VOTE TO CONTINUE DAILY TAR HEEL NEXT TUESDAY VOTE TO CONTINUE DAILY TAR HEEL NEXT TUESDAY w a t i VOLUME XXXVIII STIMTMPER . HERE COMPLETES STEADY GROWTH Only Few More Issues Remain Before Thirty-Ninth Year of Progress Will Have Begun. (By George Wilson) Endorsing the continuance of the Tar Heel as a daily newspa per, the student activities com mittee means to enable the pa per vto maintain the steady prog res that, has attended it since its inception in 1893. This deci sion, besides assuring the faith of the campus Jn the Tar -Heel, is welcomed also because of the fact there will probably be no step backward in thehistory of the paper. The Tar Heel was organized in February, 1893, as a weekly pa per, sponsored by the Athletic Association. At that time there were two existing . publications on the campus, the Carolina Magazine and the year-book, the Hellenian. The magazine had enjoyed an existence of almost fifty years, and it welcomed the arrival of a new publication that could handle material and things of interest that a literary maga zine could not handle. In 'fact, it had strongly urged the organi zation of a newspaper, and in 1891 had extended its hand to the unsuccessful Chapel Hillian, a paper, whose existence was very- short. The Athletic Association, see ing the need for a student news paper and thinking of the bene-, -fits it could derive f rom .if .In ih - way of publicity, decided to start a paper, which ii did by electing the members of the staff and ap pointing the editor and mana ger. Scarcely a year later, another newspaper appeared on the cam pus, the White and Blue. Its arrival was very noisy as it bit terly denounced the Tar Heel as impartial, favoring fraternities, nrJ pvpti went so far as to de- mand the withdrawal of frater nities from the Hill. The Tar . Heel, "on the other hand, ignored the allegations of its rival, and welcomed another paper on the Hill. A year later the White and Blue had been combined with the Tar Heel. The weekly Tar Heel, under the direction of the Athletic As sociation, existed without radi al ontrp until 1909. Prior to UU VUHUfiV this time, it was realized that there: was more news on -the campus than could be accommo dated by a weekly paper, but no attempt to change from a week ly had been made. In 1909 a semi-weekly was tried and ex isted until 1911, when financial conditions forced the Athletic Association to go back to a weekly This is to be regretted as it is the only step backward the Tar Heel has made in its his tory. TT From 1911 to 1920, the Uni versity was under a great period of expansion and it was often talked 'of making the Tar Heel a semi-weekly, but the disastrous experience of 1909 prevailed. However, in 1920 the student body voted for; a semi-weekly f Continued on last page) Graduate Students All graduate students who expect to get a degree at the end of ths quarier musi cc Mrs. Graves in the Graduate office at once and file with her an application card for a degree. ' ; ' - " pus'JVews Manager Smith Is Host to Staff of Daily at Advance Showing of Story of Newspaper Life; Follows Usual Policy of Entertaining Campus Groups. " o : ' ''.v.--. Last night E. Carrington Smith, manager of the Carolina theatre, entertained the editor, managing editor, business man ager, the city editors, the mem bers of the editorial board, the sports editor and his assistants and some of the outstanding members of the reportorial staff of the Daily Tar Heel at a special advance showing of the picture, "Young Man of Manhattan," whitfh is to be shown at the reg ular hours today. . It frequently happens that be cause a motion picture deals with newspaper men and women and press activities, many patrons are scared off, classing the pic ture as "just another damned news story' Those- of the Tar Heel staff who saw the preview of "Young Man of Manhattan" last night can attest to the fact that the picture has plenty of life, a catching, well-developed plot, good acting, and a connected se quence of action and interest which combine to form one of the best pictures trf the year. The. story asrun in the Sat urday Evening Post a few months ago proved one of the most popular novels of the year. Claudette Colbert, playing the feminine lead as Ann