JUNIOR SMOKER f, 9:00 P. M. SWAIN HALL 1 JUNIOR SMOKER 9:00 P. 2.1. SWAIN HALL i, VOLUME XXXVIII CHAPEL HILL, N. CU FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1930 NUMBER 123 i ! i I? GENERAL ALBERT COX TO ADDRESS JUMOMOMGHT Regular Winter Quarter Smoker Will Be Given at 9 O'clock In Swain Hall. General Albert L. Cox, promi nent Raleigh attorney, will speak at 9. o'clock tonight at the Jun ior class smoker in Swain hall, according to announcement by Artie Marpet, vice-president of the class. This is the second class smoker of the year. Alex Mendenhall's orchestra will pro vide music for the affair. . The speaker graduated from the University with A. B. and A M. degrees in 1904 as per manent president of his class. While here he was a member of the varsity football team, par ticipated in track and baseball and was a member of the Gold en Fleece. Since leaving the University he has served in the state legislature and as a supe rior court judge. He served successively as captain and col onel on the Mexican border and in the Great War. He is now a brigadier general in the officers reserve corps. The general has been active in American Legion work and was commander of the North Carolina department sev eral years ago. He is mentioned prominently as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor in 1932. Art Courses Offered By Extension Division A course in American Art and Southern artists of note, de signed for busy women who haven't time for intensive appli cation to textbooks, is now be ing offered by the extension di vision of the University of North Carolina, according to a recent announcement by Russell M. Grumman, director of the ex tension division. The aim of the course is to j present a general background of j American art history, with special emphasis on southern artists of note, and to give a brief survey also of present-day art and artists in this country. The course is suited for either individual or group study. In a majority of the programs outlined in the course of study there is one articled be read from a book or magazine and one to be prepared by a member of the group.' It is believed this method of study will stimulate interest in native art and artists and foster, in the comunity an interest in beauty. V The course was prepared by Mary deB. Graves, well known Chapel Hill artist. , Friends of Esperanto Will Not Meet Today Dr. E. C. Metzenthin an- nounces that the meeting of the "Friends of Esperanto," sched uled for this evening at 5 o'clock, has been postponed because of a meeting of the faculty from 4:30 to 6 o'clock. According to present plans a few more meetings will be held at the beginning of the spring quarter. All those who have paid their dues are urged to at tend the next meeting in order to receive their copies of the Esperantist, the bi-monthly mag azine, and the Key. to Esperanto, the dictionary. The day of the next meeting, will be announced in the Tar Heel about the middle of March. itudeht Tosses Bottle Into Ocean; Receives An Answer (By Henry Wood III) An experience that comes to one out "of millions has been the good fortune of Nicholas W. Dockery, a student in the En gineering school here at thei University. The long arm of fate picked up a tiny black ob ject, tossed here and there by the mountainous waves of the Atlantic, carried it to a pretty little beach on the coast of Bel gium, Dlaced it in the hands of a young French girl, and car ried an answer back across land and sea to "Nick" Dockery in Chapel Hill. , ' Last August "Nick" was crossing the Atlantic enroute to Paris and a tour of Europe. As the West-Ellare sisrhted the English coast ,500 miles distant, "Nick" played his "trump." He enclosed a dollar bill and a note in a long-neck Scotch bottle; in the note he wrote his name, ad dress, the date, the latitude and longitude, and a request that if this message should by some chance come into anyone's pos session, for that person to com municate with him at once. He carefully corked and sealed the bottle, and hurled it into the ocean. "Nick" had completely for gotten the incident until Mon day, February 17, when he found in his box at the . Sigma Chi house, a strange letter with Bel gium stamps, and postmark. It was an answer to his fateful message of the sea. "Nick" has replied to the let ter and is anxiously awaiting word from his unseen corres pondent on the other side of the world. The letter follows : Relief Fund Grows Additions to 'the "Campus Relief Fund for Orange .Coun ty Poor" yesterday came from the following: M. Nakamura, Haysworth Jones, T. L. Par sons, Anonymous, and "Three Friends." The donation from the "three friends" was sent is as an anonymous composite contribution. The total received for the fund now amounts to $256.70. The Tar Heel is going to con duct the fund for only four more issues. The last issue of this quarter, appearing next Tuesday, marks the last day of the fund also. Contributions should be mailed to Dr. L. M. Brooks, Box 747 or the Alumni build ing, to the Tar Heel office, or turned over to one of the members of the committee in charge of the fund. Dr. L. M. Brooks, Louis Graves, Harry F. Comer, Ellis Fysal, and Robert Hodges compose this committee. '. GLEE CLUB ON WAY TO CONTEST IN NEW YORK The University glee club left Person hall early yesterday morning in a large bus, making the trip to Washington, D. C, where they stayed over last night at the Hamilton Hotel. Today they will make the re mainder of the trip to New York. Tonight