 4 thru-liner 8 departures daily CHARLOTTE, N. C. $3.60 ATLANTA, GA $ 8.20 12 departure daily 5 trips daily (plus tax) (piU3 tax) Union Bus Terminal 311 W. Franklin Phone 4-281 61 THE ROUTE OF the thru-LINERS