Vaughn, New York columnist and fea ture writer; meets' -Toby" Mc Lean, played by Norman Foster, at the Dempsey-Tunney fight at Philadelphia. Their fall is sud den and complete and the inci dent of the ring and bridesmaids follows shortly. Toby has abil ity as a writer and draws a crood salary on a metropolitan newspaper but a lot of money STUDENT COUNCIL REPORTS CASES Twelve Cases Are Tried -and Sentenced; Freshmen Punished For Dormitory Disturbances. The student council wishes to report to the student body its ac tion since installation into office four weeks ago. The following cases have been dealt with: Case No. 1 X and Y, fresh men, were convicted of disturb ances in their dormitory and breach of conduct towards an other student. They were both put on strict conduct probation until the winter quarter 1931. 1 Case No. 2 X, a freshman, guilty of disturbance in dormi tory and serious damage to dor mitory property, and also of breach of conduct in Carolina theatre, was sentenced to pay for the property damaged, to. move ut of the particular dormitory mediately and to room in no dormitory during the next three quarters. He was also put on strict conduct probation for that time. Case No. 3 X and Y, fresh men, guilty of serious disturb ance in dormitory and breach of conduct toward another student, were sentenced to move out of the dormitory and to room in ho dormitory until the winter quar ter 1931. They were put on strict conduct probation for that length of I time. The faculty executive commit tee has reported through the stu dent council the following cases : (Continued on last page) CHAPEL HILL, N. O, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1930 men das goes in on drinks and bad debts among his fellow journalists and he soon finds himself in the em barrassing position of seeing his wife outstrip him in free-lance and feature work. ' Puff Randolph (Ginger Rog ers) sophisticated innocent of Broadway discovers Toby s and proceeds to give him a run. Toby fails to succumb to Puff's charms but she draws hmj into several parties and puts him in a bad way with his wife. -Ann, meanwhile, lands a big-pay job of writing a series of movie ar ticles in Hollywood and retaliates Toby's inconstancy with an af fair with D wight Knowles, which is not so serious as she leads Toby to believe. : - The breach widens and Toby goes to Florida to cover the Yankees- training camp, j Ann returns to New York and a pois oning incident brings Toby to her on the run. She pretends in difference and Toby, striving to regain her lost respect and. love for him, spurs himself to action and gets out some good stories, including a successful novel that bring a big money . advance from his publishers. The doctor tells Toby that Ann will recover her health, but he is still dubious about his po sition - in -her affections. Shorty Ross, a' close friend of Toby's, pokes his head in the door of Ann's room and, finding Toby and Ann in a clinch, announces to Dwight Knowles, who is still hanging "around Ann, that he jnight as well clear out for there's no use in his sticking around any longer. Education Meet All sophomores of the school of education, and ju niors of the school who have hot as yet had their major and minor programs approved, will meet during chapel period today in room 3 of the Old Library. Dr. E. R. Mosher, director of training, will speak. Foreign Politics Forum Saunders Building Tuesday The International Politics Forum will meet Tuesday night in 213 Saunders hall for the purpose of discussing current is sues in "the diplomatic and con- sular service in the United States. Bob Graham, president of the organization, will preside over the meeting and Professor K. C. Frazer of the government department, will lead the discus- sion. The purpose of this forum is to stimulate interest among stu dents of the University 'who are interested in foreign political and commercial problems. The de partment of history and govern ment is equipped to advise stu dents concerning this type - of governmental work, and the dis cussions in the forum combined with this advice should be :of service to students-interested in this work. - Everyone interested in foreign politics both from an academic and professional standpoint is