at 6 :30 they will attend a ""dinner given for them at the New. York Athletic Club by W. A. Whitaker. Tomorrow night the national intercollegiate glee club contest will be staged at Carnegie Hall. Mr. Nicholas W. Dockery, Rockingham, N. C, U. S. A. My dear Mr. Dockery : The winds of chance iave blown me your unique, though laconic, billet de boteille. And let me hasten to add that the same winds have blown you a4 unique . distinction whether honor or not you shall decide for yourself. But distinction it certainly is, inasmuch as you are the first person. to ever re ceive a letter from me without my first having met and become more or less personally acquaint ed with that person. I am not the kind of a girl that you may have supposed abounds in port towns, who would gladly write to what you Americans call "a will o' the wisp," just so long as the "will o' the wisp" wore pantaloons. But wind, and chance have combined themselves in pres enting to me your name and ad dress, safely tucked down the throat of a bottle, and curiosity which by right and preroga tive, all women possess--now impels , me to address myself to you, my vague and faraway . . . what shall I say? ... Friend? Not yet because I don't know you, nor what you look like. You may be a gay young Lothario, a modern Don Juan. Youmay be married! ur you may oe a wrinkled old granddaddy, and this missive may eventually amuse your charming -grandchildren. So, I dare not call you my friend. However, you shall be my "potential" friend. So, I openly write you, leaving the outcome of this postal ex- (Continued on last page') MARCH ISSUE OF SCHOOL JOURNAL IS MAILED OUT Two More Issues of Publication To Be Released During Pres ent College Year. The' March' issue of the High School Journal, which is pub lished by the school of educa tion made its appearance yester day and is being mailed to . its subscribers throughout the state and nation. Two more issues of the J ournal for the present school year, those for April and May, are forthcoming. Several articles of general in terest are included in the cur rent issue of the Journal. In "Our Schools and Our Public," Dr. A. Monroe Stowe, professor of education at Randolph Macon Woman's College discusses the attacks being made upon the public schools, and considers the work and duties of the school today. Defining the task of the elementary schools as not to fill the mind of the pupils but to "develop abilities needed in liv ing," and that of the secondary school "to help boys and girls to become better acquainted with themselves and the world in which they live," Dr. Stowe em phasizes the. need of ways and means of accomplishing these aims and, especially, of clearing up misconceptions of the public about the worth of the -public school curriculum. ' In "North Carolina's Adven ture in Good Will," N. C. New bold, of the state department of education, gives an account of (Continued on last page) PRE-LAW GROUP ELECTS SPEIGHT Addresses By Connor And Van Hecke Feature First Meeting. Last night saw the organiza tion of the University's first Pre-Law Association. An interested group of 50 pre-law students met in Man ning hall, and following an in teresting program featured by addresses by Professors R. D. W. Connor and M. T. Van Hecke, voted unanimously to organize the long-sought Pre-Law Associ ation. W. W. Speight, who presided, was elected president. Other officers elected were Charles Whedbee, vice-president, and Bill Jarman, secretary. Meetings are to be held every three weeks, with programs de signed to acquaint future law students with the law school and to aid them in selecting academic courses and extra - curricular activities which will give them the best background for the study of law. Membership is open to all stu dents seriously contemplating the study of law, or desirous of giving the profession considera tion before making up their minds definitely. At last night's meeting Dean C. T. McCormick expressed un qualified approval of the. move, declaring that law is not a sepa rate entity, but one branch of social science, which is becoming more and more interlocked with history, politics, economics, psy chology and even the natural sciences, which more and more is requiring a broadened back ground for the successful prac tioner. ; ' . .. .',. Waddell Gholson explained the purposes of the proposed organ ization, and as president of the Law School Association pledged the whole-hearted support of that body to the movement. In line with the proposed key note of future programs, Pro fessors Connor and Van Hecke spoke interestingly and stimu latingly of the value of history (Continued on last page) Radio Presentation Andy Each Week-day night - as the clock strikes seven, books are hastily dropped, meals are left unfinished and a mad dash made for the nearest radio, for that is the hour of the most popular entertainment feature of the evening, the Pepsodent presentation of Amos 'n Andy. The large, crowd of students gathered nightly in front of the Carolina Smbkeshop loudspeak er attests to the large following of this pair of black-face come dians, who regale millions f of Americans with their peppy ten minute dialogues. The fine style of negro char acterization which Amos 'n Andy present, combined with an interesting and highly amusing series of events occurring daily in their administration of the Fresh Air Taxicab of America, Incorpulated (1 cab), have suc ceeded in winning for them a place in the hearts of all radio listeners. ' x : Two