invited to attend the forum, of ficials of the organization stated. YACIiETYYACKS ARE DISTRIBUTED TO ONETHOUSAND First Supply Is Exhausted in Two Hours; Second Supply Due Tuesday. PRESENT NEW FEATURES Yackety Yacks for 1930 were distributed yesterday afternoon to those who were fortunate enough to get them. From 1 :30 until 4:30 long lines could al ways be seen in front of the window and door of the Yackety Yack office. By 4:30 the supply of the annuals was completely exhausted. One thousand books were distributed. The rest of the books will be distributed next week, probably Monday or or Tuesday. This year's Yackety Yack consists of 392 pages, printed by the Queen City Printing Co. of Charlotte. Jt is more compact than its recent predecessors. Travis T. Brown is editor-in-chief and B. M. Parker is busi ness manager. ' The cover of the book is particularly attractive: It is of green leather, with the words "Yackety Yack" embossed in gold in the center. About the title of the book is al diamond shaped design with Bingham hall, the library, the "Y" and South building in the corners of the cover according to their re spective positions on the cam pus. The annual is pleasing to the eye," and presents a rather dignified appearance. "One . featurer of the Yackety Yack which gives it a good ap pearance is the colored introduc tory page for each of the ten sec tions. A picture in color of an historical character introduces the section, and the back side of the sheet has a quotation from the man whose picture is on the reverse side. The list of men whose introduce the sections is as follows: University section, Cardinal Newman ; faculty, Francis Bacon ; classes, Jean Jaques 'Rousseau; activities, Shakespeare ; Kaleidoscope, O. Henry; fraternities and social orders,-Lord Chesterfield; Van ity Fair, Thackeray ; The Dance, Lord Byron ; athletics, Alexan der the Great; and advertise ments, Benjamin Franklin. Survey Shows Ex-Editors Adopt Varied Activities (ByJ.M. Little) Proposals for increasing the publications fee, with the cam pus vote necessitated thereby, focuses attention temporarily upon the history of the Tar Heel in its rise from the position of a struggling weekly to that of the only college daily south of Washington and east of the Mis sissippi. A factor of primary importance in this story has been the influence of the successive young editors, budding journal ists who have since become famed in varied lines of activity. ' The most popular fields of en deavor, according to the selec tions of by-gone collegiate jour nalists, pfre different' phases of the newspaper game. Of a to tal of 51 editors 14 have chosen to engage in writing; in some cav pacity for new organs. They are as follows : James A. Gwyhn, N. J.,. editor of various legal .pub lications, including the Law En cyclopedia and Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure, and assis tant sales manager of E- I. Athletic Pictures Due to an error, the wrong time for the distribution of athletic pictures was printed in yesterday's issue of the Daily Tar HeeL Pictures of members of the athletic squads and teams taken for the News Bureau or Yackety Tack during the year may be ordered this afternoon be tween 5 and 6 o'clock at the Tar Heel office. This will be the last chance this year to get the pictures. H. J. GALLAND. CHI PHI DANCES CLOSE SEASON - i Alumni Entertain at Washing ton Duke Tonight; Active Men at Forest Hill's Tomor row. Alumni of the Chi Phi frater nity will entertain at a Chi Phi spring formal in the Washing ton Duke at Durham tonight. ; Tomorrow night the active members of Chi Phi will enter tain at an informal twilight dance at the Forest Hills Coun try Club. This dance will be given in honor of the attending alumni and the honorees. Im mediately following this dance, the members, alumni and hon orees will attend a banquet sup per at the club house. The chaperones for the Fri day night dance will be Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Few, Durham ; Dr. and Mrs. Frank C . Vilbrandt, Chapel Hill ;, Dean and Mrs. W. H. Wannamaker, Durham; Dr. G. T. Winston, Chapel Hill; iVlrs. Charles Bain, Chapel Hill ; Dr. and Mrs. Foy Robinson, Dur ham; Mr. and; Mrs. Victor Young, Durham; Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Haywood, Durham ; Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Haywood, Jr., I Durham ; Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Bul litt, Chapel Hill; Dr. and Mrs. English Bagby, Chapel Hill; Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Presson, Charlotte ; Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Lowe, Charlotte ; Mrs. Victor Humphries, Chapel Hill ; Mrs. T. h. Johnson, Lumberton ; Mrs. Anna Hunt, Boston ; Mrs. Annie Martin, Boston ; Mrs. Irene Lee, Chapel Hill; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Upshaw, Raleigh ; Dr. T. J. ( Continued on last page i Dupont de Nemours & Co.; Ralph H. Graves, New York, edi tor with Doubleday, Doran & Co.; Victor L. Stephenson, N. Y., journalist, editor of Suracuse Telegram; Quincy Sharpe Mills, Sta'tesville, formerly editorial writer for N. Y. Evening Sun; O. J. Coffin, Chapel Hill, former ly newspaper editor, now prof es sor of journalism at the Univer sity ; Lenoir Chambers, Jr., jour nalist, editorial writer on Greensbom Daily News; Walter P. Fuller, Fla., editor and real tor; Thomas C. Linn, Jn, N. Y., journalist, staff of New York Times; Charles G. Tennent, Asheville, journalist, on staff of AsheviEe Times; Jonathan Dan iels, Raleigh, journalist,' on staff of . Raleigh Neivs and Observer; Julius J. Wade, Greensboro, journalist, on staff of Greens boro Record; James T. Madry, Scotland Neck, editor of - the Scotland Neck News; Judson F. Ashby, Mount Airy, editor of the Mount Airy Times; Walter S. (Continued on last page NUMBER 177 NOTED DANCERS DELIGHT CROWD IN STADIUM HERE Distinguished Ruth SL Denis And Troupe Perform for First r Time in Chapel HiM. Ruth St. Denis and the fam ous Denishawn Dancers pre sented an interesting and ef- fective program at the Kenan stadium - last night before a large, appreciative audience. The program contained a varied selection of solo and ensemble numbers chosen to satisfy the taste of even the most severe critic. Miss St. Denis was at her best last night, displaying the artis tic skill which has made her an international figure in the terpsi chorean art. Her solo presen tations were a "Greek Veil Plastique" by Gluck, "Waltz" by Brahms, "Liebestraum by Liszt, "Javanese Court Dance" by Vaughan, and the "Bas-Re-lief Figure from Angkor Vat." Ernestine Day, a leading member of the DehTshawn troupe, also rendered two solo numbers, a "Viennese : Waltz" and -the "Burmese Dancer," while Marion Chace and Lester Shafer combined to present the "Idyll." ; - The ensemble presentations were "Prelude" by Chopin, "So nata Pathetique" by Beethoven, f"The Batik Vendors," "East In dian Bazaar Dance," "Japanese Flower; Arrangement," "Soar ing" by Schumann", and "Valse' Extase." " In' the latter dance Regina Beck, former Greensboro girl, was the leading figure. Interspersed with the dances were several violin selections by Sol Cohen who was at the piano during the dances. While play ing the violin he was assisted at the piano by. Julius Cohen. . The rest of the company be sides those already mentioned were Anna Austin, Hazel Kranz, Vivian Berman and Martha Hin man. The company was under the management of Edward Lowrey. - r - . . The Denishawn Dancers were presented here under .the joint auspices of the Carolina Play makers and the American Asso ciation of University Women. Alumni Hold Banquet , The Charleston alumni of the University will meet at a ban quet and organization meeting at the Francis Marion hotel in Charleston, S. C, on the evening of May 29. Many prominent alumni will be present at the affair, among whom will appear the Rev. Dr. William Way, director of the Grace Episcopal church of Charleston ; Felix A. Grisette, secretary of the Alumni Loyalty Fund; and R. C. deRossett, vice president of the South . Carolina State Bank and director of the University General Alumni As sociation. ' . y Picnic Tonight A picnic will be given this evening at the: Country Club at six o'clock for the entertainment of the editors of the North Caro lina, Law Review. Registrar's Notice All students wishing to re move "E" grades should apply immediately to the Registrar's office for official permission.

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