broadcasts," usually from Chicago, are given each night by this pair, one at 7 o'clock over the eastern network, of the Na- . T tional Broadcasting ; company, Playmakers Present Premier Showing One-Act Productions Student Notice All students who wish to re move conditions this quarter must make their application to the Registrar's office this week. This is the last oppor tunity for those who received an "E" in any of their courses last March to remove it. HAYWOOD TO BE CHIE1ARSHAL Shore Names Raleigh Man as Alumni Day; Official; Class of 1905. Dr. Hubert B. Haywood, of Raleigh, will be chief f Alumni Marshal for Alumni Day of the commencement "program, ac cording to an announcement made here recently by the central alumni office. Dr. Hay wood's appointment is made by W. T. Shore, president of the General Alumni Association. mi i . i ne newiy appointed com mencement Alumni Marshal is a member of ; the class of 1905, which is observing its twenty fifth year reunion this June. President Shore is a classmate of Dr. Haywood. For the past several years it nas been cus tomary that the twenty-five year class be honored with the office of Alumni Marshal.- Pr, Haywood was elected chief com mencement marshal by his class in his junior year at the Uni versity, and his appointment now is in recognition of that fact and also of his prominence as an alumnus. Graduating in 1905, Dr. Hay wood entered the medical schoo of the University of Pennsyl vania where he was graduated in 1909. Since 1915 he has practiced medicine in Raleigh and has also served as physician to several institutions there and on the staffs of two hospitals. At the University he was a member of the Zerta Psi frater nity, Gorgon's Head, and Golden Fleece He was active also in (Continued on last page) Of Amos Attracts Students and one at 11 o'clock over the western chain of the same com pany. From Maine to Califor nia, from Washington to Florida all radios are tuned in on the inimitable pair of comedians, who have usurped the position long held by" another famous pair of negro dialectitians, Mor an and Mack. Both Amos and Andy, whose real names are Freeman F. Gos den and Charles J. Correll re spectively, were at one time residents of Durham." : Correll, who is a native of Peoria, Illi nois, came to Durham from Chi cago, where he had secured a position as director of amateur stage productions, to coach Gos den who is of Richmond, in the art of directing. 0 They were immediately at tracted to each other, and in March 1928 teamed up and be gan their broadcasting activi ties. They have continued over the air with only few brief in terruptions since that time. Be sides broadcasting, they appear nightly .in front, of Publix thea- I.-'-.-...' t tres' footlights ana maKe num I erous recordings. Performance To Be Given To night and Also Tomorrow Night. IN PLAYMAKERS THEATRE "For Auntie's Sake," "Holly hocks," "Suspended Anima tion" and "Death Scotty" Being Given. Valley The Carolina Playmakers gave the first performance of their new bill of four one-act nlavs ast night in the Playmaker theatre. The performance will be repeated tonight and again Saturday night. The plays presented were For Auntie's Sake by John Patric, Hollyhocks by Joe Fox, Suspend ed Animation by Kent Creuser, and Death Valley Scotty by Mil ton Wood. For Auntie's Sake is a comedy of college life, based on the ef fort bf a young man to win a fair co-ed. Hollyhocks is a folk play with a New England. It presents a divorce problem in three of them the authors took a leading role, John Patric tak ing the part of the amorously inclined student in his play, Kent Creuser the part of , the frantic young playwright in Sus pended Animation, and" Milton Wood the title role in his play Death Valley Scotty. , The casts were as follows: For Auntie's Sa&e Penelope Brown, Lottie Frances Mays; and Fred Barrett, John Patric; Hollyhocks Elizabeth Foster, Irene Fussier; Millie, Nettina Strobach; Paul, Bobby Koch; and Fred Krutcher, Leon Eng lish. ; Suspended -Animation Jack, Kent Creuser f Oscar, Charles Taylor; and Bill, Joe Fox. Death Valley Scotty harles Bronson, Eveland Davies; Har-. ry Bronson, Robert Davies; Death Valley Scotty, Milton Wood ; and Hqpi Indians, Kent Creuser and B. C. Wilson. Davis Lectures To v William Cain Club At the meeting of the William, Cain student chapter of the A. S. C. E. held last night in Phil lips' hall, C. R. Davis, a senior in the school of engineering, pre-. 1 sented an illustrated lecture on "The Westchester County Park" System." In the lecture Mr. Davis traced the development of the splendid park system of over 448 square miles in Westchester county, New York. By means of lan-. tern slides he illustrated the re- clamation of swamp areas and the development of these areas " into parts of the park system. As a part of the park pro gram, a parkway was built a long the Bronx river, the flats at Rye were filled, a low area was dredged to form a lake, and a 4,000 acre forest preserve was . established at Poundridge. The ; unusual part of the entire sys tem is that it was entirely self sustaining during the past year. Veterans May Get More Several Spanish War veterans in this community may have their income increased if a bill ; now before Congress becomes, a law. The same measure was vetoed by Coolidge. Citizens of Chapel Hill and Carrboro who will be affected by it are Robert Neville T. E. Best, Moody Lloyd, Lonnie Dur ham, and Robert Hackney..

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